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Problem 4: Number Theory AIME 1983 #6

Problem: Let an equal 6n + 8n . Determine the remainder upon dividing a83 by 49.

Definition: The function ϕ(n) gives the number of integers less than n that are relatively
prime to n. It can be computed by
Y 1

ϕ(n) = n 1−

where p ranges over all prime divisors of n.

Theorem: If n is a positive integer and a is relatively prime to n, then aϕ(n) ≡ 1 (mod n).
(Euler’s Theorem)

Theorem: To find the inverse of a (written a−1 ) in some mod b, solve the Diophantine
equation ax + by = 1. The value of x will be the inverse. (See Euclidean Algorithm).

Solution: First we calculate ϕ(49) = 42. So:

683 + 883 ≡ 641 + 841 ≡ 6−1 + 8−1 (mod 49)

Solving the Diophantine equations:

6x + 49y = 1 gives us x = −8 and y = 1.

8x + 49y = 1 gives us x = −6 and y = 1.

6−1 + 8−1 ≡ −8 + −6 ≡ 35 (mod 49)

Solution was written by Sean Soni and compiled from Art of Problem Solving Forums.

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