Lovely Professional University, Punjab: Course No Cours Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits

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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials

Course No MGT516


Course Planner 13709 :: Pratish Srivastav

Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits 4 2 0 5

Text Book:

1 Cooper D.R., Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,2007

Other Specific Book:

2 Nargundkar, R., Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dhruv, Grewal, Marketing Research, Biztantra,2005 Gupta, SC, Fundamental of Statistics, Himalaya Publishing House,2009 Malhotra, Naresh, Marketing Research, Pearson 2006 Levin R.I.and Rubin D.S., Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall Publishing Co., New Delhi, 7th Edition. 2004 Bryman, Alan and Emma Bell Bussiness Research Methods, Oxford second edition 2008 Parsuraman et al, Marketing Research, Biztantra, Ed2009 Zikmund W.G.,Business Research Methods, South Western Cengage Learning New Delhi, 7th edition, 2004

Other Reading Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference) 10 Margaret Adolphus, How to carry out a literature review for a dissertation or research paper: part=1

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

11 Principles & Practices of Questionnaire Design: 12 Armitage, A. and Keeble-Allen, D (2008), Undertaking a Structured Literature Review or Structuring a Literature Review: Tales from the` Field. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 13 Javed Iqbal, Impact College,School of Business and Management, Learning from a Doctoral Research Project: Structure and Content of a Research Proposal 14 Teresa Small bone and Sarah Quinton (2004), Increasing business students Confidence in Questioning the Validity and Reliability of their Research, The Electronic Journal of Business Research Metho 15 Survey research design Joseph Janes. Library Hi Tech. Bradford: 2001. Proquest database, Vol. 19, Iss. 4; pg. 419, 3 pgs Relevant Websites Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) 16 17 Salient Features Tips on how to conduct Literature Review Detailed write-up on Research Design

18 Tutorial on sampling m

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Lecture Topic Chapters/Sections of Homework to be Assigned Pedagogical tool Textbook/other to students Demonstration/case reference study/images/anmatio n ctc. planned

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 An introduction to Research: Meaning, Definition. ->Reference :1,Chapter 1 ->Reference :3,Chapter 1 (page 8) ->Reference :1,Chapter 3 ->Reference :2,Chapter 2 ->Reference :7,Chapter 4 ->Reference :1,Chapter 4 (Page 96 102) Case: Dunkin Donuts Versus Krispy Kreme. Reference 8, Pgs. 51-52

Lecture 2

Research Objectives and Research Process.

Lecture 3

Review of Literature in Research writing references/bibliography

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Week 1

Lecture 4

Selection of research problem, understanding problem, necessity of defined problem

->Reference :1,Chapter 4 ->Reference :5,Chapter 2 ->Reference :1,Chapter 2 (pg. 35 45) ->Reference :1,Chapter 18 HomeWork 1 Allocation

Week 2

Lecture 5

Languages of research - Construct, Concept and Variables Hypothesis formulation Hypothesis formulation Research Proposal Writing Research Design: Meaning and Types: Exploratory Research & its design

Lecture 6 Lecture 7 Lecture 8 Week 3 Lecture 9

Case: Nike Chainsaw Ad Reference 8 pg. 362

->Reference :1,Chapter 4 (pg. 84) ->Reference :1,Chapter 6 ->Reference :5,Chapter 3 ->Reference :1,Chapter 6 Term Paper 1 Allocation Case: Consumer Perception of IT Education Reference 2 (pg. 46 - 48)

Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Week 4 Lecture 13

Research Design: Meaning and Types: Descriptive Research & its design Research Design: Meaning and Type: Causal, Experimental Scaling Techniques: Meaning & Types: Primary scales

