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Jaidol Gr Swahili

Swahili (Kiswahili) is spoken by various ethnic groups that inhabit several large stretches of the Indian Ocean coastline from southern Somalia to northern Mozambique, including the Comoros Islands. Although only 5-10 million people speak it as their native language, Swahili is also a lingua franca of much of East Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is a national or official language of four nations, and is the only language of African origin among the official working languages of the African Union. Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Basic Words - Maneno Ya Kawaida

Hi - Habari Or Sasa How Are U? - Habari Yako Or Habari Gani? I m Ok Thanx - Niko Salama Asante I m Sad - Nina Huzuni What s Your Name? - Jina Lako Nani? My Name s - Jina Langu Ni .... Nice To Meet U - Nimefurahi Kukutana Na Wewe Nice To Meet U Too - Nimefurahi Kukutana Na Wewe Pia How Old Are U? - Una Miaka Mingapi? I M----Yrs Old - Nina Miaka ..... Please - Tafadhali Yes - Ndio No - Apana Maybe - Pengine Thanks - Asante

Sorry - Pole Don t Worry - Usijali Where Are U From? - Umetoka Wapi I m From .. - Nimetoka

I Have - Nina I Don t Have - Sina I Like - Napenda I Don t Like - Sipendi I Can - Naweza I Cant - Siwezi

I Like To Travel - Napenda Kusafiri

Ok - Sawa Oh My God - Mungu Wangu I Cant Believe - Siwezi Kuamini Nice - Vizuri

Good Morning - Habari Ya Asubuhi Or Umeamka Aje Good Afternoon Before 6 P.M. - Alasiri Njema Good Evening Later 7 P.M. - Jioni Njema Good Night - Usiku Mwema

Bye - Kwa Heri See Yaa - Tuonane See Ya Tomorrow - Tuonane Kesho/ Nitakuona Kesho Kiss - Busu Hug - Kumbatia I Miss U - Ninakukosa Wewe Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Personal Pronouns - Viwakilishi Vya Jina

I, Me - Mimi You - Wewe He - Yeye

She - Yeye (Yeye Is Common For He/She And Living Things)

It - Hiyo,Hilo,Hicho, (Varies With The Category E.G It Is A Stone -Hilo Ni Jiwe, It Is My Car- Hicho Ni Kiti Changu, It Is My Milk - Hiyo Ni Maziwa Yangu)

We - Sisi You - Wewe They Hao

Pronouns Viwakilishi

Auxiliary Verbs - Vitenzi Visaidizi

I Am - Nina (If Followed By A Verb E.G I Am Walking Ninatembea I Am Mimi Ni (If Followed By A Noun E.G I Am A Girl Mimi Ni Msichana You Are Una (If Followed By A Verb E.G You Are Playing Unacheza You Are Wewe Ni (If Followed By A Noun E.G You Are A Boy Wewe Ni Kijana He/ She/ - Yeye It Yeye (A Living Thing) We Are Tuna (If Followed By A Verb E.G We Are Playing Tunacheza We Are Sisi Ni (If Followed By A Noun E.G We Are Friends Sisi Ni Marafiki They Are Wana (If Followed By A Verb E.G They Are Playing Wanacheza They Are Wao Ni (If Followed By A Noun E.G They Are Friends Wao Ni Marafiki

I Have - Nina You Have - Una He Has - Ana She Has - Ana It Has Ana (For Living Things) We Have - Tuna You Have Una They Have Wana

I Do - Nina You Do- Una He Does - Ana She Does - Ana It Does Ana

We Do - Tuna You Do - Una They Do- Wana

I Can - Naweza You Can- Unaweza He Can- Anaweza She Can- Anaweza It Can Anaweza (Living Things) We Can - Tunaweza You Can - Unaweza They Can - Wanaweza Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Parenthood Uzazi

Family - Jamii Husband - Bwana Wife - Bibi Children - Watoto Son - Kijana Daughter - Msichana

Father, Dad (Informal) - Baba (Street Name 'Sheng' Is Mbuyu, Buda)

