Learn For The Almighty, Teach For The Almighty, Serve For The Almighty

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In His Name the Most High By-Laws of the Debating Society of Husayni Madrasah Boys Section

Learn for the Almighty, Teach for the Almighty, Serve for the Almighty
Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 1

In His Name the Most High By-Laws of the Debating Society of Husayni Madrasah Boys Section Section 1 Authority of the Debating Society By-Laws The Debating Society By-Laws shall have Authority over all matters relating to the day-to-day activities of the Society. 1.1 The Debating Society of Husayni Madrasah shall have two sets of independent By-laws, one for the boys side and one for the girls side. 1.2 - No By-Law of the Debating Society of Husayni Madrasah shall in any way, contradict the constitution of the Debating Society of Husayni Madrasah. Section 2 Managing Committee Responsibilities 2.1- Debating Society Room

2.1.1 - The responsibilities of the Room Coordinator are: - Being overall in charge of the Room maintenance including cleanliness, organization and also ensuring that all items in the DS room are well preserved. The room coordinator is responsible to handover the logo, flag, and first aid kit to all event coordinators and /or sub-committee chairmen to be used in their events and also to ensure the abovementioned items are returned safely. (i.e making sure to follow up Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 2

with the respective event coordinators and/or sub-committee chairmen). - Clearly recording and presenting inward and/or outward movement of any item from the DS room at the weekly Managing Committee meeting - Making sure the contents (with their expiry dates) of the first aid kit are updated monthly. - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and / or the Patronage. 2.2 Publicity Sub Committee 2.2.1 - The responsibilities of the Publicity SC Chairman Chairing the Publicity Sub-Committee - Representing the Debating Society, whenever necessary, by speaking on its behalf in conjunction with the DS President. - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and / or the Patronage. Being finally responsible for all issues relating to the Publicity Sub committee. 2.2.2 Responsibilities of the Publicity Sub-Committee Preparing and sending to the Secretary General all posters and/or announcements requiring approval of the KSI Jamaat DSM Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 3

Secretariat within three (3) days of receiving approval from the managing committee. - Writing and posting notices, posters, banners, reports and advertisements for ALL DS events and publications within two (2) days of receiving approval from the Jamaat Secretariat. Making sure that photographs of all DS Managing and Sub committee events are taken. Make the event photographs available for publication (knowledge, website and social networking sites) with in two (2) days of the event. Publicize events reports within 3 (three) days of receiving it from the respective Sub Committees (if it is a sub committee event) and/or the event coordinator (if it is a managing committee event). A non-exhaustive list of mediums to be used for publicity follows in the subsequent clauses. For more media please refer to the coordinators handbook. DS Notice board in the Madrasah building Library Notice board in the Madrasah building Tabligh Notice board in the mosque compound Media room PowerPoint slides 2.3 Knowledge Sub Committee Bulletin / Magazine / Special Publications 2.3.1 - The responsibilities of the Knowledge SC Chairman Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 4 Chairing the Knowledge Sub-Committee - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage. Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the patron in-charge within 3 days after the termination of sales. - Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the Web and Publicity Sub committees after approval of the patron in-charge within 2 days of the approval. Ensuring that the bulletin has been checked for mistakes, factual or otherwise, before publication; and that the bulletin is not sold with any major errors contained within. Being finally responsible for all issues relating to the Knowledge Sub committee. 2.3.2 - Responsibilities of the Knowledge Sub-Committee - Release a Knowledge publication every Islamic (Lunar) month. - Produce a minimum of one quiz every Islamic (Lunar) month. - All publications have to be sent to the other Madaris/Jamaats for sale on the same date of release as in Dar-esSalaam. (As and when possible)

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Page 5 Making sure that any contributions from other Madaris/Jamaats is included in the monthly publication. (As and when possible.) Appointing a liaison officer to represent Debating Society Knowledge publications to other Madaris/Jamaats with the approval of the patron in-charge (as and when possible.) - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage.

2.4 Web Sub Committee

2.4.1 - The responsibilities of the Web SC Chairman Chairing the Web Sub-Committee Approving / ignoring (as appropriate) all friend requests on the social networking sites. Being finally responsible for all issues relating to the Web Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 6

Sub committee. - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patron. 2.4.2 - Responsibilities of the Web Sub-Committee 2.4.3 Continually updating the official Debating Society website www.debatingsociety.org

2.4.4 - Update status a minimum of twice a week on all DSs social networking sites. 2.4.5 - Upload photographs of ALL DS events on social networking sites and the official DS website, within three (3) days of receiving it from the publicity Sub Committee. 2.4.6 - Upload DS event reports on all DS social networking sites and the official DS website, within two (2) days of receiving it from the respective Sub Committees (if its a sub committee event) and/or the event coordinator (if its a managing committee event).

2.4.7 - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage.

2.5 Sports Sub Committee Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 7

2.5.1 - The responsibilities of the Sports SC Chairman Chairing the Sports Sub-Committee - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage. Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the patron in-charge within 3 days of the termination of the event. - Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the Web and Publicity Sub committees after approval of the patron in-charge within 2 days of the approval. Being finally responsible for all issues relating to the sports Sub committee. 2.5.2 - Responsibilities of the Sports Sub-Committee - Coordinate a minimum of one physical and/or outdoor sporting event every month. (E.g. Football, basketball, swimming etc) A sporting event shall be defined as all forms of competitive physical activity which aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and forming social relationships. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 8 For the purposes of Clause, board games and/or Fun-Night shall not fulfill the requirement with the exception of Badminton. - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage.

2.6 House Sub Committee

2.6.1 - The responsibilities of the House SC Chairman Chairing the house Sub-Committee - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage. Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the patron in-charge within 3 days of the termination of the event. - Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the Web and Publicity Sub committees after approval of the patron in-charge within 2 days of the approval. Being finally responsible for all issues relating to the house Sub committee. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 9

2.6.2 - Responsibilities of the House Sub-Committee - Coordinate a minimum of one event every month to harness an atmosphere of positive competitiveness between House Ammar (house A) and house Bilal (House B). Events organized by the Managing Committee and/or other sub-committees shall not fulfill the requirement mentioned in Clause - Must make sure the number of points with description of Houses Ammar and Bilal are posted on the DS Notice Board /cabinet once in two weeks. Award the house trophy to the winning house after salaat on the last Wednesday of the Gregorian month. Ensure that the winning house is recognized in the up coming Knowledge publication. Maintain the house trophy in the winning house cabinet for the particular month. - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage.

