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D1 aguilrrivesrrengs gids Ludi Bb. premud ede. Commu Cure Q. UTtdueH7 UTtbLED UTES aps s Aerdopm Asrut ergs? D1 MOB Udsth soufled sregsnes 2b. UODUESE meurfled craps D. ature xosjy Me sragerGs 10. 1. 12. LL: Epsargpid Aes 555 Mooruer. wx. 13. 14. 15. SipQumps Qeraonm Asm ogi? DP slatachgagaeh Panu larg bss Bb. Slat saNaeut igi Glen _Cus ecorum_c pS wi. Q. QoutaMAGgaurs od Qe Gu snrsirasiGeersr gu po1- Asreaaés Qerhamer ahs Qsapgie. 2. PCoubgst 2b. Brel Raw Capmean agen Pearse reas Bier AGEESmald sy¢ond Ho. 3) sep end Gar PBMSS tx Oth UGUG 2 grwleodseenid a5. 2 FurGH — a. SenarsGemd SIMASAse wes. De AUbBeeeribs my. EMAuTEGsir DosacrseGin s5s- 2 TST UY ay. Aeotumss IV. Spdangpid Aendsersomu Aen cous esinpasasis. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. qio x 1 = 10) Ln@ scrap mips - OPsGenMe wr@ crarugs SMe ore OL us 2 arene @. arm BG GurGcr OHSS: UG Aerpacomeu eresrurr. Qurgsg10- 2. wm Bumpd = Aeusdlanco 2. See Bue = arppad 3. gBooriBl@cd = Gerbouorg 4. pokGermbSptie — angst Los HASAdeMu Apiianrd . 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Geo 2 ngutentuIe UIC Gears Aewuysr reir SMsgserd. BeunsmauIed QuUGEssvernt UTI gh, s5Cr uso, AvIuUSian i Q,Awwes 2 OTN UI. UTELGOs Glaiuysir srersuGSsirgeor. esr sorte Usdesut asrvsSled umips Av sus wpolouiact shagrom WTM srs on Gorpups, SUP SEG sTUPSOUOw’ Huy uss 2SAOWE Neumcdior sori. 5) ew gas sw MeO sro S- Bo vewhiScoarer peoule wFyrrors, e5Sw Apes oooh Curerm west grammer srupHeri. Gib cpsmy Geri Guors APPSSMWeDNd SAM fled g7, 7d, 62, Fo, QD TDI S Fingis TESTS SoT QOE UGEE! VOU BUD, MSSM oT we Genser seociucmgujeo Bs Quavré AAC G). Posrvsgy Corsi Hugi ad GSU Deonusorinit sereSussd 2. cog uNned ANGI Sipsor or oor THEOUNED .D4sOr.0p5 5 2 BOT 5 DIO SM 5daeice AT UOT GUTLD. GGT BYsOAO{ CIT UeHSOT TH Sy oT es Kuwpsso0uNssr, HE Veins sotuient 2 og vuspene BDgiGu ordered wphSw 2 sor. VIII. Spssngpi seg searenps SHS So5id awggis- (@ x 10 = 10) 2. CUG HS) UTA Cousin d GuTsé Gams sis sys GCiooreiaremn QUKGEGSGS HOO Meioreaor Cut cusmres. (21s) 2 Elli ac Goss QO. GMds. sor peri sip sd Twas. IX. Epsarqmid sooiusesc gesgib saropd up Sepang uss seneNe al Geng amps. (1 x 10 = 10) 2 BPor Mulesr Apciyessit 2. west GesMcy Q. Soin - 9G Opp XK. &béargmid sootysene stsgb se pgIse wiGd Serpengi uss seneNe aiGeng amps. (1 Xx 10 = 10) D STPTL amped uusiTUGw slits GMS SIS o¢ Goor Teogis. - 2 “GOLOr gc swguller sGsgub QurGess wryrwd FGSA TOSS. @. silyosOe groasgeopwldr aenktsAS UMS oi Geor susorres. XI. gifliprésiid aati. 2 Segdrer pie wearing seus silpreais Qeiies. axa=a) This is the age of computers. Computers are becoming more and more a part of everyday life. Today in the running of business, firm, industrial concerns and Government departments, lot of information processing is required. The computer is the superfast iriformation processing u - Fegeron ywisieod upQuor PSs oyu sill upQhompPsener rages (4x1 = 4) AN that glitters are not gold Art is long but life is short. Barking dogs seldom bite Time and tide wait for no one. sone own

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