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Indian Standard

( Reaffirmed 2005 )



(First Revision)
Fourth Reprint MAY 1997

UDC 621.315.221.8 [ 678.742.21

0 Copyright 1986



Cr 5

April I986*


lndian Standard

( First Revision )
Power Cables Sectional Committee, ETDC 59
Chairman Sastr M. L. DON~I~E M-3, Satyam, 88, Sian Circle, Bombay Members SRRI J. P. ANAL Sam B. P. RAI ( AkemuIc ) SHRI M. R. BHAT SHRI D. K. BAEXJ ( Altern& ) C H I E P ENQINEER ( ELECTRICAL ) I SURVZYOR OP WORKS ( ELECT D R K. DAE GUPTA Raprrstnting Bharat Heavy Ekctricals Ltd, Hyderabad Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay Central Public Works Deplirtment, New Delhi ) V ( Akmute ) Calcu&aB~tric Supply Corporation ( India ) Ltd,

SHRI P. NEOOI ( Altnnair ) D IRECTOR Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore SHRI M. C. RATRA ( Altmut8 ) DIRECTOR OF MINES SA F E T Y Directorate General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad D IRECTOR OF MINES SA~I~TY SHDI dA~~~W-&- )


SRRI S. R. SATAN ( Alternnte ) Indian Cable Co Ltd, Jamshedpur Sg~tr P. GHOSH SRRI K. V. R. RAO ( Altcmatr ) Cable Corporation of India Ltd, Bombay SHRI M. M. HOX?~VAR SHRI S. R. PADMANBHAN ( Altmatr ) (Continuadonpcrgs2) @ Coprignt 1986 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS This publication is protected under thk I&m Cowi@ Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of th publisher rhall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.

Cable and Conductor Manufacturers Association of India, New Delhi

IS I 7998 ( Part 2 ) - 1985 ( Conrid from pugs 1 )

Members SHRI D. K. J AIN


Directorate of Technical Development Ut Production ( Air ), New Delhi S HRI V. K. SRARMA ( Altmah ) SEEI K. S. JOSEI bornbay Suburban Electric Supply Ltd, Bombay SH~I R. K. SEHQAL ( Al&ma& ) SEBI S. L. KA,KKAR Universal Cables Ltd, Satna SARI R. C. A~BAWAL ( Alturnats ) Delhi Electric SUDD~Y Undertaking, New Delhi SARI RAJ K. MITAL I. -. . SRRI V. K. SAKHUJA ( Ahmate ) SRRI R. V. N A R A Y A N A N Direct+orate General of Supplies & D i s p o s a l s ( Inspection Wing ), New Delhi Saar D. R. CSANDRA ( Alhmatr ) The Federation of Electricity Undertakings of Indii, SHBI H. M. Pnr Bdmbay SHRIYATI C. BALIC+A ( Ahnat ) Srisr S. N. PARWAL The Premier Cable Co Ltd, Eranakulam Asian Cables Corporation Ltd, Bombay SERZ A. K. RAXAN * SEW S. M. SAKHALKAB Bombay Electric Supply & Transport Undertaking, Bombay S HRI S. V. UPASANI ( Altnnatr ) SHRI L. K. SAN~RI Fort Gloster Industries Ltd, Howrah S HRI A. S. BHATTACHARJEE ( Alternate ) LT-COL S. R. SEN Controllerate of Inspection Electronics, Bahgalore S HRI S. K. MALROTRA ( Altmafc ) Punjab Research Institute, Rajpura D R M. S. SUKHUJA National Test House, Calcutta SHRI U. S. VRRMA SHRI R. RAXAKRISHAN ( Alremote ) Oriental P6wer Cables Ltd, Kota S HRI K. G. WARRIER SHRI B. K. MIJNDERA ( Altcrmts ) Director General,-ISI ( Ex-oJicio Mmbcr ) SHRI S. P. SACHDEV , Director ( Elec tech ) SHRI K. M. BHATIA Joint Director ( Elec tech ), IS1

Panel for Elastomeric and Thermoplastic Cables, ETDC 59/P4

SEBI L. K. SAXOSI Fort Gloster Industries Ltd, Howmh

Mnmbm SERI A. S. BHATTAOHABJEE ( Ahmat to Shri L. K. Sanghi ) Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking, New Delhi ADDITIOHAL GENEEAL MANAWEB


( Continuud en PopI 20 ) -c

IS : 7098 ( Part 2 ) 5 1985

Indian Standard

( First Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part 2 ) ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 30 September 1985, after the draft finalized by the Power Cables Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. 0.2 Experience has shown that it is possible to use crosslinked polyethylene ( XLPR) insulated cables for the class of voltages covered by this standard, in place of armoured paper-insulated lead-sheathed cables. 0.3 This standard was originally published in 1973 when the experience in the country about manufaature of these types of cables was limited. Since then, a considerable progress has been made and a number of manufacturers have come up. This standard has been revised to take into account the experience gained during manufacture of these cables in the country. The opportunity has also been utilized to align the format of this specification with other specifications for different types of cables. 0.4 Particular attention is drawn to the limitations of the short-circuit ratings of the types of cable covered by this standard owing to the absence of the. metallic sheath and the possible loss of electrical contact between the strands of the armour as a result of corrosion or the presence of compound between them or both. A separate standard about recommended short-circuit ratings of these types of cables is under preparation. 0.5 Attention is also drawn to the fact that the current ratings of the types of cable covered by this standard are different from those of the

