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for Diction: Latin principles (consonants)

Digraphs Two letters produce a single vowel sound:

ae oe Dieresis [darss] When there is a dieresis over one of the vowels, treat the vowels as two distinct sounds. Michal [mi ka l] Poma [p ma]

Singers for Diction: Latin principles (consonants)

Two Glides in Latin - the sound created from one sound to another [w] qui [j] ejus Consonants are generally pronounced as in English except: 1. Hard before vowels: a, o, u, or consonant 2. Soft before e, ae, oe, I, or y R is flipped or trilled. Dental Ds and Ts

Singers for Diction: Latin principles (consonants)

Memorize: Mihi [mi ki] Nihil [ni kil] h is usually silent except for these two words.

Singers for Diction: Latin principles (consonants)

Jesus suscipe [su i p] gratia [ tsi ] pacem [p tm] agnus [anus] lux [luks] sicut [si kut] Gloria in excelsis Deo [li in klsis d]

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