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Fazail ul Ameerul Momineen

Ali(asws) ibn Abi Talib (as)

Compilation of Hadiths regarding
the attributes
Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Wilayat Mission
Copyright 2011 \ilayat Mission
All rights resered.
ISBN: 1466346256
ISBN-13: 98-1466346253

All Copyrights Reserved

Book Name Fazail Ameerul Nomineen (asws)
Translator Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher Wilayat Nission
Composer Syed Zamin Reza Kazmi
Title Designer JA Graphics
Email Address

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We presenL Lhls meager offerlng before lmam e Zamana (aLfs) wlLhouL Pls
help and blesslngs we would noL have been able Lo compleLe. lL ls a greaL
honor and blesslng for us Lo be able Lo share wlLh all momlneen such
glorlous Leachlngs of Masoomeen (asws). We pray our offerlng ls
accepLed and LhaL we move one sLep closer Lo fulfllllng Lhe oaLh LhaL we
promlsed Lo fulflll.



1hese are a collecLlon of 100 hadlLhs Laken from varlous auLhenLlc hadlLh
books regardlng Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Ameerul Momlneen All (asws) lbn Abl
1allb (as). We have complled Lhem here ln Lhls one book ln an aLLempL Lo
make Lhem easler for momlneen Lo read and share wlLh each oLher. vlslL
WllayaL Mlsslon for all of Lhe laLesL books, hadlLhs, and sermons of
Masoomeen (asws).



Hadith Number 1

8asool Allah (saw) sald:
l am your Warner and All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) ls your gulde. vetlly yoo
ote o wotoet ooJ fot evety qtoop tbete ls o qolJe (1J.7). 1hrough Pasan
(asws), you recelve Allah's beneflcence and Lhrough Pussaln (asws) you
wlll achleve elLher salvaLlon or damnaLlon. Pussaln (asws) ls a door from
Lhe doors of aradlse, Allah has made Lhe smell of aradlse haram
(unlawful) on Lhose who flghL Pussaln (asws).
8ihor vl5 P405 n28. 6hoyoto/ Morom P2l5 n. 8orhon v2 P181.
khoworetmi in Moqto/ v1 P14.

Hadith Number 2

lbo Abbos (to) oottotes .
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) ls Allah's besL creaLlon afLer me. Pasan (asws)
and Pussaln (asws) are Lhe MasLers of Lhe ?ouLh of aradlse, and Lhelr
faLher en[oys an even hlgher sLaLus Lhan Lhey do. And laLlma (sa) ls
SyedaLul nlsa al Alameen. All (asws) has proposed Lo laLlma (sa) and lf l
could flnd anyone for laLlma (sa) beLLer Lhan All (asws) l would noL have
marrled her Lo All (asws).
5odouq in khiso/ P20 n25. 8ihor v4l P2 n24. lbn 5hohr 4houb in
Monoqeb vl P10l. 5odouq in Moooni 4/-4khbor P107 n1. onduti in
Yonobee 4/-Mowoddoh P20. 4wo/em v11 P44. uoi/omi in lerdous.
5oyouti in 1orikh 4/-kho/ofo P 114. lbn 4bi 4/-nodid in 5horh Nohj 4/-
8o/oqho v2 P457. ne/yoto/ 4w/iyo v2 P42. khoworotmi in Moqto/ v1
P79. Moshki/ 4/-4thoor v1 P48. Moheb 4/-ueen 4/-1obori in 1hokhoer
4/-Oqbo P 4l. Motosor min 4/-Mokhtosor v2 P147. 1hohobi in 1orikh 4/-
ls/om v2 P 91. wosi/oto/ 4mo/ P80. koshfot 4/-5odi 22. stioob v4
Pl85. soboh v4 Pl78. 5iroot 4/-Noboviyot v2 P. Moshoreq 4/-4nwor
P105. Osod 4/-6hobo v5 P522.

Hadith Number 3

lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) ol 5oJlp oottoteJ ftom bls
fotbet (osws), wbo oottoteJ ftom lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws), wbo
oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet (osws), wbo oottoteJ ftom Ameetol Momloeeo
(osws), wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
Allah has besLowed upon All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) lmmeasurable
vlrLues. lf someone menLlons one of hls vlrLues whlle bellevlng ln lL, Allah
wlll forglve all of hls pasL and fuLure slns. lf someone wrlLes one of hls
vlrLues, angels wlll seek forglveness for hlm for as long as LhaL wrlLLen LexL
conLlnues Lo exlsL. lf someone llsLens Lo one of hls vlrLues, Allah wlll
forglve all of Lhe slns LhaL he has commlLLed uslng hls ears. lf someone
reads a book abouL hls vlrLues, Allah wlll forglve all of Lhe slns LhaL he has
commlLLed uslng hls eyes. Looklng aL All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) ls lbadaL
(worshlp) of Allah, and menLlonlng hlm ls lbadaL (worshlp) of Allah. Allah
does noL accepL Lhe bellefs of anyone who does noL accepL Lhe wllayaL of
All (asws), and who does noL dlsassoclaLe from hls enemles.
8|har A|-Anwar V26 229 n10. Manaqeb khawarezm| 2. kefayat A|-
1a||b 2S2. Iaraed A|-Semtayn V1 19. M|zan A|- L'teda| V3 p467.
Amaa|| A|-Sadouq 119 n9. Iame' A|-Akhbar 17. 1a'wee| A|-Ayat 888.
kashf A|-naqq V1 108. anabee' A|-Mawadda 121. Ghayato| Maram
293 n2. A|-Mohtazar 98. kashf A|-Ghommah V1 112.

Hadith Number 4

Ameerul Momlneen All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) narraLes 8asoolAllah (saw)
l am Lhe masLer of Lhe flrsL and Lhe lasL. And you, C All (asws), are Lhe
masLer of Lhe creaLlon afLer me. l am [usL llke you and you are [usL llke me
8|har V2S 360 n17. Ghayato| Maram 4S0 n14 and 620 n17.
khawarazm| |n Manaqeb 31 and |n Maqta| V1 39. anabee' A|-
Mawaddah 133. kashf A|-Ghommah V1 103. Lhqaq a|-naqq V6 111.
M|sbah A|-Anwar 61

Hadith Number 5

All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) narraLes 8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
l wlll be aL Lhe ool of kauLhar on Lhe uay of !udgmenL and you, C All
(asws), ?ou wlll dlsLrlbuLe Lhe waLer. Pasan (asws) wlll keep people away
from Lhe ool, Pussaln (asws) wlll glve Lhe orders, All (asws) lbn Pussaln
(asws) wlll be Lhe enforcer, Muhammad (asws) lbn All (asws) wlll be Lhe
revealer, !afar (asws) lbn Muhammad (asws) wlll be Lhe drlver,
Musa(asws) lbn !afar (asws) wlll be counLlng Lhe lovers and Lhe resenLful,
and he wlll be Lhe desLroyer of Lhe hypocrlLes, All (asws) lbn Musa (asws)
wlll beauLlfy Lhe bellevers, Muhammad (asws) lbn All(asws) wlll award
degrees Lo Lhe lnhablLanLs of aradlse, All (asws) lbn Muhammad (asws)
wlll be Lhe preacher of hls Shla and he wlll marry Lhem from lote
molJeos wltb blq beootlfol eyes bot ol oyolo, (56.22), Pasan (asws) lbn
All (asws) wlll be Lhe llghL of Lhe lnhablLanLs of aradlse - Lhey wlll see
wlLh hls llghL, and Lhe Caem (12Lh lmam) (aLfs) wlll be Lhe lnLercessor
who wlll ask Allah Lo allow Lhem (Lhe bellevers) Lo enLer aradlse on Lhe
uay of !udgmenL, a day on whlch Allah wlll accepL only Lhe lnLercesslon of
Lhose wlLh whom Pe ls pleased.
khawarezm| |n Maqta| V1 94. 1araef 173. S|raat' A|-Mostaqeem V2
1S0. ne|yato| Abrar V2 721. Ghayato| Maram 3S n22 and 692 n2.
Iaraed A|-Semtayn V2 231 nS72. 8|har V36 270.

Hadith Number 6

8asool Allah (saw) sald Lo All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as):
C All (asws)! l am Lhe Warner of my naLlon, you are Lhelr gulde, Pasan
(asws) ls Lhe leader (of my naLlon), Pussaln (asws) ls Lhe drlver, All (asws)
lbn Pussaln(asws) unlLes Lhe naLlon, Muhammad (asws) lbn All(asws) ls
Lhe mosL lnformed of my naLlon, !afar (asws) lbn Muhammad (asws) ls lLs
wrlLer, Musa (asws) lbn !afar (asws) ls lLs counLer, All (asws) lbn
Musa(asws) ls Lhe naLlons' cross guard and lLs savlor, and he banlshes
Lhose who are resenLful of Lhe naLlon, and he draws Lhe bellevers from
my naLlon close LogeLher, Muhammad (asws) lbn All(asws) drlves my
naLlon, All (asws) lbn Muhammad (asws) ls Lhe mosL knowledgeable of my
naLlon and lLs proLecLor, Pasan (asws) lbn All (asws) ls Lhe caller of my
naLlon and ls Lhe mosL generous of my naLlon, and Lhe Calm (12Lh lmam)
(aLfs) ls Lhe cupbearer and Lhe beseeched. 1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) sald, C
Abdullah (son of umar), vetlly lo tbls ote slqos fot tbose wbo exomloe lt
8|har V36 280. Manaqeb Shar Ahoub V1 2S1. Ithbato| nodat V3 222
through 34 d|fferent ways. S|raat' A|- 1 0Mostaqeem V2 1S0.

Hadith Number 7

8asool Allah (saw) sald:
When Allah creaLed Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh, Pe called on Lhem and
Lhey responded. Pe presenLed my ropheLhood and Lhe WlLA?A1 of All
(asws) lbn Abl 1allb (asws) Lo Lhem, boLh of whlch Lhey accepLed. 1hen
Allah creaLed Lhe creaLures and enLrusLed Lhe rellglous affalrs Lo us.
1herefore, Lhe happy ones are Lhose who are happy wlLh us, and Lhe
unhappy are Lhose who are unhappy wlLh us. We permlL LhaL whlch Allah
has made PALAAL (lawful) and prohlblL LhaL whlch Allah has deemed
PA8AAM (unlawful).
Ghayato| Maram 208 n9. khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 79 and |n Maqta|
V1 46.A|-Mohtazer 97. kashf A|-Ghomma V1291. M|sbah A|-Anwar
64. 8|har V17 13 n2S.

Hadith Number 8

lbn Abbas (ra) narraLes,
Cne day l was slLLlng ln fronL of 8asoolAllah (saw) , All (asws), laLlma (sa),
Pasan (asws) and Pussaln (asws) when Angel !lbrael (as) came down and
greeLed 8asoolAllah (saw) wlLh an apple. 8asoolAllah(saw) accepLed Lhe
greeLlng by Laklng Lhe apple. 8asoolAllah (saw) Lhen greeLed All (asws)
and gave hlm Lhe apple. All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) accepLed Lhe greeLlng
by Laklng Lhe apple. Pe klssed Lhe apple and Lhen reLurned lL Lo
8asoolAllah (saw).
8asoolAllah (saw) accepLed hls greeLlng by Laklng Lhe apple.
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) greeLed Pasan (asws) and gave hlm Lhe apple.
Pasan (asws) accepLed Lhe greeLlng by Laklng Lhe apple. Pe klssed Lhe
apple and Lhen reLurned lL Lo 8asoolAllah
8asoolAllah (saw) accepLed hls greeLlng.
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) greeLed Pussaln (asws) and gave hlm Lhe apple.
Pussaln (asws) accepLed Lhe greeLlng by Laklng Lhe apple. Pe klssed Lhe
apple and Lhen reLurned lL Lo 8asoolAllah.(saw)
8asoolAllah (saw) accepLed hls greeLlng.
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) greeLed laLlma (sa) and gave her Lhe apple.
laLlma (sa) accepLed Lhe greeLlng by Laklng Lhe apple. She klssed Lhe
apple and Lhen reLurned lL Lo 8asoolAllah (saw) . 8asoolAllah (saw)
accepLed her greeLlng.
8asoolAllah (saw) greeLed All (asws) agaln and gave hlm Lhe apple. All
(asws) accepLed hls greeLlng and klssed Lhe apple. ln an efforL Lo reLurn
Lhe apple Lo 8asoolAllah (saw), Lhe apple fell from hls flngerLlps. 1he
apple spllL lnLo Lwo halves and from lL, a noor shone unLll lL reached Lhe
1he followlng message was wrlLLen lnslde Lhe apple:
ln Lhe name of Allah, MosL Craclous, MosL Merclful. 1hls ls a greeLlng
from Allah Lo Lhe chosen Muhammad (saw) and Lo All Al-MurLaza (asws),
and laLlma Al-Zahra (sa), and Pasan (asws) and Pussaln (asws), Lhe
grandsons of 8asoolAllah (saw). 1hls leLLer ls a guaranLee of proLecLlon Lo
Lhelr lovers from Lhe flre on Lhe uay of !udgmenL.
Ghayato| Maram 6S9. Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 61 n131. khawarezm|n |n
Maqta| V1 9S. 8|har V43 308 n72. 'Awa||m V16 62. Sadouq |n h|s
Amaa|| 477. Iawah|r A|-San|yya 233.

Hadith Number 9

lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) (lmom Al-5oJlp (osws)) oottotes
ftom bls fotbet (osws) wbo oottotes ftom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws)
wbo oottotes ftom bls fotbet (osws) wbo oottotes ftom Ameetol
Momloeeo (osws) , wbo solJ:
8asool Allah (saw) Lold me:
C All (asws), you are Lhe Ameerul Momlneen and Lhe lmam ul MuLLaqeen
(lmam of Lhe plous).
C All (asws), you are Lhe masLer of all of Lhe successors of Lhe propheLs
(Syedul Wasleen). ?ou lnherlL all of Lhe propheLs' knowledge and you are
Lhe besL of SluulCln (Lhe LruLhful ones) and Lhe besL of Lhose who
belleved ln Allah flrsL.
C All (asws), you are Lhe husband of Lhe woman who ls SyedaLul nlsa al
Alameen, and you are Lhe successor of Lhe besL of Lhe propheLs.
C All (asws), you are Moula (masLer) of Lhe momlneen (bellevers).
C All( asws), you are Lhe Pu[[ah (proof) LhaL proves Allah's exlsLence afLer
me on all people. 1hose who follow you wlll earn aradlse, and Lhose
who are agalnsL you wlll earn Pell.
C All (asws), l swear Lo Allah, who senL me as a ropheL and who chose
me from among all of Pls creaLures, lf any slave worshlps Allah for a
Lhousand years, Allah wlll noL accepL lL unless he belleves ln your WllayaL
and Lhe WllayaL of your sons.
lurLhermore, your WllayaL wlll noL be accepLed unless lL ls accompanled
along wlLh Lhe haLred of your enemles (la) and Lhe enemles of your
sons(la). 1hls ls whaL Angel !lbrael (as) has Lold me. LeL Lhem choose Lo be
bellevers (momlneen) or kaflrs (dlsbellevers)
A|-aqeen S6. 8|har V27 199 n66. Ghayato| Maram 17 n9. Ithbato|
nodat V4 168 nS07. kanz A|-Cmma| 18S. Mostadrak V1 23. kowzat
A|-Iannat V6 183.

Hadith Number 10

AbJollob lbo MosooJ oottotes.
l was wlLh 8asoolAllah (saw) when he slghed heavlly. C 8asoolAllah
(saw), why are you so sad?" l asked.
C lbn Masoud, l shall leave Lhls world soon," 8asoolAllah (saw) replled.
AppolnL a successor, C 8asoolAllah (saw)," l sald.
Who?" asked 8asoolAllah (saw)
Abu 8akr (la)," l replled.
8asoolAllah (saw) fell sllenL and slghed heavlly agaln.
Why you are so sad? May l sacrlflce my llfe for you, C 8asoolAllah (saw)"
l sald.
lor l shall soon leave Lhls world," replled 8asoolAllah (saw) .
AppolnL a successor," l sald.
Who wlll lL be?" asked Lhe ropheL (saw)
umar lbn Al-khaLLab (la)," l replled.
8asoolAllah (saw) fell sllenL and slghed heavlly for Lhe Lhlrd Llme.
May l sacrlflce my moLher and faLher for you. Why are you so sad, C
8asoolAllah (saw)? " l asked.
lor l shall soon leave Lhls world," replled Lhe ropheL(saw)
AppolnL a successor," l sald.
Who wlll lL be?" asked Lhe ropheL(saw)
All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)," l sald.
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) crled and sald, Ah, you people wlll noL obey hlm!
lf you would, Allah would allow you Lo enLer aradlse. 8uL by dlsobeylng
hlm, Allah wlll remove Lhe worLh from anyLhlng good LhaL you do."
Ghayato| Maram 69 n14. khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 64. Iaraed A|-
Semtayn V1 167 n209. 1ous| |n Amaa|| V1 313. Manaqeb Ibn Shahr
Ashoub V2 262. 8|shart A|-Mostafa 21S. 1ar|kh A|-Damesh V3 72.
Nafahatu| Lahout 114. Ar[ah A|-Ma1a||b 162. Maqsad A|-kagheb 29.
Ma[ma' A|-2awaed VS 18S. Ibn katheer |n h|s 1afseer V9 200.

