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Software requirement specification


Prison management system

Group no G11 Prepared by
Shankar Mahire Viany Nagare

Document version 1.0 Date : 28/02/2011

1 Introduction
1.1 purpose 1.2 Document convention 1.3 product scope

2 overall description
2.1 product perspective 2.2 product function 2.3 user class and characteristics 2.4 operating enviornment

2.5 Design and implementation constraints

3 external interface requirement

3.1 user interface 3.2 software interface 3.3 hardware interface

4 other non functional requirement

4.1 performance requirement 4.2 security requirement

5 software quality attributes 6 future extension -------------------------------------------------------------

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This project is for prison management. As now the data of the prisoner are discrete means they are kept in various cat log. So finding all the data requires a time. The purpose of our project system is to store all the data inside one system and to provide data easily to official person. The system will ensure proper monitoring of the prisons by the top officials.

1.2 Document convention:

In this whole doccument bold letter is used for heading and red letter used for the sections The sentence with underline is represent high significance. There are 6 section in this document .

1.3 product scope:

This is stand alone application. This product is not for simple user, This product will be used for prison management and It will be used inside the prison for prison management. With the help of this system , the jailer can find the data of the prisoner easily and he can generate reports of the respective prisoner.

2 overall Description
2.1 product perspective
This system replaces the manual system of the prison. Today all the data of the prisoner are kept in various hard copies of register. So using this data is difficult so this system will allow to manipulate the data very easily.

2.2 Product function

Easy updation :
System will allow easy updation of data with the help of few forms only. A user will easily update the data.

one click information retrieval:

This system will give the information of the prisoner on one click.

Report Generation:
The system will generate one click prisoner report.

System provide login id and password so that only official person can access the respective data.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

This system is stand alone. This system is only designed for the prisons in india. This system can be used for other prison outside Of the india with the few minor modification. It is not designed for normal user it can be only used for official purpose. This system will be used in prison and in offices of the police station and C.B.I department. There will be 2 kinds of user 1 Super user (for jailer and its superior) This user can update the information of the prisoner. 2 Normal user (other official person in prison) This user can generate report and can retrieve the information.

2.4 operating enviornment

This system will run on 512 Mb Ram and 40 gb hard disk.

The system must contain postgresql database.

2.5 Design and implementation constraints:

Security: This system will provide a secure login so that other person cant access the data. And by providing different kinds of login system will ensure that wrong use of data will never occur, as only authorised person will be able to change the data.

3 External Interface Requirements 3.1 user interface

This user interface will consist of the screen with login window at the start. After system authenticate user then user will enter into another window which will contain various buttons for the forms and report. User can change the background and there are many features will be there.

3.2 Software interface

Operating system can be any system which allows java environment and postgresql Database.

3.3 hardware interface

The printer device is needed for printing the report that system will generate.

4 Other non functional requirements

performance requirement:
fthis system should be consistent. It should not crash at any time. It must not slow down the computer.

security requirement :
This system will provide the secure login of user and provide access to the only authorized user. And dividing user as super user and normal user system will avoid wrong use of data. Data will kept on hard disk so if system get crashed or in case of critical condition we can retrieve back the data.

5 Software quality attributes

reusability :
This software can be reusable with minor changes and can be Used in other department of the government.

We can update the software by adding few new features into it And removing the features that we dont want.

6 Future extension
Now this system is stand alone application , but in future we can connect all the prison by web service . by the help of this application we can extend the power of this system and some new features.

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