2.7- Fun-Night coordinator Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 10

2.7.1 - The responsibilities of the Fun-Night Coordinator are: - Be present in every Fun-Night / Islamic Theatre. - Make sure all movies have been viewed by a religious Authority after being edited, before showing it in Fun-Night. A religious authority for the purposes of Clause shall be any person that the community at large considers to be knowledgeable in matters of religion and that said person is willing to take the responsibility of the contents of the movie to be shown. In case any series are shown at either Fun-night or Islamic theater, a written review must be part of the poster. (As and when possible) Being responsible for the safe-keeping of all equipment used in Fun-Night. Bringing to the attention of the Patronage any person(s) that is being disruptive to the overall atmosphere of Fun-Night / Islamic Theatre. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 11 Ensuring that items have been procured for sale during Fun-Night / Islamic Theatre breaks. - Overall in charge of Fun-Night / Islamic Theatre. - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage.

2.8 Spiritual Sub committee 2.8.1 - The responsibilities of the Spiritual SC Chairman Chairing the spiritual Sub-Committee - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage. Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the patron in-charge within 3 days of the termination of the event. - Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the Web and Publicity Sub committees after approval of the patron in-charge within 2 days of the approval. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 12 Being finally responsible for all issues relating to the spiritual Sub committee. 2.8.2 - Responsibilities of the Spiritual Sub-Committee - Coordinate a minimum of one event every lunar month. Post a minimum of one article for every occasion in the Islamic Calendar at the Tabligh notice board every week, after approval of the patron in-charge. However if there are less than 2 occasions during any given week than any two Islamic articles can be posted. Islamic article for the purposes of Clause shall be defined as any article dealing with Islamic history; Islamic current affairs; Islamic Jurisprudence of His Holiness the Grand Ayatuallah Ali Al Husayni Al Sistani, biographies of past and/or current Islamic personalities; transcripts of speeches of popular figures in the Islamic world. Ensuring that the patron in-charge signs all papers before they are put up on the Tabligh board. - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage.

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2.9 - Astronomy Sub committee 2.9.1 - The responsibilities of the Astronomy SC Chairman Chairing the Astronomy Sub-Committee - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage. Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the patron in-charge within 3 days of the termination of the event. - Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the Web and Publicity Sub committees after approval of the patron in-charge within 2 days of the approval. Being finally responsible for all issues relating to the astronomy Sub committee. 2.9.2 - Responsibilities of the Astronomy Sub-Committee - Coordinate a minimum of one astronomical event every month. Ensuring that all events have an Islamic perspective that is explored at length.

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Page 14 Ensuring that an astronomy expert participates either as a lecturer and or a presenter in least one of every three events organized. - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage.

2.10 - Welfare Sub committee 2.10.1 - The responsibilities of the welfare SC Chairman Chairing the welfare Sub-Committee - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage. Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the patron in-charge within 3 days of the termination of the event. - Being responsible for submitting event / publication reports to the Web and Publicity Sub committees after approval of the patron in-charge within 2 days of the approval. Being finally responsible for all issues relating to the welfare Sub committee. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 15

2.10.2 - Responsibilities of the Welfare Sub-Committee - Coordinate a minimum of one event every month. Ensure that donation drives are carried out at least once in every three months in the Madrasah. - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage. 2.11 - Discipline Sub Committee 2.11.1 - A discipline Sub committee shall be formed to monitor the discipline of all Debating Society Managing and Sub committee members. 2.11.2 - The discipline committee will include the following members: Chief Justice Honorary Member Secretary SC Associate Justices (Chair) (Appointed by the Patronage) (Appointed by the MC) (Appointed by the respective SC)

2.11.3 - Its mandate will include making sure that all members are strictly following and adhering to the Madrasah discipline handbook, the D.S Constitution and the D.S by-laws. 2.11.4 - The quorum of the discipline sub committee meeting shall be five (5) including the chair 2.11.5 - A high level of integrity will be expected of the members of the Discipline Committee because they will have access to sensitive documents concerning students of HMBS. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 16 All members of the Discipline Committee (i.e. Chief Justice, Honorary Member, Secretary and all associate Justices) must take the oath mentioned in Clause in front of the full Managing Committee and at least two Patrons before they are allowed to sit in Discipline Committee meetings. The oath for Discipline Committee members shall be: In the name of the Almighty, he who punishes the wrong-doers, I [name of oath taker] promise to always be fair in my actions relating to the Discipline Committee. I understand, keeping the Almighty in my mind, that I shall have to vote on matters related to people I interact with. I promise, standing before you under the watchful eyes of the Almighty, to always vote fairly and to not let friendships or enmity interfere with my decisions. I am aware that I shall be held accountable on the Day of Judgment and that I shall always strive to be truthful. I will not betray the trust that has been given to me. I shall do my best to be just. So help me my Lord. 2.11.6 - Discipline committee members are expected to maintain a high level of discipline at all times, be it within or without Madrasah, especially during events organized by the Madrasah Management and/or the Debating society. 2.11.7 Expanded responsibilities of the Chief Justice Chairing the Discipline Sub-Committee - To be responsible for duties allocated by the Managing Committee and/or the Patronage. Being finally responsible for all issues relating to the Discipline Sub committee. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 17 Making sure that all approved amendments (additions) to the constitution and bylaws are properly placed in the constitution and the bylaws respectively Making sure that all members of the discipline committee are made aware of the new amendments (additions) to the constitution and the bylaws. Making sure that the voting keypads and their software are well-maintained and that every Managing Committee member is given his keypad at the start of the meeting and after reconvening from the namaaz break and the member returns the said keypad before the start of the namaaz break and dua-e-wahdah. 2.11.8 Negligence of Responsibility by MC Executive Members. Any negligence of responsibility by DS President, DS Vice President of Internal Affairs, DS Vice President of External Affairs, DS Chief Justice, DS Principal Treasurer and/or DS Secretary General, shall in addition to other laws, be governed by Clause 2.11.8 and its subsidiaries. All members of the Debating Society of Husayni Madrasah are required to promptly inform the DS Chief Justice of any negligence of responsibility by any executive member of the The Chief Justice must ensure that an e-mail is sent to the official e-mail address of the offending executive member highlighting his offence and that the said mail is CCed to the official e-mail address of the DS Patronage. The same procedure should be followed when the verdict is reached by the discipline committee. Executive members must ensure that a form for the negligence is filled before the start of the immediate Discipline Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 18