Hadith Number 11

8asool Allah (saw) sald Lo All (asws):
C All (asws), on Lhe uay of !udgmenL, you wlll be broughL slLLlng on a
pulplL of llghL. 1here wlll be a crown on your head LhaL shlnes so brlghLly
LhaL lL wlll almosL bllnd people. Allah wlll call ouL, Where ls Lhe successor
of Muhammad, 8asoolAllah (saw)?
1hen, C All (asws), you wlll say, Pere l am."
1hen Lhe caller wlll say, 1hose who loved you, leL Lhem enLer aradlse,
and Lhose who were agalnsL you, send Lhem Lo Pell."
1herefore, you (All (asws)) wlll be Lhe dlsLrlbuLor of !annah (paradlse) and
!ahannum (hell) l, and Lhls ls an order from Lhe All-owerful klng
Ghayato| Maram 69 n1S. Sadouq |n Amaa|| 29S n14. 8|har V7 232.
Iawah|r A|-Sann|ya 277. Ithbat A|-nodat V3 402. 1abar| |n 8|shara
68. ondouz| |n anabee' A|-Mawaddah 83

Hadith Number 12

lmom All (osws) lbo Moso (osws) Al-kezo oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet (osws)
wbo oottoteJ ftom lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) wbo
oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet (osws) wbo oottoteJ ftom lmom All (osws) lbo
nossolo (osws), wbo oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet lmom nossolo (osws), wbo
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
As l was ascendlng on Lhe nlghL of Mlra[, l meL my faLher, nuh (as).Pe
asked me, C Muhammad (saw), who dld you appolnL as callph of your
l replled, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
Pz nuh (as) sald, WhaL an excellenL callph you appolnLed."
1hen l meL my broLher, Musa (as), who asked me, C Muhammad (saw),
who dld you appolnL as callph on your ummah?"
l replled, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
Pz Musa (as) sald, WhaL an excellenL callph you appolnLed."
1hen l meL my broLher, lsa (as), who asked me, C Muhammad (saw),
who dld you appolnL as callph on your ummah?"
l replled, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
Pz lsa (as) sald, WhaL an excellenL callph you appolnLed."
1hen l asked !lbrael (as), Why have l noL seen my faLher, lbrahlm (as)?"
So !lbrael (as) Look me Lo an area where l saw Pz lbrahlm (as) by a Lree
LhaL had udders llke LhaL of Lhe sheep. 1here were numerous lnfanLs
recelvlng Lhelr susLenance from Lhls Lree.
lbrahlm (as) asked me, C Muhammad (saw), who dld you appolnL as
callph on your ummah?"
l replled, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
lbrahlm (as) sald, WhaL an excellenL callph you appolnLed. C Muhammad
(saw), l asked Allah Lo make me responslble for glvlng susLenance Lo Lhe
offsprlng of Lhe Shla of All (asws). l shall be responslble for Lhelr
susLenance unLll Lhe uay of !udgmenL."
Ghayato| maram 69 n21. 8|har A|Anwar V27 121 n102

Hadith Number 13

lbo Abbos (to) oottotes.
l heard 8asool Allah (saw) say:
Cn Lhe nlghL of Mlra[, every Llme l passed by a group of angels, Lhey asked
me abouL All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as).'When l reached Lhe fourLh sky, l
saw Mallk al MowL (angel of deaLh).
Mallk al MowL (as) asked me, C Muhammad (saw), how ls All(asws)?"
l sald, C my frlend, how do you know All (asws)?"
Pe sald, C Muhammad (saw), l am responslble for Laklng Lhe llfe of
everyone LhaL Allah has creaLed excepL for Lwo belngs, LhaL ls ?ou and All
(asws), because Allah hlmself wlll do so."
1hen l reached under Arsh (1hrone) and when l looked up l saw All (asws)
lbn Abl 1allb (as) sLandlng under Lhe Arsh of my Lord.
l sald, C All (asws), how dld ?ou arrlve here?"
1hen !lbrael (as) asked me, C Muhammad (saw), Lo whom are you
l replled, l am Lalklng Lo my broLher, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
!lbrael (as) replled, C Muhammad (saw), Lhls ls noL All (asws). 1hls ls an
angel LhaL Allah has creaLed ln Lhe shape of All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as).
When we (angels) mlss All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as), we go and look aL Lhls
angel and seek forglveness from Allah for All(asws)'s Shla."
Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 143 n404. kanz A|-Cmma| 2S9. 8|har V18 300 n3

Hadith Number 14

lmom MobommoJ (osws) lbo All (osws) Al-8oplt (osws) (5tb lmom)
oottotes ftom bls fotbet (osws) wbo oottotes ftom bls qtooJfotbet
nossolo (osws) lbo All (osws) wbo oottotes ftom bls fotbet, Ameetol
Momloeeo (osws) , wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) ls Allah's successor and my successor. Pe ls
hu[[aLullah (proof of Allah) and he ls my hu[[aL (declslve proof). Pe ls Lhe
door of Allah and he ls my door. Pe ls Allah's chosen one and my chosen
one. Pe ls Lhe beloved of Allah and my beloved. Pe ls frlend of Allah
(khaleel Allah) and he ls my frlend. Pe ls sword of Allah (salf Allah) and my
sword. Pe ls my broLher, my companlon, my represenLaLlve, and my
successor. 1hose who love hlm love me, and Lhose who haLe hlm haLe
me. Pls frlends are my frlends, and hls enemles are my enemles. Pe ls
my daughLer's husband and hls sons are my sons. Pls war ls my war, hls
words are my words, and hls orders are my orders. Pe ls Lhe masLer of all
Lhe successors of Lhe propheLs (Syedul Wasleen). Pe ls Lhe besL of my
naLlon (khalraLul ummaLl). Pe ls Lhe masLer of all Lhe people afLer me
Ghayato| Maram 69 n16. kanz A|-Cmma| 18S. Ithbat A|-nodat V3 632
n860. 8|har V26 263 n47

Hadith Number 15

lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ Al-5oJlp (osws) oottotes ftom bls
fotbet (osws) wbo oottotes ftom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws) wbo
oottotes ftom bls fotbet, nossolo (osws) lbo All (osws) lbo Abl 1ollb (os) ,
wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) was ln um Salama (ra)'s house when an angel, who had
LwenLy heads, descended upon hlm. Lach one of Lhe angel's heads had
one Lhousand Longues, and he was pralslng Allah wlLh each Longue ln a
dlfferenL language. Pls wlngs were larger Lhan all of Lhe seven heavens
and Lhe seven earLhs.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lo hlm, l have never seen you ln Lhls form."
1he angel sald, l am noL !lbrael (as). l am Sarsaeel (as). Allah senL me Lo
you Lo marry Lhe noor Lo Lhe noor."
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) asked hlm, Who do you mean?"
1he angel sald, ?our daughLer, laLlma (sa), Lo All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb
So 8asoolAllah (saw) marrled laLlma (sa) Lo All (asws) wlLh !lbrael (as),
Mlkaeel (as), lsrafll (as), and Sarsaeel (as) as wlLnesses. 1hen 8asoolAllah
(saw) looked and saw Lhe followlng wrlLLen beLween Lhe shoulders of
Sarsaeel (as):
(SAW) Anu lS 1PL 8CPL1 WPC 88lnCS ML8C? Cn LCLL. ALl (asws)
lS MACLLM AL Pu!!A1 (proof of Allah upon Pls creaLlon)"
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) asked Sarsaeel (as), Pow long have you had Lhls
wrlLLen beLween your shoulders?"
Sarsaeel (as) replled, 1welve Lhousand years before Allah creaLed Adam."
Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 1S8 n463. khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 24S. kashf A|-
Ghomma V1 3S2. 8|har V43 123 n31 Mohtazar 133.

Hadith Number 16

Abl 5oeeJ Al-kboJtl oottotes.
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) say:
Cn Lhe uay of !udgmenL, Allah wlll order Lwo angels Lo slL on Lhe SlraL'
(Lhe brldge) and guard lL. no one wlll be able Lo cross Lhe brldge wlLhouL
havlng a pass lssued by All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as). Allah wlll order Lhe
Lwo angels Lo sLop Lhose who do noL have a pass and ask Lhem abouL lL. lf
Lhey fall Lo answer, Lhese angels wlll Lhrow Lhem head flrsL lnLo hell
8asoolAllah (saw) Lhen referred Lo Lhls verse from Lhe Cur'an as proof
And sLop Lhem, for verlly Lhey musL be quesLloned"(37:24).
1hen l asked 8asoolAllah (saw) , C 8asoolAllah (saw), may l ransom my
faLher and my moLher for you. lease Lell me whaL Lhls pass ls?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, 1hls ls whaL ls wrlLLen on Lhe pass wlLh a very
brlghL noor
1here ls no god excepL Allah, Muhammad (saw) ls Pls messenger and All
(asws) ls wall of Allah"
aqeen f| Imrat Am|r A|-Mo'men|n S7. 8orhan V4 17 n3. Ghayato|
Maram 17 n10. 8|har V39 201 n22

Hadith Number 17

Abo 5olomo oottotes.
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) say:
Cn Lhe nlghL of Mlra[, Allah asked me, uld Lhe Messenger belleve ln whaL
was revealed Lo hlm from hls Lord?"
l sald, ?es. And Lhe bellevers belleved ln Allah, Pls angels, Pls books, and
Pls messengers."
Allah sald, ?ou are rlghL."
1hen Allah asked, Who dld you choose as a successor?"
l sald, 1he besL of my naLlon."
Allah asked, uo you mean All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)?"
l replled, ?es, C Allah!"
1hen Allah sald:
C Muhammad (saw)! l looked aL all of My creaLlon and l chose you from
among all of Lhem. 1hen l derlved a name for you from My name.
1herefore, lL ls noL permlLLed LhaL anyone menLlon Me wlLhouL
menLlonlng you wlLh Me. My name ls Mahmoud and your name ls
Muhammad (saw).
1hen l looked agaln aL all of My creaLlon and l chose All (asws), and l
derlved a name for hlm from My name. So My name ls Al All, (MosL Plgh),
and hls name ls All (asws).
C Muhammad (saw), l creaLed ?ou, All (asws), laLlma (sa), Pasan (asws),
Pussaln (asws) , and Lhe resL of Lhe lmams (asws) from Pussaln (asws)'s
sons (asws) from My own noor. 1hen l asked all of my creaLlon ln Lhe
skles and Lhe earLhs Lo accepL your WllayaL. l conslder Lhose who accepL
lL as momln (bellevers), and l conslder Lhose who refuse lL as kaflrs
C Muhammad (saw)! lf a slave from amongsL My slaves worshlps Me
unLll he ls Lorn and noLhlng ls lefL from hlm, buL he refuses Lo accepL your
WllayaL, All(asws)'s WllayaL, and Lhe WllayaL of Lhe lmams (asws) from hls
sons, l wlll noL accepL hlm or forglve hlm unLll he accepLs your WllayaL, All
(asws)'s WllayaL, and Lhe WllayaL of Lhe lmams from hls sons (asws).
1hen Allah asked me, C Muhammad (saw), would you llke Lo see Lhem?"
l replled, ?es, C Allah."
Allah sald, Look Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe Arsh (1hrone)."
1hen l looked and l saw All(asws), laLlma (sa), Pasan(asws),
Pussaln(asws), All (asws) lbn Pussaln(asws), Muhammad (asws) lbn
All(asws), !afar (asws) lbn Muhammad(asws), Musa (asws) lbn !afar(asws),
All (asws) lbn Musa(asws), Muhammad (asws) lbn All (asws), All (asws) lbn
Muhammad(asws), Pasan(asws) lbn All(asws), and al Calm (aLfs). 1hey
were surrounded by noor and Lhey were all sLandlng and praylng Lo Allah.
Al Calm (aLfs) was ln Lhe cenLer and he was shlnlng llke a brllllanL sLar.
1hen Allah sald:
C Muhammad (saw), Lhey are My Pu[[aL (declslve proofs), and al Calm
(aLfs) wlll Lake revenge on My behalf.l swear by My Magnlflcence, he
supporLs My frlends and Lakes revenge on My enemles. lollowlng Lhem
and accepLlng Lhelr WllayaL ls WA!l8 (obllgaLory) on everyone. 8y my
permlsslon, Lhey prevenL Lhe skles from falllng on Lhe earLh.
8|har v27 p199 h27. Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z p143 h40S. Arbaeen khatoon A|-
Abad| h17. khawarezm| |n Maqta| v1 p9S. 1araaef p170 h270. ne|yato|
Abrar v2 p720. anabee' A|-Mawaddah p486. S|raat' A|-Mostaqeem v2
p117. Ghayato| Maram p3S h21. L|zam A|-Nasseb v1 p186. Iaraed A|-
Semtayn v2 319 h S71. 1ous| |n A|-Ghaybah p9S. Ithbato| nodat v2 p462.
Iorat A|-kouf| |n h|s 1afseer pS.

Hadith Number 18

lbo Abbos (to) oottotes.
8asool Allah (saw) sald Lo All (asws)
C All(asws), l am Lhe clLy of knowledge and you are lLs door. 1he clLy can
only be enLered Lhrough lLs door. 1hose who clalm LhaL Lhey love me buL
haLe you are lylng because you are from me and l am from you. ?our flesh
ls my flesh, your blood ls my blood, your soul ls from my soul, whaL you
hlde ls whaL l hlde, and whaL you show ls whaL l show. ?ou are Lhe lmam
of my naLlon and my successor.
1hose who obey you succeed, and Lhose who dlsobey you fall. 1hose who
follow you wlll beneflL, and Lhose who are agalnsL you wlll lose. 1hose
who are commlLLed Lo you are wlnners, and Lhose who abandon you are
?ou and Lhe lmams afLer you are llke Lhe ark of nuh. 1he rlders of Lhe ark
survlved, and Lhose who sLayed behlnd drowned. ?ou are llke Lhe sLars.
Whenever one sLar dlsappears, anoLher one appears unLll Lhe uay of
Ghayato| Maram pS43. Sadouq |n Amaa|| p222. kama| A|-Deen v1 p241.
8|har v23 p12S hS3. 1abar| |n 8esharato| Mostafa p39. Iaraet A|-
Semtayn v2 p243. Iameo| A|-Akhbar p16. 8|har v40 203 h9. khat|b |n
1ar|kh A|-8aghdad v11 p204. Asqa|an| |n L|san A|-M|zan vS p19.

Hadith Number 19

Aoos lbo Mollk oottotes kosoolAllob (sow) solJ.
Allah creaLed sevenLy Lhousand angels from Lhe noor of All(asws) lbn Abl
1allb (as)'s face. All Lhey do ls seek forglveness for hlm, for hls Shla, and
for Lhose who love hlm unLll Lhe uay of !udgmenL.
Ghayato| Maram S8S n7S. Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 173 n487. khawarezm|
|n Manaqeb 31. khawarezm| |n Maqta| A|- nussa|n V1 39. M|sbah A|-
Anwar 64. Lrsha| A|-o|oub 234. Ghayato| Maram 8 n18. Manaqeb
A|-Mortazaw|yyah p220.kashf A|-Ghomma V1 103. 8|har A|-Anwar V39
27S nS2.

Hadith Number 20

lbo Abbos (to) oottotes.
AfLer reLurnlng from Lhe farewell Pa[[, 8asool Allah (saw) sald:
C people! !lbrael (as), 8oohul Ameen (1rusLworLhy SplrlL), came Lo me
from Allah, and sald, C Muhammad (saw), Allah says LhaL he mlsses
seelng you. So prepare a good wlll and flnlsh whaL you have Lo do."
C people! My Llme has come Lo an end and l can see us leavlng one
anoLher. So lf your bodles have lefL me, do noL allow your souls Lo do Lhe
C people! Allah has never creaLed an lmmorLal propheL, and l am noL
lmmorLal. Allah has sald ln Lhls verse ln Lhe Cur'an, we bove oot qtooteJ
to ooy moo befote yoo etetool llfe. wbot! lf yoo Jle, wlll tbey llve fotevet?
vety sool sboll toste of Jeotb (21.J4-J5).
undersLand LhaL my Lord has ordered me Lo leave a wlll for you.
undersLand LhaL my Lord has ordered me Lo show you Lo Lhe ark of rescue
and Lhe door of susLenance. 1hose of you who wanL Lo survlve afLer me
and be safe from Lhe dlsasLrous LempLaLlons should hold flrmly Lo Lhe
WllayaL of All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as). Pe ls Slddlq e Akbar (mosL
LrusLworLhy) and larooq e Azm (CreaLesL honor).Pe ls Lhe lmam of all
Musllms afLer me.
1hose who love hlm and follow hlm wlll be nexL Lo me by Lhe ool of
kauLhar on Lhe uay of !udgmenL. l wlll see Lhose who dlsobey hlm on Lhe
uay of !udgmenL, buL Lhey wlll noL see me. 1hey wlll be pulled Lowards
oLhers who wlll Lake Lhem deep lnLo Pell.
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) sald, C people! l have glven you Lhe besL advlce
buL you do noL llke Lhe advlsors. l say Lhls and l seek forglveness for
myself and for you." 1hen he held All (asws)'s head and klssed hls
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lo All (asws), C All (asws), your vlrLues
cannoL be counLed. l swear Lo Allah, who creaLed Lhe seeds and creaLed
people, lf all creaLures would concede Lo lovlng you and undersLandlng
your Lrue sLaLus, Allah would noL have creaLed Pell."
Ghayato| Maram 4S n48. Lhqaq A|-naq V4 331.