Mother, Mom (Informal) - Mama Brother -Kaka Sister - Dada Grandfather- Babu Grandmother - Nyanya Uncle - Mjomba Aunt - Shangazi Nephew Mpwa Cousin Binamu Brother-In-Law - Shemeji Sister-In-Law - Dada Mkwe Father-In-Law - Baba Mkwe Mother-In-Law - Mama Mkwe

No Word For Girl/Boyfriend But General Word For 'Lovers" Is Mchumba (Singular) Wachumba (Plural) wife" Is Mchumba (Singular), wifes Wachumba (Plural)

Boy Or Guy - Kijana Girl -Msichana Child -Mtoto Men -Wanaume Women Wanawake Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Special Questions Maswali Maalum

When Lini? Where Wapi? Who? Nani? Why? Kwa Nini? How?- Vipi? What- Nini? What Time Is It? -Ni Saa Ngapi?

Direction - Upande (Side) Agizo (Command) Distance Umbali

Left - Kushoto Right - Kulia Far - Mbali Near - Karibu (Karibu Also Means Welcome) Street/Avenue/Road/Path - Barabara North - Kaskazini South - Kusini East - Mashariki West - Magharibi Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Music Muziki

Music - Muziki

Song - Wimbo Singer - Mwimbaji Group - Kikundi Band - Kundi/Kikosi/Bendi Nice Song - Wimbo Mzuri

WhatS Your Favorite Kind Of Music? - Ni Mziki Gani Unaokupendeza Zaidi? Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Body Mwili

Head - Kichwa Neck - Shingo Arm - Mkono Leg - Mguu Shoulder - Bega Elbow - Kisugudi Palm Of The Hand - Kiganja/ Kitanga Finger - Kidole (Plural - Vidole) Knee - Goti (Plural - Magoti) Ankle - Kisigino (Plural - Visigino) Foot - Mguu Toe - Kidole Thumb- Kidole Gumba Ring Finger - Kidole Cha Pete Middle Finger - Kidole Cha Kati

Hair - Nywele Forehead - Paji La Uso / Kipaji Eye - Jicho (Plural - Macho) Eyebrows Eyelashes - Nyusi Nose - Pua Mouth - Mdomo Lips - Midomo Tooth - Jino (Plural - Meno) Tongue - Ulimi

Cheek - Shavu (Plural -Mashavu)/ Tama (Tama Also Means Honestly,Truly,Frankly)

Ear -Sikio (Plural -Masikio) Ass - Matako Pussy/Vagina Kuma/Uke Penis / Dick Mboo/ Uume Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Days Of Week - Siku Za Juma

Monday - Jumatatu Tuesday - Jumanne Wednesday -Jumatano Thursday - Alhamisi

Friday - Ijumaa Saturday - Jumamosi Sunday Jumapili

Months Miezi

January - Januari/Mwezi Wa Kwanza(1st Month) February - Februari/Mwezi Wa Pili(2rd Month) March - Machi/ Mwezi Wa Tatu (3rd Month) April -Aprili/Mwezi Wa Nne(4th Month) May - Mei/ Mwezi Wa Tano (5th Month) June - Juni/ Mwezi Wa Sita (6th " July - Julai/ Mwezi Wa Saba (7th " August - Agosti/Mwezi Wa Nane (8th " September - Septemba/ Mwezi Wa Tisa(9th " October - Oktoba/ Mwezi Wa Kumi (10th " November - Novemba/ Mwezi Wa Kumi Na Moja (11th " December Desemba/ Mwezi Wa Kumi Na Mbili(12th "

Seasons Misimu

Summer -Kaskazi Cold Season - Kipupwe Dry Season - Kiangazi (Being On The Equitorial Zone, We Have Two Main Seasons) Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Colours Rangi

Yellow -Manjano Orange - Rangi Ya Machungwa (Colour Of The Oronges) Blue - Samawati White -Nyeupe Brown - Hadharani/Hanja Grey - Kijivu Purple Zambarau Black - Nyeusi Red - Nyekundu Pink - Rangi Ya Waridi (Colour Of The Rose Flower) Green Kijani Golg,Golden Silver Fedha

Animals- Wanyama

Dog - Mbwa Cat - Paka Hen -Kuku Rabbit - Sungura Elephant - Ndovu Crocodile - Mamba Chicken - Kuku