IS : 7098 ( Part 2 ) - 1985 paper-insulated metal-sheathed cables; This standard does not include any data on the current ratings, but information on this aspect will be covered in a separate Indian Standard later. In the meanwhile, users are advised to consult the manufacturers for information on this aspect. 0.6 The correct type of cables should be selected for the system keeping in view whether the system is earthed or unearthed.
N OTE - It should be realized that in an electric system where an earth-fault i,s nor autom-ltically and promptly eliminated,the extra stresses on the insulation of the cables during the earth fault reduce the life of the cable to a certain extent. Therefore, if the system is expected to b: operated quite often with a prolonged earth-fault, it is advisable to select the cables suitable for unearthed system. 0.7

In the preparation of this standard, as:istance has been derived from IEC Publication 502 ( I983 ) Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables for rated voltages from 1 kV to 30 kV, issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission. 0.8 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

SECTION 1 GENERAL 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard ( Part 2 ) covers the requirements of following categories of crosslinked polyethylene insulated and PVC sheathed power cables for single phase or three phase ( earthed or unearthed ) systems for electricity supply purposes: a) Types oJ Cables 1) Single-core unscreened, metallic tape covered ); unarmoured ( but - non-magnetic

2) Single-core screened, unarmoured; 3) Single-core armoured ( non-magnetic ) screened or unscreened; and 4) Three-core armoured, screened or unscreened.
*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( rctisad ).

IS : 7098 ( Part 2 ) - 1985

b ) VoZtuge Grade (U,-,/D ) 1) Earthed System - 1913.3 kV, 3.816.6 kV, 6*35/11 kV,
12.7122 kV and 19/33 kV. 2) Unearthed System - 3.313.3 kV and 11 !l 1 kV.
NOTE 1 - Cables of 6.35111 kV grade ( earthed sytern ) are s&able for use on 66/66 kV ( unearthed system ) also. NOTE 2 - The cables conforming to this standard may be operated continuously at a power frequency voltage 10 percent higher than rated voltage. NOTE 3 -Under Rule 54 of the Indian Electricity Rules 1956, in case of high voltage, the permissible variation of declared voltage at the point of commencement of supply is +_ 9 percent.

1.2 These cables are suitable for use where combination of ambient temperature and temperature-rise due to load results in conductor temperature not exceeding 90C under normal operation and 250C under short-circuit conditions.
1.3 Armoured cables up to 11 kV grade specified in this standard are suitable for use in mines also. However, for such cables, additional requirements have been included, wherever necessary ( 3.1.1, 16.5 and 20.2 ).

2. TERMINOLOGY 2.6 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions in addition to those given in IS : 1885 ( Part 32 )-1971*, shall apply.
2.1 Routine Tests - Tests made by the manufacturer on all finished cable lengths to demonstrate the integrity of the cable. general commercial basis a type of cable in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance characteristics to meet the intended application.
NOTE - These tests are of such a nature that after they have been made they need not be repeated unless changes are made in the cable materials or design which might change the performance characteristics.

2.2 Type Tests - Tests required to be made before supply on a

2.3 Acceptance Tests - Tests carried out on samples taken from a lot for the purpose of acceptance of the lot. 2.4 Optional Tests - Special tests to be carried out, when .required, by agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.
l Electrotechnical electricity supply. vocabulary : Part 32 Cablea, conductor1 and accariu for] * 5

18 : 7998 ( Part 2 ) - 1985 2.5 Earthed System - An electric system which fulfils any of the following conditions:

Neutral-point or the mid-point connection is earthed in such a manner that, evenunder fault conditions; the maximum voltage that can occur between any conductor and the earth does not exceed 80 percent of the nominal system voltage; The neutral-point or the mid-point connection is not earthed but a protective device is installed which automatically. cuts out any part of the system which accidentlly becomes earthed; or In case of ac systems only, the neutral-point is earthed through C) an arc suppression coil with arrangement for isolation within 1 h of occurrence of the fault for the non-radial field cables and within 8 h for radial cables, provided that the total of such periods in a year does not exceed 125 h.

2.6 Unearthed System - An electric system which does not fulfil the requirement of the earthed system ( see 2.5 ). SECTION 2 MATERIALS 3. CONDUCTOR 3.1 The conductors shall be composed of plain copper or aluminium wires complying with IS : 8130-1984s. 3.1.1 Mining cables to be used in gassy mines shall be of copper conductor only. 4. INSULATION 4.1 The insulation shall be of crosslinked polyethylene conforming to the requirements given in Table 1. 5. SCREENING 5.1 The screening shall consist of one or more of the following, as specified! a) Non-metallic semi-conducting tape, b) Non-metallic semi-conducting compound, and c) Non-magnetic metallic tape wire, strip or sheath.
N OTE -The semi-conducting tape and semi-conducting compound shall be suitable for the operating temperature of the cable and compatible with the insulating material.
revision ).

