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My friend Sarah is going on holiday to Italy. T-Sts How could she get there? Write answers on the board.

Which one is best? Sarah is going by plane. Where will she go first? Put picture on the board. There are two parts of an airport. Put Departure and Arrivals picture on the board What does this sign mean? Give another word for leave? The word used in an airport. DRILL So where will Sarah go? What is the first thing Sarah does at the airport? Where do you leave your suitcase? Put picture on the board. DRILL Train, car, plane, boat. Plane Airport

Take off, Land, leave, arrive Departures Arrivals Departures


Where does Sarah go next? Security Put your bags and shoes in a tray. Walk through metal detector. DRILL

What will Sarah do now? Pub, shopping, toilet, check gate Where can Karen see information about her plane? Depending on answers put picture up now. Departure board What information is on it? Flight number,Time of flight, what gate, on time/delayed Does it say where the toilets are? No DRILL

Put delayed picture up. Are they happy? Why not? plane Another way to say this? DRILL

No They are waiting for their They are delayed

Put gate picture up. What is this? Are you close to or far away from the plane? This is called...? DRILL

Close Gate

Sarahs plane is on time. No delays. The departure board says her gate number is 24. What will Sarah do now? go to the gate Another way to say this? More formal, heard in airports...? Proceed to DRILL What will Sarah do when she gets to the gate? After that? And after that? Put boarding picture up. Another word? Another word? DRILL Put passenger picture up. Sarah is a what on the plane? Is she a pilot? Is she a customer? Another word? They are all? DRILL Sit down Give her passport go to the plane get on the plane board the plane

No No/yes Passenger Passengers

Point at the picture and get Sts to tell me the word. Write the word on the board. DRILL St-St We are going to look at Karens travel plans. In pairs answer the three questions a, b and c. How many questions do you have? Go through answers. Where is Karen now? Where is that?



JFK Airport America

Where is Karen going? Milan/ Italy How many flights will Karen have? Two Why? Is America close to Italy? No. What is the word when you have to change planes? When you have two or more flights you are in transit. Write In transit on the board. DRILL Have you copied? Wipe board Sts Turn over your handout. You have to match the word to the correct meaning. We will do the first one together. In transit means... changing from one plane to another. Monitor Check your answer with the person next to you. Prepare board for group check, a-f, so everyone can see correct answer.

St-St St-T

Airport (n) Departures (n) /tz/ Arrivals (n) /a /

Check-in (n) /t/ Security (n) /k/ Departure board (n)

Delayed (a)

Gate (n) /e / Proceed to (v)

Board (v) Passengers (n) /d/ in transit (n)

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