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Unit 4: Story Telling Online Greenlight Review 14/02/2012 Alicja Druzga

Character Design

Version 1 Pianist

Version 1 Clown

Version 2 Pianist

Version 2 Clown

Esay Introduction: This assignment will analyse critically Alfred Hitchcocks film Rear Window (1954) in terms of the camera movements and editing, and how they inpact on the audience. Sources that will lead the investigation include Alfred Hitchcocks Rear Window (Cambridge Film Handbooks) (1999) by Harton Andrew which examine the impact of voyeurism on the relation between the sory and the strusture. The Technique of Film and Video Editing (2010) by Ken Dancyger which definds the key filming techniques. And The Art of Alfred Hitchcock: Fifty Years of his Motion Pictures" (1992.) by Donald Spoto.

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