*Specification for conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords (&I

IS I 7098 ( Part 2 ) - 1985

5.1.1 JVon-Magnetic Metallic T a p e for Siqle-Cora U n s c r e e n e d a n d Unarmowed Cables - Requirements for this tape shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

6. FILLERS AND INNER SHEATH 6.1 The fillers and inner sheath shall be of the following: a) Vulcanized or unvulcanized rubber; or b) Thermoplastic materials. 6.2 Vulcanized or unvulcanized rubber or thermoplastic material used for inner sheath shall not be harder than XLPE and PVC used for insulation and outer sheath respectively. Fillers and inner sheath s_aterials shall be chosen to be compatible with the temperature ratings of the cable and shall have no deleterious effect on any other component of the cable. 7. ARMOURING 7.1 Armouring shall be of the ioiiowing: a) Galvanized round steel wire, or b) Galvanized steel strip, or c) Any metallic non-mclgnetic wire,strip. 7.2 The galvanized steel wires/strips shall comply with the requirements of IS : 3975-1979.. The requirements of non-magnetic material shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier. 8. OUTER SHEATH 8.1 The outer sheath shall be of polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) compound conforming to the requirements of Type ST2 of IS : 5831-19847. SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTJON 9. CONDUCTOR 9.1 The conductor shall be of stranded construction, size 25 mm2 and above, complying with Class 2 of IS : 8130-1984$. *Specification for mild steel wires, strips and .tapes for armouring of cables (Jsrrt raoirion ). tSpecification for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables (jrti r&ion ). $Specification for conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords@~:
rmision ).

1s : 7098 ( Part 2 ) - 1985

9.2 In case of 3.3 kV cables, a protective barrier may be applied

between the conductor and insuIation at the discretion of the manufticturer. Such barrier, when used, shall be compatible with insulating material .and suitable for the operating temperature of the cable.

10.1 All cables rated above 3.313.3 kV shall be provided with conductor screening. Conductor screening shall be provided over the conductor by applying non-metallic semi-conducting tape or by extrusion of semiconducting compound or a combination of the two. 11. INSULATION

11.1 The conductor ( with protective barrier or screen, where applied ), shall be provided with crosslinked polyethylene insulation applied by extrusion. 11.2 Thickness of Insulation - The average thickness of insulation shall be not less than the nominal value ( ti ) specified in Table 2. 11.3 Tolerance on Thickness of Insulation - The smallest of measured values of thickness of insulation shall not fall below the nominal value ( ti ) specified in Table 2 by more than 0.1 mm + 0.1 Ci. . 11.4 Application of Insulation - The insulation shall be so applied that it fits closely on the conductor ( or conductor screening or barrier if any ) and it shall be possible to remove it without damaging the cbnductor. 12. INSULATION SCREENING 12.1 All cables rated above 3.313.3 kV shall be provided with insulation screening. 12.2 The insulation screening shall consist of two parts; namely, metallic and non-metallic. 12.3 Non-metallic part shall be applied directly over the insulation of each core and shall consist of either a semi-conducting tape or extruded semi-conducting compound or a combination of thiz two or either material with a semi-conducting coating. 12.4 Metallic part shall consist of either tape, or braid, or concentric serving of wires or a sheath; shall be non-magnetic and ~shall be applied over the non-metallic part. For single+ore armoured cables, the atmouring shall constitute the metallic part of the screening. * 8

IS : 7998 ( Part 2 ) 13. CORE IDENTIFICATION 13.1 Core identification for three core cables shall be as follows:
Voltage Grade Method of Identification


kV r a) Different colouring of XLPE insulation, or 1*9/3*3 and 3*3/3*3 -( b) C o ouretl strips applied on the cores, or 1 [ c) By numerals ( 1, 2, 3 ) either by applying numbered strips or by printing on the cores. 3*8:6*6,635/ 11, II/l 1,12*7/22 and 19133 { ( a) Coloured strips applied on the cores, or b) By numerals ( I, 2, 3 ) either by.applying numbered strips or by printing on the 1 cores.

13.1.1 For identification by different colouring of XLPE insulation, or by using coloured strips, red, yellow and blue colours respectively shall be used to identify phase conductors. 14. LAYING UP OF CORES 14.1 In three core cables, the cores ( with or without barrier or screening, as the case may be )shall be laid together with a suitable right hand lay. Where necessary, the interstices shall be filled with non-hygroscopic material. 15. INtiER SHEATH ( COMMON COVERING ) 15.1 The laid up cores shall be provided with inner sheath applied either by extrusion or by wrapping. It shall be ensured that the shape is as circular as possible. 15.2 The inner sheath shall be so applied that it fits closely.on the laid up cores &rd it shall be possible to remove it without damage to the insulation. 15.3 Thickness of Inner Sheath - The thickness of inner sheath ( common covering ) shall be- as given in Table 3. Single core cables shall have no inner sheath. 15.3.1 When one or more layers of binder tapes are applied over the laid up cores, the thickness of such tapes shall not be construed as a part of the inner sheath. A 9

