Cannes Au Coup Colmic 2012

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Highest Technical Contents.

Products recommended to tournament and /or professional anglers, featuring high performances and construction materials of highest technical level. Haut Contenu Technicien. Produit indiqus pcheurs de concours et pcheurs professionnels avec du performances et matriels de construction de meilleur niveau.

High Technical Contents. Products recommended to skilled anglers and also club anglers with high skills about fishing. Haut Contenu Technicien. Produit indiqus pcheurs de concours et amateurs exigeants avec grande exprience et de profil professionnel excellent.

Medium Technical Contents. Products recommended to club anglers and leisure anglers that want to improve their fishing performances with the use of reliable products. Moyen Contenu Technicien. Produit indiqus pcheurs sportifs quils veulent augmenter les propres performances sportives avec des produits fiables et de performances excellentes.

Fishing in freedom. Products recommended to all those fishermen that spend their time making this sport for the possibilities that it offers to stay outdoor and experience an open-air life, for which the catch has a secondary importance but that in any case are looking for tools that offer the sureness of reliability, the handling and a modern design. La pche en libert. Produit indiqus tous les pcheurs qui se consacrent ce sport pour les possibilits qui offre de vivre places en plein air, pour qui la capture a une importance secondaire, mais quils recherchent outils de toute faon que donnent la certitude de la fiabilit, la maniabilit et un design moderne et actuel.

The ongoing research into innovative materials performed by the Colmic technicians in collaboration with the engineers of the most important Japanese company in this sector have given rise to a groundbreaking stratification of high modulus carbon fabric that boasts a compressive and tensile strength greatly superior to traditional high modulus carbon. PRO FORCE U.L.A.F. is a special process of stratification that creates a superfine membrane (or foil) of carbon composed of fibres arranged in three different directions. This particular orientation and the exclusive high-density Filler Inside resin, already utilised for the impregnation of the Ultra-Light Aerospace Fibre carbon, yield greater flexibility, reducing the weight that was previously required to boost the shock-absorbing capacity. La continuelle recherche par les techniciens Colmic de matriaux novateurs en collaboration avec les ingnieursde la plus importante entreprise japonaise ont donn le jour une stratification novatrice de tissus en carbone super haut module caractris par une rsistance la compression et la traction de bien loin suprieure par rapport au carbone haut module traditionnel. U.L.A.F. PRO FORCE est un processus particulier crant une trs fine membrane (ou lamelle) en carbone compose de fibres orientes dans trois directions. Lorientation spciale et la rsine exclusive Filler Inside haute densit, dj utilise pour limprgnation du carbone U.L.A.F. donnent une souplesse plus grande, rduisant le poids qui jusqu aujourdhui tait ncessaire pour augmenter la capacit dabsorption des chocs.


The Colmic Joint Line is a reference system which allows to align all section on the main rigid axis. This is mainly important on poles because of the big importance of its stiffness. Joint Line increases the stiffness of the 12%. Le Colmic Joint Line est un systme de rfrence qui permet de monter la canne sur laxe de plus grande rigidit. Ce systme cest trs important surtout pour les cannes au coup qui ont besoin de la rigidit. Le Colmic Joint Line augment la rigidit globale de la canne du 12%.

This is a surface treatment of carbon designed to give the sections a porous finish which minimizes the line friction on the rod or pole. This results in superior casting performance, an improved pole sliding. In case of rain or humidity it makes the line not to stick on the rod. Cest un traitement superficiel du carbone qui rend la surface des brins poreuse en rduisant sensiblement la friction de la ligne sur la canne. Sur les cannes au couple augmente le glissement des brins entre les mains et meilleures performances en terme de lance. Avec la pluie et lhumidit le Le ASG systme permet a la ligne de ne se pas coller a la canne.

At the base of all sections have been wrapped Titanium foil layers, that increase the resistance to compression. The Titanium Joint Part system make every section stronger without adding weight in excess. la base de toutes les sections sont appliques des petites lames en titane pour augmenterla rsistance a la compression. Le systme TITANIUM JOINT PART, fait chaque section plus robuste sans ajouter de poids en excs.



