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How am I doing?

Level 3/4 Places

I can: describe and compare the physical human features of my local area.

Tonyrefail Comprehensive School

Geography Levels of Attainment

Level 5/6
I know about: the features of a variety of places around the world at different scales. links between places, and that some places depend on other places. I have: asked relevant enquiry questions. used different sources of information. reached conclusions that consider other peoples opinions. presented my conclusions in a sensible way. I can: explain some changes in different environments. see similarities and differences in different environments caused by these changes. I can explain: how different environments are changing and how they can be managed. different viewpoints about environmental issues. how peoples action in one place can have consequences in another place.

Level 7/8
I know about a wide range of places and environments at different scales. I understand that many factors affect different places and the decisions made about them. I have: developed the enquiry on my own. used many sources of information to back my conclusions. evaluated the information I have used. I can: explain how physical and human processes work together. show how these processes create patterns. explain how processes help to develop places and environments. I understand and can explain: that damage to the environment can be unintentional and that many conflicts arise when managing environments. what is meant be sustainable development.


I have: asked geographical questions and investigated the answers. used geographical words.

Patterns and Processes

Environmental Change

I can: suggest some reasons for the way things are. describe changes in both physical and human environments, and how these changes can affect the people living there. I understand: how people can both improve and damage the environment. that people have different views about environmental issues.

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