Committee meeting following the offense. Failure to do so will result in a No-Show. All forms for negligence of responsibility by any of the executive member must be judged at the next immediate meeting following the submission of the form. They can under no circumstances be postponed. Executive members must ensure that all written administrative forms fully explain their reasons so as to give all the required information to the Discipline Committee members. Failure to do so will result in an invalid judgment. The Discipline Committee is not permitted to postpone the judgment of a form based on a lack of sufficient information. All administrative forms judged under Clause 2.11.8 must be brought up for voting with the following motion: Keeping in mind the oath taken at the start of our terms, we find the reasoning presented by [name of executive member] in case [number of case] to be valid. All administrative forms judged under Clause 2.11.8 must have the approval of at least 50% of members present, or at least four members, whichever number is greater, to be deemed valid. The names of all members present and their voting patterns must be recorded in the minutes and sent to the Patronage. Abstentions in these motions not permitted. The Chief Justice and the Honorary Member shall have no vote on administrative forms judged under Clause 2.11.8. - In case of a tie, the Honorary Member shall decide the outcome of the vote. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 19 The Chief Justice must announce the results of all administrative forms judged under Clause 2.11.8 at the start of his weekly updates in the Managing Committee meetings. In case the Chief Justice is found to be negligent of his responsibilities (within Clause 2.11.8 or otherwise), the Honorary Member and the Secretary of the Discipline Committee together shall ensure that the above is carried out. Section 3 - Discipline 3.1 General Disciplinary issues 3.1.1 - If any disciplinary, negligence, tardiness and absenteeism issue is raised regarding any DS member, a DS administrative form must be issued to the member and be filled in by the member in question and be submitted to the disciplinary committee for deliberations. 3.1.2 DS administrative forms can also be voluntarily filled in by a particular member as a notification and/or an apology in case of tardiness and absenteeism and be submitted to the discipline committee for deliberations. 3.1.3 If a disciplinary, negligence, tardiness and absenteeism issue is raised regarding any DS member and the member has not yet filled in a DS administrative form; the form must be issued to him. DS administrative forms must be issued by the Chief Justice. The President can however instruct the Chief Justice to issue any member a form. In relation to the sub committees, concerning disciplinary, tardiness and Absenteeism issues, administrative forms must be Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 20

issued by the associate Justice and or the respective sub committee chairman. 3.1.4 The administrative forms shall be color coded in the following manner: A form that is voluntary filled either as a notification or apology and is related to either tardiness or absenteeism shall be white in color A form that is issued to any member and/or is related to any disciplinary or negligence issue shall be pink in color. 3.1.5 Any disciplinary, negligence, tardiness and Absenteeism issue that is raised regarding any DS member from 12:30 pm on any one Saturday till 12:29pm the following second Saturday has to be brought for deliberation to the discipline committee by that second Saturday. 3.1.6 - All administrative forms have to be submitted to the Chief Justice by Saturday 12:30pm if soft copy and 1:45pm if hardcopy if it is to be deliberated on the same day. 3.1.7 - Any administrative forms (disciplinary, apology, negligence and issued) apart form notifications that come in after the timings mentioned in section 3.1.6 shall be automatically deemed as noshow. 3.1.8 - Once an administrative form is submitted to the disciplinary committee for deliberation by means of majority voting, the committee shall adhere to the following outcomes: Declare a valid verdict Declare an invalid verdict

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Page 21 - Postpone a verdict for a maximum of one week (unless clause 2.11.8 has been invoked.) - Call the member in question for a physical appearance latest by the following weekly meeting. (unless clause 2.11.8 has been invoked.) Although the reasoning would normally justify an invalid verdict the committee can declare a valid verdict with a warning, but this shall be carried out only once per member every six months. (Unless clause 2.11.8 has been invoked) For whatever reason, if an administrative form is either not filled by a particular member or the member in question does not fill in the written explanation and does not show up physically for the explanation, his form shall be deemed as a No Show All No Shows on an administrative form shall be automatically deemed as Invalid 3.2 - Tardiness issues 3.2.1 - Tardiness (Lateness) or unpunctuality Tardiness is defined as reaching the happening after it has commenced till its Halfway or midpoint after which it will be considered as absent. However this definition does not apply to Madrasah for which the disciple handbook should be referred to. 3.2.2 - Validity of the reason will be determined by: In Madrasah - As stipulated by the discipline hand book;