Hadith Number 21

lmom All (osws)lbo nossolo(osws) (4tb lmom) oottotes ftom bls fotbet
(osws) wbo oottotes ftom Ameetol Momloeeo (osws), wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
Allah has made lL obllgaLory upon you Lo follow my command and he has
forbldden you from dlsobeylng me. Pe has made lL Wa[lb (compulsory) on
you Lo follow my orders and Lo obey All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) afLer me.
Pe ls my broLher, my represenLaLlve, and lnherlLor of my knowledge.
Pe ls from me and l am from hlm. Lovlng hlm ls lman (falLh) and haLlng
hlm ls kufr (dlsbellef). 8eware! Cf whomsoever l am Lhelr MCuLA
(MasLer), All (asws) ls Lhelr MCuLA.
All (asws) and l are Lhe faLhers of Lhls naLlon. 1hose who dlsobey Lhelr
faLhers wlll be gaLhered wlLh nuh's son on Lhe uay of !udgmenL. nuh Lold
hls son, C son rlde wlLh us and don'L be from Lhe kaflrs (dlsbellevers).
(Pls son replled) l wlll resorL Lo a mounLaln" (11:42-43).
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) sald, C Allah, supporL Lhose who supporL All
(asws), dlsappolnL Lhose who dlsappolnL hlm, befrlend hls frlends, and be
Lhe enemy of hls enemles."
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) began Lo cry. 1he Muha[erln (lmmlgranLs of
Mecca) and Ansar (supporLers from Medlna) who were slLLlng around hlm
all crled. AfLer LhaL, Lhree groups of people (from among Lhe Muha[erln
and Ansar) sLood up and bade farewell Lo 8asoolAllah (saw)
Ghayato| Maram 16S nS1. kanz A|-Cmma| 18S. 8|har A|-Anwar V26
263 n48. Ithbat A|-nodat V3 379 n218. kowzat A|-Iannat V6 184.
Sadouq |n Amaa|| 22 n6. 1abar| |n 8esharato| Mustafa 196.

Hadith Number 22

lmam Muhammad (asws) lbn All (asws) Al-8aqlr (3Lh lmam) narraLes from
hls faLher (asws) who narraLes from lmam Pussaln(asws) lbn All (asws)
who narraLes from Ameerul Momlneen (asws), who sald:
8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lhe followlng abouL Lhls verse, cost loto bell evety
tebellloos koflt (Jlsbellevet) (50.24)
C All (asws)! Cn Lhe uay of !udgmenL, when Allah gaLhers all Lhe
creaLures ln Lhe same deserL, you and l wlll be on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe
Arsh (Lhrone) of Allah and Allah wlll say, C Muhammad (saw) and All
(asws)! SLand up and Lhrow Lhose who haLed you, dld noL belleve ln you,
and dlsobeyed you lnLo Pell.
Ghayato| Maram 390 S101 n2. 8orhan V4 227 n18. Lawame' A|-
Nawran|yyah 409. 1afseer A|-omm| 644. 8|har A|- Anwar V39 199
n13. 1afseer Iorat A-kouf| 166 and 167. Shawah|d A|-1anz|| V2 191
n897. Manaqeb Ibn Shar Ahoub V2 8. anabee' A|-Mawaddah 8S.

Hadith Number 23

lbo Abbos (to) oottotes.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
l swear Lo Allah, who has senL me as a Warner and a Culde LhaL Lhe Arsh
(1hrone) of Allah dld noL seLLle, Lhe unlverses dld noL sLarL movlng, and
Lhe heavens and Lhe planeLs were noL creaLed unLll afLer Allah wroLe on
1here ls no god excepL Allah, Muhammad (saw) ls 8asoolAllah (saw), and
All (asws) ls Wall of Allah"
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) explalned whaL Allah Lold hlm, ln Pls own volce:
Allah sald, C Muhammad (saw)"
l (Muhammad saw) replled, Labalk My Lord."
Allah sald: l am Mahmoud and you are Muhammad (saw). l derlved your
name from mlne and l made you superlor Lo all of My creaLures. Asslgn
your broLher, All (asws), Lo be a flag for My slaves Lo gulde Lhem Lo My
C Muhammad (saw)! l have made Lhe bellevers Lhe chosen ones, and l
have made All (asws) as Ameer (commander) over Lhem. 1herefore, l
curse Lhose who glve commands Lo All (asws) and l LorLure Lhose who
dlsobey hlm. 8uL Lhose who follow hlm, l wlll brlng Lhem closer Lo Me.
C Muhammad (saw)! l have made All (asws) Lhe lmam of Musllms. 1hose
who proclalm Lo precede hlm, l dlsgrace Lhem. l lmprlson Lhose who
dlsobey hlm.l have made All (asws) Lhe masLer of all of Lhe successors
(Syedul Wasleen), and l have made hlm Lhe glorlfled leader of momlneen
(bellevers). Pe ls My Pu[[aL (declslve proof) on My enLlre creaLlon.
A|-aqeen f| Lmrat Am|r A| Mo'men|n S7. Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 1S7
n428. Ghayato| Maram 17 n11. 8|har A|-Anwar V27 8 n16. Iawaher A|-
San|yyah 300. 1awee| A|-Ayat 186 n34.

Hadith Number 24

8asoolAllah (saw) says,
Cn Lhe nlghL of Mlra[ (ascenslon unLo heavens), Allah revealed Lo Me
Lhree Lhlngs regardlng All (asws),. Pe ls lmam ul MuLLaqeen (leader of Lhe
rlghLeous), Syed ul Mursaleen (MasLer of all Messengers ), and Cald ul
Chalr ul Mo[alleen .
Ma[ma u| Iaza|| Second Ld|t|on page 401 and 409 ref Amdatu| Mata||b
I|rst Ld|ton page 446, Amdatu| Mata||b I|rst Ld|t|on page 446

Hadith Number 25

Ioblt lbo AbJollob Al-Aosotl oottotes.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lhe followlng abouL All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as):
Pe was Lhe flrsL one Lo belleve ln lslam,
Pe ls Lhe mosL knowledgeable,
Pe ls Lhe mosL correcL one ln hls deen (rellglon),
Pe ls Lhe mosL cerLaln,
Pe ls Lhe mosL paLlenL,
Pe ls Lhe mosL forglvlng and generous,
Pe ls Lhe mosL brave,
Pe ls Lhe lmam and Lhe callph afLer me.
Ghayato| Maram 4S nS1. kanz A|-Cmma| 121. Ithbat A|-nodat V3
633 n862. Sadouq |n Amaa|| 16 n6. 8|har A|- Anwar V38 90 n1.
ne|yato Abrar V1 23S.

Hadith Number 26

lboe Abbos (to) oottotes,
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) saylng,
Soon you wlll be LesLed Lhrough Lhe 8ook of Allah and All (asws) lbn Abl
1allb (as)." 1hen Pe held Lhe hand of All (asws) and sald, 1hls ls Lhe flrsL
one who belleved ln Muhammad (saw). Cn Lhe uay of !udgmenL Pe wlll
be Lhe flrsL one Lo shake hands wlLh Me. All (asws) ls Lhe honor of Lhls
naLlon and ls Lhe dlfference beLween haq (LruLh) and baLll (falsehood). All
(asws) ls Lhe masLer of momln (bellevers). Pe ls Saddlq e Akbar (mosL
LrusLworLhy). All (asws) ls My door. Anyone who wlshes Lo come near Me
musL do so Lhrough Lhls door. Pe ls My callph afLer Me.
Amall al 1oosl pg 401, klLab fl Asma wa Alqaab Ameerul Momlneen

Hadith Number 27

notetb lbo Al-kboztoj tbe bolJet of tbe floq of Aosot, oottotes.
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) Lelllng All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) :
no one precedes you afLer me excepL a kaflr, and no one dlsobeys you
excepL a kaflr. 1he people of Lhe seven skles call you Ameerul Momlneen
by Lhe order of Allah.
Ghayato| Maram 69 n17. A|-aqeen 78. M|sbah A|-Anwar 164. Ithbat
A|-nodat V4 170 nS17. S|raat' A|-Mostaqeem 39V2 SS. Manaqeb Ibn
Shar Ahoub V2 2S4. 8|har A|-Anwar V37 310 n43.

Hadith Number 28

lmam !afar (asws) lbn Muhammad(asws) narraLes from hls faLher
Muhammad (asws) lbn All(asws) who narraLes from hls faLher(asws) who
narraLes from hls faLher Pussaln (asws) lbn All (asws), who narraLes:
8asoolAllah (saw) sald LhaL on Lhe nlghL of Mlra[, when he wenL up and
passed Lhe gaLes of llghL, Allah Lalked Lo hlm, and sald:
C Muhammad (saw)! Convey My Salam Lo All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as), and
lnform hlm LhaL he ls My Pu[[aL (declslve proof) on all creaLures afLer you.
l pour Lhe raln of My blesslngs on My slaves Lhrough hlm, l keep
everyLhlng evll away from Lhem Lhrough hlm, and he ls My Pu[[aL
(declslve proof) on Lhem when Lhey meeL Me.
So Lhey should follow hls commands, obey hls orders, and absLaln when
he absLalns. lf Lhey do so, l wlll slL Lhem nexL Lo Me and l wlll allow Lhem
Lo enLer My aradlse. lf Lhey do noL, l wlll puL Lhem wlLh Lhe worsL of My
enemles ln Pell.
Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 1S7 n430. 1abar| |n 8esharato| Mustafa 79. 8|har
A|-Anwar V38 138 n99

Hadith Number 29

lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) wbo oottotes ftom bls
fotbet(osws) wbo oottotes ftom lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws) wbo
oottotes ftom bls fotbet lmom nossolo (osws) wbo solJ.
Ameerul Momlneen (asws) was slLLlng ln 8ahbaha and people were slLLlng
around hlm when a man sLood up and sald, C Ameerul Momlneen
(asws), lL ls Allah LhaL has placed you ln Lhls poslLlon however your faLher
wlll be LorLured ln Pell."
Ameerul Momlneen (asws) replled, l swear by Allah who senL
Muhammad (saw) as a propheL LhaL lf My laLher lnLercedes for all of Lhe
slnners on earLh, Allah wlll accepL lL. Pow can My laLher be ln Pell, whlle
l, hls son, am Lhe one who dlvldes beLween aradlse and Pell? l swear by
Allah, who senL Muhammad (saw) as a propheL, my faLher's noor on Lhe
uay of !udgmenL exceeds Lhe noor of all creaLures excepL Lhe noor of flve
noors: Lhe noor of Muhammad (saw), my (Moula All (asws)'s) noor, Lhe
noor of laLlma (sa), Lhe noor of Pasan (asws) and Pussaln (asws), and Lhe
noor of Lhe lmams (asws) from Lhe sons of Pussaln (asws). 8eware LhaL
Abu 1allb (as)'s noor ls from Cur noor. Allah creaLed hls noor Lwo
Lhousand years before Pe creaLed Adam (as).
A|-no[[a 'A|a A|-1haheb ||a 1akfeer Ab| 1a||b 72. A|-Dara[ato| kafee'ah
S0. Amaa|| A|-1ous| V1 331 nS8. 8|sharat A|- Mustafa p249. A|-Ihte[aa[
of 1abras| V1 340. 8|har A|-Anwar V3S 69 n3. A|-Ghadeer V7 387 n3.

Hadith Number 30

AbJollob lbo Abbos oottotes.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lo All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as):
C All (asws), !lbrael (as) sald someLhlng abouL you LhaL made me
exLremely happy and pleased me.
Pe (!lbrael as) sald: C Muhammad (saw)! Allah Lold me Lo convey Pls
Salam Lo you and Lo Lell you LhaL All (asws) ls Lhe lmam of Culdance
(lmam al Padl), Lhe llghL ln darkness, and My Pu[[aL (declslve proof) on Lhe
people of Lhe world. Pe ls Slddlq e Akbar (mosL LrusLyworLhy) and larooq
e Azm (greaLesL honor). l forbld Lhose who love hlm, follow hlm, and
follow Lhe lmams afLer hlm, Lo enLer Pell. l forbld Myself Lo allow Lhose
who do noL accepL hls WllayaL and do noL follow hlm and Lhe lmams afLer
hlm Lo enLer aradlse. l have mosL cerLalnly commlLLed Lo flll Pell wlLh hls
enemles from among Lhe people and Lhe [lnn, and Lo flll aradlse wlLh hls
Shla and frlends from among My creaLures.
8|har A|-Anwar V37 113 n88. Ghayato| Maram 4S nS2.

Hadith Number 31

Anas lbn Mallk narraLes:
l (Anas lbn Mallk) was Lhe servanL of 8asoolAllah (saw). Cnce whlle l was
helplng 8asoolAllah (saw) Lo perform hls wudhu, 8asoolAllah (saw) sald,
1he person who wlll enLer [usL now ls Ameerul Momlneen, Lhe MasLer of
Musllms (Syedul Muslameen), and Lhe besL of successors (khalrul
Wasleen). Pe ls worLhy of havlng a hlgher auLhorlLy on people Lhan Lhey
have on Lhemselves, and he ls Lhe glorlfled leader of Lhose who seek
C Allah, make lL someone from Lhe Ansar," l (Anas lbn Mallk) prayed Lo
1hen someone knocked aL Lhe door. lL was All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as).
When All (asws) enLered, 8asoolAllah (saw) sLarLed Lo persplre profusely.
8asoolAllah (saw) wlped Lhe persplraLlon from hls face and puL lL over All
(asws)'s face.
uld you recelve a revelaLlon?" All (asws) asked 8asoolAllah (saw)
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, ?ou are from me, you repay my debL, you
perform my rellglous affalrs, you wlll clear my llablllLles, and you wlll
preach my propheLhood,"
uld you noL preach lL yourself?" All (asws) asked.
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, ?es l dld, buL people need Lo learn Lhe Laweel
(deeper, lnner meanlng) of Cur'an afLer me, and you wlll Leach Lhem
Lhlngs LhaL Lhey dld noL learn durlng my Llme,".
A|-aqeen S9. Ghayato| Maram 18 n3. 8|har A|-Anwar V37 296 n13.
A|-Mostadrak V3 192 n32. Manaqeb Ibn Shar Ahoub V2 2S3.

Hadith Number 32

Ameerul Momlneen (asws) sald:
l swear Lo Allah LhaL 8asoolAllah (saw) made me Lhe successor of hls
naLlon. 1herefore, l am Lhe Pu[[aL of Allah (declslve proof of Allah) afLer
8asoolAllah (saw), and l swear LhaL followlng me ls mandaLory on Lhe
lnhablLanLs of Lhe heavens as lL ls on Lhe lnhablLanLs of earLh. When
angels wanL Lo pralse Allah Lhey Lalk abouL my aLLrlbuLes.
C people! lollow me and l wlll gulde you Lo Lhe paLh of rlghLeousness. uo
noL go rlghL or lefL because you wlll geL losL. l am Lhe helr of your ropheL
and hls successor. l am Lhe lmam of Lhe plous and momln (bellevers), l
am Lhelr commander and Lhelr MasLer. l wlll lead my Shla Lo aradlse and
my enemles Lo Pell.
l am Allah's sword on Pls enemles and l am Pls mercy on Pls frlends.
l am Lhe owner of Lhe ool of 8asoolAllah (saw) (ool of kauLhar) and l
carry hls flag.
l have hls poslLlon and l have hls rlghL of lnLercesslon.
Me, Pasan (asws), Pussaln (asws), and Lhe nlne sons (asws) of Pussaln
(asws), are Allah's successors ln Pls land. We are Lhe only ones
LrusLworLhy of Pls revelaLlon. We are Lhe lmams of Musllms afLer
8asoolAllah (saw) and we are Allah's Pu[[aL (declslve proofs) on Pls
Ghayato| Maram 18 n14.

Hadith Number 33

lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws) oottotes ftom lmom nossolo (osws)
lbo All (osws) wbo oottotes ftom Ameetol Momloeeo (osws), wbo solJ.
l (lmam All asws) wenL Lo 8asoolAllah (saw) when he was ln one of hls
houses. l asked hls permlsslon Lo enLer and he granLed lL. When l enLered,
8asoolAllah (saw) asked me, C All (asws)! uo you noL know LhaL my
house ls your house? Why do you seek permlsslon Lo enLer?"
l replled, l llke Lo do LhaL."
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
?ou llke whaL Allah llkes and you use Pls manners. C All (asws)! uo you
noL know LhaL you are my broLher, and my CreaLor dld noL wanL me Lo
have a broLher oLher Lhan you?
C All (asws)! ?ou are my helr, and you wlll be oppressed and wronged
afLer my deaLh.
C All (asws)! 1hose who are devoLed Lo followlng you are llke Lhose who
llve wlLh me ln aradlse, and Lhose who abandon you, abandon me. C
All(asws)! 1hose who Lhlnk LhaL Lhey love me buL haLe you, lle because
Allah creaLed me and you from Lhe same noor.
Ghayato| Maram 7 n12. A|-Mostadrak V2 71 n1. kanz A|-Cmma| 208.
8|har A|-Anwar V27 230 n38. k owzat A|- Iannat V6 184.

Hadith Number 34

lbn Abbas (ra) narraLes 8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
no one has a hlgher sLaLus Lhan All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) afLer Me. Pe ls
Lhe lmam of my naLlon, Pe ls my helr, Pe ls my successor and Pe ls Lhe
callph over you. 1hose who follow Plm are gulded Lo Lhe rlghL paLh, Lhose
who follow anyone oLher Lhan Plm are losL and have sLrayed off Lhe rlghL
lndeed, l am Lhe chosen propheL. l do noL say Lhls abouL All (asws) from
My own lncllnaLlon. WhaL l say ls noLhlng buL revelaLlon broughL by
!lbrael (as) from Allah, who owns everyLhlng ln Lhe skles and ln Lhe earLh,
and whaLever ls beLween Lhe skles and Lhe earLh, and whaLever ls under
Lhe earLh.
Ghayato| Maram 4S nS4. kanz A|-Cmma| 208. 8|har A|-Anwar V2S
361 n31. Ithbat A|-nodat V3 633 n864. kowzat A|-Iannat V6 18S

Hadith Number 35

Abl 5oeeJ Al-kboJtl oottotes kosoolAllob (sow) solJ.
Cn Lhe nlghL of Mlra[, l dld noL pass Lhrough any of Lhe skles or any of lLs
layers wlLhouL flndlng lL fllled wlLh noble angels calllng Me and saylng:
C Muhammad (saw)! Ln[oy whaL Allah gave no one before ?ou and no
one afLer ?ou.
?ou were glven All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) as a broLher, laLlma (sa), Pls
wlfe, as a daughLer, Pasan (asws) and Pussaln (asws) as sons, and 1helr
lovers, as ?our Shla.
C Muhammad (saw)! ?ou are Lhe besL of Lhe propheLs, All (asws) ls Lhe
besL of successors, laLlma (sa) ls SyedaLul nlsa al Alameen, Pasan (asws)
and Pussaln (asws) are Lhe leaders of Lhe chlldren of Lhe rlghLeous who
enLer aradlse, and Lhelr Shla are Lhe besL of people on Lhe uay of
!udgmenL. 1hey (Lhelr Shla) wlll gaLher ln Lhe rooms of aradlse, lLs
palaces, and lLs gardens.
1he angels conLlnued saylng Lhls whlle l was golng up unLll l came back
down. lf lL was noL for Allah prevenLlng Lhls from belng heard, everyone,
from among Lhe people and Lhe !lnn, would have heard lL.
Ghayato| Maram 166 nS6.

