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TRGEN Important Point Source Tree Path 53: /home/USR/TNZI_6_6_1_SR1/ADTEL Trgen Dir Structure MACH7IPG/oss/trgen/ PS Side Change 1) Node

Info 2) Time Synch (DoAction) 3) Modify System Parameter Message Accounting Flag MRR Life Site Name Primary Ip Skip List Sec Ip Skip List Trgen suicide 4) Modify AHD State Soft Restart (pkill -9 dmfr) Reboot (reboot) Shutdown (shutdown -h now) Trgen Handling Timeout Event\ Awit Cfg Timeout Granularity Tick Pending Granularity Tick Modify State Timeout

Granularity Tick Tmout Handling Pull Mrr from dmach7 boxes Insert mrr entry into database (TB_MRR) Calculate number of flows possible for these MRR entry Now do query for each flow and prepare TMP UMR data and insert into TB_TMP_UMR After this processing free TB_MRR table update ps timestamp If we meet the criteria to update UMR file insert UMR data from TB_TMP_UMR into

TB_UMR and also dump UMR data into UMR file which is used by user. TRGEN Script File MACH7IPG/oss/trgen/bin This file contains different keys used for filtering MRR data. This file map GT digits with name in UMR files given by user if no mapping present then GT digits will be dumped in UMR file TRGEN DB Tables MACH7IPG/oss/db-scripts/msg-acct TB_TRGEN TB_MRR TB_TMP_UMR TB_UMR

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