Chick - Kifaranga (Plural -Vifaranga) Lion - Simba Leopard - Chui Hyena Fisi

Tiger - Chui Mwenye Milia (Loosely Translates As ' A Stripped Leopard' Because Tigers Are Not Originally Found In East Africa)

Giraffe - Twiga Squirrel -Kichakuro Fish -Samaki Dolphin Pomboo Shark - Whale Octopus - Pweza Bear Dubu Butterfly - Kipepeo Ostrich - Mbuni Hippopotamus - Kiboko Cock - Jogoo Hare - Sungura Snake - Nyoka Mouse - Panya Bird - Ndege Monkey - Tumbili Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo The House - Nyumba

Room. - Chumba Kitchen.- Jikoni Bathroom.- Bafu Living-Room.- Sebule Bedroom.- Chumba Cha Kulala Playing Room.- Chumba Cha Kuchezea Hall - Ukumbi Garage Gereji Nursery Room Chumba Cha Watoto Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Numbers - Nambari

1 -Moja 2 -Mbili 3 - Tatu 4 - Nne 5 - Tano 6 - Sita 7 - Saba 8 - Nane 9 - Tisa 10 - Kumi 11- Kumi Na Moja 12 Kumi Na Mbili

13 Kumi Na Tatu 14 Kumi Na Nne 15 Kumi Na Tano 16 Kumi Na Sita 17 Kumi Na Saba 18 Kumi Na Nane 19 Kumi Na Tisa 20 - Ishirini 21- Ishirini Na Moja 22 - Ishirini Na Mbili 30 - Thelathini 40 - Arobaini 50- Hamsini 60 - Sitini 70 -Sabini 80 - Themanini 90 - Tisini 100 - Mia Moja 101 - Mia Moja Na Moja 110 - Mia Moja Na Kumi 111- Mia Moja Na Kumi Na Moja 120 - Mia Moja Ishirini 125 - Mia Moja Ishirini Na Tano 130 - Mia Moja Thelathini 500 - Mia Tano 1000 - Elfu Moja 1001- Elfu Moja Na Moja

2002 - Elfu Mbili Na Mbili 10,000 - Elfu Kumi 100.000 - Elfu Mia Moja 1 Million - Milioni Moja Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Dedicated To The People Who Likes To Take Pics With Someone Else - Tabaruku Kwa Watu Wanaopenda Kupigwa Picha Na Wengine

Can I Take A Picture Of You? Naweza Kukupiga Picha?

Can I Take Some Pics Of You? Naweza Piga Picha?

Can I Take A Picture Of Us? Naweza Kukupiga Picha?

Can I Take Some Pictures? Naweza Piga Picha?

You Are So Beautiful I Would Like To Take A Picture With You, Can I? Wewe Ni Mrembo Sana , Naweza Pigwa Picha Na Wewe?

Can I Take Pictures With All Of You? Naweza Wapiga Picha Nyinyi Wote?

Sometimes You Want To Post The Pics Of Your Swahili Friends - Wakati Mwingineungependenda Kuweka Picha Za Marafiki Wako Waswahili ..Give Them A Surprise!- Wape Mshangao Kwa Kuweka

You Look So Beautiful In This Photo Unang'aa Kwa Hii Picha

Your Profile Is Very Good!, You Have Really Good Photos Una Picha Nzuri Sana

I Really Love This Photo. It The Best One Of All Those You Have Naipenda Picha Hii Sana, Picha Hii Ndio Nzuri Kuliko Zote

Wow!! How Sexy You Are In That Photo! Unapendeza Sana Katika Picha Hiyo

Beautiful Pic Picha Nzuri Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Congratulations And Wishes

Congratulations! - Hongera

Congratulations On Your Engagement! - Hongera Kwa Kuchumbia Congratulations On Your Marriage! - Hongera Kwa Ndoa Yako

Congratulations On The Birth Of Your Son! - Hongera Kwa Kujaliwa Mtoto Wa Kiume Congratulations On The Birth Of Your Daughter!- Hongera Kwa Kujaliwa Mtoto Wa Kike Congratulations On Your Graduation!- Hongera Kwa Kufuzu