Hadith Number 36

nosoo 8osto oottotes ftom AbJollob wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald,
Cn Lhe day of [udgmenL, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) wlll slL on llrdos, a
hlgh mounLaln ln !annah. Allah's Arsh (Lhrone) wlll be above lL and rlvers
wlll be flowlng under lL. All (asws) wlll slL on a chalr made from noor on
Lhe Lop of Lhls mounLaln. no one wlll be able Lo cross Lhe SlraL (brldge)
excepL Lhose who possess Lhe leLLer of Lhe WllayaL of Ahlul 8ayL (asws).
1helr lovers wlll be Lhe dwellers of [annah and 1helr enemles wlll be Lhe
lnmaLes of hell.
Manaq|b pg 31

Hadith Number 37

umar lbn Al-khaLLab (la) narraLes, We asked 8asoolAllah (saw) abouL Lhe
sLaLus of All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as).
8asoolAllah (saw) replled angrlly:
WhaL ls wrong wlLh you people, asklng me abouL someone Lo whom Allah
has glven a rank and poslLlon as hlgh as mlne, excepL for Lhe
8eware! 1hose who love All (asws) love me, and Lhose who love me
please Allah, and Allah rewards Lhem wlLh aradlse.
8eware! 1he angels seek forglveness for Lhose who love All (asws). 1he
gaLes of aradlse are open for Lhem, and Lhey wlll enLer from any door
Lhey choose wlLhouL belng quesLloned.
8eware! Allah wlll glve Lhose who love All (asws) Lhelr book of deeds ln
Lhelr rlghL hand, and Lhelr quesLlonlng on Lhe uay of !udgmenL ls an easy
quesLlonlng, lL ls llke Lhe quesLlonlng of Lhe propheLs.
8eware! 1hose who love All (asws) wlll noL leave Lhls world wlLhouL flrsL
drlnklng from Lhe ool of kauLhar, eaLlng from Lhe Lree of 1ouba, and
seelng Lhelr place ln aradlse.
8eware! Allah eases Lhe deaLh process of Lhose who love All (asws), and
makes Lhelr graves a garden from Lhe gardens of aradlse.
8eware! Allah glves Lhose who love All (asws) one hurl, for each veln ln
Lhelr body. 1hose who love All (asws) wlll lnLercede for elghLy of Lhelr
famlly members and Allah wlll glve Lhem one clLy ln aradlse for every
halr on Lhelr body.
8eware! Allah sends Mallk al MowL (angel of deaLh) Lo Lhose who know
and love All (asws) ln Lhe same way Pe does Lo Lhe propheLs. Pe removes
Lhe Lerror of Munklr and naklr, Pe llghLs Lhelr graves and makes Lhelr
graves as wlde as sevenLy llghL years, and Pe ralses Lhem on Lhe uay of
!udgmenL wlLh Lhelr faces shlnlng brlghLly.
8eware! Allah places Lhose who love All (asws) under Lhe shade of Pls
Arsh (Lhrone) wlLh Lhe company of Lhe LruLhful, Lhe marLyrs, and Lhe
vlrLuous. 1hey are safe from Lhe greaL and Lhe loud Lerrors on Lhe uay of
8eware! 1he good deeds of Lhose who love All (asws) are accepLed and
Lhelr slns are forglven. 1hey wlll be ln aradlse ln Lhe company of Pamza
(as), Lhe MasLer of Lhe MarLyrs.
8eware! Allah places wlsdom ln Lhe hearLs of Lhose who love All (asws),
Allah places LruLh on Lhelr Longues, and Allah opens Lhe doors of Pls
mercy Lo Lhem.
8eware! LarLh ls Lhe prlson of Lhose who love All (asws) and Allah wlll free
Lhem. Allah speaks abouL Lhem Lo Pls angels and Lo Lhose who carry Pls
8eware! An angel wlll call on Lhose who love All (asws) from under Allah's
Arsh and say, C Allah's servanL, carry on because all of your slns have
been forglven."
8eware! Cn Lhe uay of !udgmenL Lhe faces of Lhose who love All (asws)
wlll be shlnlng llke a full moon.
8eware! Allah wlll place Lhe crown of dlgnlLy on Lhe heads of Lhose who
love All (asws) and Lhey wlll wear Lhe sulL of glory.
8eware! 1hose who love All (asws) wlll pass slraL (brldge) wlLh Lhe speed
of llghL and wlll noL feel Lhe dlfflculLy assoclaLed wlLh passlng.
8eware! Allah wrlLes a guaranLee of proLecLlon from Pell Lo Lhose who
love All (asws), and a pass for Lhe brldge and a guaranLee of proLecLlon
from Lhe LorLure.
8eware! 1he book of Lhose who love All (asws) wlll noL be publlshed and
Lhey wlll noL be measured, Lhey wlll be Lold Lo enLer aradlse wlLhouL
8eware! 1hose who love Lhe famlly of Lhe ropheL (asws) are secure from
Lhe Ahzab (accouLlng), Mlzan (Lhe scale), and SlraL (Lhe brldge).
8eware! Angels shake hands wlLh Lhose who dle wlLh Lhe love of Lhe
famlly of Lhe ropheL (asws). 1he souls of Lhe propheLs come Lo vlslL
Lhem and Allah fulfllls all of Lhelr requesLs.
8eware! 1hose who dle haLlng Lhe famlly of Lhe ropheL (asws) dle as
kaflrs (unbellevers).
8eware! 1hose who dle wlLh Lhe love of Lhe famlly of Lhe ropheL (asws)
dle wlLh lman (falLh), and l guaranLee aradlse for Lhem.
8eware! 1hose who dle haLlng Lhe famlly of Lhe ropheL (asws) wlll have
Lhe followlng wrlLLen beLween Lhelr eyes on Lhe uay of !udgmenL,
Lxcluded from Lhe Mercy of Allah."
8eware! 1hose who dle haLlng Lhe famlly of Lhe ropheL (asws) wlll noL
even smell Lhe fragrance of aradlse.
8eware! 1hose who dle haLlng Lhe famlly of Lhe ropheL (asws) wlll come
ouL of Lhelr graves wlLh black faces.
8|har A|-Anwar V27 114 n89. Ghayato| Maram 207 n10. Iazae| A|-Sh|a
2 n1. 1a'wee| A|-Ayyat 863 n1. 1abar| |n 8esharato| Mustafa 36.
Arbaeen A|-khozayee n1

Hadith Number 38

lbn Abbas (ra) narraLes 8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
All (asws) Lo Me ls llke my blood ls Lo my body. 1hose who accepL hls
auLhorlLy are rlghLly gulded. 1hose who love hlm are on Lhe rlghL paLh.
1hose who follow hlm are Lhe survlvors. 8eware LhaL All (asws) ls one of
Lhe four ln aradlse, whlch are Myself, All (asws), Pasan (asws), and
Pussaln (asws).
Ghayato| Maram 207 n11.

Hadith Number 39

lbn Abbas (ra) narraLes 8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
Shaklng hands wlLh All (asws) ls Lhe same as shaklng hands wlLh me, and
shaklng hands wlLh me ls llke shaklng hands wlLh Lhe corners of Lhe Arsh
of Allah. Lmbraclng All (asws) ls Lhe same as embraclng me, and
embraclng me ls llke embraclng all of Lhe propheLs. Allah forglves all of
Lhe slns of Lhose who shake hands wlLh Lhose who love All (asws) and
Lakes Lhem Lo aradlse wlLhouL accounLlng
8|har A|-Anwar V27 11S n90. khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 226. M|sbah
A|-Anwar 122. Ghayato| Maram S83 n47.

Hadith Number 40

lmom All (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) oottotes ftom bls fotbet (osws)
wbo oottotes ftom lmom All (osws) lbo Moso (osws) ol-kezo wbo oottotes
ftom bls fotbet (osws) wbo oottotes ftom lmom Iofot (osws) lbo
MobommoJ (osws) wbo oottotes ftom bls fotbet (osws) wbo oottotes
ftom lmom All (osws) lbo ol-nossolo (osws) wbo oottotes ftom lmom
nossolo (osws) lbo All (osws) wbo solJ.
Cambar (ra) Lhe servanL of Moula All (asws) sald,
l was wlLh Ameerul Momlneen (asws) on Lhe shore of Lhe LuphraLes 8lver
when he Look hls shlrL off and enLered Lhe rlver. A large wave came and
pulled hls shlrL lnLo Lhe waLer. When Ameerul Momlneen (asws) came ouL
of Lhe waLer, Pe could noL flnd Pls shlrL. 1hen a volce called Lo Moula All
(asws) and sald, C Abul Pasan (asws), look Lo your rlghL and Lake whaL
you see."
All (asws) looked Lo Lhe rlghL and found a wrapped package. lnslde Lhe
package, Pe found a shlrL. When Pe was puLLlng on Lhe shlrL, a plece of
paper fell from Lhe shlrL pockeL wlLh Lhe followlng message wrlLLen on lL:
ln Lhe name of Allah, MosL Craclous, MosL Merclful. 1hls ls a presenL from
Lhe Wlse, noble Allah Lo All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as). 1hls ls Parun lbn
lmran's shlrL 1bos lt wos, ooJ we qove tbese os oo lobetltooce to oootbet
people (44.28).
Ghayato| Maram 660 n119. A|-kharae[ Wa A|-Iaraeh 288 n60. 8|har
A|-Anwar V39 126 n13. Ithbat A|-nodat V4 SS1 n201. Manaqeb Ibn
Shar Ahoub V2 69. Mad|nat A|-Ma'a[|z 16 n14. khasaes A|-keza 2S.

Hadith Number 41

lbo Abbos (to) oottotes
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) say, C people! undersLand LhaL Allah has
made a door Lo Plmself for you. lf you enLer from lL you wlll be safe from
Pell and Lhe greaL Lerror."
1hen Abu Saeed Al-khodrl sLood up and sald, Culde us Lo Lhls door so we
recognlze lL."
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, lL ls All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as), Lhe MasLer of
Successors, Ameerul Momlneen, broLher of 8asoolAllah (saw), and Allah's
callph on all people.
C people! 1hose of you who love Lo hold on Lo Lhe flrmesL handle LhaL
never breaks off, hold on Lo Lhe wllayaL of All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as). Pls
WllayaL ls My WllayaL, and obeylng hlm ls obeylng me.
C people! 1hose of you who wanL Lo know who Allah's hu[[aL (proof) ls
afLer me, know LhaL lL ls All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as).
C people! 1hose of you who wanL Lo follow Allah and Pls Messenger
(saw), follow All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) and Lhe lmams (asws) from my
famlly because Lhey are Lhe LrusLees of my knowledge.
1hen !ablr lbn Abdullah Al-Ansarl asked, Pow many lmams (asws) are
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, C !ablr! May Allah have mercy on you. ?ou
have asked me abouL Lhe enLlre lslam. 1helr number ls Lhe number of Lhe
vetlly, tbe oombet of mootbs wltb Allob ls twelve mootbs lo Allobs book
sloce tbe Joy ne cteoteJ tbe beoveos ooJ tbe eottb (9.J6).
1helr number ls equal Lo Lhe number of rlvers LhaL Allah creaLed wlLh a
blasL when Musa (as) lbn lmran hlL Lhe rock wlLh hls sLaff, whlch ls Lwelve.
1helr number ls equal Lo Lhe number of Lhe chlefs of 8anl lsrael, as Allah
says ln Lhe Cur'an,
we tolseJ ftom omooq tbem twelve cblefs (5.12).
1herefore !ablr, Lhe lmams (asws) are Lwelve. 1he flrsL one ls All (asws)
lbn Abl 1allb (as) and Lhe lasL one ls Mahdl Al-Caem (aLfs).
A|-aqeen 60. Ghayato| Maram 18 n1S. A|-Lstensar 221. 8|har A|-
Anwar V36 263 n84

Hadith Number 42

lbo Abbos (to) oottotes.
AfLer 8asoolAllah (saw) led Lhe afLernoon prayers, he sLood up and sald,
1hose of you who love me and love my famlly, follow me."
So we all followed hlm unLll we reached Lhe house of laLlma (sa).
8asoolAllah (saw) knocked on Lhe door and All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)
came ouL of Lhe house. Pls hands were sLalned wlLh clay.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lo hlm, C Abul Pasan (asws), Lell Lhe people whaL
you saw yesLerday."
All (asws) sald, C 8asoolAllah (saw), May l ransom my moLher and faLher
for you. lL was Lhe Llme of zuhr (noon) prayers and l wanLed Lo do Wudhu
buL l had no waLer. So l senL Pasan (asws) and Pussaln (asws) Lo geL
waLer, buL Lhey Look a long Llme. 1hen l heard a volce calllng me and
saylng, 'C Abul Pasan (asws) look Lo your rlghL.' So l looked and Lhere was
a vessel hanglng made of gold, fllled wlLh waLer LhaL was clearer Lhan lce,
sweeLer Lhan honey, and lL had Lhe fragrance of a rose. 1hen l dld Wudhu
from LhaL waLer and l drank a llLLle from lL. 1hen l puL one drop of Lhls
waLer on my head and l felL Lhe coolness of Lhls drop ln my hearL."
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) asked, uo you know where Lhls vessel was
All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) replled, Allah and Pls Messenger know
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, 1he vessel was from Lhe vessels of aradlse and
Lhe waLer was from Lhe rlver of kauhar. 1haL one drop you puL on your
head was from under Lhe Arsh of Allah."
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) embraced All (asws) and klssed hls forehead and
sald Lo hlm, C my beloved, !lbrael (as) was your servanL yesLerday. ?ou
have a greaL poslLlon and sLaLus before Allah."
Ghayato| Maram 638 n4. Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 96 n24S.

Hadith Number 43

kofl slove of Ayesbo (lo), oottotes.
l was a young boy servlng Ayesha (la), and when 8asoolAllah (saw) was
wlLh her, l used Lo serve Lhem.
Cne day, whlle 8asoolAllah (saw) was slLLlng wlLh Ayesha (la), someone
knocked aL Lhe door. l opened Lhe door and lL was a mald wlLh a covered
dlsh, so l wenL back and l Lold Ayesha (la). Ayesha (la) Lold me Lo brlng her
ln. She came ln and puL Lhe dlsh ln fronL of Ayesha (la), and Ayesha (la)
puL lL ln fronL of 8asoolAllah (saw). So 8asoolAllah (saw) sLarLed eaLlng
from Lhe dlsh and Lhe mald lefL.
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) sald, l wlsh Ameerul Momlneen, Lhe MasLer of
Musllms (Syedul Muslameen), and Lhe lmam of Lhe plous (lmam ul
muLLaqeen ) was here eaLlng wlLh me."
Ayesha (la) sald, 1o whom are you referrlng LhaL has all of Lhese LlLles?"
8asoolAllah (saw) dld noL answer. 1hen he repeaLed whaL he sald.
She (Ayesha la) asked agaln, 1o whom are you referrlng LhaL has all of
Lhese LlLles?"
8asoolAllah (saw) dld noL answer. 1hen someone knocked aL Lhe door and
l (Ayesha la) opened lL. lL was All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as). l wenL back and
Lold 8asoolAllah (saw), and he sald Lo brlng hlm ln.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, C Abul Pasan (asws), welcome. l wlshed for you
Lwlce. When you dld noL come, l asked Allah Lo brlng you for me. So slL
down and eaL wlLh me."
1hen All (asws) saL down and aLe wlLh 8asoolAllah (saw). 1hen
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, C All (asws), may Allah flghL Lhose who flghL you,
and may Allah be Lhe enemy of your enemles."
So Ayesha (la) sald, Who wlll flghL hlm and be hls enemy?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled Lo her, ?ou and Lhose wlLh you. ?ou wlll accepL
flghLlng hlm and wlll noL refuse lL." 8asoolAllah (saw) repeaLed Lhls Lwlce.
A|-aqeen 61. Ghayato| Maram 16 n18. kashf A|-Ghomma V1 343 .
1abar| |n 8esharato| Mustafa 16S. 8|har A|- Anwar V38 3S1 n3.
M|sbah A|-Anwar 1S6

Hadith Number 44

lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) oottotes ftom bls fotbet (osws)
wbo oottotes ftom lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws) wbo oottotes ftom
lmom nossolo (osws) lbo All (osws), wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
laLlma (sa) ls Lhe blood lnslde my hearL, her sons (asws) are Lhe frulLs of
my hearL, her husband (asws) ls Lhe llghL of my eyes, Lhe lmams (asws)
from her sons are Lhe LrusLees of my Lord, and Lhey are Pls exLended rope
beLween Plm and Pls creaLlon. 1hose who hold onLo Lhls rope wlll survlve
and Lhose who do noL wlll fall.
Ghayato| Maram 46 nS7. khawarezm| |n Maqta| A|-nussa|n V1 S9.
Manaqeb A|-2amakhshar| 213. Iaraed A|-Semtayn V2 66 n390.
anabee' A|-Mawaddah 82. A|-1araef 117 n180. S|raat' A|-Mostaqeem
V2 42. 8|har A|-Anwar V3 100 n16. A|-Iathae| 146. Dorar 8ahr A|-
Manaqeb 106. A|-Arbaeen 14. Lhqaq A|-naqq V13 79.

