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Name:____________________________ Speak Test

Part I. Multiple Choice -- Circle the best answer. (1 point each) 1. What is the overall tone of the novel? a. sarcastic b. nervous c. excited d. happy 2. Which of the following is an antonym for incite? a. provoke b. stimulate c. discourage d. urge 3. How are Melinda and Heather alike? a. They are both transfer students. b. They are both outcasts. c. They are both using each other. d. They both like to shop. 4. Why does David become Melindas hero? a. David beats up Andy Evans. b. David wants to be a lawyer. c. David lets Melinda copy his notes. d. David speaks up for what he believes in. 5. Which of the following best defines demure? a. modest and reserved b. fearful and timid c. loud and brave d. silly and quirky 6. What is the mood of Melindas first day of high school? a. romantic b. bored c. anxious d. ecstatic

7. Which of the following is a synonym for mayhem? a. peace b. chaos c. boredom d. disgust 8. Andy Evans attacks Melinda in the closet because... a. she has ignored him all year. b. she reported him to the principal. c. she threatened to call the police. d. she told Rachel that he raped her. 9. Which of the following sentences shows the best use of the word abysmal? a. Melindas essay grade was abysmal because of her many spelling errors. b. Heathers belief that the Marthas were abysmal encouraged her. c. Mr. Freeman was an abysmal and creative man. d. Ivy was very proud of her abysmal hair. 10. Why is Melinda so happy when Ivy shows her the bathroom stall? a. Ivy was willing to help wash the marker out of her shirt after Melinda bumped into Ivy. b. The graffiti conversation that Melinda had started about Andy showed that many girls hated him. c. Many people had written bad things about Rachel all over the bathroom walls. d. Ivy was finally being kind to Melinda. 11. Which of the following best defines mood and tone? a. Tone is how the reader feels about a subject, event, or character; mood is how the author feels about the tone. b. Tone is how the author feels about a subject, event, or character; mood is the feeling the reader gets. c. Tone is the emotion the reader gets from an authors description; mood is how the author wants the reader to feel. d. Tone is the feeling a reader gets from a passage; mood is how the author feels about a subject, event, or character. 12. Which of the following is the best definition for floundering? a. struggling or making mistakes b. laughing quietly or chuckling c. giving up or stopping d. crying or moaning

13. Who is the first person that who learns that Andy Evans raped Melinda? a. Mr. Freeman b. Ivy c. Melindas parents d. Rachel 14. Which of the following best describes symbolism? a. Symbolism is an example of figurative language where two concepts or ideas are compared. b. Symbolism is when the author uses descriptions that appeal to the readers senses. c. Symbolism is when an image or idea is repeated throughout a story. d. Symbolism in when an author describes something in a story that can be understood literally and on a deeper level.

Part II. Short answer -- Write in complete thoughts. (2 points each) 1. My fists mean nothing to him, little rabbit paws thumping harmlessly. What type of figurative language does this sentence represent? How do you know? What does it mean?

2. What is a motif? Name one of the motifs found in Speak.

3. Liar! I cant believe you. Youre jealous. Youre a twisted little freak and youre jealous that Im popular and Im going to prom so you lie to me like this. And you sent me that note, didnt you? You are sick. Who said this, and why?

4. She kicks a chenille bunny who was sleeping in my robe on the floor. What kind of figurative language does this sentence represent? How do you know? Why do you think this type of figurative language was used?

5. Name five of the clans at Melindas high school. Name five characters and indicate to which clan they belong.

6. Why do you think the author chose Speak as the title of the novel?

7. How would you describe the mood of the following passage? How would you describe the tone? Explain your choices. I think about lying down. No, that would not do. I crouch by the trunk, my fingers stroking the bark, seeking a Braille code, a clue, a message on how to come back to life after my long undersnow dormancy. I have survived. I am here. Confused, screwed up, but here, So, how can I find my way? Is there a chain saw of the soul, an ax I can take to my memories or fears? I dig my fingers into the dirt and squeeze. A small, clean part of me waits to warm and burst through the surface. Some quiet Melindagirl I havent seen in months. That is the seed I will care for.

8. Why is the pruning of the tree in Melindas front yard so significant?

9. How does Melinda finally regain power over her life and defeat the fear that was keeping her silent? Be specific.

10. What is significant about Melindas yard work?

---------------------------------Extra space for essay, if needed----------------------------------------------

Part III. Essay questions -- Each response should be at least a paragraph long. Write in complete sentences. (8 points each) 1. If someone asked you what Speak was about, you could just say that it is about a girl who gets raped. However, that would not be a complete description of the book. What do you think Speak is really about? Defend your position.

2. Explain what Melinda did with her suffragette report. How is this significant? Include in your response what David says about Melindas report.

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