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Page 22 - At Weekly meetings - By the Debating Society Discipline Committee - Fun Night - By the Debating Society Discipline Committee Events (including preparatory and clean up sessions) - By the Debating Society Discipline Committee. - For managing committee events the reasoning has to be brought to the Managing committees knowledge. For sub committee events the reasoning has to be brought to the particular sub committees knowledge. 3.2.3 - If the reasoning is determined to be invalid by the discipline committee the following number of times per term in office as mentioned below will lead to potential dismissal: - At Madrasah Ten (10) times - At Fun Night Three (3) times At Weekly Meetings Five (5) times - At Events Three (3) times 3.3 - Absenteeism 3.3.1 - Validity of the reason will be determined by: In Madrasah - As stipulated by the discipline hand book; - At Weekly meetings - By the Debating Society Discipline Committee - Fun Night - By the Debating Society Discipline Committee Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 23 - Events (including preparatory and clean up sessions) - By the Debating Society Discipline Committee. - For managing committee events the reasoning has to be brought to the Managing committees knowledge and physical appearance can be requested by either side. For sub committee events the reasoning has to be brought to the particular sub committees knowledge. 3.3.2 - If any member is absent in five (5) meetings with a valid reason, the committee with the blessing of the patron will have to reconsider his membership. 3.3.3 - If the reasoning is determined to be invalid by the discipline committee the following number of times per term in office as mentioned below, it will lead to potential dismissal: - At Madrasah Five (5) times Note: All the above are in addition to any action that might be taken by the HMBS Management - At weekly meetings Three (3) times - Fun night Two (2) times Sub committee Events Two (2) times Managing committee Events One (1) time (includes preparatory and clean up sessions) Section 4 Events 4.1 Managing Committee Events Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 24

4.1.1 - All events organized by the Debating Society must have prior approval of all of the following: - The Managing Committee - The Patronage - The H.M.B.S Management 4.1.2 - Any event must be discussed by the Managing Committee four (4) weeks prior to the date of the event. 4.1.3 - In certain circumstances, events can be approved in short notice with approval of the lead patron. 4.1.4 - For all events a coordinator / assistant coordinator must be appointed by the Managing Committee: - Voluntarily - with Patronages approval - Nominated by the MC - with Patronages approval - Selected by the President - With Patronages approval 4.1.5 - The coordinator in collaboration with the President is responsible for all activities before, during and especially after the event. 4.1.6 - The coordinator will be issued with The Coordinators Handbook, by the Patron in charge on the approval of the event by the Managing Committee. 4.1.7 - The Coordinators Handbook has to be handed in fully filled Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 25

back to the Patron in charge before the start of the postmortem meeting. 4.1.8 - If due to any reason the coordinator is not willing or is unable to continue with the organizing of the event, the President shall become the default coordinator. However if time permits the Managing Committee and/or the president will appoint another coordinator with the prior approval of the lead Patron. 4.1.9 - If an event is organized in collaboration with another Committee (e.g. literary section), a liaison officer must be appointed by the Managing Committee as outlined in section 4.1.4 and as such the liaison shall also be considered the coordinator of that event. 4.1.10 - The coordinator should delegate the duties to other members (except the President) at least two week prior to the event. 4.1.11 - Regular feedback of duties assigned must be communicated to the coordinator by the members. 4.1.12 - The coordinator shall fully update the Managing Committee in the following weekly meeting. 4.1.13 - No DS member will be allowed to participate in the activities of the event (example - Drama, Quiz, etc.) without the explicit approval of the Patron [Refer to the Minutes of 17th December 2008] 4.1.14 - All letters for sponsorship in cash and / or kind (example the use of a bus, P.A system etc.) must be approved through the Patron in charge and be sent to those concerned two (2) weeks prior to the event. 4.1.15 - The Secretary General shall be responsible for all letters and / or certificates that are to be sent / issued with prior approval of Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 26

the Patron in charge, and should be dispatched no later than two (2) weeks after the termination of the event; however the dispatch can be delayed by explicit approval of the Patron in charge. 4.1.16 - The postmortem and accounts for each event shall take place during the first weekly meeting after the termination of the event; however the postmortem and accounts may be delayed for one week with explicit approval of the Managing Committee and the Patron in charge. 4.1.17 - All request for announcements in the Madrasah have to be submitted to the publicity committee chairman latest by 5:30pm on the day of announcement. 4.1.18 The selling of any publication shall be considered an event. 4.2 Sub Committee Events 4.2.1 - All events organized by the Debating Society sub committees must have prior approval of all of the following: - The Managing Committee - The Patronage - The H.M.B.S Management 4.2.2 - Any event must be discussed by the particular sub Committee four (4) weeks prior to the date of the event, and must be brought to the attention of the Managing committee at least three (3) weeks prior to the date of the event. 4.2.3 - In certain circumstances, events can be approved in short notice with approval of the lead patron. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 27

4.2.4 - For all events a coordinator / assistant coordinator can be appointed by the sub-committee: - Voluntarily - with Patron in charges approval - Nominated by the SC - with Patron in charges approval - Selected by the chairman- with Patron in charges approval 4.2.5 - The coordinator in collaboration with the sub committee chairman is responsible for all activities before, during and especially after the event. 4.2.6 - The coordinator will be issued with The Coordinators Handbook, by the Patron in charge on the approval of the event by the Managing Committee. 4.2.7 - The Coordinators Handbook has to be handed in fully filled back to the Patron in charge before the start of the postmortem meeting. 4.2.8 - If due to any reason the coordinator is not willing or is unable to continue with the organizing of the event, then the chairman shall become the default coordinator. However, if time permits the Sub Committee and/or the chairman will appoint another coordinator with the prior approval of the Patron in charge. 4.2.9 - The coordinator with prior approval of the chairman should delegate the duties to other members of the sub committee at least 2 weeks prior to the event. 4.2.10 - Regular feedback of duties assigned must be communicated to the coordinator by the respective members. 4.2.11 - The chairman shall fully update the Managing Committee in the following weekly meeting. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 28

4.2.12 - No DS member will be allowed to participate in the activities of the event (example - Drama, Quiz, etc.) without the explicit approval of the Patron in charge. 4.2.13 - All letters for sponsorship in cash and / or kind (example the use of a bus, P.A system etc.) must be approved through the Patron in charge and be sent through the secretary general to those concerned two (2) weeks prior to the event. 4.2.14 - The Secretary General shall be responsible for all letters and / or certificates that are to be sent / issued with prior approval of the Patron in charge, and should be dispatched no later than two (2) weeks after the termination of the event; however the dispatch can be delayed by explicit approval of the patron in charge. 4.2.15 - The postmortem and accounts for each event shall take place during the first weekly meeting after the termination of the event; however the postmortem and accounts may be delayed for one week with explicit approval of the sub committee and the Patron in charge. 4.2.16 - All requests for announcements in the Madrasah have to be submitted to the publicity committee chairman latest by 5:30pm on the day of announcement. 4.2.17 - The publishing and selling of any bulletin and/or magazine shall be considered as an event. Section 5 Fun-Night/ Islamic Theatre Section five (5) of the By-laws shall remain in force until such a time when Fun-Night/Islamic Theatre cannot be continued either temporarily or permanently. 5.1 - Fun-Night shall be held every Saturday night.

