Love Does Matter

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February 12, 2012 True Vine Baptist Church Sermon Notes Title: Love does Matter Text: Revelation

2:1-7 We heard the saying You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. This saying proves that Love is factor that matters in everything. Paul believes in the supremacy of love in 1Cor. 13:13 I. Love does matter in service v. 2-4 thou has left thy first love The Results: 1. Thy works 2 Cor. 9:8, Col.1:10 2. Thy labors fruit of labor; pain 3. Thy Patience Gen.29:18-20, 27 4. Thy Faith I john 4:1, 8 Nicolaitans a sect or party of evil influence in early Christianity. Their doctrine was similar to that of Balaam in Rev. 2:14-15 (full account in Numbers 22-24) II. Love does matter in infidelity v.4 left thy first love a. Love is a standard gauge b. God is against in leaving your first love c. Leaving your first love means you are drifting away fallen

III. Love Does matter in restoration v.5 A. Repent (Gk. Metaneo to think differently, reconsider) B. Do the first works (Gk. Protos Order of importance. Priority). Deut. 6:5 Love the Lord with All your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might.

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