->Reference :1,Chapter 13 HomeWork 1 Submission

Scaling Techniques: Meaning & Types: Likert scale ->Reference :1,Chapter 13

Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 14 Lecture 15 Scaling Techniques: Meaning & Types: Semantic scales Questionnaire and Instruments ->Reference :1,Chapter 13 ->Reference :1,Chapter 14 HomeWork 2 Allocation Case: Post Launch survey for the Daily Reporter. Reference: Sunannda Easwaran, Marketing Research Oxford 2008, (Pg 225-229) Case: This Study Brought to You By........... Reference 8 (pg. 325 327)

Lecture 16

Questionnaire and Instruments

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Week 5

Lecture 17 Lecture 18 Lecture 19 Lecture 20

Sampling: Probability sampling methods Non Probability sampling and principle steps in a sample survey Determination of sample size: sampling distribution Data preparation and description, Exploring, Displaying, Examining Data preparation and description, Exploring, Displaying, Examining

->Reference :1,Chapter 15

->Reference :1,Chapter 16 ->Reference :1,Chapter 16 Case: Time Inc: Launching New Magazines Reference 8 (pg. 114) Case: Puma Reference 8 (pg. 393) HomeWork 2 Submission

Week 6

Lecture 21

Lecture 22 Lecture 23 Lecture 24 Week 7 Lecture 25 Lecture 26 Lecture 27 Lecture 28

Arithmetic mean Median Mode Dispersion: Mean Deviation Dispersion: Standard Deviation Dispersion: Standard Deviation Revision

->Reference :4,Chapter 5

->Reference :4,Chapter 6

Quiz 1

Week 8 Lecture 29 Correlation: Karl Pearson Method ->Reference :1,Chapter 19 ->Reference :4,Chapter 8

Lecture 30

Correlation: Spearman Method

Lecture 31

Simple Regression: Linear regression in Two variables

->Reference :1,Chapter 19 ->Reference :4,Chapter 9

Case study on Correlation & Regression Reference 2 (pg. 260)

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Week 8

Lecture 32

Testing of Hypothesis: Procedure and relevant terms

->Reference :1,Chapter 18 ->Reference :4,Chapter 16 ->Reference :4,Chapter 19 HomeWork 3 Allocation

Week 9

Lecture 33 Lecture 34 Lecture 35 Lecture 36

Parametric: One Sample test (Z-test) Parametric: Two Sample test (Z-test) One Sample and Two sample t - Test ANOVA: introduction, One Way ANOVA Introduction to Non-Parametric test Non-Parametric Test: introduction, Goodness of Fit Sample - Chi Square Test Non-Parametric Test: Yates correction

->Reference :2,Chapter 9 ->Reference :5,Chapter 15 ->Reference :4,Chapter 18

Case study on ANOVA. Reference 2 (pg. 221)

Week 10

Lecture 37 Lecture 38 Lecture 39

Part 4
Week 10 Week 11 Lecture 40 Lecture 41 Lecture 42 Lecture 43 Introduction to Multivariate Analysis: Metric and Non ->Reference Metric :1,Chapter 20 Multiple Regression Introduction to Discriminant Analysis (with SPSS) Introduction to Conjoint Analysis (With SPSS) HomeWork 4 Allocation Case study on Conjoint Analysis Reference 2 (pg. 422426) Case study on Factor Analysis Reference 2 (pg. 322325) ->Reference :1,Chapter 20 Case study on Cluster Analysis Reference 2 (pg. 361368) ->Reference :1,Chapter 20 HomeWork 3 Submission

Lecture 44

Factor Analysis (with SPSS)

Week 12

Lecture 45

Cluster Analysis (with SPSS)

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Week 12

Lecture 46

Multidimensional scaling: Introduction

->Reference :2,Chapter 15

Quiz 2

Case study on Multidimensional Scaling Reference 2 (pg. 405)

Lecture 47 Lecture 48 Week 13 Lecture 49 Lecture 50 Lecture 51 Lecture 52

Time series & its components (Least Square Method) Business Forecasting and its significance Index number: methods Index Number: Tests (Time Reversal and Factor Reversal Tests) Presenting insights and finding: written report and presentation. Revision

