CCI SE WI Placement Checklist

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CCI Southeastern Wisconsin: Placement Checklist

Special Preferences Gender Activities Other Country Allergies/Pets Religion (attend w/ family?) Smoker -

Meet the family and fill out an inquiry form. Call/E-mail Area Coordinator to make sure family gets assigned to you. Do preliminary research into the high school make sure they are open and know any deadlines. ___ ___ Open? Continue with the application process / Find out paperwork needed by school. Not open? Suggest a summer or short term placement instead.

Schedule an interview with the family: ___ ___ ___ ___ Take 8 photos / Emulate them and upload those photos for the family. Complete interview form Call 2 references Help them finish / talk them through the application

Match up to four students with them. Present those students to the family. Family chooses a student. Call/E-mail Area Coordinator and request a hold in the database. Find the school on the CCI database. Not there? Add the school to the CCI database. Accept the student for the family. Make sure placement reads Pending LC Approval Go to the school. Submit the required paperwork. Receive a signed high school permission form. Scan the high school permission form and upload it to the database. Call/E-mail your Area Coordinator who will submit the placement for review. Placement is reviewed by the Chicago office, then approved by the Placing organization. Placement is done. Wait one week and then give family their students contact information. LC contacts student after discussions have begun with family. Schedule orientation with family.

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