ISt7998(Part?)-1985 16, ARMOUIUNG 16.1 Application - Armouring shall be applied over the insulation or protective barrier or non-metallic part of insulation screening, if any, in case of single core cables and over the inner sheath in case of three-core cables. 16.1.1 The armour wires/strips shall be applied as closely as practicable. 16.1.2 The direction of lay of the armour shall be left hand. For double wires/strips armoured cables, this requirement shall apply to the inner layer of wires/strips. The outer layer shall, except in special cases, be applied in the reverse direction to the inner layer, and there shall be a separator of suitable non-hygroscopic material; such as plastic tape, bituminized cotton tape, bituminized hessian tape, rubber tape, proofed tape between the inner and outer layers of armour wires. strips. 16.2 Type of Armour - Where the calEulated diameter below armouring - does not exceed 13 mm, the armour shall consist of galvanized round steel wires. The armour of cables having calculated diameter below armouring greater than 13 mm shall consist of either galvanized round steel wires or galvanized steel strips. 16.2.1 In the case of single-core cables, the armouring shall be of nonmagnetic material. 16.3 Dimensions - The dimensions of galvanized steel wires or strips shall be as specified in Table 4. 16.4 Jointa - The joints in armour wires of strips shall be made by brazing or welding and the surface irregularities shall be removed. A joint in any wire/strip shall be at least 300 mm from the nearest joint in any other armour wire/strip in the,acompleted cable. 16.5 Conductance - In case of cables for use in mines, the conductance of armour*shall be not less than 75 percent of that of the largest conductor contained in the cables. To satisfy this, substitution of the galvanized steel wires/strips in armour by required number of tinned copper wires/strips is permissible. 17. OUTER SHEATH 17.1 The outer sheath shall be applied by extrusion. It shall be applied: a) over the non-magnetic metallic tape covering the insulation or over the non-magnetic metallic part of insulation screening in case of unarmoured single core cables, and -c 10

ISt7098(Part2)-I!385 b) over the armouring in case of armoured cables. 17.2 Colour of outer sheath shall be black or any other colour as agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier. 17.3 Thickness of Outer Sheath 17.3.1 Unarmowed Cables - The thickness of PVC outer sheath of unarmoured cables determined by taking the average of a number of measurements shall be not less than the nominal value ( ta ) specified in Table 5 aud the smallest of the measured values shall not fall below the nominal value ( ts ) specified in Table 5 by more than 0 2 mm + 0.2 ta. 17.3.2 Armourcd Cables - The minimum thickness of PVC outer sheath in armoured cables shall not fall below the nominal value ( ts ) specified in Table 5 by more than 0.2 mm + O-2 f8. SECTION 4 TESTS 18. CLASSIFICATION OF TBSTS 18.1 Type Tests - The following shall constitute type tests: Test For Requirements,


Ref Part No. of

IS: 10810+ 1 2 3 5 36 to 42 6

For Test Method,

a) Tests on conductor Annealing test ( for copper ) ii) Tensile test ( for aluminium ) iii) W r a p p i n g test ( for aluminium ) iv) Resistance test

IS : 8130-1984t IS : 8130-1984t IS: 8130-1984t

IS : 8130-1984t Clause 7, Table 4 and IS : 3975-1979: Clauses 11, 15 and 17, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 5


Tests for armouring wires/ strips lation and sheath

cl Test for thickness of insu-

*Methods of test for cables. tspecification for conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords (first rmision ). $Specification for mild steel wires. strips and tapes for)armouring of cables (jr~l * re&ion ) .


IS : 7098 ( Part 2 ) - 1985 Test d) Physical tests for insulation i) Tensile strength and elongation at break ii) Ageing in air oveil iii) Hot test iv) Shrinkage test v) Water absorption ( gravimetric ) e) Physical tests for outer sheath i) Tensile strength and elongation at break ii) Ageing in air oven iii) Shrinkage test iv) Hot deformation f) Bleeding and blooming test ( for outer sheath ) g) Partial discharge test h) Bending test . j) Dielectric power factor test i) As a function of voltage ii) As a function of temperature k) Insulation resistance ( volunie resistivity ) test m) Heating cycle test n) Impulse withstand test p) High voltage test q) Flammability test Table 1 Table 1 Table 1 Table I Table 1 7 11 30 12 33 For Requirements,


For Test Method, Ref Part No. of IS : 10810

IS : 5831-19847 IS : 583I-19847 IS : 5831-1984t IS : 5831-19847 IS : 5831-1984t 19.2 19.3 19.4

7 11 12 15 19 46 50 48

Table 1 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8

43 49 47 45 53

*Methods of teat for cables. tSpecificaxion for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables ( jirzl ru&iea ). 12

IS : 7098 ( Part 2 ) - 1985

18.1-l Tests Cd, (h), W, (4, (4 are applicable only to screened cables, out of which test (j) is applicable to cables with rated voltage 6*35/l 1 kV and above only. It shall be permissible to carry out test (j) on different sample.
18.1.2 With the exception and provision of 18.1.1, the following tests on screened cables shall be performed successively on the same test sample of completed cable, not less than 10 m in length between the test accessories: Partial discharge test, Bending test followed by partial discharge test, Dielectric power factor as a function of voltage, Dielectric power factor as a function of temperature, Heating cycle test followed by dielectric power factor as a function of voltage and partial discharge tests, Impulse withstand test, and High voltage test. If a sample fails in test (g), one more sample shall be taken for this test; preceded by tests (b) and (e). 18.2 Acceptance Tests - The following shall constitute acceptance tests: a) Annealing test ( for copper ), b) Tensile test ( for aluminium ), c) Wrapping test ( for aluminium ) d) Conductor resistance test, e) Test for thickness of insulation and sheath, f ) Hot set test for insulation, g) Tensile strength and elongation at break test for insulation and sheath, h) Partial discharge test ( for screened cables only ), j) High voltage test, and k) Insulation resistance ( volume resistivity ) test.
NOTE - Partial discharge test shall be carried out on full drum length.