->Reference :4,Chapter 11 ->Reference :4,Chapter 10

Term Paper 1 Submission

HomeWork 4 Submission ->Reference :1,Chapter 21

Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 53 Lecture 54 Lecture 55 Lecture 56 Practice of use of SPSS: Parametric Test Practice of use of SPSS: Parametric Test Practice of use of SPSS: Multivariate Analysis Practice of use of SPSS: Multivariate Analysis

Details of homework and case studies

Homework No. Homework 1 Topic of the Homework A set of research topic will be identified by students and approved by instructor on which they have to prepare a report: 1) Introduction; 2) Review of Literature; 3) Research design / Methodology; (At least 25 research articles to be reviewed on the assigned topic.) Note: Students must use and, for review of literature apart from other websites. Evaluation criteria: Objectives: 3 marks, Review of Literature: 5 marks, Research design: 3 marks, Research methods: 2 marks, References: 2 marks Design a questionnaire on the selected topics (continue with first home work.) Evaluation criteria: Questionnaire design: 5 marks, Consistency of the questionnaire with topic: 10 marks Nature of homework (group/individuals/field work Individual

Homework 2


Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Homework 3

Case base presentation. Evaluation criteria: Presentation: 10 marks, Report Submission: 5 marks


Homework 4

Class Assignment to evaluate the understanding of statistical concepts taught to the students. Students Individual would be given 2 numerical problems, each of 5 marks, and each testing them on their understanding of the various hypothesis testing tests taught to them in the class. This test would be conducted after the submission of a home work component consisting of 6 problems. The problems would be from elaborate topics like Correlation, Regression, hypothesis testing methods ANOVA, Chi Square test etc. (The teacher framing the questions would ensure that the exercise engages the students for a minimum of 5 hours). Upon submission, the teacher would evaluate any question randomly for 5 marks. Evaluation criteria: Homework submission: 5 marks, Assignment based class test: 10 marks

Scheme for CA:out of 100*

Component Homework Quiz Term Paper Frequency 3 2 1 Total :Out Of 4 Each Marks Total Marks 15 15 25 55 45 30 25 100

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the UMS List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper) Sr. No. Topic 1 Celeb Advertising and Brand Endorsements. The term paper is to compiled using secondary research and can be supplemented with a primary study conducted at the University. 2 Can internet be used for Brand Engagement? Primary research to be conducted using questionnaires followed by an analysis of the same. 3 Indias most effective AD campaigns. Conduct a secondary study to identify the most effective ad campaigns and thereafter conduct a primary study to identify the most effective from among them. Selection of respondents is to be done from amongst the faculty members. 4 RFID( Radio Frequency Identification)- Advanced technology for big retailers. Conduct a secondary study and analyse the results. 5 Micro Finance and SHGs (Self Help Groups): Is really beneficial to rural India? A secondary study to be conducted followed by a primary study to be conducted at various micro finance institutions and banks in Jalandhar 6 Reports on Corporate Frauds (Indian Context). Conduct a secondary study on the given topic and compile the results identifying the key themes in such frauds. 7 Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

