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Macroeconomic Forecast Mala sia - Asia Monitor

MALAYSIA - MACROECONOMIC FORECASTS 2010 Population, m n 2 Nom inal GDP, US$bn 3 Nom inal GDP, MYR bn 3 GDP pe r capita, US$ 3 R e al GDP growth, % change y-o-y 1,3 Industrial production inde x , % y-o-y, ave 3 Budge t balance , MYR bn 3 Budge t balance , % of GDP 3 C onsum e r price s, % y-o-y, e op 3 C e ntral Bank policy rate , % e op 3 Ex change rate MYR /US$, e op 4 Goods im ports, US$bn 3 Goods e x ports, US$bn 3 Balance of trade in goods, US$bn 3 C urre nt account, US$bn 3 C urre nt account, % of GDP 3 Fore ign re se rve s e x gold, US$bn 3 Im port cove r, m onths g&am p;s 3 Total e x te rnal de bt stock , US$m n 5 Total e x te rnal de bt stock , % of GDP 5 28.4 238.4 766.0 8,393 7.2 7.0 -43.3 -5.7 2.2 2.75 3.06 157.0 198.6 41.6 27.2 11.4 96.4 7.4 68,116.1 28.6 e e 2011 28.9 263.7 820.1 9,136 4.5 1.0 -49.0 -6.0 2.7 3.00 3.17 176.5 218.4 42.0 27.5 10.4 102.9 7.0 69,821.4 26.5 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e La e 5.8 2.7 3.3 3.17 16.1 20.3 4.2 132.9 8.2 Pe iod Q 311 O ct Nov De c O ct O ct O ct Nov Nov 2012 29.3 274.3 871.0 9,356 3.2 1.2 -49.8 -5.7 2.6 2.75 3.20 198.2 237.0 38.8 24.1 8.8 108.4 6.6 71,526.7 26.1 2013 f 29.8 f 309.7 f 936.9 f 10,398 f 4.6 f 4.1 f -55.8 f -6.0 f 2.5 f 3.25 f 2.85 f 222.3 f 259.3 f 36.9 f 22.3 f 7.2 f 114.3 f 6.2 f 73,231.9 f 23.6 f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f

Notes: e BMI estimates. f BMI forecasts. 1 Base Year = 2000; Sources: 2 World Bank/UN/BMI. 3 Bank Negara Mala sia, BMI; 4 BMI; 5 World Bank, BMI.

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