IS t 7998 ( Part 2 ) - 1985 18.3 Routine Tests - The following shall constitute routine tests:

a) Conductor resistance test, b) Partial discharge test ( for screened cables only ), and c) High .voltage test.
NOTE - Partial discharge test shall be carried out on full drum length.

18.4 Optional Test - Cold impact test for outer sheath ( IS : 58311984* ) shall constitute the optional test.
19. DETAILS OF TESTS 19.1 General - Unless otherwise stated in this standard, the tests shall

be carried out in accordance with appropriate part of IS : 10810t, taking into account additional information given in this standard.

19.2 Partial Discharge Test - The partial discharge ma-nitude at test voltage equal to I-5 U, shall not exceed 2OpC.. 19.3 Bending Test - The diameter of the test cylinder shall be 200 f 5 peicent where D is the overall diameter of the completed cable. After completing the bending operations, the test sample shall be subjected to partial discharge measurement and shall comply with the requirements given in 19.2.
19.4 Dielectric Power Factor Test 19.4.1 Tan 6 as a Function of Voltage - The measured value of tan 6 at lJO shall not exceed 0.004 and the increment of tan 8 between 0.5 U, and 2 Uo shall not be more than 0.002. 19.4.2 Tan 6 as u Function of Temperature - The measured value of tan 8 shall not exceed 0.004 at ambient temperature and 0.008 at 9OC.

19.5 Heating Cycle Test - The sample, which has been subjected to previous tests, shall be laid out on the floor of the test room and subjected to heat cycles. After third cycle, the sample shall be subjected to dielectric power factor as a function of voltage, ( 19.4.1 ) and partial discharge test ( 19.2 ).

specification for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables (Jrst reuision ). tMethods of test for cables.


I8 : 7098 ( Part 2 ) - 1965 19.6 Impulse Withstand Teat - Impulse voltage level shall be as :given below: Rated voltage, kV Impulse voltage, kV
19.7 High Voltage Test 19.7.1 Tyke/ Acceptance Test - The cable shall withstand without breakdown an ac voltage equal to 3 V0 when applied to the sample between conductor and screenlarmour ( and between conductors in case of unscreened cable ). The voltage shall be gradually increased to the specified value and maintained for a period of 4 hours. 19.7.2 Routine Test - The cables shall withstand without any failure, the test voltages given below, when applied for a period of five minutes for each test connection.

3,8/6*6 60

635/11 75

ll/ll 95

127122 125

19133 170

No breakdown of the insulation shall occur during the test.


kV 1.913.3 3.313.3 j 3.816% 6*35/l 1 11/l 1 12.722 19133

TFST VOLTAGE F-------- h_--_----_~ Between Conductors Between Conductors and Screen/Armour kV (rms) kV, ( rms ) 10 12 17 28 32 48 10 -

19.8 Flammability Test - Period of burning after removal of t h e flame shall not exceed 60 seconds and the unaffected ( uncharred ) portion from the lower edge of the top clamp shall be at least 50 mm.


20.1 Manufacturers Identification - The manufacturer shall b e

identified throughout the length of cable by manufacturers name or trade-mark and the voltage grade and year of manufacture indented, printed or embossed or by means of a tape bearing this informationLThe indentation, printing or embossing shall be done only on the outer sheath. 15

ISr7998(Part 2)-1985 For manufacturers name, if none of these methods is employed tir if the purchaser so desires, colour identification threads in accordance wifh a scheme to be approved by the Indian Standards Institution shall be employed. 20.2 Cable Identification - In case of cables intended for use in mines, the word MINING shall be indented, printed or embossed on the outer sheath throughout the length of the cable. 20.3 Cable Code - The following code shall be used for designating the cable: Code Letter C0nstitf&??lt Sl No. A i> Aluminium conductor 2x ii) XLPE insulation W iii) Steel round wire armour Wa iv) Non-magnetic round wire armour F v) Steel strip armour Fa vi) Non-magnetic strip armour ww vii) Double steel round wire armour FF viii) Double steel strip armour Y ix) PVC outer sheath NOTE - No code letter for conductor is required when the conductor material is


21. PACKING AND MARKING 21.1 The cable shall be wound on a drum ( see IS : 10418-1982* ) and packed. The ends of the cable shall be sealed by means of nonhygroscopic sealing material. 2i.2 The cable shall carry the following information either stencilled on the drum or contained in a label attached to it:

4 b) 4 4 4 f1 g) h)

Reference to this Indian Standard, for example, ref ISS 7098 ( Part 2 ); Manufacturers name or trade-mark; Type of cable and voltage grade; Number of cores; Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor; Cable code; Length of cable on the drum; Number of lengths on the drum ( if more than one ); for druxxu for electric cabI_. 16


18: 7098 ( Part 2 ) - 1985

k) 4

Direction of rotation of drum ( by means of an arrow ); Gross mass; Country of manufacture; and Year of manufacture.

