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DRUG STUDY Name of Patient: Cornelio, Ignacio Physician: Dr. Dalmacio Date/ Shift 01117-11 11-7 Name of Drug/ Drawing Brand name: Paracetamol IVTT Drawing: Classifica tion Room/Bed No: 336 Gender:Male

CRITERIA: Content, Organization, and Accuracy of facts.............. ..65 Drawing..10 Neatness and punctuality10 Reference......10 TOTAL...........85

Age: 43years old Admitting Diagnosis:sutured laceration; CVA Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Dosage/ Mechanism of Action Time/ Route Belongs 300mg/ Zoledronic acid belongs to the class to the every 4 of nitrogen-containing class of hours/ bisphosphonates and acts primarily on bisphosp IVTT bone. It is an inhibitor of osteoclasthonates. mediated bone resorption. The Used in selective action of bisphosphonates the on bone is based on their high affinity treatment of bone for mineralized bone. IV administered diseases. zoledronic acid is rapidly distributed to bone and, like other bisphosphonates, localizes preferentially at sites of high bone turnover. The main molecular target of zoledronic acid in the osteoclast is the enzyme farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) synthase, but

Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, myalgia, arthralgia, bone & back pain, pain in extremities, fever, flulike symptoms, chills, fatigue, asthenia, malaise, rigors.

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Monitor VS before and after administration Monitor fluid intake and output during treatment. Provide water matress to prevent bed sores Encourage the patient to move his extremities slowly Provide calm, clean and quiet environment for faster healing. Instruct patient not to drink alcohol or caffeine during te treatment.

this does not exclude other mechanisms. The relatively long duration of action of zoledronic acid is attributable to its high binding affinity for the active site of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase and its strong binding affinity to bone mineral.

Name of Student: Kristen Kay Granada, SN Reference: Chan, W.M (2006).MIMS 10th Ed. CMPMedia.Philippines. pp16,120,382

Name of the Clinical Instructor: Mrs. Emily Lagura, RN, MN

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