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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blogger Template by Blogger FAQs (
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Theme Name: Florist
Theme URI:
Description: This theme is designed and coded by <a href="http://www.ezwpthemes.
Version: 1.0
Author: EZwpthemes
Author URI:
Tags: white, fixed width, two columns, right sidebar, threaded comments, widget
ready, pagenavi, social bookmarking, valid xhtml, valid css
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blogger Template by Blogger FAQs (
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default="normal normal 78% 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Arial, Verdan
a, Sans-serif" value="normal normal 100% Just Another Hand">
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/* Global
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-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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/* Comments
-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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/* Social Bookmarking
-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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letter-spacing: .1em;
/* Footer
-------------------------------------------------------Templates & Tutorials (
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height: 99px;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* -------------------------------- End CSS ---------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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to my blog! <br>enjoy when u read this!</br><br/>sebuah coretan hasil karya anak
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<b:widget id='HTML3' locked='false' title='music ;)' type='HTML'/>
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Copyright 2009 <data:blog.title/>.
All rights reserved.<br/>
WP Themes designed by<a href=''>EZwpthemes</a>. Convert
ed to Blogger by <a href='' title='Premium Quali
ty Blogger Templates &amp; Tutorials'>Blogger FAQs</a> &amp; <a href='http://www' title='Download Free Nokia &amp; Sony Ericsson Mobile Games, Softw
ares &amp; Themes.'>Mobi123</a>. Powered by
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