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Professor Caruso, My past English classes consist of honors classes from 9th to 12th grades in high school.

My previous writing course was my 12th grade English class. We were required to read at least three books from a list of books compiled by the teacher and write a paper on them. What I liked about it was that the papers werent just book reports but we chose a theme and wrote about how the story fit that theme. I really enjoyed that class. In this class I hope to sharpen my writing skills. Im looking forward to seeing how I grow as a writer. Im concerned about how far Grigg Hall is from everything else especially since I have another class right after. Im also concerned about my concept for the project and trying to decide if I want to keep it. Even though I dont do enough of it, I like reading and writing. I think having really good English teachers in the past made me form this view. I really hate doing research; I dont know why. Its really hard for me to read something that doesnt interest me, impossible really. Once I had to read Blood Done Sign my Name as a summer project. I couldnt do it. When it comes to writing I procrastinate terribly. I also tend to overthink while writing. I had to do a crazy amount of research on the education system for an Africana Studies course last semester. It was grueling; I guess thats why I hate doing research. Dana Porter,
Comment [BC1]: Dana, You can certainly sharpen your writing skills, but the first step is doing all of your assignments to the best of your ability. In an assignment within which you need to provide a good amount of detail, it might not be best to gloss over your experiences. Give detail so your audience can understand where you are coming from as a writer. Elaborating on your experiences and your ideas about writing would greatly help me to figure out who you are as a writer. I m looking forward to working with you this semester, but make sure you work hard! -Ms. C

I am also looking forward to this semester. I ll definitely be sure to do my best work and use my experience and skills to my benefit.

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