Happy Birthday! - Siku Njema Ya Kuzaliwa Happy Name Day! - Siku Njema Ya Jina Lako Happy Mother's Day! - Siku Njema Ya Kina Mama Happy Father's Day! - Siku Njema Ya Kina Baba Happy Anniversary! - Siku Njema Ya Happy New Year! - Mwaka Mpya Mwema Happy New Year's Eve! Happy Holidays! - Likizo Njema Happy Easter! - Pasaka Njema Merry Christmas!- Krisimasi Njema Merry Christmas And Happy New Year! - Krisimasi Njema Na Mwaka Mpya Mwema Good Luck! - Kila La Heri Have A Great Day - Siku Njema Have A Good Trip! - Safari Njema Enjoy Your Day - Furahia Siku Yako Wishing You A Happy New Year - Nakutakia Mwaka Mpya Wenye Furaha Wishing You A Happy Birthday - Nakutakia Siku Njema Ya Kuzaliwa I Wish You Have A Good Time! - Nakutakia Wakati Mwema Good Weekend - Wikendi Njema God Bless You Always - Mungu Akubariki Daima

To You And Your (Whole) Family. ... - Kwako Na Jamaa Yako Yote

To Congratulate - Kupongeza Engagement - Kuchumbia Wedding - Harusi Marriage - Ndoa Graduation - Sherehe Ya Kufuzu Birthday - Siku Ya Kuzaliwa Nameday - Siku Ya Jina Mother's Day - Siku Ya Kina Mama Father's Day - Siku Ya Kina Baba Anniversary - Siku Ya Kumbusho/Siku Ya Kumbukumbu Christmas - Krisimasi New Year's - Mwaka Mpya New Year's Day - Siku Ya Kwanza Ya Mwaka New Year (The Whole Upcoming Year) Easter - Pasaka Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Feelings - Hisia Character Silika

Happy - Furaha Sad - Huzuni Compassion - Huruma Forgiveness - Msamaha Jealousy - Choyo Envy- Wivu

Hatred - Chuki Love - Pendo Joy - Furaha Despair - Kata Tamaa/ Kufa Moyo Suffering - Teseka Pleasure - Anasa Ecstasy - Nishai Boredom - Uchovu Cheerfulness - Uchangamfu Tired - Chovu Stressed - Tia Mkazo (Stress On Something) Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Sweet Phrases For Girl's And Boys

I Adore You - Ninakuenzi I Yearn For You -Nakutamani I Am Infatuated With You - Unanipendeza I Appreciate You - Nakuthamini I Can't Live Without You -Siwezi Kuishi Bila Wewe I Can't Stop Thinking About You When We're Apart - Sichoki Kukufikiria Ukiwa Mbali Na Mimi I Cherish You - Nakuthamini I Dream Of You - Naota Na Wewe I Live For Our Love - Naishi Kwa Sababu Ya Penzi Letu I Love Being Around You - Napenda Kuwa Karibu Na Wewe I Need You By My Side - Nakuhitaji Uwe Karibu Na Mimi

I Need You - Nakuhitaji I Respect You - Nakuheshimu I Value You - Nakuthamini I Want A Lifetime With You - Nataka Maisha Yangu Na Wewe I Want You - Nakutaka I Worship You - Nakuabudu (Reserved For God) I Yearn For You - Nakutamani I'm A Better Person Because Of You - Mimi Ni Mtu Bora Kwa Sababu Yako I'm Blessed To Have You In My Life- Nimebarikiwa Kuwa Na Wewe Maishani I'm Lost Without You- Mimi Ni Mpotovu Bila Wewe I'm Nothing Without You - Mimi Si Kitu Bila Wewe I'm Passionate About You-Nina Ashiki Kwako I'm Thankful For You- Ninashukuru Kwa Sababu Yako I'm Yours - Mimi Wako Me And You. Always - Mimi Na Wewe Milele My Love Is Unconditional - Upendo Wangu Hauna Mipaka Our Love Is Invaluable - Penzi Letu Halina Kipimo Take Me, I'm Yours - Nichukue, Mimi Wako The Thought Of You Brings A Smile To My Face - Kukuwaza Huleta Tabasamu Usoni Mwangu Together, Forever - Pamoja Milele We Were Meant To Be Together- Tumekusudiwa Kuwa Pamoja You Are A Blessing- Wewe Ni Baraka You Are An Angel From God - Wewe Ni Malaika Kutoka Kwa Mungu You Are Like A Candle Burning Bright- Wewe Ni Kama Mshumaa Naoangaa You Are My Crush - Wewe Ndiye Unayenipendeza You Are My Dear -Wewe Ndiye Mpenzi Wangu You Are My Everything -Wewe Ni Kila Kitu Kwangu

