DIP Course Outline

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Spring 2012

Course Title: Digital Image Processing Credit Hours: 3 Instructor: Mohsin Abbas, mohsin.abbas@nu.edu.pk; Text Book: Digital Image Processing, Gonzales R.C., Woods R.E. (2nd Edition) Grading Scheme: Assignments + Quizzes Midterms Final Exam 25 % 25% 50 %

Plagiarism and cheating will result F in the course (at least). Course Contents: Introduction to Digital Image Processing Camera Mechanics Image Calculations Introduction to 2D Signals and Systems Sampling and Quantization Basic Gray Level Transforms Histogram Processing 2D Convolution Low Pass and High Pass Filtering in Spatial Domain Thresholding Luminance Based Segmentation Images in Frequency Domain Low Pass and High Pass filtering in frequency domain Noise Models Colour Image Processing Image Compression JPEG Compression Applications of Digital Image Processing

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