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Money as Debt, is the best presentation I've yet seen that explains in simple and straight forward language with supporting animated visuals the true nature of money and the dysfunctional and undemocratic nature of the global banking system. The topic of Debt and Money is the issue of our times. It forms the basis to every nation's areas of core material and spiritual concerns such as economic development, employment and environmental sustainability. Ever wonder why the banks have so much money, while countries and individuals have so much debt? The video uncovers the many myths and concepts regarding money's history. Everybody loves money, wants it, needs it and depends upon it. What everybody doesn't understand is the basics of money. What is money and where does it really come from? How does the wheel of fortune really work and why don't you have enough of it? These are a few of the many hard realities. If only government officials, civil society organizations, environmental groups, unions and well meaning international development strategists trying to eradicate poverty really understood this topic... the world would be a much better place.

Technological University of the Philippines College of Engineering Electronics Engineering Department

Reaction Paper MONEY AS DEBT

Afunggol,Jasper Duane C. BS ECE 4B

Dr. Mario Regino Norbe

February 8, 2012

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