You Are My One And Only - Wewe Ni Wangu Pekee You Are My Reason For Living- Wewe Ndio Sababu Yangu Kuishi You Are My Strength - Wewe Ndio Nguvu Zangu You Are My Sunshine - Wewe Ndio Mwanga Wangu You Are My Treasure - Wewe Ni Azizi Wangu You Are My World - Wewe Ni Dunia Kwangu You Are Precious - Wewe Wa Thamani You Are The Light Of My Life - Wewe Ni Mwanga Wa Maisha Yangu You Are The Reason I'm Alive- Wewe Ndio Sababu Yangu Kuwa Hai You Bring Happiness To Rainy Days - Unaleta Furaha Siku Za Majonzi You Bring Joy To My Life - Unaleta Furaha Maishani Mwangu You Complete Me - Unanifanya Mzima. You Drive Me Wild - Unanitia Kiwewe You Fill Me With Desire- Unanijaza Ashiki You Fill My Heart - Wanijaza Roho You Give Me Wings To Fly- Nipe Mabawa Niruke Kama Ndege You Hold The Key To My Heart- Umeshika Kifunguo Cha Moyo Wangu You Inspire Me - Unanihamasisha You Intoxicate Me- Unanilewesha You Lift Me Up To Touch The Sky - Unaniinua Hadi Kwenye Mbingu You Light My Flame- Wewe Ndio Mwanga Wangu You Light Up My Life- Unaangaza Maisha Yangu You Make My Heart Skip A Beat- Unafanya Moyo Wangu Kukosa Mdundo You Make My World A Better Place-Unafanya Dunia Yangu Pahala Pema You Mean The World To Me - Unamaana Ya Dunia Kwangu You Motivate Me - Unanihamasisha You Set My Heart On Fire- Unawasha Moto Moyoni Mwangu

You Simply Amaze Me - Unanistaajabisha You Stole My Heart- Uliiba Roho Yangu You Sweeten My Sour Days - Unafanya Siku Chungu Kuwa Tamu You Turn The Darkness Into Life- Unaifanya Giza Kuwa Uhai You're A Dream Come True- Wewe Ni Ndoto Inayokuwa Kweli You're A Twinkle In My Eye -Unametameta Kwa Macho Yangu You're Absolutely Wonderful- Hakika Wewe Ni Wa Ajabu You're All I Want- Wewe Ni Vyote Ninavyohitaji You're As Beautiful As A Sunset- Wewe Ni Mrembo Kama Jua Likitua You're Beautiful - Wewe Ni Mrembo You're Charming- Una Haiba You're My Angel - Wewe Ni Malaika Wangu You're My Perfect Match - Wewe Ndiye Unayenifaa You're One In A Million -Wewe Ni Mmoja Katika Milioni You're The Apple Of My Eye - Wewe Ni Tufaha La Macho Yangu You're The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me - Wewe Ndio Jambo Nzuri Kuwahi Kufanyika Kwangu You're The Best- Wewe Ndiye Bora Zaidi You're The Diamond In The Rough - Wewe Ni Uru Katika Machafuko You're The One For Me - Wewe Ndiye Wangu You're The One I've Always Wished For- Wewe Ndiye Niliyetaka Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Sweet phrases for the boy's ears

I Love u - Nakupenda

You are sweet - wewe ni 'mtamu'

You are special - Wewe ni muhimu/ wewe ni wa thamana

You are a good friend - Wewe ni rafiki mzuri

you are nice - Wewe ni mzuri

you are talented - Una kipaji

you are smart(intelliegent) - una akili you are smart (smartly-dressed)- umevaa nguo maridadi

You are handsome - unavutia (u r attractive)