Hadith Number 45

Abdullah lbn Masoud narraLes:
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) say, 1he sun has Lwo sldes: one slde glves llghL
Lo Lhe lnhablLanLs of Lhe heavens, and one slde glves llghL Lo Lhe
lnhablLanLs of earLh. 1here ls wrlLlng on boLh sldes. uo you know whaL ls
wrlLLen on boLh sldes of Lhe sun?"
We replled, Allah and Pls Messenger (saw) know beLLer."
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, 1he wrlLlng on Lhe slde LhaL glves llghL Lo Lhe
heavens says, Allah ls Lhe llghL of Lhe heavens and earLh" (24:33).
1he wrlLlng on Lhe slde LhaL glves llghL Lo Lhe lnhablLanLs of earLh says, 'All
(asws) ls Lhe llghL of Lhe earLhs.'
8|har A|-Anwar V27 9 n21. Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 1S8 n432.

Hadith Number 46

8ayan lbn SalL narraLes:
l heard All (asws) lbn Musa (asws) al 8eza say:
l heard Musa (asws) lbn !afar (asws) say:
l heard !afar (asws) lbn Muhammad (asws) say:
l heard Muhammad(asws) lbn All (asws) say:
l heard All (asws) lbn Pussaln (asws) say:
l heard Pussaln (asws) lbn All (asws) say:
l heard All (asws), Ameerul Momlneen say:
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) say
l heard !lbrael (as) say:
l heard Allah say:
All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) ls My Pu[[aL (proof) upon My creaLlon. Pe ls
My noor ln My land and he ls Lhe LrusLee of My knowledge. l wlll noL
allow Lhose who acknowledge hlm Lo enLer Pell, even lf Lhey dlsobey Me.
And l wlll noL allow Lhose who deny hlm Lo enLer aradlse, even lf Lhey
obey Me.
8|har A|-Anwar V27 116 n91. Ghayato| Maram S12 n19.

Hadith Number 47

lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) oottotes ftom bls fotbet (osws)
wbo oottotes ftom lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws), ftom bls fotbet
lmom nossolo (osws) wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lo All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as):
C Abul Pasan (asws)! lf Lhe bellefs of Lhe enLlre creaLlon and Lhelr good
deeds were puL on one slde of a scale and your good deeds, for only one
day, on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe scale, your good deeds for a slngle day would
undoubLedly be greaLer Lhan all of Lhe good deeds of Lhe enLlre creaLlon .
ln Lhe 8aLLle of uhud, Allah spoke abouL you Lo hls hlgh-ranked angels. Pe
removed Lhe covers from Lhe seven heavens on LhaL day, and aradlse
and everyLhlng ln lL sLarLed shlnlng for you. 1he Lord of Lhe Worlds was
pleased wlLh whaL you dld, and Allah wlll reward you for LhaL day wlLh a
reward whlch wlll make all of Lhe propheLs, Lhe messengers, Lhe LruLhful
ones, and Lhe marLyrs envy you.
Ghayato| Maram S08 n8. anabee' A|-Mawaddah 64 and 127

Hadith Number 48

lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) oottotes ftom bls fotbet (osws)
wbo oottotes ftom lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws) wbo oottotes ftom
bls fotbet lmom nossolo (osws) wbo oottotes.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
C All (asws) your example ln my naLlon ls llke lsa (as) lbn Mlrlam (sa). Pls
people were dlvlded ln Lhree groups: one group were Lhe momlneen
(bellevers) and Lhey were Lhe ulsclples, anoLher group was agalnsL hlm
and Lhose were Lhe ?ahoudl (!ews), and Lhe Lhlrd group exaggeraLed
abouL hls sLaLus so Lhey are ouL of Lhe clrcle of bellef.
Llkewlse, my naLlon wlll be dlvlded ln Lhree groups: one group ls your Shla
and Lhey are Lhe momlneen (bellevers), one group ls your enemles and
Lhey are Lhe ones wlLh doubL, and one group wlll be Lhose who
exaggeraLe your sLaLus and Lhey are dlsbellevers.
1herefore, you, C All (asws), your Shla, and Lhose who love your Shla are
ln aradlse. ?our enemles and Lhose who exaggeraLe (ghulaLs) are ln Pell
8|har A|-Anwar V2S. 264 n4. khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 226. M|sbah A|-
Anwar 23. anabee' A|-Mawaddah 109.

Hadith Number 49

Ioblt lbo AbJollob Al-Aosotl oottotes.
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) say, 1he flrsL one who enLers aradlse from
among Lhe propheLs and Lhe LruLhful ones ls All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
1hen Abu uo[ana sLood up and asked, uld you noL Lell us LhaL Allah Lold
you LhaL aradlse ls forbldden for all Lhe propheLs before you enLer lL, and
lL ls forbldden for all naLlons before your naLlon enLers lL?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, ?es, buL do you noL know LhaL Lhe one who
carrles Lhe flag ls ln fronL of everyone? And All (asws) wlll be Lhe flag
bearer on Lhe uay of !udgmenL who wlll be ln fronL of me. Pe ls Lhe owner
of my flag so he wlll enLer aradlse before l do. Pe wlll lead wlLh Lhe flag
and l wlll follow dlrecLly behlnd hlm."
1hen All (asws) sLood up and sald, ralse Lhe Lord LhaL honored us
Lhrough you, C 8asoolAllah (saw)."
khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 227. A|-Mohtazar 97. M|sbah A|-Anwar
111. Ghayato| Maram 679 n9. 1afseer Iorat A|- kouf| 17S. 8|har A|-
Anwar V7 209 n100. A|-Iazae| 31. A|-Lkhtesas by Muf|d 3S4. kashf
A|-Ghomma V1 321.

Hadith Number 50

8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
When Allah creaLed Adam (as) and blew Lhe soul of Adam (as) lnLo hls
body, Adam sneezed and sald, Alhamdullllah."
So Allah senL a revelaLlon Lo hlm and sald, ?ou pralsed Me, My slave. l
swear by My Clory and Magnlflcence LhaL lf lL was noL for Lwo slaves l
would noL have creaLed you.
Adam (as) asked, My Lord, are Lhey from me?
Allah replled, ?es. C Adam (as), ralse your head and look up."
Adam ralsed hls head and saw Lhe followlng wrlLLen on Lhe Arsh (Lhrone)
of Allah:
1here ls no god excepL Allah: Muhammad (saw) ls 8asoolAllah (saw), he ls
Lhe ropheL of Mercy and All (asws) ls Lhe Pu[[aL (proof) of Allah. 1hose
who know All (asws)'s haq (rlghL) are clean and pure from all LhaL ls
corrupL, and Lhose who deny hls haq are accursed and wlll be Lhe fallures.
l swear by My honour LhaL l Lake Lhose who obey hlm Lo aradlse, even lf
Lhey dlsobey Me, and l swear by My honour LhaL l Lake Lhose who dlsobey
hlm Lo Pell, even lf Lhey obey Me."
khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 227. Ghayato| Maram 7 n16. anabee' A|-
Mawaddah 11. M|sbah A|-Anwar 94. 1abar| |n 8esharato| Mustafa
68. 8|har A|-Anwar V68 p130 n61. 1a'wee| A|-Ayat 47 n22. A|-Iathae|
1S2 n79. Lhqaq A|-naqq V4 144. Arbaeen 27. Dorar 8ahr A|-
Manaqeb p120. Ar[ah A|-Ma1a||b 29.

Hadith Number 51

8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
1hose of you who wanL Lo rely on Allah should love My Ahlul 8alL (asws).
1hose who wanL Lo be saved from Pell should love My Ahlul 8alL (asws).
1hose who wanL wlsdom should love My Ahlul 8alL (asws). And Lhose who
wanL Lo enLer aradlse wlLhouL faclng accounLablllLy should love My Ahlul
8alL (asws). l swear anyone who loves Lhem wlll flnd success ln Lhls world
and ln Lhe PereafLer.
8|har A|-Anwar V27 116 n92. Ghayato| Maram S86 n83. khawarezm|
|n Maqta| A|-nussa|n V1 S9. Iaraed A|-Semtayn V2 294 nSS1. A|-
L'teqad 296. anabee' A|-Mawaddah 263.

Hadith Number 52

8asoolAllah (saw) sald, All (asws) ls from Me and l am from All (asws).
May Allah desLroy hlm who flghLs wlLh All (asws). May Allah curse hlm
who flghLs and opposes All (asws). AfLer Me, All (asws) ls lmam of Lhe
enLlre creaLlon. Cne who Lrles Lo precede All (asws) has preceded Me.
Cne who abandons All (asws) abandons Me. Cne who prefers anoLher Lo
All (asws) prefers anoLher Lo Me. l am peaceful wlLh Lhose who are
peaceful Lo All (asws). l wlll wage war agalnsL hlm who wages war agalnsL
All (asws). l am frlend of Lhe one who ls a frlend of All (asws). l love hlm
who loves All (asws). l am an enemy of hlm who ls an enemy of All (asws).

Ama|| a| 1u|s| pg S89

Hadith Number 53

noJbolfob lbo Al-omoo oottotes.
8asoolAllah (saw) sLood and klssed All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)'s forehead
and sald,
C Abul Pasan (asws) you are a llmb from my llmbs, you go where l go,
and you have Lhe sLaLus of lnLercesslon ln aradlse. 8llss and happlness
for you and your Shla!"
Ghayato| Maram S86 n84.

Hadith Number 54

lmom Moso (osws) lbo Iofot (osws) oottotes ftom bls fotbet lmom Iofot
(osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) wbo oottotes ftom bls fotbet MobommoJ
(osws) lbo All (osws) wbo oottotes ftom bls fotbet lmom All (osws) lbo
nossolo (osws) wbo oottotes ftom bls fotbet lmom nossolo (osws) lbo All
(osws) wbo oottotes.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, l enLered aradlse and l saw Lhe followlng wrlLLen
on lLs door wlLh noor:
1here ls no god buL Allah. Muhammad (saw) ls 8asoolAllah (saw). All
(asws) ls Lhe Wall of Allah. laLlma (sa) ls AmaLullah. Pasan (asws) and
Pussaln (asws) are Lhe chosen of Allah. Allah's Mercy be on Lhose who
love Lhem. Allah's Curse be on Lhose who haLe Lhem."
Ghayato| Maram S86 n82. Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 149 n41S. kanz A|-
Cmma| 63. 8|har A|-Anwar V27 228 n31. kowzat A|-Iannat V6 181.
AL-kh|sa| of Sadouq V1 323 n10. Amaa|| of 1ous| V1 36S n77.
khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 214. Iaraed A|-Semtayn V2 73 n396. Lesan A|-
M|zan VS 70, kefayat A|-1a||b 423. A|-S|raat' A|-Mostaqeem V2 7S
n4. kashf A|-Ghommah V1 94. AL-1araef 64 n6S. M|zan A|-L'teda| V2
217. M|ftah A|-Na[at 1S. Dorar 8ahr A|-Manaqeb 31. khawarezm| |n
Maqta| A|-nussa|n V1 18.

Hadith Number 55

Abo ubot (to) oottotes.
8asoolAllah (saw) looked aL All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) and sald:
Pe ls Lhe besL from Lhe flrsL Lo Lhe lasL of all of Lhe lnhablLanLs of Lhe
heavens and Lhe earLhs. Pe ls Lhe masLer of Lhe LruLhful ones. Pe ls Lhe
beauLy of Lhe successors. Pe ls Lhe lmam of Lhe plous and he ls Lhe leader
of Lhe bellevers. Cn Lhe uay of !udgmenL, All (asws) wlll rlde on a She
camel from Lhe she camels of aradlse, and Lhe noor of Lhe she camel wlll
llghL Lhe enLlre plaln on whlch Lhe [udgmenL process wlll Lake place.
8ecause of Lhe crown of sapphlres and gems upon Pls head, Lhe angels
wlll say LhaL All (asws) ls a hlgh-ranked angel and Lhe propheLs wlll say
LhaL he ls a propheL.
1hen Lhe crler wlll call from lnslde Lhe Arsh (Lhrone), 1hls ls Slddlq e
Akbar (mosL LrusLworLhy), Lhls ls Lhe success of Lhe beloved of Allah. 1hls
ls All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
All (asws) wlll sLand on Lop of Pell. Whoever does noL love Plm wlll enLer
Pell, and whoever loves Plm wlll be saved. 1hen All (asws) wlll come Lo
Lhe gaLes of aradlse and Pls Auwllya (frlends) and Shla wlll enLer from
any door Lhey choose wlLhouL faclng Lhe accounLablllLy."
Ghayato| Maram 46 nS6. 8|har A|-Anwar V26 316 n81.

Hadith Number 56

8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
Cn Lhe nlghL of Mlra[, l heard a call from under Lhe Arsh (Lhrone) LhaL
sald, All (asws) ls Lhe slgn of guldance and successor of My 8eloved
(8asoolAllah saw), so announce lL."
When l came down from Lhe heavens, Allah remlnded me of Lhls lncldenL
Lhrough Lhe revelaLlon of Lhls verse,
C Messenger! dellver whaL has been revealed Lo you from your Lord, and
lf you do lL noL, Lhen you have noL dellvered Pls message" (Sura al Malda
ayah 67)
Ghayato| Maram 207 n13. Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 160 n40S. M|sabah A|-
Anwar 49. Shawahed A|-1anz|| V1 187 h242. Iaraed A|-Semtayn v1

Hadith Number 57

8asoolAllah (saw) sald,
C'people! verlly, All (asws) ls Callph of Allah afLer Me. verlly, Pe ls
Ameerul Momlneen (asws) and besL of Lhe successors. Cne who abandons
Plm has abandoned Me. Cne who oppresses Plm has oppressed Me. Cne
who Lrles Lo overcome Plm has Lrled Lo overcome Me. Cne who ls dlsloyal
Lo Plm ls dlsloyal Lo Me. Cne who haLes Plm haLes Me. Cne who loves
Plm loves Me because Pe ls My broLher and My successor. All (asws) and l
were creaLed from Lhe same noor."
Ayun a| Akbar a| keza (asws) Second Vo| pg 13

Hadith Number 58

5ololm lbo Ools ol nlloll oottoteJ ftom 5olmoo ol MobommoJl (os) wbo
l wenL Lo 8asoolAllah (saw) and saw Pussaln (asws) on hls lap. 8asoolAllah
(saw) was klsslng Pussaln (asws)'s forehead and he sald:
?ou are a MasLer, son of a MasLer, and faLher of Lhe MasLer. ?ou are an
lmam, Lhe son of an lmam, and faLher of Lhe lmams. ?ou are Allah's Pu[[aL
(declslve proof), Lhe son of Allah's Pu[[aL (declslve proof), and you are Lhe
faLher of nlne of Allah's Pu[[aL (declslve proofs), and Lhe nlnLh one ls al
Calm (aLfs).
Ghayato| Maram 46 nS9. khawarezm| |n Maqta| A|-nussa|n V1 146.
ne|yat A|-Abrar V2 720 n128. A|-1araef 174 n272. A|-S|raat' A|-
Mostaqeem V2 119. A|-Lmama Wa A|-1abserah 110. Lkma| A |-Deen
V1 272 n9. Ayun Akhbar A |-keza (asws)V1 S2 n17. A|-khesa| 47S
n38. 8|har A|-Anwar V36 241 n47. kefayato| Athar 4S. Mawaddat A|-
orba 9S. A|-Manaqeb A|-Mortazaw|yyah 129. anabee' A|-
Mawaddah 168. Ar[ah A|-Ma1a||b 448. Lhqaq A|-naqq V13 71-71.
kashf A|-Ghomma V3 298. A|-Lnsaf 164 n172.

Hadith Number 59

nossolo lbo 2olJ oottotes.
lmam !afar (asws) lbn Muhammad (asws) sald, My faLher Lold me LhaL hls
faLher (asws) narraLed, from lmam Pussaln (asws) lbn All (asws) who
narraLes from hls faLher Ameerul Momlneen (asws)who sald:
Allah's curse ls on Lhose who do noL say LhaL l am Lhe fourLh of Lhe four
So Pussaln lbn Zald sald Lo lmam !afar (asws) lbn Muhammad (asws), 8uL
you say LhaL he ls Lhe flrsL callph of 8asoolAllah (saw) and you do noL lle."
lmam !afar (asws) lbn Muhammad (asws) replled: ?es. Allah says ln Lhe
wbeo oot lotJ solJ to tbe ooqels. vetlly l om qoloq to oppolot o collpb
lo tbe eottb (5oto 8opotob oyob J0).
So Adam (as) was Lhe flrsL callph, and Allah says ln Lhe Cur'an,
O uowoJ! vetlly we bove oppoloteJ yoo os o collpb lo tbe eottb (5oto
5ooJ oyob 26).
So uawud (as) was Lhe second callph, and Allah says ln Lhe Cur'an,
Moso solJ to notoo, be my collpb omooq my people, oct tlqbtly ooJ Jo
oot follow tbe woy of tbe mlscblef-mokets. (5oto Atoof oyob 142).
So Parun (as) was Lhe Lhlrd callph, and All (asws) ls Lhe callph of
Muhammad (saw).1haL ls why All (asws) sald LhaL Allah's curse ls on Lhose
who do noL say LhaL he ls Lhe fourLh of Lhe four callphs.
Ghayato| Maram 69 n19. A|-8orhan V1 7S n13. Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z
160. Manaqeb Ibn Shar Ahoub V2 261. 8|har A|- Anwar V38 1S3

Hadith Number 60

8asoolAllah (saw) sald,
All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as), laLlma (sa), Pasan (asws), and Pussaln (asws)
are Lhe besL of Lhls naLlon afLer me. May Lhe curse of Allah be upon
whoever says anyLhlng agalnsL Lhls."
Ghayato| Maram 4S0 n16. kanz A|-Cmma| 63. 8|har A|-Anwar V27
228 n31. kowzat A|-Iannat V6 n181.


