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A. GREETINGS and LEAVE TAKING Activity 1: Look at the Picture and answer the questions. 1. What are the two people doing? 2. Where are they? 3. Do they know each other?

Activity 2: Fill in the bubbles with greetings and leave takings that you are familiar with.

Activity 3: Open your book. Listen to your teacher and repeat each expression your teacher says. After that, practice speaking the dialogues with your partner. 1. Nick : Hello, Lusi. Nice to see you again. Lusi : Nice to see you too, Nick. Nick : How are you doing? Lusi : Pretty well, thanks. Nick : How is Hendra? Lusi : Hes fine, thank you.


Lusi : Good morning, sir. Teacher : Good morning, Lusi. How are you? Lusi : Im very well, thank you. Teacher : What are you doing here in the hospital? Lusi : I am going to visit my neighbor. She has just delivered a baby. Teacher : I see. Are you alone? Lusi : No, Im with my Mom. There she comes. Im sorry, I have to go now. Good bye, sir. Teacher : Good bye, Lusi. See you at school tomorrow.


Activity 4: Work with your partner. Compose a dialogue based on the situation below. Then, act it out before the class. You are at the bus stop, waiting for a bus to take you home from school. You meet an old friend of yours, Rena. You say hello to her and ask her about her school. In the middle of the conversation you see the bus coming. You say good bye to Rena and wish that you will see her again soon.

B. INTRODUCING YOUR SELF AND OTHER PERSON Activity 5 Look at the picture and answer these questions

1. What do you think the two people are doing? 2. Who are they? 3. Where are they? 4. What are they saying to each other?

Activity 6 Open your book. Listen to your teacher and repeat each expression your teacher says. After that, practice speaking the dialogues with your partner. 1. Baskara : Excuse me. I dont think we have met, Im Baskara. Renata : Hello. Im Renata. Baskara : Nice to meet you, Renata. Renata : Nice to meet you.

2. Talita : Mr. Iskandar, let me introduce you to Mr. Hardono of Java Tour. Mr. Hardono, this is Mr. Smith, our 1Marketing Manager. Mr. Iskandar : How do you do? Mr.Hardono : How do you do? Its very nice to meet you.

Mr. Iskandar : Its nice to meet you too.


Activity 23: On a piece of paper, please write a speech of introduction about yourself. Mention as much information as you can. Include your name, address, family, hobby, and your future plan. Then act it out in front of your friends.

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