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Native Smart

The earth is full of groups or organizations that care and love for our endangered species of animals. The organizations help, protect, endeavor and save all of our beloved environment and animals. Here are some conservation groups you might want to know! The Rare Species Conservation Centre; they help educate visitors and create awareness of the plight of some of the world s rare and endangered species of animal. Elephant conservation centre; the program is aimed to improve the lives and health of the elephants at the ECC. Ecotourism brings much needed income to the ECC and improves the lives of mahouts and elephants. White Oak Conservation centres; White Oak Conservation Centre provides conservation options for the future by maintaining genetically diverse populations of threatened species in spacious, natural facilities. Wildlife Animal Rescue; wildlife animal rescue conservation organization offers aid to endangered and threatened wildlife and domestic animals around the world. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation; The Australian Government uses the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation to protect and manage threatened, migratory and marine species. Now you maybe you might donate to one of these conservation centre or other different ones!

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