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T S 1

S 1

Name of the insect and family Silver fish (P-Book pest) Lepismatidae Thysanura Dragon fly (B-predator) Aeshnidae Odonata Damsel fly (B-predator) Coenagrionidae Odonata Short horned grasshopper (Ppest) Acrididae Orthoptera Long horned grasshopper (Ppest) Tettigoniidae Orthoptera Field cricket (P-Jute pest) Gryllidae Orthoptera Mole cricket (P-Jute pest) Gryllotalpidae Orthoptera Earwig (Predator) Forficulidae Dermaptera Cockroach (P-omnivorous pest) Blattidae Dictyoptera Preying mantid (B-predator) Mantidae Dictyoptera Termite (P-polyphagous pest) Termitidae Isoptera

T S 12

S 1

Name of the insect and family Aphid (P-polyphagous pest) Aphididae Homoptera Green leaf hopper (P-Jute pest) Cicadellidae Homoptera Brown plant hopper (P-Jute pest) Delphacidae Homoptera White fly (P-polyphagous pest) Aleyrodidae Homoptera Cicada (make sound) Cicadidae Homoptera

TS 22

S Name of the insect and family 1 Giant water bug (aquatic predator) Belostomatidae Hetaroptera Water boatman (aquatic) Corixidae Hetaroptera Stink bug (P- pest) Pentatomidae Hetaroptera Red cotton bug(P- pest) Pyrrhocoridae Hetaroptera Squash bugs (P-cucurbit pest) Coreidae Hetaroptera Bed bugs (Bite human) Cimicidae Hetaroptera Assasin bugs (B-predator) Reduviidae Hetaroptera Tea mosquito bug (P-tea pest) Miridae Hetaroptera Rice bug (P-rice pest) Alydidae Hetaroptera

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1 2 1

13 14 15

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23 24 25

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6 7 8 9 10 11

3 4 5 1 2 1

17 18 19 20 21

Mealy bug (P-polyphagous pest) Pseudococcidae Homoptera 7 Scale insect (P-polyphagous pest) Coccidae Homoptera 8 Lac insect (B-industrial insect) Lacciferidae Homoptera 9 citrus psylla (P-citrus pest) Psyllidae Homoptera 10 The buffalo treehopper Membracidae Homoptera

27 28 29 30

6 7 8 9

T S 31 32 33 34 35 36

S 1 2 3 4 5 6

Name of the insect and family Tiger beetle (B-predator) Cicindelidae Coleoptera Ground beetle (B-predator) Carabidae Coleoptera Diving beetle (B-predator) Dytiscidae Coleoptera Water scavenger beetle Hydrophilidae Coleoptera Dung beetle (P-scavenger) Scarabaeidae Coleoptera Rhinoceros beetle (P-cononut pest) Scarabaeidae Coleoptera May beetle (P- pest) Scarabaeidae Coleoptera June beetle (P- pest) Scarabaeidae Coleoptera Lady bird beetle (Predator) Coccinellidae Coleoptera Epilachna beetle (P- veg. pest) Coccinellidae Coleoptera Tortoise beetle (Pn-noneconomic) Chrysomelidae

T S 42 43 44 45 46 47

Name of the insect and family

TS 53 54 55 56 57 58

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Name of the insect and family Brush-footed butterfly (PN- pest) Nymphalidae Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) Swallotail butterfly (P-citrus pest) Papilionidae Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) Lemon butterfly (P-citrus pest) Papilionidae Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) Cabbage butterfly (P-veg. pest) Pieridae Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) Yellow butterfly (Pn- pest) Pieridae Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) Sulphur butterfly (Pn- pest) Pieridae Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera)

12 Red pumpkin beetle (P-veg. pest) Chrysomelidae Coleoptera 13 Rice hispa (P-rice pest) Chrysomelidae Coleoptera 14 Metallic wood boring beetle Buprestidae Coleoptera 15 Long-horned wood boring beetle Cerambycidae Coleoptera 16 Fire fly Lampyridae Coleoptera 17 Pulse beetle (P-stored pest) Bruchidae Coleoptera 18 Red flour beetle (P-stored pest) Tenebrionidae Coleoptera 19 Khapra beetle (P-stored pest) Dermestidae Coleoptera 20 Click beetle (P-wheat pest) Elateridae Coleoptera 21 Rove beetle (B-predator) Staphylinidae Coleoptera 22 Rice weevil (P-stored pest) Curculionidae Coleoptera

37 38 39 40 41

7 8 9 10 11

48 49 50 51 52

Prepared by

Chandra Kanta Dash

Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology

Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet3100


T S 59

S 1

Name of the insect and family Rice yellow stem borer (P- rice pest) Pyralidae Lepidoptera (Heterocera) Tiger moth (P-jute pest) Arctiidae Lepidoptera (Heterocera) Hawk moth (P-oil-seed pest) Sphingidae Lepidoptera (Heterocera) Cutworm (P- polyphagous pest) Noctuidae Lepidoptera (Heterocera) Mango defoliator/Giant silk moth Saturniidae Lepidoptera (Heterocera) Silkworm moth (B-industrial insect) Bombycidae Lepidoptera (Heterocera) Rice skipper (P- rice pest) Hesperidae Lepidoptera (Heterocera) Diamond back moth (P-veg. pest) Plutellidae Lepidoptera (Heterocera)

T S 67

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Name of the insect and family Mosquito (P-household pest) Culicidae Diptera (Nematocera) Gall midge (P-gall making pest) Cecidomyiidae Diptera (Nematocera) Horse fly (P-domestic pest) Tabanidae Diptera (Brachycera) Robber fly (B-predator) Asilidae Diptera (Brachycera) Hover fly (B-predator) Syrphidae Diptera (Cyclorrhapha) House fly (P-household pest) Muscidae Diptera (Cyclorrhapha)

TS 78

S 1

Name of the insect and family Ichneumon fly (B-predator) Ichneumonidae Hymenoptera Braconid wasp (B-parasitoid) Braconidae Hymenoptera Wasp (B-predator) Vespidae Hymenoptera Ant (P-household pest) Formicidae Hymenoptera Honey bee (Industrial insect) Apidae Hymenoptera Chalcid wasp (B-parasitoid) Chalcididae Hymenoptera Trichogrammatid wasp (B-parasitoid) Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera Eulophid wasp (B-parasitoid) Eulophidae Hymenoptera

60 61 62 63 64

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68 69 70 71 72

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79 80 81 82 83

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65 66

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73 74 75 76

Blow fly (P-household pest) Calliphoridae Diptera (Cyclorrhapha) 8 Tachinid fly (B-parasitoid) Tachinidae Diptera (Cyclorrhapha) 9 fruit fly (P- fruit & veg. pest) ephritidae Diptera (Cyclorrhapha) 10 Leaf miner fly (P- veg. pest) Agromyzidae Diptera (Cyclorrhapha)

84 85

7 8

Prepared by

Chandra Kanta Dash

Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology


11 Drosophila Drosophilidae Diptera (Cyclorrhapha)

Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet3100

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