Model Minutes of The Session of The Sangguniang Barangay

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Republic of the Philippines City/Municipality of ___________________ Province of ________________ BARANGAY ________________ OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY

MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY HELD ON ____________________, 20___ AT ___:00 P.M. AT THE BARANGAY HALL, __________, __________, __________

PRESENT: Hon. ____________________ Hon. ____________________ Hon. ____________________ Hon. ____________________ Hon. ____________________ Hon. ____________________ Hon. ____________________ Hon. ____________________ Hon. ____________________ OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. ____________________ Mr. ____________________ Barangay Secretary Barangay Treasurer Punong Barangay, Presiding Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad SK Chairperson


A. Call to Order: The Regular Session was called to order by the Hon. ________________, Punong Barangay at ____:00 oclock in the afternoon who continued to preside over the session. B. Roll Call: The Presiding Officer asked the Barangay Secretary to call the roll. Thereafter, a quorum was declared to be present. C. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Session: The Barangay Secretary was then requested to read the Minutes of the Previous Session. On motion of Hon. Kag. ________________, duly seconded by Hon. Kag. _________________, the Minutes of the Previous Session was approved as read.

D. First Reading and Referral to Committees of Proposed Ordinances and Resolutions: The Barangay Secretary then presented to the Council a proposed ordinance sponsored by the Hon. Kag. ______________, entitled ______________________. The Presiding Officer referred the proposed ordinance to the Committee on ______________________ The Barangay Secretary also presented before the Council another proposed ordinance entitled _______________ which was being sponsored by the Hon. Kag. _________________ The Presiding Officer referred the matter to the Committee on_________________. At this juncture, the Hon. Kag. _________________ requested to be recognized. Upon recognition, he proposed that a Resolution be adopted by the Sangguniang Barangay to request the Hon. _______________________, Congressman, 2nd District of the Province/City of ________________ for financial assistance in the construction of a Barangay Day Care Center to be located at Sitio _____________, this jurisdiction. The Presiding Officer agreed that there is an urgent need to discuss the proposed resolution. However, he suggested that it be taken-up under the Unassigned Business for the Council to decide on the matter as quickly as possible without the proposed resolution having to pass through the intricacies of the legislative process. The proponent, Hon. Kag. _________________ consented. There being no other matter under this Agenda, the Council proceeded to tackle its next business. E. Committee Reports: The Hon. Kag. _________________, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations reported that his Committee has not yet wrapped-up its deliberation on the proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year, but it should be ready by the next Regular Session of the Council. The Presiding Officer noted the Report of the Committee Chairman. The Hon. Kag. _______________, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture reported that the Plant Nursery Project of the Sangguniang Barangay has progressed well, that it has already distributed more than 300 seedlings of various fruit trees to at least 90 beneficiaries. The Presiding Officer acknowledged, for and in behalf of the Barangay, the perseverance of the people in charge of the project and the consequent success of the endeavor. He, likewise, expressed the gratitude of the beneficiaries of the project

There being no other Committee to report, the Council proceeded to its next business. F. Calendar of Business: F.1 - Unfinished Business; None F.2 - Business for the day; Item 1: Proposed Barangay Ordinance Entitled An Ordinance Prohibiting Minors from Playing, Betting, or Engaging in Games of Chance or Gambling, Coin Operated Video Machines, and/or Computer Generated Games, Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof The Deliberation: The sponsor of the measure, Hon. Kag. _______________, started the discussion by stating that it should be the objective and responsibility of the barangay government to create a community free of vice, bad habits and the like and to instill among the youth of the barangay the values of discipline, honesty and hard work which may only be achievable if minors are protected from the dire influence of gambling, the vice itself eradicated and wrongdoers aptly penalized, thus he was proposing for the enactment of the proposed ordinance. Hon. Kag. ______________, commented that there are already existing laws prohibiting minors and even everybody else from gambling and that there was no need for an new ordinance on the matter since the proposed ordinance is just a duplication of existing laws. Hon. Kag. ______________, on the other hand, stated that the proposed ordinance is needed not only because it supports and affirms existing laws against gambling, but likewise to compel, in a more determined manner, minors to stay away from the vice. When the discussion ended, the Hon. Kag. _______________, moved that the Proposed Barangay Resolution be finalized and that it be calendared for third and final reading in the next regular session of the Council. There being no objection, the Council approved the motion. F.3 - Unassigned Business: The proposal of the Hon. Kag. _______________ to adopt a Sangguniang Barangay Resolution to request financial assistance from the Hon. _______________________, Congressman, 2nd District of the Province/City of ________________ for the construction of a Barangay Day Care Center to be

located at Sitio _____________, this jurisdiction, was discussed and on motion duly seconded approved unanimously. The Presiding Officer suggested that proponent write the draft of the proposed resolution for final approval in the next Regular Session. G. Proposed Ordinances and Resolutions for Third and Final Reading: Presented for approval for third and final reading and enactment of the Sangguniang Barangay is Proposed Barangay Ordinance entitled An Ordinance Requiring All Persons While within Barangay __________, __________, __________ to Keep and Maintain a Clean and Green Environment The measure was read in its entirety by the Secretary. Then, on motion of the Hon. Kag. _______________, proponent of the measure, duly seconded by all those present, the aforementioned proposed barangay ordinance was approved and enacted. H. Other Matters; The Hon. Kag. _______________ requested to be recognized. Upon recognition, he manifested that many residents in his Purok are complaining about the foul odor coming from a XYZ Piggery. He requested that the Punong Barangay investigate and bring the matter to the attention of the management of the said piggery. The Hon. Punong Barangay said he would look into the complaint and take appropriate action. The Hon. Kag. _______________ expressed his thanks to the Punong Barangay for his promise of immediate action. I. Adjournment; There being no other matter to be discussed, the Punong Barangay adjourned the Session at exactly ____:00 oclock.

x------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x SECRETARYS CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing Minutes of the Regular Session of the Sangguniang Barangay held on the ____day of ___________, 20____ at the Barangay Hall, __________, __________, __________.

_____________________ Barangay Secretary


____________________ Barangay Kagawad

____________________ Barangay Kagawad

____________________ Barangay Kagawad

____________________ Barangay Kagawad

____________________ Barangay Kagawad

____________________ Barangay Kagawad

____________________ Barangay Kagawad

____________________ SK Chairperson


________________________ Punong Barangay

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