21.2.1 The cable ( drum or label ) may also be marked with the ISI Certification Mark.
NOTZ - The use of the ISI Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act and the Rules. and Regulations made thereunder. The ISI Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the require ments of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and qurlity control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by _ the producer. ISI marked products are also continuously checked by ISI for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a liccoce for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturerr or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Stnndardn Institution.


ii) iii)


REQUIBEMEWE (3) 12.5 N/mm, Min 200 percent, Min 135 f 3% 7 days f 25 percmt, Max f 25 percant, Max 200 f 3C 15 minuta 20 N/cm 175 perceat. Max 15 percent, Mar 13; h,: 4 percent, Maa 85 f 2-C 14 days 1 mg/cms, Max 1 x 101sohm-cm, Min I x 1oU ohm-cm, Min

Tensile strength Elongation at break Ageing in air oven:


Temparature a) Treatment Duration b) Tensile strength variation c) Elongation variation iv) Hot set: Temperature Time under load a) Treatment { Mechanical stress b) Elongation under load c) Permanent elongation ( set ) after cooling v) Shrinkage ( Temperature a) Treatment 1 Duration b) Shrinkage * vi) Water absorption ( gravimetric ): a) Treatment vii) b) Water absor Volume +stivity: a) at 27% b) at 90C





NOXIXAL THICKNESS OF I NSULATION ( ti ) -~ - , - - - - _ - ~ - - ~ 1.9134 and 38/66 kV 635111 kV 11/11 kV 127122 kV 19/33 kV 3.313.3 kV

Single Single core unarmoucore rrmou- r e d a n d three core cable cables (2) mm 22:; 2.5 2.5 25 (3) mm 22

(1) mm :z 50 z;

T A B L E 3 THIQlNRSS OF INNRR SHEATH ( Cluas~ 15.3 ) . All dimensions in millimetres. C ALCULATED D IAMETER OVER L AID U P C ORES [ REF IS : 10462 ( PART I )-1983 ]* r--_-_--A -__-_ y Over Up toand Including (1) 25 35 :: (2) 25 :; 55 THICKWEBS OF I N N E R S HEATH ( Min )

Fictitious calculation method for determination of dimensions of protective coverings of cablea: Part 1 Elaatomsric and thermoplastic insulated cables.

18 t 7998 ( Part 2 ) - 1985

TABLE 4 DIMENSIONS OF ARMOUR - ROUND WIltES AND STRIPS ( Cl4usc 16.3 ) All dimensionr in millimetres.


Up to and Including (3) 0.8 (4) -


(2) (1) For all diameter in excess of 13 or 13 b, Is 25 z 55 70 :

0; 0.8 I.4 I.4 1.4

:z f:k! 3.15 400

N OTE - (a) and (b) indicate two methods of practice in the application of armouring. *Fictitious calculation method for determination of dimensions of protective coverings of cables: Part 1 Elastomeric and thermoplastic insulated cables.

TABLE 5 THIf%NESS OF OUTER SHJZATH (Clauiu 17.3.1 aaurd17.3.2) Ail dimensions in millimetres.
C A L C U L A T ED D I A M E T ER U N D E R THE Ooma SHEATH [ REF IS : 1042 ( PA R T I )-1983 ] #_--.----*--~ Over Up to and N OMINAL T H I C K N E S S OF OUTER SEEATH ( 11)

Including (1) 15 E z :: 60 65 3: 40 ziz 55 60 65 (2) 15 (3) ;; ;:i 26 ;:; 3.2 3.4

;.-i ;: ;: 4.0 l Fictitioua calculation method for determination of dimensions of protectiva coverings of cables: Part 1 Elastomeric and thermoplastic Insulated cablee.


1S : 7098 ( Part 2 ) - 1985

( Continued from

page 2 )
Representing Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation Calcutta


( India ) Ltd,

SARI P. NEOGI ( Alfernafc ) Cable Corporation of India Ltd, Bombay SHRI M. M. HONAVAI: SHtl1 S. R. PADMANABHAN ( Ah1d8 ) Universal Cables Ltd, Satna SURI S. L. KAKRAR SIIRI R. C. A~~AWAL ( AIfernafc ) Ltd, SHHI J. V. MEJITA The Ahmedabad Electricity Company Ahmadabad The National Insulated Cable Co of India Ltd, SHRI S. MITRA Calcutta DR V. TIKKU ( ~hcrrrolc ) Oriental Power Cables Ltd, Kota SHXI B. K. MUNDRRA SHRI A. K. JAIN ( Altcrnaie ) Indian Cable Co Ltd, Calcutta DR S. K. R A Y SERI K. V. R. RAO ( Altcrnntc ) Industrial Cables ( India ) Ltd, Rajpura SHRI S. R. SA R A N




IS : 7098


Revision )

