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Praise and thanksgiving Praise Allah SWT prayed writer, who has bestowed His mercy
and grace, so that ultimately the writer can accomplish this task properly. The task of writing the
title of the writer take is as follows Sepsis In Infant
The purpose of writing this paper created as one of the task structure of the courses in
Pediatric Nursing. Writing materials taken based on several sources of literature that supports
this writing. The author realizes that without the guidance and encouragement from all sides,
then the writing of this paper will not run smoothly. Therefore, on this occasion, let the writer
expressed his gratitude to: Eviana S. Tambunan, SKp, MKM as mentors material and also as
coordinator of Pediatric In Nursing subject
And all parties who are too numerous to mention here that the realization of this writing.
The author realizes that the writing of this paper is still far from perfect, for it is the author please
criticism and constructive suggestions for the perfection of writing in the future.
Finally, hopefully this paper can be useful and beneficial to us all.

Jakarta, January 2011


A. Background 1
B. Purpose/Objective ..2
C. The Scope of Writing .
D. Method of Writing .

E. Systematic of Writing .3


Basic Concept


1. Definition ..5
2. Anatomy and Physiology .6
3. Etiology....10
4. Pathophysiology ..10
5. Sign and Symptoms/Clinical Manifestation ...14
6. Diagnostic test ........................15
7. Management of Care .................................................................................................15


Nursing Care
1. Assessment ................................................................................................................


2. Nursing

Diagnosis ......................................................................................................19
3. Planning and

Implementation .....................................................................................19
4. Evaluation .................................................................................................................

CHAPTER III CLOSING .............................................................................................................22
REFFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................24

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