Hadith Number 61

5olmoo ol lotsl (os) oottotes.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
C Salman (as)! 1hose who love laLlma (sa), my daughLer, wlll be wlLh me
ln aradlse, and Lhose who haLe her wlll be ln Pell.
C Salman (as)! 1he love of laLlma (sa) wlll be of beneflL ln one hundred
dlfflculL lnsLances. 1he leasL dlfflculL of Lhese lnsLances wlll be aL Lhe Llme
of deaLh, ln Lhe grave, aL Lhe Mlzan (scale), Lhe gaLherlng of people on Lhe
uay of !udgmenL, SlraL (brldge), Lhe dlsplay of your book, and durlng
l am pleased wlLh Lhose wlLh whom laLlma (sa) ls pleased, and Allah ls
pleased wlLh Lhose wlLh whom l am pleased.
l am angry wlLh Lhose wlLh whom laLlma (sa) ls angry, and Allah ls angry
wlLh Lhose wlLh whom l am angry.
Woe unLo Lhose who are un[usL Lo her and Lo her husband, Ameerul
Momlneen (asws).
Woe unLo Lhose who are un[usL Lo her Shla and Lo her progeny.
8|har A|-Anwar V27 116 n94. Ghayato| Maram 18 n17. khawarezm| |n
Maqta| A|-nussa|n V1 S9. anabee' A|- Mawaddah 263. Mawaddat A|-
orba 116. Lhqaq A|-naq V10 166.


Hadith Number 62

Abul Pasan Ahmad lbn Al-Pasan Al-uhahhak Al-8azl narraLed from Pamza
lbn Abdullah Al-Malekl, from Abdullah lbn Muhammad 8asmoweyh, from
lbn Parma, from Anas lbn Mallk, who sald:
8asoolAllah (saw) asked me Lo saddle hls mule, so l dld. 1hen Pe rode and
l followed hlm. When we arrlved aL Lhe house of Ameerul Momlneen
(asws), 8asoolAllah (saw) asked me Lo saddle All (asws)'s mule, so l dld.
8asoolAllah (saw) and All (asws) rode LogeLher and l was followlng Lhem
unLll Lhey came Lo a green and beauLlful land. 1hen a whlLe cloud covered
Lhem so l wenL closer and l heard a loud volce saylng:
"4554L4Mu 4L4lkuM4 w4 k4nM41uLL4n w4 84k4k41u."
1hey answered Lhe Salam. 1hen !lbrael (as) came down, and Lhen l could
no longer see Lhem. 1hen when !lbrael (as) wenL back up, l saw
8asoolAllah (saw) call All (asws). 8asoolAllah (saw) gave All (asws) an
apple LhaL had Lhe followlng sLaLemenL wrlLLen on lL wlLh Lhe power of
Allah, 1hls ls a presenL from Allah Lo hls Wall, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb
Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 61 n132.

Hadith Number 63

Abo AbJollob AbmoJ lbo MobommoJ lbo Al-nosoo lbo Ayyoob Al-nofez
oottoteJ ftom Abo All AbmoJ lbo MobommoJ lbo Iofot Al-5ooll, ftom
MobommoJ lbo nossolo, ftom nofs lbo umot, ftom Abo Moowlyo, ftom
Aomosb, ftom Abo woel, ftom AbJollob soo of umot, wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
!lbrael (as) Lold me LhaL All (asws) ls Lhe besL of manklnd. 1hose who
deny Lhls are kaflrs
8|har A|-Anwar V26 306 n66. Ghayato| Maram 4S0 n1S. Amaa|| of
Sadouq 71 n7. Cyoun Akhbar A|-kedha V2 S9 n22S. Iaraed A|-
Semtayn V1 1S4 n116. 1ar|kh A|-8aghdad V3 192. 1ahth|b A|-1ahth|b
V9 419 . kanz A|-Cmma| V12 221 n1286 . kefayat A|-1a||b n24S.
M|ftah A|-Na[aat 49. Ithbat AL-nodat V3 634 n867. Amaa|| of Sadouq
71 n6. Amaa|| of 1ous| 213. Nawader A|-Athar f| A|| kha|r A|-8ashar
23-42. 1ar|kh 8aghdad V7 421. A|-Montakhab VS 3S. A|-Iathae|
Ahmad |bn nanba| 46 n72. S|raat' A|-Mostaqeem V2 70. 1a[h|z A|-
Iaysh 308. Lesan A|-M|zan V3166. M|sbah A|-Anwar 138. A|-k|yath
A|-Nazerah V2 220.

Hadith Number 64

nosoo lbo AbmoJ lbo 5okbtwlyob Al-Mojowet oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ
lbo AbmoJ Al-8oqbJoJl, ftom lso lbo Mlbtoo, ftom obyo lbo AbJol nomlJ
Al-nomool, ftom Ooys lbo kobee, ftom Aomosb, ftom Abl woel, ftom
AbJollob lbo MosooJ, wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald
1he flrsL lnhablLanLs of Lhe heavens Lo Lake All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) as
a broLher were lsrafeel (as), Lhen Mlkaeel (as), and Lhen !lbrael (as). 1he
flrsL ones Lo love hlm were Lhe carrlers of Lhe Arsh (Lhrone), Lhen 8lzwan,
Lhe keeper of aradlse, and Lhen Mallk al MowL (angel of deaLh). Mallk al
MowL ls as merclful Lo Lhose who love All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) as he ls
Lo Lhe propheLs.
khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 31. khawarezm| In Maqta| V1 30. Manaqeb
Shahr Ahoub V2 32. anabee' A|-Mawaddah 133. kashf A|-Ghomma
V1 103. Ghayato| Maram S80 n26. M|sbah A|-Anwar 61. 8|har A|-
ANwar V38 33S n10. Lhqaq A|-naq V6 111.

Hadith Number 65

1olbo lbo AbmoJ lbo MobommoJ lbo 2okotlyyo Al-Nlsbobotl oottoteJ
ftom 5ooob lbo AbJol kobmoo lbo All lbo AbJollob lbo AbJol nomlJ, ftom
nosblm lbo 8osblt, ftom 5bobo, lbo Al-nojjoj, ftom All lbo 1bobet, ftom
Abo 5oeeJ Al-kboJtl, ftom lbo Abbos (to), wbo solJ.
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) say LhaL on Lhe nlghL of Mlra[ (ascenslon), he
enLered !annah and he saw a llghL LhaL was very brlghL. So he asked
!lbrael (as) abouL Lhe llghL.
!lbrael (as) replled, C Muammad (saw)! 1hls llghL ls noL from Lhe sun nor
ls lL from Lhe moon. 1hls ls from one of All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)'s
servanLs. She came ouL of her palace and she looked aL you and smlled.
1he llghL LhaL you saw was from her LeeLh, and she wlll walk around ln
!annah unLll Ameerul Momlneen, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) , wlll enLer
Ghayato| Maram 18 n18. A|-aqeen 61. khawarezm| |n Manaqeb
227. and |n Maqta| 39. kefayato| 1a||b 321. Ithbat A|-nodat V4 64
n482. .A|-Mohtazar 99.

Hadith Number 66

lmom All (osws) lbo Moso (osws) Al-kezo , wbo oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet
(osws) wbo oottoteJ, ftom lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws) wbo
oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet (osws) (lmom MobommoJ 8oplt osws), wbo
oottoteJ ftom lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws) wbo oottoteJ ftom bls
fotbet (osws) wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lo All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as), C All (asws) you are
khalrul 8ashlr (besL of men). 1hose who doubL Lhls are kaflrs
8|har A|-Anwar V26 306 n67. Ghayato| Maram 4S0 n17

Hadith Number 67

Al-5botlf Al-Noplb Abo MobommoJ Al-nosoo lbo MobommoJ Al-Alowy Al-
nossoyol oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ lbo 2okotlyyo, ftom Abbos lbo
8okkot, ftom Abo 8okt Al-nozoll, ftom lktomo, ftom lbo Abbos (to), wbo
8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lo Abdul 8ahman lbn Awf:
C Abdul 8ahman! ?ou people are my companlons, buL All (asws) lbn Abl
1allb (as) ls from me and l am from hlm. So Lhose who compare hlm Lo
anyone are un[usL Lo me. 1hose who are un[usL Lo me, hurL me. Allah's
curse ls upon Lhose who hurL me.
C Abdul 8ahman! Allah senL Pls book Lo me and ordered me Lo Leach lL Lo
all people, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) because he does noL need Lo be
LaughL. Allah made All (asws)'s eloquence as my eloquence, and All
(asws)'s knowledge as my knowledge.
lf paLlence was a person, lL would be All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) and lf
moral excellence was a person lL would be Pasan (asws), and lf modesLy
was a person lL would be Pussaln (asws), and lf all LhaL whlch ls good were
Lo be a person lL would be laLlma (sa), buL She ls even greaLer Lhan LhaL.
1he orlgln of my daughLer, laLlma (sa), ls greaLer Lhan any oLher
lnhablLanL on earLh, as ls her honour and her generoslLy
Ghayato| Maram S12 n20. khawarezm| |n Maqta| A|-nussa|n V1 60.
Iaraed A|-Semtayn V2 68 n392.

Hadith Number 68

ol Oozl Al-Mooofl lbo 2okotlyo oottoteJ ftom lbtoblm lbo lozl, ftom lozl
lbo oosof, ftom nosoo lbo 5obet, ftom wokee, ftom nlsbom lbo utwob,
ftom bls fotbet, ftom Ayesbo (lo), wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, 8emembrance of All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) ls
lbadaL (worshlp)."
khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 261. 1ar|kh Demeshgh V2 424. A|-Manaqeb
of Moghaze|| 206 n 243. A|-Ierdous 110

Hadith Number 69

lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ oottotes ftom bls fotbet (osws) wbo
oottotes, ftom lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws) wbo oottotes ftom bls
fotbet lmom nossolo (osws) wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) was asked Lo explaln Lhls ayah of Curan
1bose wbo belleve ooJ Jo tlqbt. Ioy ls fot tbem, ooJ bllss (toobo) tbelt
jootoey's eoJ. (1J.29).
8asoolAllah (saw) explalned LhaL Lhls ayah refers Lo Ameerul Momlneen
All (asws) , and LhaL 1ouba (bllss) ls a Lree ln hls (Ameerul Momlneen
asws) house ln llrdos. Lvery house ln aradlse has a frulLful branch from
Lhls Lree.
Manaqeb Ibn Shar Ahoub V3 6. kanz A|-Cmma| V12 201. A|-
Montakhab VS 30 . anabee' A|-Mawaddah 237 n261.8|har A|-Anwar
V38 199. konouz A|-naqayeq 78. anabee' A|-Mawaddah 180. A|-
8edaya Wa A|-Nehaya V7 3S7. A|-Iame A|-Sagheer V1 S83. A|-Iath A|-
kabeer V2 p120. Mawaddat A|-orba V7 111. A|-aqeen 62. Ghayato|
Maram 19 n19. 8|har A|-Anwar v39 p23S h20. Manaqeb Ibn Shar
Ahoub V3 32. Ma[maa A|- 8ayan V6 291. A|-1araef p100 h147. A|-
Cmdah 183 . Shawahed A|-1anz|| V1 304 n417. Manaqb A|-Moghaze||
268 n31S. Dor A|-Manthour V4 S9.

Hadith Number 70

Abo nomzo oottotes Abo 8oseet oskeJ lmom 5oJlp (osws) oboot tbe Mltoj
(osceosloo to beoveos) of kosoolAllob (sow).
lmam (asws) sald, Allah sald Lo Muhammad (saw), uo ?ou know who
wlll gulde ?our ummah afLer ?ou?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, C' My Lord, ?ou know besL".
Allah sald, 1haL ls All (asws) who ls Ameerul Momlneen, masLer of all
musllms, and leader of Lhe plous."
Amall Sudooq, al !awahlr al Sanu

Hadith Number 71

Abu 8akr Muhammad lbn Abdullah lbn Pamdoon lbn Al-lazl al laqlh
narraLed from al Cazl Abdul 8ahman lbn Pasan who narraLed from
lbrahlm lbn Pussaln, who narraLed from Shah Abdullah lbn Salama Al-
Sagheer, who narraLed from Shoba lbn Al-Pa[[a[, who narraLed from Abu
8a[aa Al-ALLar, who narraLed from Samarah, who sald:
Lvery mornlng 8asoolAllah (saw) would meeL wlLh Pls companlons and
ask, uld anyone had a dream?"
Cne mornlng 8asoolAllah (saw) came and sald:
l saw Pamza (as), my uncle, and !afar (as), son of My uncle, ln my dream.
1hey were slLLlng and eaLlng from a dlsh of flgs LhaL Lhey had ln fronL of
Lhem. 1he flgs changed Lo daLes and Lhey conLlnued eaLlng. So l asked
Lhem whaL Lhey found was Lhe besL Lhlng Lo do Lo prepare for Lhe
PereafLer. 1hey sald salaL (prayer), lovlng All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) , and
glvlng sadqa (charlLy) secreLly.
8|har A|-Anwar V27 117 n9S. Mad|nat A|-Ma'a[|z 172 n476.

Hadith Number 72

Abol lotoj MobommoJ lbo Al-Mozoffot lbo Ools Al-Mopottl oottoteJ ftom
nosoo lbo MobommoJ lbo 5oeeJ, wbo oottoteJ ftom 5otobo lbo lbtoblm,
wbo oottoteJ ftom All lbo MobommoJ lbo MokbllJ, wbo oottoteJ ftom
Iofot lbo nlfz wbo oottoteJ, ftom MobommoJ lbo lsmoll, wbo oottoteJ
ftom 2olJ lbo loJ, wbo oottoteJ ftom 5ofwoo lbo 5olmoo, wbo oottoteJ
ftom 5olmoo lbo ossot, ftom lbo Abbos (to), wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
All (asws) ls Lo Me as My skln. All (asws) ls Lo Me las My flesh. All (asws)
ls Lo Me as My bones. All (asws) ls Lo Me as My blood ln My velns. All
(asws) ls from Me. Pe ls My broLher, My successor, My lnherlLor, and My
callph of My ummah. Pe ls [udge of Lhe rellglon. Pe ls My llkeness ln Lhls
Ghayato| Maram 69 n20.

Hadith Number 73

Abol lotoj MobommoJ lbo Mozoffot lbo AbmoJ lbo 5oeeJ Al-uopoop
oottoteJ ftom AbmoJ lbo MobommoJ, wbo oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ
lbo Moosoot, wbo oottoteJ ftom utbmoo lbo Abo 5beebo, wbo oottoteJ
ftom Iottolt, wbo oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ lbo ossot, wbo oottoteJ
ftom lozl lbo notoo, wbo oottoteJ ftom Abo notoo Al-AbJl, wbo oottoteJ
ftom Abo 8okt AbJollob lbo utbmoo, wbo solJ.
We were wlLh 8asoolAllah (saw) ln Aamer lbn Saad's garden. As we were
walklng ln Lhe garden, we heard a palm Lree shouL Lo anoLher palm Lree.
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) asked, uo you know whaL Lhe palm Lree sald?"
We replled, Allah and Pls Messenger know beLLer."
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, 1he palm Lree shouLed '1hls ls Muhammad (saw),
8asoolAllah (saw) ,and hls successor, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)
So 8asoolAllah (saw) named Lhe palm Lree nakhlah Al-Salhanl" (Lhe
shouLlng palm Lree).
Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 6S n1S2. 1haqeb A|-Manaqeb 34 n17. khawarezm|
|n Manaqeb 221. S|raat' A|-Mostaqeem V2 33. Ithbat A|-nodat VS 64
n439. Iaraed AL-Semtayn V1 137. anabee' A|-Mawadda 136.
Ghayato| Maram 1S7 n26. A|-kharae[ Wa A|-Iaraeh 478. 8|har A|-
Anwar V17 36S n7. Manqeb Ibn shahr Ashoub V2 1S3. A|-Iathae| of
Shathan |bn I|brae| 146 n113. M|zan A|-L'teda| (1hahab|) 79. Lesan A|-
M|zan V1 317. S|raat' A|-2ahab|yya V2 2S6. Dorar 8ahr A|-Manaqeb
10S. kho|asato| Wafaa 39. Meftah A|-Na[at. Arbaeen. Ar[ah A|-
Ma1a||b 36. Naz'm Dorar A|-Semtayn 124. Lhqaq A|-naqq V4 112.

Hadith Number 74

Abol nosoo All lbo MobommoJ Al-Moktlb Al-loqbowy Al-kozl oottoteJ
ftom nosoo lbo All Al-wofowy, wbo oottoteJ ftom Abbos lbo 8okkot Al-
2obbl, wbo oottoteJ ftom Abo 8okt Al-nozll wbo oottoteJ ftom Aktomo,
wbo oottoteJ ftom lbo Abbos,(to) wbo solJ.
A man sald Lo me (lbn Abbas ra), "C lbn Abbas (ra), descrlbe for me Aal e
Muhammad (asws)."
lbn Abbas (ra) sald,
1hey are Lhe plous Leachers.
1hey are mosL generous.
1hey are desLroyers of every evll.
1hey are noL lnLeresLed ln Lhe world.
1hey do noL have worldly deslres
1hey are Lhe pollLe ones.
1hey are aware of all Lhlngs.
1hey are Lhe sLars aL nlghL.
1hey are Lhe hlghesL ln sLaLus
1hey are Lhe masLers of Lhe masLers.
1hey are Lhe raln of mercy on Lhose who need Lhem.
1hey are Lhe brave llons.
1hey are Lhe esLabllshers of salaL. (prayers)
1hey are Lhe glvers of ZakaL. (charlLy)
1hey are Lhe performers of good deeds.
1hey are Lhe desLroyers of bad deeds.
Lesan A|-M|zan V3 237 n10S2.