( Page 8, clause 12.4 ) - Substitute the following for the last sentence: For single core nrmourcd cnblcs, the nrmouring rrtny constitute the metallic part of the screening. ( Page 9, clnrrse 15.2 ) - Jnscrt the following new clause after 15.2: 15.2.1 In case of single core cables where there are bothmetallic screening and armouring, there shall be extruded inner sheath between them. ( Page 9, clarrJe 15.3 ) - Substitute the following for the existing clause: 1 5 . 3 Ihickncss of Inner Sheath - The thickness of inner sheath ( common covering ) shall bc as given in Table 3. single core cables except those spccilicd in 15.2.1 shall have no inner sheath. ( Page 10, clarrse 16.1 ) - Substitute the following for the existing clause: 1 6 . 1 Armourin~ sllnll IX npplictl over the inr\ll:itiw o r protective

b a r r i e r o r non-mct;lllic p a r t uf illsuhtion screening. i f a n y , i n cnsc o f single core cnhlcs or iuncr slw~tl~ in cnse of s c r c c n c d a n d n r m o u r c d

single core cables, and over the inner sheath in cast of three core cables. ( Puge 10, clause 16.1.2 ) - Insert the following after 16.1.2: 16.1.3 A binder tape may be applied on the nrmour. ( Page 10, clause 16.5 ) - Substitute the following for &he existing clause: 16.5 Resistnnce - In case of cnblcs for use in mints, the r&lance o f armour slinll n o t cxcccd that ol conductur 3s spccilicd in IS : 81301984,by more than 33 pcrccnt. To satisfy this, substitution of gnlvanizcd wires/strips in the armour by required number of tinned copper wires/ strips is permissible.

( Page 11, clnrtses 17.3.1 nnd 17.3.2 ) - Substitute the following for the existing clauses: 17.3.1 Ufmrrmlrred Cables - The thickness of outer sheath of un* nrmnffrcd cnblcs dctcrmincd hy t:tkinR the n v c r n p c o f n number o f mcasurcnicffls sh:fll If0 nol less Ihnn the ffoflritfnl valffc spccilicd i n co1 3 of Tnblc 5 and the s~mllcst of tltc mcnslfrctl vnlucs shnll bc not ICSS tharl the nfilfimffrff value spccilicd in cot 4 of Inblc 5. 17.3.2 Armorrred Cnblcs - lhc tlfickncss of outer slfcnth shnll bc not ICSS than tlfe rninimuru vnluc spccilicd in col 5 of Table 5. [ Page 12, clause 18.1(e)] - Add tlfe following at the end of(e): 10 IS : 5831-1984 v) Loss of mass in air oven do 14 vi) Heat shock Appendix B of vii) Thermal stability do IS : 5831-1984 [ Pnge 12, clause 18.1(f) ] - Dclctc. ( Page 13, clause 18.1.1 ) -- Delctc the last sentence. ( Page 13, clause 18.2(g) ] - Substitute outer sheathfor sheath. ( Page 13, clause 18.2 ) - Insert the following clause after 18.2: 18.2.1 A recommended sampling plan for acceptaflce tests is given in Appendix A. ( Page 14, clofrsc 18.3 ) - Insert the following after (c): d) Rcsistancc test for arfnoffr ( for fnining cables ) in accordance with IS : 10810 ( Part 42 ) and 16.5. ( Page 15, clause 19.7.1 ) - Substitute the following for the existing clause: 19.7.1 qp?/Accc~Jfance lhSf - The cable shall withstand without breakdown an nc voltage equal to 3cT, but not less tlfnn the value specilicd in 19.7.2 when applied to the sample between conductor and screcn/fnclallic tapc/nrmour (and between conductors in case of unscrcencd cable). The voltage shall bc gradually increased to the specified value and mnintnincd for a period of 4 hours. lf lslfilc testing, interruption occurs during Ihc 4 hour period the test shall be prolonged to the safne exrept. If tlfe interuption period exceeds 30 minutes. the test shall be repented. ( Ioge 18, 7irble 2, col 2 ) - Substitute 25lor 26, 30 for 31 If110 35for 36 for si7.m 300, 630 ntd I 000 111fii~ rcspcctivcly. ( f0gc 18, 7ohlc 3, cot I nrrtl 2 ) - Suhslitiftc the following for ltfc e x i s t i n g main hxfdiffg C A L C U L A T E D L)IAhfE~I.ER OVER LAID UP CORES/ OVER SCREEN FOR SINGLE CORE CABLES 1 REF IS : 10462 ( P ART I ) - 1983 I.

A C C O R D A N C E!



( Ingc 19, T&/c 5 ) - Substitute the following for the existing tnblc:
TAULE 5 1lllCKNESS O F OiJTllR SIIEATII ( Clnrrsrs 17.3.1 nntl 17.3.2 ) All tlimcn~ion~ In rnillitltclrc~.


C-AI rULAlIl) l>IAMFlPR IJNIWR IIll! ()rJllll SIIrAlll 1 Rcf IS :l\ty;21( JART J )r---A--_y Over

Up lo ond iocludiog (2) 15

--- h---y
Nominal ( 1. 1 (3) Minimum

(1) -

(5) (4) 1.24 1.24 ;:o 1.40 1.40 1.56 1.56 Z:f J ,I2 1.72 1.88 1.88 ;:B 2.04 2 04 2.20 3.0 2.20 2.36 3.2 2.36 2.52 252 3.4 3.6 2.68 2.68 2.04 2.84 ::; 3.00 3.00 *Fictitious calculation method for dclerminntion of dimensions of proleclive coverings of cables : Part I Elastomeric and thermoplastic insnlntcd cables. ( Puge 19, Table 5 ) - Insert the following appen,dix after the table:

APPENDIX A ( C!artse 18.2.1 )

SARIPLING OF CADLES A-l. LOT A-l.1 In any consignment the cables of the same size manufact~rcd

under cssctltinlly s i m i l a r c o n d i t i o n s o f p r o d u c t i o n shall b c g r o u p e d togcllicr to constitute 11 l o t .


