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Discover the Secrets behind Fabulous Aesthetics made simple with Emax

A Free evening Lecture at Central Dental Laboratory supported by Ivoclar Vivadent. Wednesday 7th March 2012

Aims & Objectives Ultimately to show how Emax Aesthetics can assist you in creating fabulous results and therefore increase your referrals. To explain the cementation and preparation guidelines of Emax To demonstrate how Emax has helped us at CDL with some case study examples.

Itinerary & Lecture information 18.00-18.30 Registration & Refreshments 18.30 Lecture by Dr Rob Endicott Gdp , on Cementation and Preparation guidelines. 19.15 Powerpoint by Nigel Fordham & Martyn Lewis to show how Emax impressed us ,inc. Case studies 19.45 Refreshments 20.00 Finish CPD ; 2hrs Refreshments and food will be provided . Cost : Free of Charge Venue ;
Central Dental Laboratory 26a Chantry Rd Woburn rd Industrial Estate Kempston Bedford MK42 8HU

To book yourself on this Free lecture please call Clare at Central Dental Lab on 01234 855220 , this is strictly limited to 15 places so don t hesitate .

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