Hadith Number 75

lmom Iofot (osws) blo MobommoJ (osws) oottotes ftom nls lotbet wbo
oottotes ftom nls lotbet wbo oottotes ftom lmom All (osws) blo nossolo
(osws) tbot kosoolAllob (sow) solJ,
Cne mornlng !lbrael (asws) arrlved whlle ln Lhe sLaLe of lmmense
happlness. l asked Plm, C'My frlend! 1oday l see LhaL you are ln Lhe sLaLe
of lmmense happlness."
!lbrael (asws) replled, C'Muhammad (saw)! Pow can l noL be happy
when Allah has glven ?our 8roLher and Successor such an ausplclous
sLaLus. Allah chose Pls angels for Pls worshlp and sald, C'My angels!
C'Lhe carrlers of My Lhrone! Look upon My hu[[aL (proof) upon Lhe earLh.
All (asws) has placed Pls head down prosLraLe ln order Lo show Lhe
elevaLed sLaLus of My sLaLlon. l make ?ou a wlLness LhaL All (asws) ls Lhe
lmam and MasLer of My creaLlon."
8orhan V1 27 n14. khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 236. khawarezm| |n
Maqta| A|-nussa|n V1 47. Ghayato| Maram 214 n24. anabee' A|-
Mawaddah 629 n7.

Hadith Number 76

Abo 8okt MobommoJ lbo AbJollob lbo nomJoo oottoteJ ftom
MobommoJ lbo AbmoJ wbo oottoteJ ftom Iofot lbo MobommoJ lbo
5boket Al-5oeqb, wbo oottoteJ ftom Moosoot lbo 5ofot wbo oottoteJ,
ftom MobJl lbo Molmoo, wbo oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ lbo 5lteeo, wbo
oottoteJ ftom bls btotbet MooboJ, wbo oottoteJ ftom Abo 5oeeJ Al-
kboJtl, wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) asked Allah, C Allah, appolnL one advlsor for me from
amongsL Lhe lnhablLanLs of Lhe heavens and anoLher one from amongsL
Lhe lnhablLanLs of earLh."
So Allah senL hlm a revelaLlon and sald, l appolnL !lbrael (as) as your
advlsor from among Lhe lnhablLanLs of Lhe heavens, and l appolnL All
(asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) as your advlsor from amongsL Lhe lnhablLanLs of
Ghayato| Maram 613 n9.

Hadith Number 77

lmam !afar (asws) lbn Muhammad (asws), narraLed from hls faLher (asws)
who narraLed, from All (asws) lbn Pussaln (asws) who narraLed, from hls
faLher, lmam Pussaln (asws) who narraLed from Ameerul Momlneen
(asws) who narraLed from 8asoolAllah (saw) who sald:
!lbrael (as) Lold me LhaL Allah says:
1hose who LesLlfy, 1here ls no Allah excepL Me: Muhammad (saw) ls My
servanL and messenger, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) ls My Wall and Callph,
and Lhe lmams (asws) from hls sons are My Pu[[aL (proof)," l wlll allow
Lhem Lo enLer [annah wlLh My mercy. l wlll save Lhem from Pell wlLh My
forglveness. 1hey wlll be My nelghbours, and l wlll honour Lhem. l wlll
glve Lhem My compleLe grace and l wlll make Lhem among Lhe speclal and
chosen ones.
lf Lhey call Me, l wlll reply.
lf Lhey pray Lo Me, l wlll answer Lhem.
lf Lhey ask Me ,l wlll granL lL Lo Lhem.
lf Lhey do noL come Lo me, Lhen l wlll go Lo Lhem.
lf Lhey run from Me, l wlll call Lhem back Lo Me
lf Lhey come back Lo Me, l wlll accepL Lhem.
lf Lhey knock on My door, l wlll open lL.
And Lhose who do noL LesLlfy, 1here ls no Allah excepL Me," or LesLlfy Lo
LhaL, buL do noL LesLlfy L Muhammad (saw) ls My servanL and
messenger," or LesLlfy Lo LhaL, buL do noL LesLlfy All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb
(as) ls My Wall and Callph," or do LesLlfy LhaL, buL do noL LesLlfy Lhe
lmams (asws) from hls sons are My Pu[[aL (proof)," Lhey (Lhose who do
noL LesLlfy) do noL belleve ln My blesslngs. 1hey dlsrespecL Me. 1hey are
kaflrs, and Lhey do noL belleve ln My slgns, My books, or My messengers.
lf Lhey come Lo Me, l wlll move away from Lhem.
lf Lhey ask Me, l wlll noL granL lL.
lf Lhey call Me, l wlll noL heed Lhelr call.
lf Lhey pray Lo Me, l wlll noL respond Lhem.
1hls ls Lhelr punlshmenL from Me, and l am noL un[usL Lo My creaLlon.
Iht|[aa[ A|-1abras| V1 88

Hadith Number 78

Abu 8akr Muhammad lbn Abdullah lbn Pamdun narraLed from
Muhammad lbn Ahmad, from !afar lbn Muhammad lbn Shaker Lhe
[eweler, from Mansour lbn Safar, from Mahdl lbn Malmun, from
Muhammad lbn Slreen, from hls broLher Maabad, from Abu Saeed Al-
khodrl, who sald:
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
knowledge ls dlvlded ln flve parLs. lour of whlch were glven Lo All (asws)
lbn Abl 1allb (as) and Lhe flfLh ls dlvlded amongsL Lhe people. l swear Lo
Allah, who senL me as a ropheL, LhaL All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) ls more
knowledgeable Lhan all of Lhe creaLlon, even regardlng Lhe one parL of
knowledge LhaL ls glven Lo Lhem.
Ghayato| Maram S12 n21 and S86 n8S. 8|har A|-Anwar V27 117n96


Hadith Number 79

Abu Muhammad lbn lareed Al-8oshan[l narraLed from Zubalr lbn 8akkar,
who narraLed from Suflan lbn 'Ayylna, who narraLed from Abu
Culaba,who narraLed from Ayyub Al-SekhLlanl, who narraLed from Anas
lbn Mallk, who sald:
l was sLandlng ln fronL of 8asoolAllah (saw) ln hls mosque ln Medlna when
suddenly Pe Lold me Lo go and brlng All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) for hlm.
l wenL and found All (asws) and l Lold hlm LhaL 8asoolAllah (saw) wanLed
Lo see hlm. Pe lmmedlaLely came wlLh me .
When we reached Lo 8asoolAllah (saw), All (asws) sald salam Lo
8asoolAllah (saw).
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, C All (asws) say salam Lo !lbrael (as)."
All (asws) sald, Assalamu alalka, C !lbrael (as)." !lbrael (as) answered hls
8asoolAllah (saw) Lold All (asws) LhaL !lbrael (as) sald:
Allah sends Pls Salam Lo you (All asws) and says: 8lessed are you and your
Shla and Lhose who love ?ou. And woe upon Lhose who haLe you. Cn Lhe
uay of !udgmenL, Lhe crler wlll call from beslde Lhe Arsh (Lhrone) and say,
Where are Muhammad (saw) and All (asws)?"
1hen you boLh wlll go up Lo Lhe sevenLh sky and wlll sLand ln fronL of
1hen Allah wlll say Lo Pls ropheL, 1ake All (asws) Lo Lhe ool of kauLhar
and glve hlm Lhls cup so LhaL he may dlsLrlbuLe Lhe waLer Lo hls muhlb
(lovers) and hls Shla, buL noL Lo Lhose who desplse hlm."
1hen Allah wlll say, Pe (All asws ) wlll order LhaL hls muhlb (lovers) have
ease durlng Lhe AccounLlng and he wlll order LhaL Lhey enLer aradlse."
8|har A|-Anwar V27 117 n97.Ghayato| Maram S86 nS6.

Hadith Number 80

AbmoJ lbo MobommoJ lbo 5oeeJ oottoteJ ftom nossolo lbo Mobfoz,wbo
oottoteJ ftom AbmoJ lbo lsbop,wbo oottoteJ ftom Cbottlf lbo AbJll
5olom,wbo oottoteJ ftom AbJol kozzop, wbo oottoteJ ftom Moommot,
wbo oottoteJ ftom 2obotl Abo 8okt AbJollob wbo oottoteJ lbo AbJol
kobmoo, wbo oottoteJ ftom utbmoo lbo Affoo,wbo oottoteJ ftom umot
lbo Al-kbottob, wbo oottoteJ ftom Abo 8okt lbo Abl Ooboofo, wbo solJ.
l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) say,
Allah has creaLed angels from Lhe noor of All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)'s
face. All Lhey do ls pralse and sancLlfy Lhe Lord, Lhey dedlcaLe Lhelr
reward for Lhelr pralse Lo Lhose who love All (asws) and Lo Lhose who love
hls sons (asws).
Ghayato| Maram p8 h19. 8|har A|-Anwar V27 118 n98. Mad|nat A|-
Ma'a[|z 188 nS1S. khawarezm| |n Maqta| of nussa|n V1 97. M|sbah
A|-Anwar 297. Iame A|-Akhbar 212

Hadith Number 81

lmom All (osws) lbo Moso (osws) Al-kezo oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet, (osws)
wbo oottoteJ ftom lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws), wbo
oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet (osws), wbo oottoteJ ftom lmom All (osws) lbo
nossolo (os) wbo oottoteJ, ftom bls fotbet lmom nossolo (osws) wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, 1bete wlll be o coospltocy oftet me. Ooly tbose
wbo bolJ oo to tbe fltmest booJle (2.256) wlll be vlcLorlous."
So Lhe people asked 8asoolAllah (saw), WhaL ls Lhe flrmesL handle?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, 1he WllayaL of Syedul Wasleen (masLer of
1hey asked L 8asoolAllah (saw), Who ls Syedul Wasleen?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, Ameerul Momlneen."
1hey asked 8asoolAllah (saw), Who ls Ameerul Momlneen?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, 1he MasLer of Musllms and Lhelr lmam afLer
1hey asked 8asoolAllah (saw), Who ls Lhe MasLer of Musllms and Lhelr
lmam afLer you?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled, My broLher, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
8|har A|-Anwar V36 20 n16. 8orhanV1 244 n11. A|-aqeen 62.
Ghayato| Maram 19 n20 and 46 n61 and 167

Hadith Number 82

nossolo lbo MobommoJ lbo Mlbtoo Al-uomqboool oottoteJ ftom
MobommoJ lbo AbJollob lbo Noslt, wbo oottoteJ ftom AbJollob lbo Al-
Mobotk Al-uoloootl, wbo oottoteJ ftom nosoo lbo All, wbo oottoteJ ftom
MobommoJ lbo AbJollob lbo utwob, wbo oottoteJ ftom osof lbo 8llol,
wbo oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ lbo Motwoo, wbo oottoteJ ftom Al-5oeb,
wbo oottoteJ ftom Abo 5oleb, wbo oottoteJ ftom lbo Abbos (to), wbo
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
Cn Lhe nlghL of Mlra[ as l ascended Lo Lhe heavens wlLh !lbrael (as), l saw
a house of rubles when we reached Lhe fourLh sky.
!lbrael (as) sald Lo me C Muhammad (saw), Lhls ls 8alLul Mamoor (Clblah
of Lhe lnhablLanLs of Lhe skles). Allah creaLed Lhls house flfLy Lhousand
years before Pe creaLed Lhe heavens and Lhe earLhs. C Muhammad (saw),
pray Lowards Lhls house."
1hen Allah ordered all of Lhe oLher propheLs and messengers Lo come.
!lbrael arranged Lhem ln one llne behlnd me and l led Lhe prayer,.
When l flnlshed Lhe prayer, Allah senL someone Lo me who sald, C
Muhammad (saw), Allah sends hls salam Lo you. Allah wanLs you Lo ask
Lhe messengers whaL Lhelr message was Lo Lhe people before you."
So l asked Lhe messengers, WlLh whaL message dld Allah send you?"
1hey replled, 1he message was your WllayaL and Lhe WllayaL of All (asws)
lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) menLloned Lhls ayah, Ask tbose of oot
messeoqets wbom we seot befote yoo (4J.45).
Ghayato| Maram 207 n14. 8|har A|-Anwar V26 307 n69
Hadith Number 83

Ans bln Mallk narraLes, 8asoolAllah (saw) sald,
Cn Lhe uay of !udgmenL, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) wlll be called by 7
dlfferenL names. 'C'Sadlq! C' ual! C' Abld! C' Padl! C' Mahdl! C' laLah! C'
All! Pe and Pls Shla wlll enLer [annah wlLhouL havlng Lo face
khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 228.Ghayato| Maram S87 n88. Lhqaq A|-
naqq V4 299. M|sbah A|-Anwar 9S

Hadith Number 84

MobommoJ lbo AbJollob lbo AbJo Mottollb lbo Motot Al-5bolbool
oottoteJ ftom AbJollob lbo 5oeeJ, wbo oottoteJ ftom Moommol lbo
Aboob, wbo oottoteJ ftom AbJol kozzop, wbo oottoteJ ftom Moommot,
ftom Al-2obotl, wbo oottoteJ ftom utwob, wbo oottoteJ ftom Ayesbo (lo),
wbo solJ.
All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) came Lo my faLher (Abu 8akr la) when he was
lll near Lhe Llme of hls deaLh. My faLher was sLarlng aL hls (All asws's ) face
and would noL Lake hls eyes off of hlm.
When All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) lefL, l asked my faLher, Why were you
looklng aL hls (All asws) face llke LhaL?"
Abu 8akr (la) replled, 8ecause l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) say, "'Looklng aL
Lhe face of All (asws) ls lbadaL (worshlp)."
8|har A|-Anwar V26 229 n11. Ghayato| Maram 327 n21. Amaa|| a|-
Sadouq 119 n9. kashf a|-Ghommah V1 112 1a'wee| a|-Ayat 283.
ne|yato| Abrar V1 290. Amaa|| of 1ous| V1 70. 1ar|kh Demashq V2

Hadith Number 85

lmom Iofot (osws) lbo MobommoJ (osws), oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet
(osws), wbo oottoteJ ftom lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws), wbo
oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet lmom nossolo (osws), wbo solJ.
umar (la) lbn Al-khaLLab (la) sLood up and sald 8asoolAllah (saw), ?ou
keep saylng Lo All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as), '?ou are Lo me llke Parun was
Lo Musa', buL Allah menLloned Parun's name ln Lhe Cur'an buL dld noL
menLlon All (asws)
8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lo hlm, C fllLhy 8edouln! Pave you noL heard Lhe
ayah, "1be potb of All ls o sttolqbt potb??(15.41)?
Ghayato| Maram 119 n7S. 8|har A|-Anwar V3S S8 n12. Manaqeb Ibn
Shahr Ahoub V2 302

Hadith Number 86

MobommoJ lbo All lbo 5okkot oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ lbo Ooslm, wbo
oottoteJ ftom AbboJ lbo opoob, wbo oottoteJ ftom 5boteek, wbo
oottoteJ ftom kokeeo lbo kobee, wbo oottoteJ ftom Ooslm lbo nossooo,
wbo oottoteJ ftom 2olJ lbo 1boblt, wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, l leave behlnd Lwo welghLy Lhlngs, klLab Allah
(book of Allah) and All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as). know LhaL All (asws) lbn
Abl 1allb (asws) ls greaLer Lhan Lhe klLab of Allah because he ls Lhe
lnLerpreLer of Lhe klLab (book) of Allah for you."
Ghayato| Maram 214 n20. A|-8orhan V1 28 n1S. Irshad A|-Gho|oub
Hadith Number 87

ol Oozl Abol lotoj Al-Mooofl lbo 2okotlyyo oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ lbo
All lbo AbJol nomeeJ lbo 2lot lbo obyo Al-Ootesbl, wbo oottoteJ ftom
AbJol kozzop, wbo oottoteJ ftom 5oJopo Al-Abosl,wbo oottoteJ ftom
2otboo, wbo oottoteJ ftom 5olmoo (os) wbo solJ.
l wenL Lo 8asoolAllah (saw) and sald salam Lo hlm. 1hen l wenL Lo Syeda
(sa)'s house and l sald salam Lo her. She replled, C Aba Abdullah (Salman
as), Pasan (asws) and Pussaln (asws) are crylng for Lhey are hungry. 1ake
Lhem Lo Lhelr CrandfaLher (saw)." So l carrled Lhem Lo 8asoolAllah (saw).
8asoolAllah (saw) asked, C My 8eloveds, whaL ls Lhe maLLer
Pasan (asws) and Pussaln (asws) replled, We are hungry, C 8asoolAllah
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) Lhree Llmes sald, C Allah, feed Lhem."
1hen l saw frulL ln 8asoolAllah (saw)'s hands LhaL looked whlLer Lhan mllk,
sweeLer Lhan honey, and sofLer Lhan buLLer. 8asoolAllah (saw) rubbed lL
wlLh hls Lhumb and cuL lL lnLo Lwo pleces. Pe gave half Lo Pasan (asws)
and half Lo Pussaln (asws )
8asoolAllah (saw) asked me, C Salman (as), would you llke some?"
l replled, ?es, C 8asoolAllah (saw)."
8asoolAllah (saw) sald C Salman (as), Lhls food ls from !annah. no one
can eaL lL wlLhouL havlng faced Lhe accounLablllLy and been saved from
Lhe hellflre."
Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 216 n60. 8|har A|-Anwar V43 308 n72. A|-Awa|em
V16 62 n2. khawarezm| |n Maqta| A|-nussa|n V1 97.