Length - Longueur
cLoseD Length -encombre


weight - poiDs Diameter - Diametre


sections - brins casting power - puissance


rods - CANNES

Andrea Collini


The 5033 is the cutting-edge model of Colmics 2012 Roubaisienne range. This is an entirely innovative rod since it succeeds in bringing together qualities of extreme lightness and of extreme reliability. Three parallel bases have allowed us to boost the stiffness, while maintaining a diameter the same as that of the previous 10.000; the match kits have been further lightened to the benefit of an even more enhanced speed; the structure of the base sections has been improved and strengthened to guarantee a 360 use of the pole with no restrictions whatsoever, in the consolidated hallmark Colmic tradition. The ASG (anti sliding grip) technology, a special treatment that favours the smooth running of the sections in all conditions, the Joint Line System that permits the rapid alignment of the sections and the reinforcement with particles of titanium applied at the base of all the sections (Titanium Joint), make this rod even more exclusive. The carp kits are available on request, and constitute a further optional you can rely on in the event of specific necessities. The 5033 is truly a rod of a kind never seen before. La 5033 reprsente le modle de pointe, pour la ligne RBS Colmic 2012. Cette canne est tout fait novatrice, car elle russit faire concorder des qualits dextrme lgret et des qualits dextrme fiabilit. Trois bases parallles nous ont permis daugmenter la rigidit, tout en gardant un diamtre gal celui de la prcdente 10.000; leskit match ont t encore plus allgs, en faveur dune rapidit encore plus leve; la structure des pices de base, amliore et renforce, garantit une utilisation de lobjet 360 sans aucune restriction, comme le veut la tradition affirme de Colmic. La technologie ASG, un traitement spcial favorisant le dgagement des pices dans toutes les situations, le Joint Line System, qui permet un alignement rapide des pices, ainsi que le renforcement au moyen de particules de titane appliqu la base de toutes les sections (Titanium Joint), rendent cet outil encore plus exclusif. Les kit carpa sont disponibles sur demande et sont une option de plus sur laquelle porter sa confiance en cas de besoins spcifiques. La 5033 est vraiment une canne comme on nen a jamais vu auparavant.

code pacK CCX16P Description RBS 5033 (13,00mt) Mini Ext. 10,00-11,50mt (60cm) + Mini Ext. 13,00mt (60cm) Top Kit 5 sect. - M95 (6,00mt) Cupping Kit (3,10mt) Holdall RBS250 pcs 1 2 4 1 1


rods - CANNES


rBs ALL-roUNd

The new 4022 has been spawned by a rod design that enjoyed great success last year, namely the 1092 Match/Carpa. The Colmic 4022 is naturally a top-bracket Roubaisienne, distinguished above all for its outstanding qualities of lightness, stiffness and extreme responsiveness. The materials used to make this stupendous fishing pole are absolutely the best that the raw material market is currently able to offer: this has enabled us to make the rod even lighter overall without in any way penalising the global action. The rod is constructed with two equally conical bases, which has allowed us to achieve an object with peerless balance, while maintaining an extremely slender profile. In addition to being universally appreciated, since it makes the rod easier to handle, this feature also makes it more manageable even in the case of strong wind. The 4022 is an all-rounder pole, a rod of the kind that is intimidated by nothing, from the most refined canal fishing excursions to extreme combat in the carp fishery. Whether we are talking about competition or pure passion, this object will never disappoint you. La nouvelle 4022 est le fruit du projet dune canne qui a remport un grand succs lanne dernire, savoir la 1092 Match/ Carpa. La Colmic 4022 est naturellement une RBS de premire catgorie et se distingue surtout en raison de ses excellentes qualits de lgret, rigidit et ractivit extrme. Les matriaux utiliss pour la fabrication de ce superbe outil de pche sont absolument le top que le march de la matire premire est actuellement en mesure de vous offrir: ceci nous a permis dallger encore davantage la canne dans son ensemble, sans en pnaliser en aucune sorte laction globale. La structure de la canne consiste en deux bases de mme conicit, qui nous ont permis dobtenir un objet quilibr comme aucun autre, tout en gardant un profil extrmement fin : cette caractristique, non seulement est apprcie de tous car elle offre une plus grande maniabilit, mais permet galement de grer au mieux loutil mme en cas de grand vent. La 4022 est une canne tout faire, une canne que rien neffraie, de la plus raffine des pches dans un canal la pche la plus extrme dans un carpodrome. Quil sagisse de comptition ou de pure passion, cet objet ne vous dcevra jamais. 3980,00
code pacK Description CCX17P RBS 4022 (13,00mt) Mini Ext. 10,00-11,50mt (70cm) + Mini Ext. 13,00mt (60cm) Top Kit 5 sect. - M95 (6,00mt) Top Kit 4 sect. - C65 (5,70mt) Cupping Kit (3,10mt) Holdall - RBS250 pcs 1 2 3 1 1 1


rBs ALL-roUNd

Designed on exactly the same blanks as her older sister 4022, and made from identical material, the only difference of the RBS Colmic 3022 is a slightly more docile action. Lightness or stiffness aren't sacrificed in any way. The Colmic policy of guaranteeing the interchangeability of the pieces with the previous series is confirmed in this case too, and anyone who wishes to use this rod in conjunction with other Colmic rods purchased previously will have a greater availability of kits on his side. Conue exactement sur les mmes mandrins que sa grande sur 4022, et fabrique avec le mme matriau, la RBS Colmic 3022 se diffrencie de cette dernire uniquement par son action lgrement plus docile. Lgret et rigidit ne viennent pas du tout manquer. La politique Colmic de garantir interchangeabilit de pices avec les sries prcdentes a t confirme aussi dans ce cas et quiconque voudrait assortir cette canne dautres cannes Colmic achetes prcdemment aura de son ct une plus grande disponibilit de kits.