SCALE OF SAMPLING A.2.1 Shmplcs shall bc taken and tested from each lot for ascertaining

the conformity of the lot to the requirements of the specification.


The in IIIC


of samples

No. r?f Drums

to be selectd shall be as given below: No. of Drr(ms (o he lcrtltissihlc No.



as Sat~tple 3

of Dcfectires

Up tO 25 26 to 50

8 13




o 0
-1 1 In order to ensure :4 W5-1968* may bc

101 to 300 301 andabovc

A-2.2 ..1 ~llCSC Salll[l[CS Sll:lll I)C tfik Cll at randoln. prcrccclurc given in 1S (IIC randomness ofsclcction,

A-3, A-3.1 NUMBER From each





shall be taken.

Suititblc Icngth.s of test samples of (I1c drums sclcctcd, TIWSCtest samples shall be subjcctcd to c~ch of the ( sce 20.2 ). A test samc)le is called defective if it fails

in a;y one of the acceptance tests. lfthc humber of dcfcctives is Icss than or equal to the corresponding permissible number given in A-2.2, the lot shall bc declared as conforming to the requirements of acceptance tests; otherwise not.

q Mcthod.s for random sampling,

( ETDC 59 )
Printud et Simco Printing Press, Delhi




PART 2 FOR WORKING VOLTAGES FROM 3.3 kV UP AND INCLUDING 33 kV (First Revision ) [Page 7, clause 7.l(b)] - Substitute or fbr CMvanized steel strip, or. (Page 7, clause 7.2, lirze 1) Galvanized stetd formed wire (strip),




the following

for the existing

Tht galvanized round steel wir@fimned ~ha)l co~lfo~ to IS 3975 : 1999*, (Pa,ge 7, footnote
iootn cite: Spmlficdtiofl for low Garbon gah animal steel wires, formed wires aad tapes for rrrrtwuring of cables (th(rd revision ).

steel wires (strips) used for armouring

nmrkedw) - Substitute

the following

for the existing

10, clause 16.3) -- Add the following matter at the end:

The tolerance on nomina~ dimensions shall be as per IS 3975: 1999. However, for forrn(xi steel wires compliance shall be ensured only for dimensions A & ,~.,,. (Page 10, clause 16.5) Insert the following new clause after 16.5: 16.6 The round steel wires/formed the fi)llowing requirements: a) steel wires taken from the cable shall meet

The tensile strength of rcwnd steel wire/formed steel wire shall be not less than 250 N/mm2 and not more 580 N/mm2. The elongation at break of round stee!. wire/formed not less than 6 percent, 1 steel wire shall be


Amend No. 2 to KS709$ (Part 2) :1985 c) Round steel wire shall meet the requirements of torsion test. The gauge length between Vices and the minimum number of turns without break shall be as per Table 6 of IS 3975: 1999. The zinc corrting shall not show any cracks and shall not flake off on rubbing by the bare finger when the formed steel wire is subjected to winding test. The un iforrnity of zinc coating of round steel wirelformed steel wire shall comply with the requirements of IS: 3975-1999 subject to the followifig: - The minimum number of dips shall be reduced by one half-minute dip in case of formed wires, dip test is applicable f) only for the face.



The mass of zinc coating of round steel wire shall be not less than 95 percent of the mass specified in Table 2 of IS 4826:1979. The m~ss of zinc coating of formed steel wire shall be not less than 95 percent of the mass specified in IS 3975:1999.


The resistivhy of the round steel wire/formed requirements of IS 3975:1999.

11, clause

steel wire shall meet the



S1 No.

(b)] Substitute

the following

for the

e[istirig: b) Tests for round steel wire/formed wire (strip) arm our: 1) 2) Dimensiorrs Physical tests on round/formed i) Tensile strength ii) Elongation at break iii) Torsion test for round wires wire: 16.6(a) of IS 7098 (Part 2) 16.6(b) of IS 7098 (Part 2) 16.6(c) of IS 7098 (Part 2) Part 37 of IS 10810 Part 37 of IS 10810 Part 38 of IS 10810 steel 16.3 of IS 692 Part 36 of IS 10810

Amend No. 2 to IS 7098 (Part 2): 1985 iv) Winding test for formed wires


of zinc coating

vi) Mass of zinc coating vii) Resistivity

16.6(d) of IS 709$ (Part 16.6(e) of Is 7098 (Part 16.6(9 of IS 7098 (Part 16.6(g) of IS 7098 (Part the following

2) 2) 2) 2)

Part 39 of IS 10810 Part 40 of IS 10810 Part 41 of IS 10810 Part 42 of IS 10810

(Pu~e 11, footnote matter:

marked $) Substitute

for the existing

Ispccificaticm fclr low carbon galvanized steel wires, formed wires and tapes for arrnouring of c;ibles (tkwd rewsion).

(ET 09) reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

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