You are a good person - wewe ni mtu mzuri

You are my hero - Wewe ni shujaa wangu

You are a cute boy - Wewe ni kijana mrembo

You are Hot - unapendeza ( u r appealing)

You look so hot - unapendeza (u r appealing)

You have a very hot body - Una mwili mzuri (u have a good/great body)

You are good in bed - Wewe ni nzuri kitandani

You are a naughty boy! - Wewe ni kijana mtundu/ Wewe ni kijana mtukutu

You have a great ass - una matako mzuri

You have a fit body - Una umbo nzuri (u have a good physique

You have a great smile - Una tabasamu nzuri

You have beautiful eyes - Una macho mazuri

I like u a lot- Nakupenda sana

I like that you are honest - Napenda ulivyo mkweli

i would like to meet you one day - Ningependa kukutana nawe siku moja

you make me laugh - Unanifanya nicheke

I enjoy your company - Napenda kuwa nawe

ill miss you - Nitakukosa

you have nice eyes - Una macho mazuri

I adore the way you look at me - Naenzi unavyoniangalia

I want to get know you better because you are very interesting person- Ningependa kukujua vizuri kwa sababu wewe ni mtu anayevutia

You are the most precious thing that i have in my life - Wewe ni wa thamana sana maishani mwangu

I think you are a good kisser, can you show me how good of a kisser you are? - Nafikiri una busu nzuri, je unaweza nionyesha jinsi ulivyo mzuri kwa kubusu?

No one can make me so happy! Only you! - Unanifanya nifurahi sana! Wewe tu!

Nowhere else do I feel as protected as in your arms!- Hamna pengine ninapohisi kulindwa kama mikononi mwako

How I love you! You don t even imagine!- Jinsi ninavyokupenda, hata usifikirie

Your body . mmmmmm . You are so sporty! I wonder how much time you spend in the gym. I think all day long, don t you? - Mwili wako kama wa mwanamchezo, nashindwa wakati unaotumia katika chumba cha mazoezi, nafikiri siku nzima, au sio?

You re the best in the world! - Wewe ni mzuri kabisa ulimwenguni The strongest, the most careful and tender! -Mwenye nguvu zaidi,mwangalifu na laini Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Sweet Phrases For The Girl's Ears

I Love U Nakupenda

YouRe Beautiful Wewe Ni Mrembo

YouRe Very Nice Wewe Ni Mzuri Sana

YouRe My Best Friend Wewe Ni Rafiki Yangu

You Are Sweet Tamu

You Are Hot Kidosho

You Are Very Special Wewe Ni Wa Dhamana Sana

You Have A Very Pretty Body Una Mwili Mzuri Sana Una Mwili Mzuri - U Have A Nice Body

I Like You A Lot Nakuthamini Sana

Your Legs Are Pretty

Una Miguu Mizuri

You Have A Nice Smile Una Tabasamu Nzuri

YouRe Sympathic Una Moyo Mzuri

You Are Really Talented Una Talanta Una Kipawa Una Kipaji

You Are Really Smart Una Kipawa

I Like That You Are Honest Napenda Vile Ulivyo Mkweli

U Have A Really Cute Sight Macho Yako Yanapendeza

Simply You Are The Most Beautiful Kwa Ufupi, Wewe Ndio Mrembo Zaidi

I Can See The Stars Shining In Your Eyes Tonight, As Bright And Pure As Your Soul... Naona Nyota Zikiangaa Kwa Macho Yako Usiku Huu,

Do U Want To Be My Girlfriend? Ungependa Kuwa Muhibu Wangu? - Would U Like To Be My Loved One?

I Want To Kiss U Ningependa kubusu - I'd Like To Kiss U

I Would Like To Meet You One Day Ningependa Kukutana Na Wewe Siku Moja

I Want To Make Love With U Ningependa Kufanya Mapenzi Na Wewe - I'd Like To Make Love With U

You Are A Cute Girl Wewe Ni Msichana Mrembo

I Enjoy Your Company I Enjoy Being With U - Ninafurahia Kuwa Na Wewe

Your Laugh Makes Me Smile Kicheko Chako Kinanifanya Kutabasamu

I Never Met Girl As Pretty As You Sijawahi Kumuona Msichana Mrembo Kama Wewe - I've Never Seen A Girl As Pretty As U

