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Nursing Care Plan for Hip Fracture

Assessment Subjective: hindi ako makagalaw ng maayos dahil sa nabali kong buto sa hips Objective: -weakness -range of motion limitations -limited muscle strength or control Impaired coordination -postural instability

Diagnosis Impaired physical mobility, related to fractured right hip & trauma as evidenced by range of motion limitations, limited muscle strength or control, and impaired coordination.

Rationale Limitation in independent, purposeful physical movement of the body or of one or more extremities

Goal & Objectives After 3 days of nursing intervention, the patient: -will verbalize understanding of situation and individual treatment regimen and safety measures - will maintain or increase strength and endurance of right hip -will not develop complications of immobility -will demonstrate use of adaptive device(s) to increase mobility.

Interventions Independent: - encourage deep breathing and relaxation techniques -encourage participation in self-care -encourage adequate intake of fluid Dependent: - assist in use of side rails, overhead trapeze -demonstrate use of mobility devices -schedule activities with adequate rest periods during the day -support affected hip using pillows, etc. Collaborative: - Consult with physical therapist, as indicated

Rationale Independent: - leads to a reduction in stress levels and helps divert attention from pain -enhances selfconcept and sense of independence -promotes well being and maximizes energy production Dependent: -for position changes/transfers -promotes independence and enhances safety -to reduce fatigue -to maintain position of function and reduce risk of pressure ulcers. Collaborative: -to develop individual exercise/mobility program and identify appropriate mobility devices

Evaluation After 3 days of nursing intervention, the patient: -has verbalized understanding of situation and individual treatment regimen and safety measures - has maintained or increased strength and endurance of right hip -has not developed complications of immobility -has demonstrated use of adaptive device(s) to increase mobility.

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