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5.2 - Fun-Night/ Islamic Theatre will be cancelled on the following occasions only: 5.2.1 - The night of Martyrdom (Wafat) of the Holy Masumeens. 5.2.2 - The night of Birthday (Wiladat) of the Holy Panjatans and the 12th Holy Imam. In the case of other Holy personalities, timing of the mosque and Mehfil Abbas (A.S) should be considered. 5.2.3 - With the explicit approval of either the following: - Patronage - Management of HMBS 5.3 - Any decision to permanently discontinue Fun-Night must be pre-approved by the explicit approval of both the: 5.3.1 - Patronage 5.3.2 - Management of HMBS 5.4 - The Managing Committee will be split into three groups; group A, group B, and group C. In each group there will a minimum of 4 members and each group will be on duty once every three weeks. 5.5 - The fun night coordinator and the President have to be present in every Fun-Night. 5.6 - On duty members in each group will be allocated an area to supervise and are not allowed to leave their designated area without prior permission of the coordinator or the Patron. 5.7 - Fun-Night will officially commence at 8:30pm and will terminate at 10:30pm. The timings of on-duty members will start at 8:00pm and end at 11:00pm. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 30

5.8 - Off-duty members attending Fun-Night will be considered as ordinary students and as such will not be afforded any extra privileges. (Refer to the minutes of 25th October, 2008).

5.9 - If absent, the absentee should find a substitute from within the managing committee and he will be considered as present, however if a substitute is not found, or the substitute also remains absent, than the member on duty will be considered as absent. 5.10 - An On duty member can only substitute with an off-duty member who has the same duty (pool, etc.). [Refer to minutes of 18th April 2009] 5.11 If in case any managing committee meeting ends at or after 7:15pm, on-duty members will be allotted a 45 minute grace period to reach fun-night. Section 6 Debating Society Managing Committee Meetings 6.1 - The Debating Society must hold an official ordinary managing committee meeting at least once a week, including during Madrasah holidays but not including the time of Madrasah examinations. 6.2 Commencement and termination of meetings: 6.2.1 - All meetings must start with the recitation from the Holy Quran and Dua -e- Hujjat (A.S) both whilst standing. 6.2.2 After the completion of clause 6.2.1 the presiding chair shall in standing position read aloud the following:

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Our Lord, we start this meeting hoping to receive your blessing in our endeavor to learn, teach and serve for your pleasure only, Ameen 6.2.3 The presiding chair shall also pray for the safety and long-life of our Maraje, specifically mentioning His Holiness Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani. (this can be carried out before the recitation of dua-e-Wahda) 6.2.4 All meetings shall be terminated by the recitation of Dua-eWahda whilst standing. 6.3 In order to reduce meeting time, the managing committee shall be split into two committees, Internal managing committee and External managing committee 6.4 - Both internal and external managing committees shall hold simultaneous meetings. Once both the meetings are completed, they shall continue the meeting together as combined managing committee. 6.5 The chair of the internal managing committee shall be the vicepresident of internal affairs and the chair of the external managing committee shall be the vice-president of external affairs. 6.5.1 In a circumstance when either of the vice-presidents is not able to attend his respective managing committee meeting, the meeting shall be chaired in sequence of members highlighted in clause 6.9 of these by-laws. 6.6 The DS president shall have the choice of attending either or both the internal and external managing committee meetings. However, whichever meeting the president decides to attend, the presiding chair of that meeting shall step aside and allow the president to continue chairing the meeting. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 32

6.7 - The Debating Society President shall chair all combined managing committee meetings. If he cannot attend the meeting, the Vice-President of Internal Affairs followed by the Vice-President of External Affairs shall preside over It; If neither of these individuals can attend the meeting, the following office bearers shall respectively chair the meeting; Chief Justice, Principal Treasurer, and Secretary General respectively. 6.7.1 - In a circumstance where no office bearer is present, any one Managing Committee member can be elected by majority vote to chair the meeting. 6.8 Length of meetings: 6.8.1 Both the internal and external managing committee meetings must be at least 45 minutes in length from commencement till termination; however they may be reduced by the approval of any one patron. 6.8.2 - The combined managing committee meeting must be at least 45 minutes in length from commencement till termination; however it may be extended by the approval of the president. 6.9 - The classifications of the internal and external managing committees shall be as follows: Internal Managing Committee Vice-President of Internal Affairs Chief Justice Fun-Night Coordinator Room Coordinator House Committee Chairman Sports Committee Chairman Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 External Managing Committee Vice-President of External Affairs Principal Treasurer Secretary General Astronomy Committee Chairman Knowledge Committee Chairman Web Committee Chairman Page 33

Welfare Committee Chairman Publicity Committee Chairman

Spiritual Committee Chairman

6.10 The timings of the Managing committee meetings Committee

Managing (Internal) Managing (External) Managing (Combined)

Saturday Saturday Saturday

Venue DS Room
HMBS Conference B

Commence At 5:30PM 5:30PM

6:15PM (when possible)

DS Room

6.11 - The quorum for all combined managing committee meetings shall be seven (7) members, including the chair. 6.12 The quorum for only internal or external managing committee meetings shall be four (4) members, including the chair. 6.13 The internal and external managing committee meeting shall be minuted and recorded in audio, without fail and shall fall under the supervision of the secretary general when available or any one member selected by the chair. 6.14 - All combined managing committee meetings shall be minuted and recorded in audio, without fail and shall fall under the supervision of the secretary general. 6.15 - Any meeting held outside the weekly timings and/or outside the allocated venue will be denoted as an extraordinary meeting. 6.16 - All meetings must be held within the guidelines of the Shia Ithna-Asheri Faith. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 34