I Like You A Lot Ur Beautiful And U Have A Nice Body Nakupenda Sana Wewe Ni Mrembo Una Mwili Mzuri

Ill Miss You Nita kukosa Sana - I Will Miss U A Lot

U Are A Good Person Wewe Ni Mtu Mzuri

You Got A Nice Voice Una Sauti Nzuri

You Got A Nice Ass (Butt) Una Matako Nzuri

You Got A Nice Breast (Boobs) Una Titi Nzuri

You've Got A Pretty Smile And Eyes Macho Yako Na Tabasamu Yako Ni Nzuri

You Are Very Smart And Good Girl Wewe Unang'aa Ukiwa Na Nguo Hiyo (You R Very Smart In That Dress) Msichana Mzuri (You Are Very Intelligent) - Wewe Ni Mwerevu Sana

I Like Girls Like Yourself Cause Your Beauty Shines I Like Girls Like Yourself - Napenda Wasichana Walio Kama Wewe Your Beauty Shines Urembo Wako Hung aa

Can You Show Me Your Sweet Kiss? Unaweza Kunionyesha Hilo Busu Lako Tamu?

Your Beauty Impress Me Your Beauty Shines Urembo Wako Hung aa

I Like To Watch Your Lips When You Are Talking Cause They Are Irresisitible Ninapenda Kuiangalia Midomo Yako Unapoongea

I Saw An Angel Niliona Malaika

You Are The Most Precious Thing That I Have In My Life.. Wewe Ni Muhimu Sana Kwa Maisha Yangu Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Words Which Could Break A Heart Swahili Maneno Yanayoweza Kuvunja Moyo

I'm Sorry - Naomba Msamaha I Apologize - Naomba Radhi It Was My Fault - Ilikuwa Makosa Yako You Are Right - Uko Sahihi

Sorry, But, I Don t Love You - Pole Lakini Sikupendi

He s/She's Dead - Amekufa / Amefariki I m Pregnant!! - Ninamimba I Met Somebody Else - Nimepata Mwingine

We Are Too Different - Tuna Tofauti Nyingi

You Are Not The Guy I Felt In Love With - Wewe Si Kijana Niliyependa

I Don t Want You Any More - Sikutaki Tena You Are Too Jealous - Una Wivu Mwingi You Don t Trust Me - Huniamini

I Cannot Trust You (Any More) - Siwezi Kukuamini Tena

I Was Cheating On You - Nilikuwa Nakundanganya

I Am Pregnant From Someone Else - Nina Mimba Na Mtu Mwingine

Are You Cheating On Me? - Unanindanganya?

I Don t Want To Marry You - Sitaki Kukuoa

I Want To Break Up With You - Nataka Kuachana Na Wewe

You Are To Ugly - Wewe Ni Sura Mbaya I Don t Like You - Sikupendi I Hate You - Nakuchukia

You Are Fat - Wewe Ni Mnono Your Really Thin Wewe Ni Mwembamba You Are Stupid - Wewe Ni Mjinga

You Are Too Old For Me - Wewe Ni Mzee Sana Kwangu

I m Not Attractive To You -Sikupendezi

You Don t Have Enough Sexual Experience - Huna Ujuzi Wakutosha

You Had Too Many Girls In Your Bed/ - Ulikuwa Na Wasichana Wengi Kitandani Mwako

You Had Too Many Boys In Your Bed - Ulikuwa Na Wavulana Wengi Kitandani Mwako Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Sex Words - Maneno Ya Ngono Naughty Words - Maneno Matukutu

Let Us Fuck! Tutombane

Can I Fuck You? Naweza Kukutomba?

I Want To Fuck U Nataka Kukutomba

Suck My Dick Nyonya Mboo Yangu

Do You Want Me To Suck Your Cock? = Ungetaka Nilambe Mboo Yako?

Lick My Pussy Lamba Kuma Yangu

I m So Wet = Nina Unyevu Sana

Lick My Wet Pussy = Lamba Kuma Yangu Nyevu.

