Presentation 1

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Administrative style of wal-mart very much differs from its competitors. Wal-mart has 12 regional Vice presidents They used to reside in or around Bentonville Regional VPs will visit 75odd stores located in their respective regions.

These VPs gather feed back from

Store management Employees Customers

After this they used to have a day-long meetings about merchandising. On the next day in which they review about weeks performance.

The next day 250 other employees including chairman or vice-chairman have a meeting. This is to discuss about previous weeks performance and to plan for the coming weeks Then after the meeting each regional VP will have a phone cal with district managers

District managers in turn call to store managers. By the end of the day each store manager would have apprised his or her department managers of the latest programs. After satellite N/W was installed meeting at store are organized directly at the stores itself.

Chairman Sam Walton at the age of 68 continued to play active role by visiting road side stores and new suppliers. He used to spend lot of time with those people for the good relationship He doubled as a chief cheer leader at store openings and he delivered pep talk. In 1986 he was named as a CEO of the year by financial world.

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