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,d,S#ittid, llr


'rr\1::'*-t' Every cell in our body needs a suPply of oxygen and nutrients. At the same time, carbon dioxide and other waste products produced by the cells mustbe removed. Name the system that carries oxygen, digested food and waste products to all parts of our body,. Humans have a transport svstem called the\blood circulatory sy_q-ten; to transport sub stance s around the body. The biood circrilatory system is made up of the Le4rt, blood vessels and blood. RNING ourcoMEs.


he end of this section, , you will be obb , describe ,,, circulatory system os

to: the

system of tubes ; with o pump snd,' ' volves thot ensure '

Structure of the Human Heart

shon's the struclure of the human heart. A thick wall of tissue divides the human heart into right and left halves. Each half of the heart is further dir ided into hro chambers. The upper chamber is cailed the atrium and the lon er chamber, the ventricle.
F igure 2. 1

I sJdfe fhe fungtian Al,, thehAo;rt.' Ii, , identtfy the sfrud

lftegrt .,, compofe'ahfl 1,rl ilii c o n t r a st fhe sfru.crure,, of ofteries, veinsi ond;':
the'' hu nan


the on*wayflow af,



., t


vena cava

blood vessels

relofe the charoderistics'o{ the

pulmonary artery
pulmonary veins left atrium right atrium

. . . . ;

functions. , i ,,
compore ond contrastll oxygenated and ,'',,, deoxygenated bl ood,,,,

to' th;eir

illustrate the poth o;f ' . bload flow in circulotory system. ':" describe the role of the blood circulatory,


system in the'

tronsport of
left ventricle vena cava subsfonci:s. explain the

importance of mointaining a heolthy heart

right ventricle


Figure 2.1 The structure of the humon heort


The atria and ventricles are separated by valves which prevent the backflow of blood from the ventricles to the atria. Valves are also found at the points where blood leaves _t\e heart- The chambers of the heart are connected to the vena cava, p'ulmonary artery, pulm"onary Vein and aorta which allow blood to flow in and out of the heart.

Management and Continuity of Life


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