code pacK CCX18P Description RBS 3022 (13,00mt) Mini Ext. 10.00-11.50mt (70cm) + Mini Ext. 13,00mt (60cm) Top Kit 5 sect. - M85 (6,00mt) Top Kit 4 sect. - C65 (5,70mt) Cupping Kit (3,10mt) Holdall - RBS250 pcs 1 2 3 1 1 1


rods - CANNES


rBs ALL-roUNd

This Roubaisienne faithfully follows the diameters of the previous series 007-008-010 and 090, so that all the sections it consists of can be housed in the base. The 960 is a very stiff rod, with an excellent down-force, and it can guarantee top-level performance, lending itself to use in any fishing situation and condition whatsoever. The 960 Match Carpa is made of high modulus HM60 carbon and exploits the Ultra-light Aerospace Fibre Pro Force Carbon (Power Double Tape) technology. Cette canne roubaisienne calque fidlement les diamtres des prcdentes sries 007-008-010 et 090, et donc toutes les sections qui la composent peuvent tre loges lintrieur de la base. La 960 est un outil trs rigide, avec une down force excellente, et elle garantit des performances de haut niveau, se prtant une utilisation pour tout type de situation et de condition de pche. La 960 Match Carpa est fabrique en carbone haut module HM60 et utilise la technologie U.L.A.F. Pro Force Carbon (Power Double Tape).

code pacK CCX19P Description RBS 960 - 13,00mt Mini Ext. 11,50mt (70cm) + Mini Ext. 13,00mt (80cm) Top Kit 5 sect. - M75 (6,00mt) Top Kit 4 sect. - C65 (5,70mt) Cupping Kit (3,10mt) Holdall - RBS150 pcs 1 2 2 1 1 1

The 760 Match Carpa is a Roubaisienne specially designed to meet the needs of the fisherman, match and amateur, who wants a rod that is at once reliable and manageable. This pole, built on the same profile as the 960, is perfect for those approaching competitions for the first time, but also for anyone who wants to benefit from above-average equipment for serious combat in the carp fishery. With the match kits, the 760 behaves in a truly admirable manner, evoking no regrets for rods of a superior category, and in carp mode it does the same, since anglers can count on an object that is truly robust while also being light and balanced. The exceptional value for money is another aspect that cannot be left out of consideration. La 760 Match Carpa est une RBS spcialement tudie pour satisfaire les besoins du pcheur, en comptition ou non, qui a besoin dun outil la fois fiable et grable. Cette canne, construite sur le mme profil que la 960, est loutil idal pour ceux qui souhaitent sinitier la comptition pour la premire fois, mais aussi ceux qui veulent se servir dun outil au-dessus de la moyenne, pour les pches lourdes en carpodrome. Grce aux kit match, la 760 se comporte vraiment remarquablement, sans faire regretter des outils de niveau suprieur, et en modalit carpe saura en faire autant, puisque vous pourrez vous servir dun objet vraiment robuste, mais aussi lger et quilibr. Son rapport trs avantageux qualit-prix devra forcment tre considr.

code pacK CCX20P Description RBS 760 - 13,00mt Mini Ext. 11,50mt (70cm) + Mini Ext. 13,00mt (80cm) Top Kit 5 sect. - M75 (6,00mt) Top Kit 4 sect. - C65 (5,70mt) Cupping Kit (3,10mt) Holdall - RBS150 pcs 1 2 1 1 1 1


It is with great pride that we are now presenting the F1, a top-of-range Roubaisienne in the series of rods designed exclusively for carp fishing. This pole is even stiffer, much lighter and still more reliable than the previous series; the balance is staggering considering the intended use. The tests carried out in real fishing have left us genuinely amazed. Rigs in the region of 0.30, easy retrieval of prey weighing over 20 kg, elastics of excessive proportions these are just some of the stresses we subjected the rod to during our tests. The lightness of this new F1, combined with its extraordinary power will literally take your breath away. It just has to be said: the legend lives on! Cest avec grande fiert que nous vous prsentons aujourdhui la F1, une RBS top de gamme dans la ligne de cannes purement pour la carpe. La canne est encore plus rigide, beaucoup plus lgre et encore plus fiable que les sries prcdentes; lquilibrage est poustouflant, si lon tient compte de sa destination dusage. Les essais effectus en pche nous ont vraiment berlus: des embouts de lordre de 0.30, rcupration de proies de plus de 20 kg, des lastiques de tailles dmesures, ne sont que quelques unes des sollicitations auxquelles nous avons soumis cet outil lors de nos tests. Vous serez tonns par la lgret de cette nouvelle F1, associe sa puissance extraordinaire. La lgende continue! Cest vraiment le cas de le dire. 1400,00
code pacK CCX21P Description CARPA F1 - 13,00mt Mini Ext. 11,50mt (100cm) + Mini Ext. 13,00 (80cm) TTop Kit 3 sect. - C66 (4,30mt) Holdall - ALGHERO pcs 1 2 1 1

