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CHAPTER 11 : LOCOMOTION AND SUPPORT Locomotion And Support in Humans And Animals A. Fill in the blanks. 1.

The ability of an organism to move known as ______________________ 2. A skeletal structure found inside the body of an organism called _______________________ 3. A skeletal structure found outside the body of an organism __________________ 4. The locomotive structures of fish called ______________________ 5. A body cavity filled with fluid that allows movement known as ____________________ 6. A compound of calcium phosphate that made up the skeletal structure is ______________ B. Complete the following graphic organiser 1.
To search the food

[6 marks]

Necessity of locomotion


For muscle attachment

Function of skeletal system

[7 marks]

C. Complete in the mind map of human skeleton. HUMAN SKELETON Consists of Appendicular skeleton

P: _____________

Pectoral Girdle

Q: ____________

Pelvic Girdle

R: ____________

-Skull -Vertebral Columns - _______ - ________

- Scapula - ________

-Humerus -Radius - ________ - Carpals - ________ - ________

- Ischium - _________ - __________

-Femur -________ - ________ - Tarsal - ________ -_________

2. Diagram 1 shows the human skeleton. Label the structure in the diagram.

A: _____________ C:_____________ _. D: _____________ E: ____________. F: _____________ G: _____________ I: _____________. B: ____________. H: _____________

J: _____________ L: _____________ K: _____________

[12 marks]

3. Diagram 2 shows a human vertebral column. Label the structures and state the number of P, Q., R, S and T.

P: Total number of vertebrae = Q:

R: S: T:
Diagram 2 [ 5 marks]

4. Diagram 3 shows a human lumbar vertebra. Label the structures and state its function in the boxes provided.

A: ______________________ D:_______________________ Function: _________________ B: _______________________ E: ______________________ Function: _________________ C:______________________ F: _______________________ Function: _________________. Function: _________________. Function: _________________ Function: _________________

Diagram 3 [ 12 marks]


Score __/__ 11.1/3

WORKSHEET 11.1 : Locomotion And Support in Humans And Animals A. Fill in the blank. 1. The ability of an organism to move known as LOCOMOTION 2. A skeletal structure found inside the body of an organism called ENDOSKELETON
Run away from predators 3. A skeletal structure found outside the body of an organism EXOSKELETON

ii) In 4. The locomotive structures of fish called FINS search of shelter 5. A body cavity filled with fluid that allows movement known as HYDROSTATIC SKELETON iii) To run away from iv) Carry out daily activities B. Complete the following graphic organiser 1.
To search the food

predators 6. A compound of calcium phosphate that made up the skeletal structure is BONE [6 marks]

State 5 main functions of skeleton.

Necessity of locomotion

i) Enable movements
Search for the mate

ii) Provide shape and support

iii) Protects internal search for the shelter organs iv) Produces blood 2. cells
Provide shapecalcium v) Stores and support

and phosphate
For muscle attachment

Function of skeletal system

Protects internal organs Produces blood cells Stores calcium and phosphate

[7 marks]

C. Fill in the mind map of human skeleton. 11.1/4

HUMAN SKELETON Consists of Appendicular skeleton

P: Axial Skeleton

Pectoral Girdle

Q: Forelimb -Humerus -Radius - Ulna - Carpals - Metacarpals - Phalanges

Pelvic Girdle

R: Hind limb -Femur - Tibia - patella - Fibula - Tarsal - Metatarsal - Phalanges

-Skull -Vertebral Columns - sternums - ribs

- Scapula - clavicle

- Ischium - Ilium - Pubis

2. Diagram 1 shows the human skeleton. Label the structures A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K.

A: Skull C: Clavicle D: Scapula E: Humerus F: Radius G: Ulna B: Vertebral column H: Ribs

I: Pelvic girdle

J: Femur L: Fibula K: Tibia.

Diagram 1

3. Diagram 2 shows a human vertebral column. Label the structures and state the
number of P, Q., R, S and T. 11.1/5

P: Cervical Total number of vertebrae = 33


Q: Thoracic

R: Lumbar S: Sacral T: Coccyx 5 4

4. Diagram 3 shows a human lumbar vertebra. Label the structures and state its
function in the box provided.

A: Spinous process D: Vertebral arch

Protects the spinal cord For muscle attachment

B: Facets E: Transverse process

For muscle attachment To articulate or join with another vertebra

C: Neural canal F: Centrum Gives support and able to withstand compression force
To contain spinal cord

Diagram 3


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