Questio Paper

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Model question paper 2011-2012 social science 75.



I.Choose the correct answer and write in two or in three sentence(any 5)questions. 1.write a note on moroccan problem? 2.How did mussolini seize power? 3.what is imperialism? 4.write a note on prathana samaj? 5.write a note on press and literature? 6.Narrate a role in dr.muthulakshmiagainst davadasi system? 7.write a note on revolt at delhi?

Geography (any 3)

1.what is rain shadow region? 2.How can we preserve energy? 3. what is meant by multiple cropping? 4.what are the by products of jute industry? 5.Brief how physiography plays a role in the distribution of railway networks in India? 6.Define gis?

Section-D Ecnomics (any1)

1.What are the factors of production? 2.write a note on liberlisation?

Section-E Civics (any1)

1.what is political party? 2.what is the advantage of single party system?

4. Answer any two of the question

1.Battle of plassey and bauxara)who was the nawab of Bengal in 1757? b)who introduced the subsidiary alliance? c)name the policy of Dalhousie? d)when was the queen victorias proclamatiomn? 2.Adolf hitlera)where was Adolf hitler born? b)what was his father? c)what did he organize? d)name the book written by hitler? 3.Arya samaja)what is arya samaj? b)who was his guru? c)wha was his motto?

d)what did samaj advocate?

4.Distindush between (any 3)

1.GMT and IST 2.windward side and leeward side 3.kharif and rabi 4.renewable sources and non renewable sources 5.western ghats and eastern ghats

5.Answer in paragraph(any1) under

each heading. 1.what are the advantagews of league of nation? 2.what are the achievements of the European union? 3.write a paragraph about quit India movement?

Civics para-

1.write a note on SAARC? 2.Explains the types and importance of democracy? 3.write a note on panchasheel and nonalingment?

Geography paragraph1.Mention the importance of democracy? 2.Discuss any three current challanges in Indian agriculture? 3.Explain the various components of remote sensing?

Ecnomics para1.Write about the function of modern welfare state? 2.Explain the economic reforms of 1991? 3.Write down the objectives of eleventh five year plan?

Draw the time line chart1.atlantic charcter 2.battle of Britain 3.second world war ended.

MapHis-1.shakalin islands 2.burma 3.nanking 4.malayasia 5.peiking. Geo-junagath 2.kashmir 3.barailey 4.mahe 5.pondicherry,and write a sentence about6 it.

All the Best

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