Example Case Presentation - MM

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Morassa Mohseni, PhD
Associate, PhD to Consulting, Johns Hopkins University Department of Human Genetics

Case Introduction

Our client, XXXX, has developed a new type of tube replacement for enteral feeding devices
Current Market Size


Revenue Year 1 & First 5years at $120 Our Recommended Price Point


The current US market size is 260,000 enterally fed patients needing 200,000 feeding tube replacements per year Revenue at $120 per XXXX:

Year One

= $224,000


First Five Years

= $11,600,000

Our Recommended Price Point = $250

* Net present value, given 7% discount rate

Key Issues in Determining Our Recommendations

Which diseases may require enteral feeding?

Percentage of patients with disease who receive gastric feeding tubes Mortality rates associated with disease Duration of feeding tube use (Permanent vs. Short-term use)

2011/2012 Medicare reform can effect the market size Price point of competing replacement enteral feeding tubes

The Enteral Feeding Tube Replacement Market

Feeding Tube Replacement Market Breakdown % of Feeding Tube Replacements Per Disease
Advanced Dementia 7%

2.4 Million in the US with Diseases Potentially Needing Feeding Tubes

Parkinsons 260,000 Patients with Feeding Tubes

Feeding Tube Replacements Per Year

Stroke 52%
Head/Neck Cancer 15%

ALS 3%

Esophogeal atresia 4%

Cystic Fibrosis 2%

Reference: 1,3,4,7,8,10-13,15, 16

Risk of Losing Market with Medicare/Medicaid Reform

Advanced Dementia 7%

Enteral feeding in the Advanced Dementia, ALS, and Parkinsons populations is being recognized as a non-beneficial procedure

Eventually covered by Cadillac insurance


17% Stroke 52%

Head/Neck Cancer 15%

Overall cost of tube feeding is expensive ($31,832 per year in 2001) Currently, 26% Medicare expenditures occur in the last-year-of-life ($720 Billion)

ALS 3%

The 2011/2012 Medicare reform will remove the cost burden of palliative care in the last-year-of-life

Esophogeal atresia 4%

Cystic Fibrosis 2%

This may eliminate upwards of 27% of the Enteral Feeding Market

Revenue Predictions

Year 1 predicted revenue at $120 = $224,000* Predicted Total Revenue for first 5 years*:



Net Present Value




$4,000,000 $224,000

$0 1% Market Share Worst Case (5% Market Share) Expected Case (15% Market Share) Best Case (30% Market Share)

Year 1

Year 5

* Net present value, given 7% discount rate

Revenue Adjusted for Medicare Reform

XXXX Expected Annual Revenue at $120/tube
$8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000




$5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0

27% Market size lost due to Medicare Reform




$240,000 $173,000 1% Market Share

$1,200,000 $870,000

Worst Case (5% Market Share)

Expected Case (15% Market Share)

Best Case (30% Market Share)

Year 1

Year 5

Competitors in the Enteral Feeding Tube Market

QuanTube Button Bumper Balloon

3 3 2 1

Risk of Pain of Max force Risk of BBS Ulceration Installation load

1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1

Time to Install
3 3 1 1

Non-specialist Installation
1 0 0 0

Enteral Feeding Device

Novartis Replacement Balloon Gastrostomy Tube Ross MAGNA Port Balloon Gastronomy Tube Nestle Compat Replacement Balloon Gastrostomy Tubes Kimberly Clark MIC-KEY Low-Profile Gastrostomy Balloon Feeding Tube Corpak Low Profile Gastrostomy Device Bard Button Replacement Gastrostomy Device

Avg Cost/Tube
$43.14 $44.99 $67.32 $109.62 $138.27 $311.30 Low and Mid Range Devices

Premium Device

Closest competitor to XXXX = Premium Device Longevity, Ease of use, Patient care (pain, ulceration)

BARD Button Replacement Device

Recommended Price Point: $250

$120 Price Point

$250 Price Point


How can we get to 30%?


Net Present Value



Aggressively market advantages of XXXX vs. Bard (Competitors) Partnership with establish biomedical device company
$24,200,000 $23,000,000


$10,000,000 $470,000 $224,000 1% Market Share

$8,400,000 $4,000,000 Worst Case (5% Market Share)



Expected Case (15% Market Share)

Best Case (30% Market Share)

Year 1

First 5 Years

* Net present value, given 7% discount rate


Enteral Feeding Tube Market Size:

260,000 patients 200,000 feeding tube replacements

Expected revenue at $120 for year 1 = $224,000* Total revenue for first 5 years at $120 = $11,600,000* Medicare reform in 2011/2012 expected to reduce market size by upwards of 27%
Our recommendation is to increase price point to $250

Price is competitive with most similar premium devices (Bard Button)

Price will off-set loss of revenue due to Medicare reform

Total revenue for first 5 years at $250 price point = $24,200,000*
* Net present value, given 7% discount rate

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
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US Demographic Data of Enterally Fed Patients

Diseases that may require an Enteral Device

Advanced Dementia (Age & AD) Parkinsons ALS (NMD) Head/Neck Cancer Cystic Fibrosis Esophogeal atresia Stroke Total

US patients with Number of US patients disease using tube replacements per with this disease feeding year
600,000 497,600 15,550 500,000 30,000 78,000 700,000 2,421,150 33,960 32,842 6,376 50,000 3,900 7,800 123,200 258,077 14,942 32,842 6,376 30,000 3,900 7,800 102,667 198,526

Bard Access Systems

Bard Access Systems


Revenue (2010) = $480 Million


of Revenue from Oncology Division which include enteral feeding products Estimated Revenue for Enteral Feeding Products = $24 Million Number of Bard Button Devices sold = 77,000/year Approximately 30% of the Market Share

Hoover, Datamonitor 360

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