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EC 321: DSP Laboratory

Practice Problem 2 VDSP Simulator Programming

1. Write an assembly language program to find a) the Maximum and b) the Minimum of an array of signed numbers. 2. Write an assembly language program to sort an array of signed numbers in a) ascending order b) descending order. 3. Program to compute inner-product of two vectors. 4. Program to evaluate a polynomial of the form: p ( x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x 2 + . . . + aN 1 x N 1

where the coefficients {a0 , . . . aN 1} are user-specified values. Consider two cases a) an s and x are signed integers (16.0 format) b) an s and x are signed fractions (1.15 format)

5. Program to determine the number of zero-crossings in a signal sequence of length N. 6. Program to compute the energy of a signal : E = x(n) ( x(n)s are signed fractions )
2 n =1 N

7. Program to carryout matrix-multiplication : [ Z ]LXN = [ X ]LXM [Y ]MXN . Consider the cases a) the elements are signed integers b) the elements are signed fractions 8. Program to compute double-precision addition of two numbers Z = X + Y, where X and Y are 32-bit (double-precision) numbers. Each 32-bit number is stored in two consecutive memory locations. Assume X is in DM and Y is in PM. The result (32-bit) is to be stored in DM. 9. Program to compute double-precision multiplication of two numbers Z = X * Y, where X and Y are 32-bit (double-precision) numbers. Each 32-bit number is stored in two consecutive memory locations. Assume X is in DM and Y is in PM. The result (32-bit) is to be stored in DM. Consider the two cases : a) X and Y are signed integers b) X and Y are signed fractions.

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