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Challenges faced by OEM: y y y y y y y The automotive industry is facing new and pressing challenges.

Globalization, individualization, digitalization and increasing competition are changing the face of the industry as we know it. The evolving automotive landscape Globalizations, regionalization and market convergence Increasingly diversified consumer aggregate patterns of behavior Accelerated modification and diversification of the product portfolio Pervasion of automobiles with digital technology Increased pressure for innovation and flexibility in development and manufacturing

The on demand challenge y y y y y y y Brand management Customer relationship management Core competency management Software management Quality management Product development management xpansion management

Challenges India is Committed to Address y Infrastructure Deficit y Talent Crunch y Scaling-Up the industry y Access to World-class Technology and Quality Practices y Remaining cost competitive y Access to and availability of cost-effective capital y Trade Policy Conclusion: The continued growth of Informatics OEM business is being driven by several factors including the growing need for Cloud data integration, the completeness of OEM data integration requirements, and versatility of the Platform in enabling new types of end solutions and services y y y y y y y Vibrant Indian Economy Automotive Industry showing double digit growth in all segments India becoming Global and Regional hub or lead country for vehicle programs Vision 2020 Growing engineering and IT capability for manufacturing Auto Component Industry: Culturally compatible-Quality, Experience and Values Opportunity to partner in product & process innovation.

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