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Research Writing: The writing process

Common writing habits

or nothing writing (often under deadline pressure) Zigzag writing (writing and editing simultaneously)


interests me about this is What Im doing is The reason Im doing this is The bottom line is The problem is I am trying to

A mindmap (on Goal Setting)

Are you ready to write?


questions Know your audience Find the centre Get peer support Strengthen your writing muscle Make an outline Write core sentences

Getting started: drafting


on content Allow yourself some momentum Use your outline but be flexible Resist the urge to edit before you have got your ideas down on on paper For a bigger project, work with rapid redrafting rather than one single draft

Conclusion: preparation and drafting

If you write regularly writing will become easier and your writing will improve To write regularly, you need to enjoy it To enjoy writing, you need a break from self-criticism Editing is important, but premature editing tends to take the joy (and the juice) out of writing

Two sides to the Reader coin writing Writer

Involvement Content Creativity Momentum, Voice Expression Distance Language Craft,


skill Slower pace Critical judgment Communication Editing


Editing strategies

Distance is crucial
You need to revise as though you were encountering your text for the first time

so you need a chance to forget

about your text.

Editing levels

text as a whole Sections and subsections Paragraphs Sentences Words (Vocabulary) Punctuation Editorial conventions

Core issues

it clear? Is it expressed concisely?


is the central statement? How prominent is it?

Title Headings

and subheadings Abstract, introduction, conclusion


use of core sentences helps paragraphs flow Readability begins to drop after 10 (typewritten) lines, and drops dramatically after 15. Variety has a strong impact on readability.


average of 15 - 20 words per sentence is easiest to process Readability begins to drop at 20 words and drops dramatically at 25 Short sentences stand out, but over-use can create a choppy effect Variety is key

Editorial feedback
Helpful feedback is
- - - - -

Respectful Constructive Reflective Focused on patterns rather than individual instances Appropriate to the stage the text is at

Conclusion: editing

for clarity and conciseness Edit in short, focused bouts Let your drafts cool Distribute your efforts evenly

Alternative writing habits


drafting and editing separate Write regularly for short, set periods (including times for unworried writing)

Coming up: more writing courses


Texture Tuesday 15 November: Is my writing academic enough? Thursday 15 December: Writing a Literature Review Tuesday 24 January: Writing Clinic

13 October: Text - Structure and

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