7 Risk Management in Stock market. Conduct a secondary test 8 Bursting of Dubai Bubble. Conduct a secondary study and analyse the findings. 9 FDI and Economic Growth during last decade: Conduct a secondary study and enumerate in decreasing importance the various ways in which the economy has benefited from increase in FDI inflows. 10 Impact on stock market by Governments PSU Disinvestment Plan. Conduct a secondary study and identify the various ways in which the disinvestment plans have had an impact on the stock markets. 11 Indias March towards a Knowledge Economy. Conduct a primary study on the topic with respondents belonging to the faculty members. Analyse the findings. 12 Indo-US Nuclear deal- How much economically & strategically important? Conduct a secondary study and enumerate your findings in order of precedence. 13 New Pension System (NPS)- Boosting Indias social security system. Conduct a secondary study and comment on the efficacy of the topic 14 Can young make a real difference: The new face of Indian Parliament. Conduct a primary study on respondents from the University. Analyse and document the results. 15 Social Networking: Creates new dimensions for relationships. Conduct a primary study with respondents from the University and analyse the results 16 3 Cs of Indian Politics- Cash, Criminals and Corruption. Conduct a secondary study and analyse the topic based on the same 17 Emerging Issues in Higher Education in India. Conduct a primary study on the given topic. The respondent ration between students and faculty must be 7:3. Analyse the topic and enumerate the results. 18 Reverse mentoring- Is really required to analyze by corporate sectors? conduct a secondary study on the given topic and comment on the efficacy of the subject. 19 Retention strategies- Either view positively or negatively? Conduct a primary study from students with HR as specialization and from the University's HR department. Also for the primary study's purpose, companies from Jalandhar can be approached. Analyse the results and compile them. 20 Brand positioning by Employee Branding. Conduct a research study w.r.t. our University. Respondents can be selected from the faculty and staff members. Analyse the results and advise the University 21 Flexi Work initiatives by Indian Corporates- Does it really Work? Conduct a secondary study and analyse and compile the results. 22 Brand Choice behaviour for different products. Conduct a primary study w.r.t. the allotted subject. Analyse the results and compile them 23 Factors affecting Purchase of different products. Conduct a primary research study on the allotted product and analyse and compile the results. 24 Ratio analysis based decisions. Conduct a secondary study study based on the financial statements of the allotted company. Compile the results. 25 Investors response to various financial products. Conduct a primary study on the allotted financial product mix. The respondents should consist of regular investors from the faculty and outside. Analyse and compile the results 26 Corporate Governance issues. Conduct a secondary study on the topic and comment on its relevance. 27 Management & technology impacts. Conduct a secondary study on the topic and analyse and compile the results. 28 Role of stakeholders and profitability. Conduct a primary study on the given topic and analyse the same and compile the results 29 Performance efficiency of sales staff. Conduct a secondary study on the topic and based on your findings draft a performance appraisal proforma for the sales staff that could be applicable to any organisation from the industry allotted. 30 Effect of technology on Consumer services. Conduct a secondary study on the topic, analyse and compile the results 31 Effect of technology on employees performance. Conduct a secondary study and analyse and compile the results

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

32 Students surveys on pocket money expenditure. Conduct a primary research on the students of the University and identify the pocket money share of expenditures of the students. 33 Problems of Specific Industry. Conduct a secondary study on the given industry. Analyse and compile the results 34 Impact of wages on employee satisfaction. Conduct a primary study on employees from outside the University and gauge their satisfaction w.r.t. salaries that they receive

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6 Tutorial 7 Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10 Tutorial 11 Tutorial 12 Tutorial 13 Tutorial 14

Illustrative/Comprehensive Case Study ( to Guide the students how to analyse the cases) Case study 13 Case study 14 Research Process Use of SPSS

Presentation Group presentation Group presentation Problem solving Presentation

Data preparation and description: Exploring, Displaying, Problem solving Examining Use of SPSS Measures of Central Tendency Use of SPSS Measures of Central Tendency: Mean Measures of Central Tendency: Median, Mode Dispersion: Mean & Standard Deviation Term Paper Progress Revision Doubt clearing Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Term paper progress review Revision Presentation

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 15 Tutorial 16 Tutorial 17 Tutorial 18 9 Discussion on Mid term Question paper Case study 15 Use of SPSS (Regression) Chi Square Test Doubt clearing Group Presentation Problem solving Problem solving Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Tutorial 19 Tutorial 20 Tutorial 21 Tutorial 22 Tutorial 23 Tutorial 24 Tutorial 25 Tutorial 26

Z-test SPSS (Chi Square test) Case Study 18 Term Paper Progress Non parametric test t-test (SPSS) Revision Revision

Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Term paper progress review Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing Revision Revision


Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

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