Create Your Own Dystopia Project

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Create Your Own Dystopia Project

Essential Questions: 1. What are the downfalls of society today? 2. What makes a place good or bad? 3. Is a Utopia possible? 4. Is a Dystopia avoidable or inevitable? 5. What aspects of our society might be revealed as bad through a dystopian critique? Terms to Define/Know: 1. Utopia 2. Dystopia 3. Freedom 4. Equality Project Explanation: You and your teammates will create an original dystopian society. You will need to be creative and thoughtful in coming up with a fictional place that was intended to be perfect, but has gone wrong. You must create a citizen of this society that will be the Protagonist of your project. Meaning, this citizen should realize that the society is wrong and should try to shine a light on the problems. Project Requirements: 1. A map (colored/illustrated) of your community/country/town/etc 2. A Bill of Rights (at least 10 rules the people in your society must live by) a. This must be created to look like a document that would fit into your society as a poster for display. 3. An informational text from the government of your society. a. This can be a letter, memo, brochure, etc 4. A diary entry from your protagonist expressing his or her feelings about an event that has happened in your society. (you will have to make up this event and thoroughly explain it in your diary entry.)

Create Your Own Dystopia Project -- Rubric Category 15 10 Required elements The project includes all The project includes required elements and all the required is represented elements creatively Map The map is large The map is large enough to be seen by enough to be seen, the class, is detailed, is detailed, and

5 The project includes all but 1 of the required elements The map is present, but lacks details, is sloppy, uncolored, or took little

0 The project does not include all of the required elements The map is not included

Bill of Rights

Informational Text from the Govt

Letter from the Protagonist

neat, colored and colored, but more obviously required effort effort could have been used The bill of rights The bill of rights includes 10 or more includes 10 or more entries, is visually entries, but doesnt appropriate for the correspond well to dystopia and is large the other aspects of enough to read the society The piece is informative The piece is and the tone is informative, but the appropriate for the tone is not clear. society govt. there are There are one or no grammar or spelling two grammar or errors spelling errors The letter is well written The letter is well and clearly expresses written and clearly the voice/concerns of expresses the voice the citizen. There are and concerns of the no grammar or spelling citizen. There are 1 errors or 2 grammar or spelling errors


The bill of rights is present, but does not include 10 entries

The bill of rights is not present

The piece is informative, but is unclear and there are several grammar or spelling errors

There is no informative piece

The letter is too short to clearly express the voice or concerns of the citizen. There are more than 2 grammar or spelling errors

No letter is provided

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