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Everyone will agree that our choices during our lives influence our outcomes or our futures.

Everyone will agree that what we chose to do and learn over a long period of time in the past influenced our present and will leave traces in our future. A military specialist is a product of years of continual practice in t hat area. On the other hand a wise man is a product of years of searching and c ontemplating truth and wisdom. Not everyone believes in reincarnation. More often than not that is a result of personal choices to not believe or a result of general ignorance. I am a firm believer in reincarnation and am convinced that the process takes place (with or without interruptions) throughout eternity. I believe that we have lived many times on planet Earth. I believe that sooner or later logical thinking and expa nding knowledge will show anyone that reincarnation is truth. During each lifetime each one of us makes choices. Again and again we choose wh at to do with our time, what to learn, what to believe is good and bad and, as a result, what sort of friends to be with. The choices, which we repeatedly make during one lifetime, lead up to the sort of people and environment, which we ar e a part of in our next lifetime. Many lifetimes, full of these of those choice s, led up to our births in our current environments. In this way we can say tha t we are responsible ourselves for making our lives what they are today. Our current and future onments. What sort of r cosmic future? What e will our attitude be ternities! repeated choices will bring us to future people and envir life do we want to experience in our immediate and in you sort of choices will lead to it? How responsible and wis to our day to day activities? We indeed create our own e

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