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Top Dog Pro ductions

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Bontl I 2"1'T Rudely Friendly- @tnusiasticaihf)' Rudely _ ,\.

- laJsoao\o_
Date of Event

When Gontactinqloo Doq Producfions.How WereYou Treated?, {q{elm&uy; .---couTieo-bs=---. (.

Unpr ofessionally /( Other :

Listened YourN e e o s To
Gave eati v en p u t Cr l -'-.

Didn'tListen YourNeeds ('-'Professionally To T G ave o o M u c hIn p u t

F e l tP ressur ed Booking Into

Performance Evaluation {CircteAne, Flease Read Carefullv Before Answering)

Overall Performance: Appdarance OurSetup/ Equipment Of

Dinner Music Selectionsi(if appricabe)



Average 65432L
Irlfle Meqsy

Below Averoge

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Averoge Averoge

Below Average BelowAveroge BelowAverage

Sound Quality: Volume Level:


Good Average 2i

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Too Low

{ .tttst Riqhtl -/

ed? (#ircl* Anyj Not At All

I Wa sT h e E vent PlannerI,Didn' tRequest Songs Any

{tirnlc Aruyj A6outThei-Requests HowWouldYou Describe Our Coordinatio

Ex c e e d eO u r Exp e cta ti o n s d

r y Unor gani z ed

( rookCharge)

Or ganized -e HadNo W or r ies

Please WriteUs A Line Or Two,Commentinq Specificallv Our Performance. On

*. {';it,*i'r1r; rtii [ili]Ftt(; lii{,l$4'ilrtfJ f

Ev**uat*on ContinuedOn flaelc>

ilnr; Manner? {#ircl* Did The DJ lnteractWith Your GuestsIn A Professional

No I Asked The DJNot To Be lnteractive

Did You Choose To Include Anv Additional ServicesWith Your DJ Packaqe? fu*vv rtrsf y#{/r #x#s*f;lfr*nsJ vv* {#ir*/mnriy holow & f*fuea ltr*rn**f f* dmscrifus ceremony Services: \J/A
Up Lighting: Monogram:



Music Videos: Other Services:

WoufdYou Recommend lop Doo Producfions A FriendOr Relative?(' Ves) No To \_-/


one NumberTo A Pros

ve ClientFor UseAs A Reference?

YES, would loveto hearfrom a new client,so I can referyour services. I

private Top keep contact my but information LJ NO,I wouldrecommend DogProductions, please

Our Services?



ThankYouFor Choosing DogProductions YourEntertainmentProvider, Top As

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