6.17 - The chair of the combined managing committee meeting will be afforded the right to call into voting any issue brought forward by the committee. However, no issue can be brought up for voting in either the internal or external managing committee meetings. 6.18 - The administration of the voting shall be conducted by the Chief Justice. If he cannot attend a meeting, the Vice-President internal affairs shall preside over it. 6.19 - With the exception of the chair, all remaining managing committee members have a right to vote. 6.20 - The chair will be called upon to cast his deciding vote in a circumstance when a tie is declared. 6.21 - The chair, with the approval of the Patron (if present) has the right to expel members from meetings due to misconduct after two explicit warnings (which have to be minuted). 6.22 - Any issue brought forward, passed with majority, in any official combined managing committee meetings, can not be brought up for discussion or change for at least two weeks. 6.23 The president shall be given the right to set the agenda of all the three managing committee meetings. 6.24 During the combined managing committee meeting the chair can be forced to add a special item on the agenda and allow at least a 10 min discussion on it if the item is in a clearly written format and has come through a petition with signatures next to clearly written Names and class of at least 15 HMBS students. 6.25 Approval of the minutes shall only take place in the combined managing committee meeting.

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6.26 - The President or the secretary general (or any member who had been selected to write the minutes) can not endorse or second any minutes that have been brought up for approval.

6.27 In relation to clause 6.9, in the external managing committee meeting the president will appoint any one member to take over the responsibilities and authorities of the Chief Justice. 6.28 In relation to clause 6.9, in the internal managing committee meeting the president will appoint any one member to take over the responsibilities of the secretary general. Section 7 Debating Society Sub Committee Meetings 7.1 All the Debating Society sub committees must hold an official ordinary meeting at least once a week, including during Madrasah holidays but not including the time of Madrasah examinations. 7.2 - The Debating Society sub committee must be chaired by the sub committee chairman. If he cannot attend a meeting, the ViceChairman shall preside over it (where applicable). If both these individuals cannot attend the meeting, the following sub committee members shall chair the meeting; Associate Justice, Treasurer, and Secretary respectively. 7.3 - In a circumstance where no above mentioned members are present, any one sub committee member can be elected by a majority of the members present to chair the meeting 7.4 - The weekly meeting must be at least half hour in length from commencement till termination; however it may be extended by the approval of the Patron in charge if present otherwise with the approval of the Chair. However the meeting can not exceed the time highlighted in clause 7.7 of these by-laws Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 36

7.5 - Commencement and termination of meetings: 7.5.1 - All meetings must start with the recitation from the Holy Quran and Dua -e- Hujjat (A.S) both whilst standing. 7.5.2 After the completion of clause 7.5.1 the presiding chair shall in standing position read aloud the following: Our Lord, we start this meeting hoping to receive your blessing in our endeavor to learn, teach and serve for your pleasure only, Ameen 7.5.3 The presiding chair shall also pray for the safety and long-life of our Maraje, specifically mentioning His Holiness Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani. 7.5.4 All meetings shall be terminated by the recitation of Dua-eWahda whilst standing. 7.6 - All official meetings shall be minuted and recorded in audio, without fail and shall fall under the supervision of the secretary. 7.7 - The timings of the weekly sub-meetings shall be posted on the Madrasah notice board. 7.8 - Any meeting held outside the weekly timings and/or outside the allocated venue will be denoted as an extraordinary meeting. 7.9 - All meetings must be held within the guidelines of the Shia Ithna-Asheri Faith 7.10 .- The quorum for all sub committee meetings shall be three (3) members, including the chair, but if for whatever reason quorum is not met, the DS president and the two DS vice presidents can be counted as members to complete the quorum. However, they shall Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 37

not have the privilege of voting on any issue brought forward in the meeting. 7.11 - The chair will be afforded the right to call into voting any issue brought forward by the sub committee. 7.12 - The administration of the voting will be conducted by the Associate Justice. If he cannot attend a meeting, the Vice-Chairman shall preside over it (where applicable) otherwise any one member can take over the responsibility. 7.13 - With the exception of the Chair, all sub committee members have a right to vote. 7.14 - The chair will be called upon to cast his deciding vote in a circumstance when a tie is declared. 7.15 - The chair, with the approval of the Patron (if present) has the right to expel members from meetings due to misconduct after two explicit warnings (which have to be minuted). 7.16 - Any issue brought forward, passed with majority, in any official Sub Committee meetings, cannot be brought up for discussion or change for at least two weeks. 7.17 The chair shall be given the right to set the agenda of the weekly meeting. 7.18 The chair can be forced to add a special item on the agenda and allow at least a 5 min discussion on it if the item is in a clearly written format and has come through a petition with signatures next to clearly written Names and class of at least 15 HMBS students. 7.19 The chairman or the Secretary can not endorse or second any minutes that have been brought up for approval. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 38

Section 8 Meeting Rules 8.1 - When Meeting time coincides with Salaat time, the meeting must be adjourned at the start of the Azan and a 20 minutes Salaat break be declared; after which time the meeting must resume. 8.2 - If a meeting is taking place in the Madrasah building the salaat must be recited in the building so as to avoid delays in the resumption of the meeting. 8.3 - During the any ordinary and extra ordinary meeting the following rules shall be strictly adhered to by all members of the Debating Society. 8.3.1 - All members are expected to be on time 8.3.2 - Any member who is late will have to ask permission of the chair before joining the meeting 8.3.3 - No member is allowed to leave the meeting without the explicit approval of the chair 8.3.4 - All Committee/executive members have a right to speak 8.3.5 - All Committee/executive members have a right to be heard 8.3.6 - All communications must be addressed ONLY to the chair 8.3.7 - Each member shall sit in his respective position, even if there are other seats available; until he is told to move by either the chair or the patron. 8.3.8 - Only one person shall speak at any given time. 8.3.9 - Absolutely no interruptions will be tolerated. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 39

