Lack of Security and Its Effect On Industry, Economy, Government

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Lack of Security and its Effect on industry,Economy,Government

Prepared by:Nur Amanina Sahira bt Mat Musa 961028-03-5428

The Meaning of Computer Security

We have seen that any computercomputerrelated system has both theoretical and real weaknesses. The purpose of computer security is to devise ways to prevent the weaknesses from being exploited. To understand what preventive measures make the most sense, we consider what we mean when we say that a system is "secure

Lack of security give effect on:

Industry Economy government

Effect on industry
Secret files of a company can be destroy,stolen and hack by hackers.Unethical employees break into their employee computer to exploit a security weakness

Effect on economy
Privacy activity increase because lack of security and make economy of a country easily being hack.

Effect on government
Some corparate spies have excellent computer and network skill and are hired to break a specific computer and steal it proprietary data and information

Example :
Destroy the nations air traffic control system Electricity Generating Companies or telecommunication infrastructure

Security precaution is important in industry,security and government.If the are lack of security, it can give negative effect to the industrial activity, economy of a country and government in a country.

Reference itseffectonindustryeconomyand government

the end!!!

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