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Configuration of As 400 to print to a Canon IR / RIP Ping the IP address of the Image Runner At the console type Ping

"ip_address" (Dont forget the quotes) Make sure HOSTPRINT Services are running. This transforms SCS into ASCII Edit the Host file to do this you need to Log in with the Security Officer Password. At the Console shown below at the Prompt type CFGTCP Select option 10 Work with TCP/IP host table entries

At the Console shown below select option 2


Change This will enable you to Add or Change the host table entries.


4. At the console shown above type the IP Address and Host name from the host file Save the settings and exit to the main console.


1. At the main console type

CRTOUTQ (Press F4 Key this will prompt you for info) This will create an out queue.

2. At the console shown below complete the info as indicated below. Output queue > My Printer Library > SPOOL
(This name is an alias and can b e anything)

(This is the name of the spool d irec tory)

Remote System ..> Host_Name Press F10 for additional parameters Remote Printer Queue .> print

(This is the en try in the hosts file )

(M ake su re print is within quotation marks "print ")


Use Page Down for Next Screen


Change the following Settings for the Screen above Writers to Autostart = 1 (Need to change) Connection Type = IP (Need to change) Host Print Transformation = Yes (Make sure) Destination Type = Other (Make sure) Press Enter Key Move cursor to Manufacturers Model high light and Press F4 Select *HP5 Print Separator Page = No


Page Down to the console screen below and check the options are set up as shown below.


To Display all queues configured on the system WRKOUT


To change Printer configuration CHGPRTF


Highlight the option that needs to be changed and press F4


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