I Wanna Play With Your Tits Nataka Kucheza Na Titi Zako

You Wanna See My Dick Unataka Kuona

Show Me Your Breasts Cutie Nionyeshe Titi Zako Mrembo

Your Ass Makes Me Get Horny Matako Yako Hufanya Nishikwe Na Nyege

Your Ass Makes Me Feel Hot Baby Matako Yako Yanitia Joto Mtoto

I Wanna Take A Picture Nataka Kupiga Picha

I Want You To Show Me Your Breasts Nataka Unionyeshe Titi Zako

Can I Grab One Of Your Legs? Naweza Kuushika Mguu Wako Mmoja?

Can I Grab Your Tits? Naweza Kushika Titi Zako?

Can I Touch Your Ass? Naweza Kushika Matako Yako?

I Wanna Suck Your TitsNataka Kunyonya Titi Zako?

I Wanna Fuck Your Asshole Nataka Kuutomba Mkundu Wako

Can You Show Me Your Tts? Unaweza Kunionyesha Titi Zako?

I Wanna Lick Your Pussy Nataka Kulamba Kuma Yako

I Wanna Cum In Your Mouth Nataka Kukuingia Kwa Mdomo Wako?

Lick My Pussy Is So Wet - Lamba Kuma Yangu Ni Nyevu

Fuck Me Hard - Nitombe Kwa Nguvu

You Wanna Fuck My Ass - Ungependa Kutomba Kundu Langu

Put Your Fnger Inside Me - Nitie Kidole

Let Me Suck Your Cock - Wacha Ninyonye Mboo Yako

Grab Me From The Hair Make Me Suck It - Nishike Kwa Nywele Na Unifanye Ni Inyonye

Make Me Scream - Nifanye Nipige Unyende

Put Your Dick Into My Pussy - Weka Mboo Yako Katika Kuma Yangu

Give Me Your Dick All Night Long - Nipe Mboo Yako Usiku Wote

Im Horney - Nina Nyege

Do It Baby, Do It! = Ifanye Mtoto, Fanya

I Want It Inside Me...= Naitaka Ndani Yangu

I Wanna See U Naked = Nataka Kukuona Uchi

I Wanna Undress U..= Nataka Kukuvua Nguo

I Wanna Put Finger In Your Pussy = Nataka Kutia Kidole Katika Kuma Yako.

That's Really Good = Hivyo Ni Vizuri Sana

More = Zaidi Denunciar Hace ms de un ao

Wanjiku Thuo Bad Words - Maneno Mabaya How To Swear -Jinsi Ya Kuapa

Butts Matako Being Fucked Unatombwa Fucked Through The Ass Unafirwa Stupid Mjinga Gay Msenge Gay Shoga Asshole Mkundu-- Tuu Your Mum's Pussy (Motherfucker) Kumamayo Shit Mavi Balls, Testicles Mapumbu-- Makende Dick Mboo

Boobs Matiti Dog, Bitch Mbwa Cow Ng'ombe Fuckface Kumbafu Big Butt Matako Kubwa Doggy-Style Chuma Mboga Dirty Old Hag Oban Prostitute Malaya You're Gay Msenge Wewe Pussy Kuma Go Fuck Yourself Nenda Kutomba I'm Going To Fuck You Nenda Kukutomba Ass-Fucker Basher Clit Kisimi Your Tits Are Like A Cows Tits Matiti Yako Kama Matiti Ya Ng'ombe Your Mum Sucks A Horse's Cock Mama Yako Ananyonya Mboo Ya Farasi Suck Dick Nyonya Boe Gay (Only Means Gay When Referring To Males. It Is Used By Women Of One Another, Indicating Closeness.) Shoga Faggot Khnanithy You Goat-Fucker! Unatomba Mbuzi You Got Fucked By A Monkey Unfirwa Na Tumbiri You Smell Of Shit Matako Yakona Nuka Kama Maavi! Go Jerk Off! Nenda Kajipuli A Donkey Is Riding You Wa Paragwa Napunda I'll Fuck You Up Uclambeshapa Masturbate Punyeto Clitoris Kinembe

Fuck Your Mom Kuma Mama Yako Eat Shit Kula Mavi You're A Piece Of Donkey Shit Hawa Mavi Ya Punda Masturbate Punyeto Go Masturbate Nenda Piga Nyeto Tits Chu Chu

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