8.3.10 - Members are not allowed to engage or participate in side conversations 8.3.11 - There shall be no eating during the meeting 8.3.12 - The only liquid allowed to be consumed during the meeting shall be water 8.3.13 - All mobile phone must be on silence; in cases of emergencies (either inbound or outbound) the Debating Society hotline number should be utilized. 8.3.14 - In order to speak the committee/executive member shall raise his complete hand 8.3.15 - A committee/executive member will only speak when recognized by the chair 8.3.16 - All the Committee and Executive members (with the exception of the chair) have right to vote 8.3.17 - The only time the chairman can vote is when there is a tie (this will not apply to the Discipline Sub Committee when Clause 2.8.11 has been invoked.) 8.3.18 - An observer has the right to raise his opinion with the approval and at the discretion of the chair Observers will not be allowed to attend any Discipline Committee meetings. Only members of the Discipline Committee and the Patronage have the right to be present in such meetings. 8.3.19 - Two explicit warnings shall be issued by the chair to any observer, ordinary/ committee/ honorary or executive member who is being a nuisance/disruptive before he shall be removed from the Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 40

meeting. 8.3.20 - No rocking of chairs or tables will be allowed 8.3.21 - All Members must replace their chairs back under their respective tables before leaving the meeting area. 8.3.22 All Members must return their voting keypads to the Chief Justice before the start of the namaaz break and dua-e-wahdah. Section 9 Managing Committee Meeting Procedures 9.0 - All Debating Society Managing Committee meetings MUST follow the following Procedure and the minutes MUST be written in the same format. 9.0.1 - Opening of both the internal and external Meeting by the recitation of the Holy Quran, Dua-e-Hujjat and the dua mentioned in clause 6.2.2 of these by laws 9.1 Internal managing committee meeting 9.1.1 - Fun night update Fun night Coordinator - Attendance (most important) - Announcement of group on duty - Other issues (if any) 9.1.2 - Room updates Room coordinator - Movement of any items in/out during the week - Update on usage of room by any members during the week - Other issues (if any) 9.1.3 - Publicity updates Publicity Chairman - Fun night adequately publicity done or not - Other issues (if any) Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 41

9.1.4 Single internal Sub Committee update: committee Chairman - Date of last event - Date of upcoming event - Other issues (If any) 9.2 External managing committee meeting 9.2.1 - Knowledge Update Knowledge chairman - Date of Last Publication (mention even if repeat) - Date of upcoming Publication (mention even if repeat) - Other issues (if any) 9.2.2 Web update Web Chairman Dates of the status update on social sites in past week - Update on clause 2.4.5 (mention date and event name) - Update on clause 2.4.6 (mention date and event name) - Other issues (If any) 9.2.3 - Individual Sub Committee update: Individual Chairmen - Date of last event - Date of upcoming event - Other issues (If any) 9.3 Combined managing committee meeting 9.3.1 - Update on Issues raised in previous week combined minutes 9.3.2 - Approval of the previous weeks combined minutes by a seconded motion (keeping clause 6.26 of the bylaws in sight) 9.3.3 - Proposed resolutions/amendments (if any, one week prior to the first weekly meeting of the month 9.3.4 -Patrons Pass resolutions/amendments (if any, at the first Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 42

weekly meeting of the month) 9.3.5 - Patronage update Patrons

9.3.6 - Discipline update Chief Justice - Managing Committee attendance update - Managing Committee behavioral Update - Letters received (if any) - Other issues (if any) 9.3.7 - Procedural update - Secretary General - Letters received or sent (if any) - Certificates issued (if any) - Other issues (if any) 9.3.8 - Financial update Principal Treasurer - Float balance - Tabligh balance - Donations (if any) - Managing Committee Event financial update (if any) - Other issues (if any) 9.3.9 Approval of new managing or sub committee events 9.3.10 - Updates of on going managing committee Events (if any) Event Coordinators 9.3.11 - Any Other Business 9.3.12 - Announce preliminary Agenda for next week 9.3.13 - Announce preliminary Meeting date, time and place for next week Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 43

9.3.14 Complete the Meeting by the recitation of Dua-e-Wahda whilst standing

Section 10 Sub-Committee Meeting Procedures 10.1 - All Debating Society Sub-Committee meetings MUST follow the following Procedure and the minutes MUST be written in the same format 10.1.1 - Opening of the Meeting by the recitation of the Holy Quran, Dua-e-Hujjat and the dua mentioned in clause 7.5.2 of these by laws 10.1.2 - Approval of the previous Minutes by a seconded motion (keeping clause 7.19 of the bylaws in sight) 10.1.3 - Update on Issues raised in previous minutes 10.1.4 - Proposed resolutions/amendments (if any) 10.1.5 - Pass resolutions/amendments (if any) 10.1.6 - Patronage update Patron in charge 10.1.7 - Discipline update Associate Justice - Sub Committee attendance update - Sub Committee behavioral Update - Letters received (if any) - Other issues (if any) 10.1.8 - Procedural update - Secretary - Letters received or sent (if any) - Certificates issued (if any) Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 44 - Other issues (if any) 10.1.9 - Financial update Treasurer (if applicable) - Float balance - Donations (if any) - Sub Committee Event financial update - Other issues (if any) 10.1.10 - In case a sub committee does not have following persons: (or are absent) Associate Justice, Secretary and treasurer than their update has to be given by the chairman if applicable. 10.1.11 On going event update: Event coordinator - Date of the event - making of event budget - Other issues (If any) 10.1.12 - Any Other Business 10.1.13 - Announce preliminary Agenda for next week 10.1.14 - Announce preliminary Meeting date, time and place for next week 10.1.15 - Close the Meeting by the recitation of Dua-e-Wahda whilst standing Section 11 Amendments (Including additions) to the By-Laws 11.1 Only Managing and Sub Committee members can propose an amendment to the By-laws 11.2 - All Amendments must be first tabled in a clearly written format at either the Managing committee or any one sub-committee by a member of that particular committee. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 45

11.3 - If a proposed amendment is going to affect only the managing committee than it can be voted on and passed by the managing committee by a majority (50%+1) of members present provided at least one (1) patron is present in the meeting.