code pacK CCX22P Description CARPA F1 - 11,50mt Mini Ext. 10,00mt (100cm) + Mini Ext. 11,50 (80cm) TTop Kit 3 sect. - C66 (4,30mt) Holdall - ALGHERO pcs 1 2 1 1

code pacK CCX26P Description CARPA F1 - 13,00mt Mini Ext. 11,50mt (100cm) + Mini Ext. 13,00 (80cm) Top Kit 4 sect. - M65 (4,60mt) Top Kit 3 sect. - C66 (4,30mt) Cupping Kit HM30 (3,10mt) Holdall - RBS150 pcs 1 2 2 2 1 1

Constructed on the same diameters, hence identical to those of her big sister Carpa F1, this pure carp Roubaisienne can be considered one of Colmics smash hits. The growing number of amateur fishermen who choose extreme carp fisheries for their fishing sessions means that it is precisely in this segment that this particular pole finds its ideal positioning. Our Belgian, Dutch and French colleagues are well aware of what were talking about: you have only to watch one of the numerous videos to be found on the various online channels to see them in action with our Roubaisienne poles, tackling genuinely oversize fish. The F3 will represent a veritable change of tack in this sense, were convinced of it, and as well as guaranteeing an unrivalled reliability, can also be selected in the length that best suits each fisherman. Construites avec les mmes diamtres, et donc identiques ceux de sa grande sur Carpa F1, cette RBS carpe pure peut tre considre un cheval de bataille de la maison Colmic. Le nombre croissant de pcheurs sportifs qui choisit le carpodrome extrme pour ses sances de pche fait que cet objet trouve justement dans ces conditions son placement idal. Les amis de Belgique, de Hollande et de France savent bien de quoi nous sommes en train de parler; il suffit de regarder lun des nombreux vides chargs sur les divers canaux de divulgation sur le rseau o nous pouvons les voir en action avec nos RBS, aux prises avec des poissons vraiment over size. La F3 dans ce sens sera un vritable tournant, nous en sommes srs, et non seulement elle garantira une fiabilit sans pareille mais elle pourra tre choisie dans la longueur qui convient le mieux chaque pcheur.

code pacK CCX23P Description CARPA F3 13,00mt Mini Ext. 11,50mt (100cm) + Mini Ext. 13,00mt (80cm) Top Kit 3 sect. - C36 (4,30mt) Holdal - ALGHERO pcs 1 2 1 1

code pacK CCX24P Description CARPA F3 11,50mt Mini Ext. 10,00mt (100cm) + Mini Ext. 11,50mt (80cm) Top Kit 3 sect. - C36 (4,30mt) Holdall - ALGHERO pcs 1 2 1 1

code pacK CCX25P Description CARPA F3 10,00mt Mini Ext. 10,00mt Top Kit 3 sect. - C36 (4,30mt) Holdall - ALGHERO pcs 1 1 1 1

code pacK CCX27P Description CARPA F3 13,00mt Mini Ext. 11,50mt + Mini Ext. 13,00mt Top Kit 4 sect. - M65 (4,60mt) Top Kit 3 sect. - C36 (4,30mt) Cupping Kit HM30 (3,10mt) Holdall - RBS150 pcs 1 2 2 2 1 1


rods - CANNES

Magica is a Roubaisienne built on the same blank profile as the Proto Carp, and it shares all the latters features of enormous robustness. It is offered with different accessories, and we can highly recommend this new carp pole to all lovers of the commercial carp fishery and all anglers who want to try their hand at this technique for the first time, but also to the most experienced match fishermen looking for a less costly article which still delivers top performance. La Magica est une rbs fabrique sur le mme profil que la Proto Carp, et elle hrite de cette dernire toutes les caractristiques de trs grande robustesse. Elle est propose avec divers accessoires et nous conseillons cette nouvelle RBS carpe tous les passionns du carpodrome et tous ceux qui entendent se mesurer pour la premire fois avec cette technique, mais aussi aux athltes les plus expriments, qui ont besoin dun outil peu dispendieux, mais pourtant performant.

code Description CCXX16 Special Carp MAGICA 13,00mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 13,00-11,50mt / 80cm)

code Description CCXX17 Special Carp MAGICA 11,50mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 10mt / 80cm)

code Description CCXX18 Special Carp MAGICA 10,00mt (Mini Ext. 80cm)