Hadith Number 88
Abo 5obl MobmooJ lbo umot lbo MobmooJ Al-Askotl oottoteJ ftom
MobommoJ lbo umot,wbo oottoteJ ftom osof lbo opoob, wbo oottoteJ
ftom Mosllm lbo lbtoblm, wbo oottoteJ ftom nlsbom Al-uostowool, wbo
oottoteJ ftom obyo lbo Abo kotbeet, wbo oottoteJ ftom Abo 5olomo,
wbo oottoteJ ftom Abo notolto (lo), wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
Allah has creaLed one hundred Lhousand angels ln Lhe fourLh sky and
Lhree hundred angels ln Lhe flfLh sky. Allah has creaLed one angel ln Lhe
sevenLh sky LhaL ls so Lall LhaL hls head ls under Lhe Arsh (Lhrone) of Allah
and hls feeL Louch Lhe earLh. Allah has creaLed many more angels Lhan
Lhls. 1he only susLenance for Lhese angels ls reclLlng salawaL on Ameerul
Momlneen All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) and on hls muhlbb (lovers), and
asklng for forglveness for Lhe slns of hls Shla.
8|har A|-Anwar V26 349 n22. Ghayato| Maram 19 n21. Arbaeen |e|
Monta[ab A|-Deen n9

Hadith Number 89

AbmoJ lbo MobommoJ lbo Moso lbo utwob oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ
lbo utbmoo Al-MooJJel, wbo oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ lbo AbJol Mollk,
wbo oottoteJ ftom ozlJ lbo notoo, wbo oottoteJ ftom nommoJ lbo
5olomo, wbo oottoteJ ftom 1boblt, wbo oottoteJ ftom Aoos lbo Mollk,
wbo solJ.
l saw 8asoolAllah (saw) ln my dream and he asked me:
C Anas! WhaL made you dlsobey me and lgnore everyLhlng LhaL l sald
regardlng All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) so much so LhaL you shall recelve
punlshmenL? lf All (asws) does noL forglve you, you wlll noL even smell
Lhe fragrance of [annah. lf you wlsh Lo galn Pls forglveness, Lhen LesLlfy
and Lell people LhaL All (asws), Pls rogeny (asws), and Lhelr muhlbb
(lovers) are Lhe saablqoon (Lhe foremosL) and flrsL Lo enLer !annah. 1hey
are Lhe nelghbours of Auwllya (frlends) of Allah ln [annah. 1he Auwllya
(frlends) of Allah are Pamza (as), !afar (as), and Pasan (asws) and Pussaln
(asws). All (asws) ls Slddlq e Akbar (Lhe mosL LrusLworLhy). 1hose who
love hlm need noL have fear Lhe uay of !udgmenL.
khawarezm| |n Manaqeb 32. and h|s Maqta| V1 40. kashf A|-
Ghommah V1 104. Ghayato| Maram S80 n27. Mad|nat A|-Ma'a[|z S1
n103. M|sbah A|-Anwar 137 . 8|har A|-Anwar V68 40 n84.

Hadith Number 90

lmom Moso (osws) lbo Iofot (osws) wbo oottoteJ ftom lmom Iofot (osws)
lbo MobommoJ (osws) wbo oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet (osws), wbo oottoteJ
ftom lmom All (osws) lbo nossolo (osws), wbo oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet
lmom nossolo (osws) wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
When Allah creaLed aradlse, Pe ordered aradlse Lo adorn lLself and lL
dld. 1hen Allah sald Lo aradlse, l swear Lo My Magnlflcence LhaL l dld
noL creaLe you excepL for Lhe momlneen (bellevers). May Lhere be [oy and
glad Lldlngs for you and your lnhablLanLs!"
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) sald Lo All (asws), C All (asws), aradlse was noL
creaLed excepL for you and your Shla."
Ghayato| Maram S87 n90


Hadith Number 91

Abo MobommoJ nossolo Al-lotsl Al-8oyo oottoteJ ftom AbmoJ lbo
MobommoJ, wbo oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ lbo Moosoot, wbo oottoteJ
ftom MobommoJ lbo lsmoll, wbo oottoteJ ftom wokee, wbo oottoteJ
ftom 5ofloo, wbo oottoteJ ftom Asbob, wbo oottoteJ ftom Aktomo, wbo
oottoteJ ftom lbo Abbos (to), wbo solJ.
l would have glven Lhe world had 8asoolAllah (saw) made Lhe sLaLemenL
he made abouL All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) abouL me.
1he people asked lbn Abbas (ra), WhaL was Lhe sLaLemenL?"
lbn Abbas (ra) replled, 8asoolAllah (saw) Lold All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as),
'?ou are from me and l am from you, your progeny ls from us and we are
from Lhem, your Shla are from us and we are from Lhem, and your Shla
wlll enLer aradlse flve hundred years before Lhe oLhers."
Ghayato| Maram 4S9 n3S.

Hadith Number 92

lbrahlm lbn Al-MuLhaarl Al-khayyaL narraLed from Ahmad lbn Muhammad
lbn Saeed Al-8afaa Al-8aghdadl, who narraLedfrom Ahmad lbn Aleel, who
narraLed from Abdullah lbn uawood Al-Ansarl, from Musa lbn All Al-
Cureshl, who narraLed from Canbar lbn Ahmad lbn Canbar, who narraLed
from hls faLher, who narraLed from hls grandfaLher Cambar Lhe servanL of
All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as), who narraLed from kaab lbn noufel, who
narraLed from 8llal lbn Pamama, who sald
8asoolAllah (saw) came Lo Lhe people one day and hls face was shlnlng
llke Lhe moon. So Abdul 8ahman Al-'Awf asked 8asoolAllah (saw) , Why ls
your face shlnlng llke Lhls?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled:
l recelved good news from Allah abouL my broLher and my cousln and my
daughLer. Allah marrled All (asws) Lo laLlma (sa) and he ordered 8lzwan
(Lhe keeper of aradlse) Lo shake Lhe Lree of 1ouba. 8lzwan shook Lhe
Lree, and for every lover of my famlly, one leaf fell from Lhe Lree. 1hen
8lzwan gave each one of Lhe leaves Lo an angel LhaL was made of noor.
Cn Lhe uay of !udgmenL, Lhese angels wlll call and say 'C lovers of All
(asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as), come and collecL your belonglngs.' So all Lhose
who love my famlly and l wlll recelve a leaf.
1hese leaves are Lhe passes LhaL save people from Pell, Lhey are glven Lo
people as a reward for lovlng All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) and laLlma (sa),
my daughLer, and Lhelr sons (asws).
8|har A|-Anwar V27 117 n96. Ghayato| maram S86 n8S. 1ar|kh
8aghdad V4 210 n1897. Csd A|-Ghabah V1 206. A|-Sawaeq A|-
Mohreqa 103. A|-Iathae| A|-khamsa V2 147.

Hadith Number 93

AbmoJ lbo Iottob oottoteJ ftom AbJll Azlz lbo obyo Al-IolooJl, ftom
MobommoJ lbo 2okotlyyo, ftom AbJollob lbo Mosllm, ftom Al-Mofozol
lbo 5oleb, ftom Ioblt lbo ozlJ, ftom 2otboo, ftom 5olmoo ooJ lbo Abbos,
wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
Cn Lhe nlghL of Mlra[, l approached my Lord and l was aL a dlsLance of
"Lwo bows or closer sLlll" (33:9). Pe spoke Lo me beLween Lhe Lwo
mounLalns of aqeeq and sald:
C Ahmad! l creaLed you and All (asws) from My own noor, and l creaLed
Lhese Lwo mounLalns from Lhe noor of All (asws)'s face. l swear by My
Magnlflcence LhaL l have creaLed Lhese Lwo mounLalns as a slgn Lo
ldenLlfy Lhe momlneen (bellevers). l shall make hellflre haram on Lhose
who wear Lhe Aqeeq rlng on Lhelr hands and follow All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb
Ghayato| Maram 7 n13

Hadith Number 94

MobommoJ lbo AbJollob lbo ubolJollob lbo 8oblool Al-Mowoll oottoteJ
ftom MobommoJ lbo nosoo, wbo oottoteJ ftom lso lbo Mlbtoo, wbo
oottoteJ ftom ubolJollob lbo Moso, wbo oottoteJ ftom kbollJ lbo
1obmoo Al-kboffof, wbo oottoteJ ftom 5ooJ lbo IoooJo Al-Awfl, wbo
oottoteJ ftom 2olJ lbo Atpom, wbo oottoteJ ftom Abo 5oeeJ Al-kboJtl,
wbo solJ:
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) ls Lhe MasLer of
1he people asked 8asoolAllah (saw), Are you noL Lhe MasLer of Arabs?"
8asoolAllah (saw) replled:
l am Syedul Aulad Adam (as) (masLer of manklnd) and All (asws) ls Syedul
Arab (masLer of arabs). Allah loves Lhose who love All (asws) and follow
hlm, and Allah guldes Lhem Lo Lhe rlghL paLh. Allah makes deaf and bllnd
Lhose who flghL hlm and hold anlmoslLy Lowards hlm.
All (asws)'s haq ls my haq, and followlng hlm ls followlng me, excepL LhaL
Lhere ls no propheL afLer me. 1hose who abandon hlm abandon me, and
Lhose who abandon me abandon Allah.
l am Lhe clLy of knowledge and All (asws) ls Lhe door of Lhe clLy. Pow ls lL
posslble for anyone Lo be gulded Lo aradlse excepL Lhrough Lhls door? All
(asws) ls Lhe besL of manklnd. 1hose who deny Lhls are kaflrs
Ghayato| Maram S43 n30. Amaa|| A|-Sadouq 317 n11. Amaa|| of 1ous|
V2 4S h21. 8|har A|-Anwar V40 200 n2

Hadith Number 95

ol Oozl Abo MobommoJ nosoo lbo MobommoJ lbo Moso oottoteJ ftom
All lbo 1boblt, wbo oottoteJ ftom nofs lbo umot, wbo oottoteJ ftom
obyo lbo Iofot, wbo oottoteJ ftom AbJol kobmoo lbo lbtoblm, wbo
oottoteJ ftom Mollk lbo Aoos, wbo oottoteJ ftom Nofl', ftom AbJollob,
wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
Allah accepLs Lhe salaL (prayers, Lhe saum (fasLlng), and Lhe acLs of Lhose
who love All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as).Pe responds Lo Lhelr suppllcaLlons.
8eware! Allah glves Lhose who love All (asws) one clLy ln aradlse for
every veln ln Lhelr body
8eware! 1hose who love Lhe lamlly of 8asoolAllah (saw) are safe from
Lhe Pasab (accounLablllLy), Meezan (scale), and SlraL (brldge).
8eware! l guaranLee Lhose who love Lhe lamlly of 8asoolAllah (saw) a
place ln [annah where Lhe propheLs reslde.
8eware! 1hose who dle whlle havlng haLred Lowards Lhe lamlly of
8asoolAllah (saw) wlll have Lhe followlng wrlLLen beLween Lhelr eyes on
Lhe uay of !udgmenL, no hope for Lhe Mercy of Allah."
Ghayato| Maram S80 n28 8|har A|-Anwar V27 p120 n100. Manaqeb of
khawarezm| 32. Maqta| A|-nussa|n of khawarezm| V1 40. kashf A|-
Ghomma V1 104. Irshad A|-o|oub 23S. Lesan A|-M|zan VS 62.
Iaraed A|-Semtayn V2 2S7 nS26. Lhqaq A|-naqq V7 161. Ar[aho|
Ma1a||b S26. A'|aam A|-Deen 284.

Hadith Number 96

lmom MobommoJ (osws) lbo All (osws) ol 1opl oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet
(osws), wbo oottoteJ ftom lmom Moso (osws) lbo Iofot (osws), wbo
oottoteJ ftom bls fotbet (osws),wbo oottoteJ ftom lmom MobommoJ
(osws) lbo All (osws) ol 8oplt, wbo oottoteJ ftom lotlmo (so) Jooqbtet of
lmom nossolo (osws), wbo oottoteJ ftom bet fotbet lmom nossolo (osws)
lbo All (osws), ooJ ftom bet oocle, lmom nosoo (osws) lbo All (osws), wbo
oottoteJ ftom Ameetol Momloeeo, All (osws) lbo Abl 1ollb (os), wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald:
When l enLered [annah, l saw some dlfferenL coloured horses under a
Lree LhaL was decoraLed wlLh [ewels. l saw hur al een ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe
Lree, and l saw 8lzwan on Lop of Lhe Lree. l asked !lbrael (as) whose Lree lL
Pe (!lbrael as) replled:
lL belongs Lo your cousln, All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as). When Allah orders
Pls creaLures Lo enLer aradlse, Lhe Shla of All (asws) wlll be broughL Lo
Lhls Lree. 1hey wlll adorn Lhemselves wlLh Lhe [ewels of Lhls Lree and
Lhey wlll rlde Lhe dlfferenL coloured horses. 1hen Lhe crler wlll call,
'1hese are Lhe Shla of All (asws). 1hey were paLlenL when Lhey were ln Lhe
world, so Lhey are belng rewarded wlLh generoslLy Loday.'
Ghayato| Maram 19 n22. 8|har A|-Anwar V27 120 n101. A|-aqeen
63. Manaqeb khawarezm| 32. Maqta| A|-nussa|n (asws) of
khawarezm| V1 40. M|sbah A|-Anwar p61. A'|am A|-Deen 28S

Hadith Number 97

Abo notolto (lo) oottotes.
l was wlLh 8asoolAllah (saw) when All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as) enLered.
8asoolAllah (saw) asked me, C Abu Puralra (la), do you know who Lhls
l sald, ?es, C 8asoolAllah. 1hls ls All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)."
1hen 8asoolAllah (saw) sald, 1hls (All (asws)) ls a sea full of Lreasures. Pe
ls Lhe rlslng sun. Pe ls more generous and glvlng Lhan Lhe rlver of
LuphraLes, hls hearL ls larger Lhan Lhe enLlre world. May Allah's curse be
on Lhose who haLe hlm."
kanz A|-Cmma| 62. 8|har V27 227 n29.

Hadith Number 98

Ioblt lbo AbJollob Al-Aosotl oottotes.
l was slLLlng wlLh 8asoolAllah (saw) when All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as)
came. 8asoolAllah (saw) broughL hlm close, and wlped hls (All's ) forehead
wlLh hls aba (cloak) and sald, C Abal Pasan asws), shall l Lell you Lhe
good news LhaL !lbrael (as) gave me?"
All (asws) replled, ?es, C 8asoolAllah (saw)."
8asoolAllah (saw) sald: 1here ls a well ln aradlse called 1asneem."
1wo rlvers emerge from lL and Lhey are so large LhaLall of Lhe shlps of Lhe
world can sall on Lhem. 1here are several Lrees on Lhe shores of
1asneem." 1helr branches are pearls and coral, and Lhe grass Lhere ls
saffron. ulrecLly ad[acenL Lo Lhe Lrees, Lhere are people slLLlng on chalrs
made of noor on Lhelr foreheads, wrlLLen ln noor, ls '1hese are Lhe
bellevers (momlneen), Lhese are Lhe lovers of All (asws) lbn Abl 1allb (as).'
8urhan V4 440 n10. Ghayato| Maram S86 n78.

Hadith Number 99

Al-Mooofl lbo 2okotlyyo Abol lotoj oottoteJ ftom MobommoJ lbo AbmoJ
lbo Abl 1bolj, wbo oottoteJ ftom nosoo lbo MobommoJ lbo 8obtom, wbo
oottoteJ ftom osof lbo Moso Al-Oottoo, wbo oottoteJ ftom Iotolt, wbo
oottoteJ ftom loltb, wbo oottoteJ ftom MojoblJ, wbo oottoteJ ftom lbo
Abbos (to), wbo solJ.
8asoolAllah (saw) sald, lf all Lhe Lrees were pens, and all Lhe seas were
lnk, and all Lhe !lnn were counLers, and all of manklnd were wrlLers, Lhey
would noL be able Lo counL Lhe glorlous aLLrlbuLes of All (asws) lbn Abl
1allb (as)."
kanz A|-Cmma| 128. Manaqeb khawarezm| 2. kefayato 1a||b 2S1.
Iaraed A|-Semtayn V1 16. Lesan AL-M|zan VS 62. M|zan AL-L'teda| V3
467. 8|har A|-Anwar V4 70 n10S. kashf A|-Ghomma V1 n111. A|-
1araef 138 n216. ne|yato| Abrar V1 289. anabee' A|-Mawaddah
121. Ghayato| Maram 493 n1. Manaqeb khawarezm| 23S. Ar[ah A|-
Ma1a||b 11. kashf A|-naq V1 108. Arbaeen A|-khoza'ee n38. M|sbah
A|-Anwar p121. 1awee| A|-Ayat 888 n13. Mawaddat A|-urba SS.

Hadith Number 100

8asool Allah (saw) sald:
Pasan (asws) was named Al-Pasan (beneflcenL) because Allah kepL Lhe
skles from falllng on earLh wlLh Pls 8eneflcence. All (asws) and Pasan
(asws) are boLh names whlch are derlved from Allah's names, and
Pussaln (asws) ls a derlvaLlve of Pasan (asws).
Mad|nato| Ma'a[|z 202 n4 and 238 n8. ne|yato| Abrar V1 499. 8|har
V43 2S2. 'Awa|em 16. Manaqeb Ibn Shahr Ashoub V3 166


As ollowers o Masoomeen ,asws,, we hae been ordered by Allah to spread
lis commands to those "who were not present". I one hears o the
command o Allah and does not coney it to others, then no excuse will be
accepted rom him and he will be thrown into hell. It is wajib upon all to
coney the message o wilayat e Ali ,asws, as this is the command o Allah.
loweer there are so ew books o hadiths and sayings o Masoomeen ,asws,
that hae been translated that it makes it ery diicult or momineen to share
the words o Masoomeen ,asws, with others. \e hope that our mission will
not only make it easy or momineen to ulill their duties and obey the
command o Allah to spread wilayat e Ali ,asws,, but that we will hae also
ulilled our obligation in spreading this command o Allah and gained the
pleasure o Masoomeen ,asws, instead o 1heir anger. \e pray that not only
will our iman and mariat be increased but that o eery person as well. \e
pray to our Imam ,ats, to help us and guide us so that we do not go astray
and do not lose sight o our true mission which is,

5preodinq the true re/iqion of 4//oh
wi/oyot e 4/i {osws)

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