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Suggested Answers

Exercise 1 Work in a group of five. Imagine that you are planning to hold a 1 Malaysia concept festival party in the school. So prepare a menu that comprises food from various races in Malaysia. Menu Appetizer Dim Sum , Roti Canai , Satay Soup - Tom Yam Soup , Chicken Soup , Tomato Soup Meat Dishes Laksa Penang , Claypot Rise , Briyani Chicken Rice Dessert Bubur Cha Cha , Sweet Dodo , Kuih Lapis

Exercise 5 Hari Raya Aidiladha is a festival of pilgrimage and sacrifice. It is celebrated by Muslims at the end of haj pilgrimage done in Mecca. During the festival, animals will be sacrificed to mark the sacrifice done by Prophet Abraham. The meat is then shared with everyone. On the day, prayers done in the morning while visiting and receiving guest done in the evening. ( 60 words)

Exercise 9 Introduction : School holiday is around the corner inviting you for Mid Autumn Festival will be celebrated grandly in Penang Body : - celebrated on the 8th Month of Chinese Lunar Calendar -Can see mooncakes sold everywhere-Mooncakes -the round shape shows the unity of family according to Chinese faith. -Varieties of mooncakes such as the black bean paste, brownish lotus paste and yellow bean paste -Mooncakes are exchanged by the families of Chinese origin. -On the day of the festival, mooncakes, deep fried chicken, roasted pork, water caltrops, water melon seeds and Chinese tea are given to deities and ancestral spirits on the altar. - Besides that Lantern in many shapes such as..... will be lighted outside the house - Can watch huge lantern parade colourful beautiful Can see Josssticks, red candles and golden joss-paper burnt everywhere. Conclusion - Should not miss it I am sure you will enjoy celebrating it.

Exercise 11 Put the words given in the right box to form a chain of compound nouns. 1. Campfire 2. Firewood 3. Woodwork 4. Workday 5. Daylight 6. Lighthouse 7. Household 8. Holdup 9. Update 10. Dateline 11. Lineman 12. Manpower 13. Powerboat

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