This new Colmic Roubaisienne has been specially designed for fishing in carp fisheries or, in any case, in extreme situations where the use of rigs and elastics of large dimensions is de rigueur. A good carp pole in addition to delivering top reliability, must also be sufficiently light. This is due to the simple fact that it is sometimes necessary to use the float technique or in any case to fish with very light equipment. The new Proto Carp satisfies this need to perfection, leaving the angler only the enjoyment of the fishing without burdening him with approximate weighing and balancing. Colmic has never like half-measures: the passion that it puts into the design of a top-notch Roubaisienne is exactly the same that it devotes to a less expensive product. Cette nouvelle RBS Colmic a t ralise tout spcialement pour pcher en carpodrome, ou en tout cas dans des situations limite, o lutilisation dembouts et dlastiques de grosses tailles est obligatoire. Une bonne canne carpes doit garantir non seulement une grande fiabilit mais doit tre aussi suffisamment lgre; cela est ncessaire pour le simple fait quil arrive de pratiquer souvent la technique de la pche fleur deau ou en tout cas des pches avec des instruments trs lgers. La nouvelle Proto Carp remplit parfaitement cette tche, laissant au pcheur sportif uniquement le got de la pche, sans lalourdir de poids et dquilibrages approximatifs. Colmic na jamais aim les demi-mesures: la passion quelle met dans ltude dune rbs haut de gamme est exactement la mme quelle applique un projet plus conomique.

code Description

code CCXX20 Description PROTO CARP 11,50mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 11,50-10,00mt / 80cm) code CCXX21

PROTO CARP 13,00mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 13,00-11,50mt / 80cm)

Description PROTO CARP 10,00mt (Mini Ext. 80cm)

code pacK CCX28P Description PROTO CARP 13,00mt Mini Ext. Reverse 13,00-11,50mt (80cm) Top Kit 4 sect. - M65 (4,60mt) Top Kit 3 sect. - C36 (4,30mt) Cupping Kit HM30 (3,10mt) Holdall - RBS150

1 1 2 2 1 1


code CCXX22 Description FORZA 10 10,00mt (Mini Ext. 100cm)

This Roubaisienne of extra-slim diameter is distinguished by lightness combined with incredible power. The action of these poles is exceptionally stiff, largely due to the combination of Ultra-light Aerospace Fibre Pro Force carbon. The Carpa Slim XT is produced in high modulus HM40 carbon, and has a base diameter of 36.00 mm. Ces RBS au diamtre extra slim se distingue pour leur lgret ainsi que pour leur incroyable puissance. Laction de ces RBS est lastique grce la combinaison de lU.L.A.F carbon PRO FORCE. La Carpa Slim XT est produite en HM 40 et a un diamtre de base d peine 36,00mm.

code CCX15A Description CARPA SLIM XT 10,00mt (Mini Ext. 100cm)

This slender-diameter Roubaisienne is distinguished by lightness combined with amazing power. The stiff action is delivered by the combination of the Ultra-light Aerospace Fibre carbon and PRO FORCE carbon. The Carpa Slim XS is made in high-modulus HM30 and has a base diameter of 37.20 mm. Cette RBS au diamtre slim se distingue pour sa lgret associe une incroyable puissance. Laction de ces RBS est rigide grce la combinaison de lU.L.A.F carbon PRO FORCE. La Carpa Slim XS est produite en HM30 et a un diamtre de base de 37,20 mm.

code CCX15B Description CARPA SLIM XS 10,00mt (Mini Ext. 100cm)

Inserting this extension into the mini extensions of the rods makes it possible to extend Carpa Slim Max, Carpa Slim XT and Carpa Slim XS to no less than 11 metres. En introduisant cette rallonge dans les mini-extensions de la canne, cela nous permet damener 11.00 m la Carpa Slim Max, la Carpa Slim XT et la Carpa Slim XS. 52,00
code CC9505 Description EXTENSION 11,00 mt (1,50 mt)


rods - CANNES


With a diameter at the base of less than 36 mm, the FORZA 10 is the slenderest of the entire range of Roubaisienne carp poles, and possibly the slimmest on the entire world market. This superb rod, of a practically peerless swiftness and boasting a truly minimal diameter, is nevertheless so strong that it can be used without restrictions of any kind. At the same time it is so light and manageable that it can be used for fishing in rivers, lakes or canals using techniques studied for notoriously more difficult fish. Fishing with a pole of this kind will be a unique satisfaction. Avec un diamtre la base infrieur 36 mm, la FORZA 10 est la canne roubaisienne carpes la plus fine de toute la gamme et sans doute de tout le march mondial. Ce prcieux outil, trs rapide comme peu dautres et fabriqu sur des diamtres vraiment exigus, est tellement robuste quon peut lutiliser sans aucune contrainte; mais il est aussi tellement lger et maniable quil permet de pcher dans les rivires, les lacs ou les canaux, avec des techniques consacres des poissons notoirement plus difficiles. Pcher avec une canne de ce genre sera une satisfaction unique.

