Baski Letter of Recommendation Example

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Very rarely people in teaching profession like me come across a student like gulshan Ramesh.

This has been penned down by me to make it very concrete that Mr. Gulshan Ramesh is a very unique and exceptional character in the student community. My relationship with this particular student started when I handled a course on machine drawing for his batch of students. Moreover, Mr. Gulshan was under my guidance for a year fro improving his overall personality. All of this has given me enough opportunity to observe him very closely. My observations have been listed below for your reference. Attitude: Mr. Gulshan is blessed with the positive attitude due to which he has always excelled in academic activity and otherwise Character: This student is highly disciplined, sincere and has pleasing manners. Academic: Constantly Mr. Gulshan has maintained a high grades in academic. Ill rate him in the top 5% amongst approximately 70 students in the class. Intellectual independence: Mr. Gulshan has the capability to complete assigned tasks with minimum guidance that makes him intellectually independent. Communication: This student is good both in oral and written communication. He has the capability to put across ideas very clearly both orally and in written form. Leadership: In team tasks, this student has always emerged as a team leader because of his sincerity and overall multifaceted personality. Computer literacy: Mr. Gulshan is well versed with the following auto cad, pro e Others: Creativity, individuality and hard work have been the style of this student that has always made him to shine. Mr. Gulshan will be an apt student to undergo a graduate program. I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Gulshan for the graduate program he has applied for in your university with full financial aid.

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