11.4 If a proposed amendment is only going to affect a single particular sub-committee than it can be voted on and passed by that sub-committee only by a majority (50%+1) of members present provided the patron in-charge is present in the meeting, but can only come into effect once it is explicitly approved (by signature) of the D.S President. 11.5 In relation to clause 11.4, the DS president has to bring it to the attention of the combined managing committee and it has to be explicitly highlighted in the combined managing committee minutes and the new written by-law(s) have to be handed over to the chief Justice to add to the DS By-laws. 11.6 - If a proposed amendment is going to affect more than one committee than the following procedure must be followed: 11.6.1 The amendment must be submitted in a clearly written format and must first be voted on by a majority (50%+1) of members present by the committee in which it was tabled. This process shall be known as the first round of voting 11.6.2 Once a proposed amendment has passed the first round of voting, it has to be submitted in a clearly written format to the D.S president (at least one week prior) to be tabled for voting at the first weekly combined managing committee meeting of the month. 11.6.3 - During this first combined weekly managing committee meeting of the month, the first order of business after the approval of the previous weeks minutes have to be the proposed amendments. Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 46

11.6.4 - At the time when the proposed amendments are tabled for voting all managing and sub committee members present have an equal right of voting, (one vote per member, except the chair, whose vote shall be called upon in case of a tie) and the amendment(s) have to be voted on by means of majority (50%+1). 11.7 In rare circumstances the DS By-laws can be amended by the DS Patronage without any prior approval or notification to any committee. 11.8 In the case if section 11.7 is invoked the patronage has to bring the amendment to light at the first weekly combined managing committee meeting of the month and it has to be explicitly highlighted in the minutes. 11.9 All Amendments to either the Constitution or the By-laws have to have a reference to the Subcommittee and/or managing committee minutes during which meeting it was passed. 11.10 - Both the first and second round of voting have to be referenced in the following manner (Ref first round name sub committee minutes dated DD/MM/20XX, (and where applicable) second round - managing committee minutes dated DD/MM/20XX) Section 12 Authority of advisors 12.1 All sub committees must have a patronage appointed advisor. 12.2 - Advisors are supposed to act as a mentor by advising, supporting and guiding their respective sub-committee. 12.3 Can instruct the associate justice to issue any member of his respective sub-committee an administrative form. Section 13 Letters of leave Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 47

13.1 All letters of leave have to be addressed to the chief justice of the Debating Society. 13.2 All letters of leave have to be prior approved by signature of either the respective sub-committee chairman in the case of a sub committee member or the president in the case of a managing committee member. 13.3 In case of a sub-committee member, all letters of leave have to be handed in to the chief justice through their respective subcommittee associate justice at least one week prior to the date of leave. 13.4 - In case of a managing committee member, all letters of leave have to be handed directly in to the chief justice at least two weeks prior to the date of leave. 13.5 The template for the letter of leave must be followed. Section 14 General Rules and Regulations 14.1 All Debating Society members who are issued with DS laptops have to bring their laptops to all weekly meetings, for a thorough check up (e.g. History, anti virus etc) by either a designated patron or a patronage appointed person. 14.2 All managing committee meetings have be commenced and terminated by the gavel being struck. 14.3 there shall be no grace period given for meetings

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14.4 - The DS of HMBS will now consist of vice president of internal affairs and the vice president of external affairs. (Managing committee
minutes ( / /2012)) (Please refer to clause 1.2 under notes of these by-laws)

14.4.1 In the absence/leave of the DS president, all presidential responsibility shall fall on the vice-president of the internal affairs and in the absence/leave of both these individuals all presidential responsibility shall fall on the vice-president of external affairs.

14.4.2 - After the president, the vice president of internal affairs will have the overall responsibility for all activities taking place inside every sub-committee and section within the internal managing committee.

14.4.3 After the president, the vice president of external affairs will have the overall responsibility for all activities taking place inside every sub-committee and section within the external managing committee.

14.5 The executive committee members shall have the authority to attend any sub committee meeting, (except the discipline committee) and shall be afforded the right to fulfill quorum and raise their opinion but shall not have voting privileges.

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14.6 - There shall be no eating in the DS room by any Madrasah student or DS member Section 15 e-mails 15.1 All Managing committee members must have an official email identification/address. 15.2 If for some reason he does not or his e-mail is not in a working condition, the member must bring it to the managing committee attention ASAP. 15.3 All Members must check their official e-mail at least twice a week one day being either Friday or Saturday, before the meeting. 15.4 - All emails related to the Debating Society of HMBS have to be CC ed to the patronage@debatingsociety.org address. Notes: 1.0 - Patronage override of the DS constitution

1.1 - Clause14.4 was added by the authority of the DS patronage with the following justification - keeping Article 1.6.2 in sight but Invoking article of the DS constitution which states (The Patronage) will have the right to override all chapters except chapter one of the Debating Society Constitution. The patronage under the lead Patron Aliabbas Manji (2012) have added and redefined article 2.4.1 Office Bearers of the Debating Society and article 5.2 Responsibilities of the Vice-President, however the change will only be applicable to the position of the Vice-President in relation to the Debating Society of HMBS. 2.0 - Approvals of by-laws Last Amended on Feb 02nd, 2012 Page 50

1.2 The second set of by-laws were unanimously approved at the extra-ordinary meeting held at the Babul Ilm auditorium chaired by the DS President (2011/2012) Shabbirali Mussa - on the twelfth (12) of November, 2011, by the following people: Fadhil Alishan Mohammed Mussa Jawadali Mundrawala Mohammedali Jamal Haamid Jafar Ali Versi Sameerali Dhalla Minhaal Meghji Minhaal Nathoo Alihassan Kassam Abbas Virjee Aamir Kanji Mujtaba Gangji Abbas Alidina Ali Manekia Ali Chandoo Sajjad Bhimani

1.3 The third set of by-laws were unanimously approved at the extra-ordinary meeting held at the Babul Ilm auditorium chaired by the DS President (2012/2013) Abbas Alidina- on the second (2) of February, 2012.

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