Rod suitable for fisheries with a really thin mould. Even really thin it has a sudden reactivity, of an extra rigid action and an excellent down force. The high module carbon U.L.A.F. CARBON PRO FORCE. It is the strongest rod of all Colmic poles. All the sections can be fitted into the section. The pole and all the spare kits included in the package are sold into special PVC anti-shock protective tubes. Canne top de gamme all round, avec un incroyable downforce que stupfie par sa lgret, sa rigidit et sa ractivit. Pour obtenir ces rsultats on a savamment accoupl les fibres en carbone trs haut module U.L.A.F. CARBON PRO FORCE. Cest la canne la plus fort des cannes Colmic. Toutes les sections rentrent l'intrieur de la base. La canne et les kits en dotation sont contenus par tuyaux protecteurs en PVC antichocs.

code pacK CCX14P Description RBS Super Carpa XT 11,50 mt Mini ext. 10,00 mt - Mini ext. 11,50 mt Top Kit 3 sect. SC-XT Holdall ALGHERO pcs 1 2 1 1

An all-rounder artfully designed by Colmic, the 992 can be appreciated for its great reliability, exceptional down-force, great lightness and excellent response on strike This fantastic Roubaisienne has been duly appreciated by all the match fisherman who preferred to choose a pole with a slim blank combined with a truly unique balance. All Round de chez COLMIC, la 992 sapprcie par sa grande fiabilit, une down force exceptionnelle, une grande lgret et une excellente rponse lors de la prise. Cette canne roubaisienne a t apprcie par tous les athltes qui ont prfr une canne avec un mandrinage SLIM assorti un quilibrage uniqu

code pacK CCX03P Description RBS 992 - 13,00mt Mini Ext. 11,50mt (70cm) + Mini Ext. 13,00mt (60cm) Top Kit 5 sect. M85-XXT (6,00mt) Top Kit 4 sect. C-65XT (5,70mt) Cupping Kit - HM30 (3,10mt) Holdall RBS150 pcs 1 2 3 1 1 1


The Roubaisienne 390 is a pole that can be used for any fishing situation: from rapid fishing in canals to extreme sport in the commercial carp fishery. Built on the same blank as the 790 (008-010 and this years 060) the COLMIC RBS 390 is genuinely a rod for everyone, within reach of everyone. An excellent price-quality compromise. La RBS 390 est une canne qui sadapte toutes les situations de pche: la pche rapide dans un canal, la pche extrme en carpodrome. Fabrique sur le mme profil que la 790 (008-010 et 060 de cette anne), la RBS COLMIC 390 est vraiment une canne pour tous, la porte de tous. Un des meilleurs compromis entre la qualit et le prix.

code pacK CCX06P Description RBS 390 - 13,00mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 11.50-13.00mt / 90cm) Top Kit 5 sect. M65-XT (6,00mt) Holdall ALGHERO pcs

1 1 1

code pacK CCX07P Description RBS 390 - 11,50mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 10.00-11.50mt / 90cm) Top Kit 4 sect. M65-XT (4,60mt) Holdall ALGHERO pcs

1 1 1

This Roubaisienne, made of high modulus 30-36 Ultra-light Aeropace Fibre carbon and ultralight Pro Force carbon, is a perfect pole for approaching the technique of fishing with a take-apart rod. Extremely reliable, light and well-balanced, the 210 lends itself wonderfully to all fishing techniques, and especially that carried out in carp fisheries. It can also serve as a spare pole for the 008-010-090 and 060 series, precisely in view of the fact that it is structured on the same blanks. Cette RBS, ralise en HM 30-36 U.L.A.F. Carbon et carbone ultralight Pro Force Carbon, est lune des RBS ideale pour sinitier la technique de pche avec une canne embotements. Trs fiable, lgre et bien quilibre, la 210 se prte fort bien toutes les techniques de pche et surtout celle en carpodrome. Une RBS qui peut servir aussi de mulet aux sries 008-010-090 et 060, justement grce au fait quelle est structures sur les mmes mandrins.

code pacK CC9111P Description RBS 210 13,00mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 11,50-13,00mt / 80cm) Top Kit 4 sect. M65-XT (4,60mt)

pcs 1 1

code pacK CC9112P Description RBS 210 11,50mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 10,00-11,50mt / 80cm) Top Kit 4 sect. MJ-M35 (4,60mt) pcs

1 1

This carp fishing rod is manufactured in HM 30 U.L.A.F. carbon and ultralight ProForce carbon. The 290 offers rigid action, extreme reliability and excellent balance. Canne pour carpe fabrique en carbone HM 30 U.L.A.F. carbon et en carbone ultralight ProForce carbon. Cette canne a une action rigide, trs fiable et quilibre.

