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Denver Police will actively enforce underage drinking laws this week (Week of February 13, 2012).

The Department considers underage drinking an important issue in our community. The Denver Police Department has partnered with the Denver Office of Drug Strategy, State Liquor Enforcement teams, and the Denver Office of Excise and License to address the problem of underage drinking. The Enforcement of Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) grant was awarded by the Liquor Enforcement Division of the Colorado Department of Revenue to the Denver Police Department and the Denver Office of Drug Strategy. The grant funds both uniformed and undercover operations with the specific goal of enforcing underage drinking laws. Not only will citations be given to minors (anyone under 21) in possession of alcohol, but to adults who provide or sell alcohol to minors, as well. Denver residents are reminded that it is illegal to sell, serve or give away alcohol to underage friends at their homes even if the friends remain on the premises. Liquor establishments are asked to review their sales procedures to ensure that no minors are placed at risk because of lax policies. Parents are urged to talk with their children about the dangers of underage drinking and the potential affects it may have on scholarship eligibility, employment and driving privileges in the State of Colorado. Lastly, young people under 21 years of age are encouraged to find positive alternatives to drinking alcohol.

DPD 200 (Rev. 12/86)

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