code Description code Description

CCX09 CARPA 290 10,00mt (Mini Ext. 90cm)


CARPA 290 11,50mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 10,00-11,50mt / 90cm)


rods - CANNES

Powerful reliable and indestructible, these new Roubaisienne poles have been conceived to address the most hefty fish in the carp fisheries. The Anti-Grip surface finish on the sections guarantees excellent fluidity in the fishing phase. Both rods are equipped with a super stiff tip of 1.20m with a hole of 2.00mm which makes it possible to use these poles even with elastics and nylons of significant dimensions in the most demanding carp fisheries. Puissantes, fiables et indestructibles, ces nouvelles rbs sont conues pour les pches les plus lourdes dans les carpodromes. Le traitement de surface ANTI-GRIP sur les sections nous permet une excellente fluidit en phase de pche. Les deux cannes sont quipes dune cime cimone super dure de 1.20m avec un orifice de 2.00mm qui permet dutiliser ces Rbs avec des lastiques et du nylon dans les carpodromes les plus durs.

code CCXX23 Description CARPA HEGO 9,50mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 8,00-9,50mt / 70cm)

code CCXX24 Description CARPA HEGO 11,00mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 9,50-11,00mt / 100cm)

code CCXX25 Description CARPA LAKE 9,50mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 8,00-9,50mt / 70cm)

code CCXX26 Description CARPA LAKE 11,00mt (Mini Ext. Reverse 9,50-11,00mt / 100cm)

Roubaisienne available in three sizes (6.00 - 7.10 - 8.20m with mini extensions) that make it possible to approach any carp fishery anywhere in Europe ad have at your disposal strong and reliable equipment for every possible situation. Having the three sizes of KENDAL available in your holdall means that you can address 360 fishing action, and sound the entire range of riverbeds, lakes and reservoirs. Rbs existant en trois mesures (6.00 - 7.10 - 8.20m avec mini-extensions) permettant de frquenter les carpodromes de toute lEurope et davoir sa disposition des outils robustes et fiables pour tout type de situation. Avoir dans son fourreau les trois mesures des KENDAL nous permet deffectuer une action de pche 360 pour les divers types de fonds.

code CC9030A Description KENDAL 6,00mt

code CC9030B Description KENDAL 7,10mt code CC9030C Description KENDAL 8,20mt


A consolidated Colmic combination, these two mini Roubaisienne poles were conceived for the bank fishing of big carp. Their most striking features are extreme power and reliability, even when fishing with large-size elastics and nylons. They are, in effect, practically indestructible!! Un binme qui sest impos, de la Maison Colmic, que des deux mini RBS; elles sont conues pour pcher les grosses carpes prs du rivage. Leurs caractristiques principales sont lextrme puissance et la fiabilit mme lorsquon pche avec des lastiques et des nylons soutenus. Pratiquement indestructibles!!

code CC9601 Description LITE - R 9,00mt (Mini Ext. 80cm)

code CC9602 Description R-21 9,00mt (Mini Ext. 80 cm)


All the following spare poles are made up of 4 sections (6 + 7 + 8 + 9) that can be used for a rapid restart in the event of accidental breakages and for particularly demanding fishing sessions. This is definitely an indispensable investment, proposed at a truly interesting price. Tous les Mulets suivants sont composs de 4 sections (6 + 7 + 8 + 9) qui peuvent tre utilises pour un redmarrage rapide en cas de ruptures accidentelles et pour des parties de pche particulirement lourdes. Certainement un investissement indispensable propos un prix trs intressant.

code CCX16PB Description MULETTO SERIE 03 compatibility RBS 5033

code CCX18PB Description MULETTO SERIE 02 compatibility RBS 4022 - 3022 - 1092 - 992

code CC9029B Description compatibility SAFETY SECTION 007-008 RBS Serie 007 -Serie 008-Serie 010

This extension section, of a length of 1.90m, has been specifically designed to lengthen rods of 13.00m to 14.50 and beyond. Indeed, being parallel, these sections can be inserted one inside the other to extend the Roubaisienne to the desired length. Cette base, longue de 1,90 m, a t tout spcialement tudie pour amener les cannes de 13,00m des longueurs de 14,50m et plus. En effet, cette section, tant Parallle peut tre embote lune dans lautre, amenant ainsi notre canne roubaisienne la longueur dsire.

code CC9201X Description PARALLEL EXTENSION Serie 010 (1,90mt) compatibility RBS Series 007 - Series 008 - Series 010 790 - 590 - 390 - 960 - 760


rods - CANNES


code CCX1302 CCX1303 CCX1304 CCX1305 CCX1306 CCX1307 CCX1307B CCX1307A

Description Top Kit 5 sect. M95-XXT (6,00mt) Top Kit 5 sect. M85-XXT (6,00mt) Top Kit 5 sect. M75-XT (6,00mt) Top Kit 4 sect. M75-XT (4,60mt) Top Kit 5 sect. M65-XT (6,00mt) Top Kit 4 sect. M65-XT (4,60mt) Top Kit 5 sect. M35-XT (6,00mt) Top Kit 4 sect. M35-XT (4,60mt)

elastic rating 1,40mm 1,40mm 1,40mm 1,40mm 1,40mm 1,40mm 1,40mm 1,40mm

480,00 435,00 400,00 266,00 331,00 225,00 260,00 175,00

code CCX1307C CCX1307D CCX1308 CCX1309 CCX1309A CCX1309B CCX1310 CCX1311 CCX1311A CCX1311B CC9215A

Description Top Kit 4 sect. C85 (5,70mt) Top Kit 3 sect. C85 (4,30mt) Top Kit 4 sect. C65-XT (5,70mt) Top Kit 3 sect. C65-XT (4,30mt) Top Kit 4 sect. C66 (5,70mt) Top Kit 3 sect. C66 (4,30mt) Top Kit 4 sect. C35-XT (5,70mt) Top Kit 3 sect. C35-XT (4,30mt) Top Kit 4 sect. C36 (5,70mt) Top Kit 3 sect. C36 (4,30mt) Top Kit 3 sect. Carpa 3 - Super Light

elastic rating 2,30mm 2,30mm 2,30mm 2,30mm 2,30mm 2,30mm 2,30mm 2,30mm 2,30mm 2,30mm 2,30mm

445,00 290,00 325,00 220,00 343,00 222,00 275,00 192,00 275,00 192,00


code CC8799C CC8799A1 CC8799C1 CC8799C2 CC8799C3 CC8900C CC8900C1 CC8799D CC8799E CC8799E1 CC8799F CC8900E CC8900F

Description Cupping Kit 2 sect. HM30 (3,10mt) 3 sect. per Cupping Kit HM30 POWER KIT HM-40 (3,00mt) Super Cupping Kit (3,20mt) Super Power Kit (2,95mt) Filler Tip Match HM60 (1,60mt) Filler Tip Carpa HM60 (1,60mt) 1' sect. MATCH 2' sect. MATCH 2' sect. MATCH LIGHT 3' sect. MATCH - 1.400mm Power Kit Pisa - HM60 (2,95mt) 2 sez. = Power Kit Pisa

elastic rating

100,00 67,00


132,00 122,00

1,40mm 2,30mm

65,00 56,00 27,00 51,00 75,00 87,00


98,00 50,00

code CCX1301 CC9104S6 Description Top Kit 5 sect. M205-XXT (6,10mt) Top Kit 5 sect. M105-XXT (6,10mt)

elastic rating 1,40mm 1,40mm price
533,00 235,00


Description Top Kit 4 sect. Super Carpa (5,60mt) Top Kit 3 sect. Super Carpa (4,20mt) 4 sect. (1,50mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm 2,30mm

230,00 168,00 100,00

132,00 213,00

136,00 220,00

code CC9306 CC9307

Description POWER KIT: Serie PC (3,10mt) FILLER TIP: Serie PC (1,70mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm 2,30mm

103,00 47,00

code CCX15D

Description Top Kit 4 sect. (3,70mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm


code CCX15C

Description Top Kit 4 sect. (3,70mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm


code CC9114SP5 CCX1307 CCX1307A

Description 5 sez. - RBS X100 (1,50mt) Top Kit 4 sect. M65-XT (4,60mt) Top Kit 4 sect. M35-XT (4,60mt)

elastic rating
1,40mm 1,40mm

115,00 225,00 175,00

code CC7094

Description Top Kit 4 sect. (4,90mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm


code CC9024 CC9022 CC7093

Description Top Kit 4sect. FJ90 Carpa (5,90mt) Top Kit 5sect. HJ75 Match (6,30mt) 5 Match (1,50mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm 1,40mm

235,00 235,00 120,00

code CC9030D CC9030E

Description TOP KIT 3 SECT. - KENDAL (2,40mt) TOP KIT 4 SECT. - KENDAL (3,50mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm 2,30mm

29,00 43,00

code CC9603

Description Top Kit 4 Sect. (4,10mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm


code CCXX27 CCXX28

Description Top Kit 3 sect. Top Kit 4 sect.

elastic rating 2,30mm 2,30mm

59,00 79,00



rods - CANNES

code CC9304 CC9305

Description Top Kit 3 sect. PC35 (3,40mt) Top Kit 4 sect. PC35 (4,75mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm 2,30mm


code CC9305A CC9305B

Description Top Kit 3 sect. PC36 (3,40mt) Top Kit 4 sect. PC36 (4,75mt)

elastic rating 2,30mm 2,30mm


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