Brewster School District School Improvement / Title I Schoolwide Plan 2011 - 2012

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Brewster School District School Improvement / Title I Schoolwide Plan 2011 - 2012

School: Brewster Jr. Sr. High School Principal: Linda Dezellem Leadership Team
Linda Dezellem Principal Dean Busching English Instructor Judi Jensen, NCESD Title I & Tech Assistance Pat Shelton Social Studies Instructor Dianne Johnson FPD Jerry Riggan Physical Education Inst. Karol Miller Parent Mario Camacho
Student Advocate/Home Liaison

Date: 10/25/2011

Greg Austin Science Instructor Courtney Reynolds Para Professional

Dusti Crenshaw Specialist Rick Miller Parent

School Mission/Vision Statement: Brewster Jr.-Sr. High School is committed to connecting with, supporting, and assuring that all students are future ready. School Improvement Goals Professional Learning Communities: Given training on PLCs, 100% of the Brewster Staff will have a common understanding of the PLC process
and will demonstrate effective implementation of PLC practices by using established PLC protocols and norms, as measured by PLC Monitoring Feedback (surveys, self-assessments, pre/post PLC assessment, meeting agendas/minutes, and coach observation data) by June 2012.

Instructional Strategies: 100 percent of instructors K-12 will post student friendly objectives by October 1, 2011 for every subject as measured by
classroom walkthrough data. ***Brewster School District instructors will select and implement one additional Marzano high yield instructional strategy. Strategy will be measured using classroom walkthrough data and shared by April 1, 2012.

Mathematics: In Brewster School District, 100% of math teachers will be actively involved in PLC work and will be using completed curriculum guides,
including at least one standards-based assessment, prior to each MBA, by May 1, 2012. This will be monitored through PLC meetings and monthly surveys.

Reading: 70% of reading teachers will implement the curriculum guides to teach grade level standards by Fall benchmark as measured by CWT's, coach
observations, and teacher self-reporting. 85% of reading teachers will implement the curriculum guides to teach grade level standards by Winter benchmark as measured by CWT's, coach observations, and teacher self-reporting. 100% of reading teachers will implement the curriculum guides to teach grade level standards by Spring benchmark as measured by CWT's, coach observations, and teacher self-reporting.

Title I School Wide Program Requirements

Implementation Components
Comprehensive Needs Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schoolwide Reform Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement ........................................ ..................................... Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers High Quality and Ongoing Professional Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plans for Assisting Preschool Children in the Transition from Preschool Programs to Local Elementary Programs and Between Grade Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inclusion of Teachers in Decisions About the Use of Academic Assessment Information for

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the Purpose of Improving Student Achievement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effective, Timely and Additional Assistance for Students Who Have Difficulty Mastering the Standard at Proficient and Advanced Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coordination and Integration and Documentation of Federal, State and Local Services and Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment DATA REVIEW

Aug. 1 & 2, 2011 Self-Assessment w/ Jim Ventris, WIIN Ctr. and building teams. Reviewed data and established new goals & actions for 201112 plan

Demographic Data
OSPI School Report Card (CEDARS) Attendance Data

Student Achievement Data Measurement of

Perception Data
Bilingual / Migrant PAC Meeting Surveys

Program/Context Data
Classroom Walk Through (CWT) Data from Teachscape

Graduation Rate Discipline Data

Student Progress (MSP), High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) and State Math COEs North West Evaluation Association (NWEA MAP) Math Benchmark Assessments (MBA) Reading Benchmark Assessments (RBA)


What areas of strength were identified while reviewing your data? *Late start Mondays for PLC work have led to more vertical planning opportunities *Norms for PLCs *7th Grade Reading Scores improved *75% of Eighth grade Algebra students passed the Algebra End of Course *Increased the number and regularity of Classroom Walk Throughs *Large attendance for Parent Involvement meeting since linking this with PAC. *Over 83% attendance for Student Led Conference *Four day a week advisory program grades 7 - 12

What areas of concern were identified? *PLC establishment and direction. Intentionality and effectiveness of time. Holding each other accountable for norms of PLCs. *Encouraging 8th graders to take advanced math courses have led to missing key grade level instructional areas *Disseminate

Restructuring Efforts at Brewster Jr. Sr. High School Include: The district hired a new Jr. Sr. High School principal in 2007-08. A Dean of Students was also added. Navigation 101 was implemented to provide extra support and direction for students with organization and career readiness. The student schedule was restructured and changed from a modified-block to 7-period day in order to make elective courses available for struggling students in 7 12 grade. Student governance was resurrected with a great emphasis on student leadership. A new district superintendent was hired in 2010-11 and comprehensive collaborative planning and training was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Gene Sharratt, by utilizing perception surveys that were distributed to all stakeholders in the district. CEE was then hired to provide data analysis using the survey results. Other restructuring activities are embedded within the Schoolwide/School Improvement Plan. 2. Schoolwide Reform Strategies (Created in Service Tracker) GOAL Professional Learning

Implementation SMART Goal: Given training on PLCs, 100% of the Brewster Staff will have a common understanding of the PLC process and will
demonstrate effective implementation of PLC practices by using established PLC protocols and norms, as measured by PLC Monitoring Feedback (surveys, self-assessments, pre/post PLC assessment, meeting agendas/minutes, and coach observation data) by June 2012.

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Professional Learning Communities

Develop, design and implement pre-K - 12th grade Professional Learning Communities
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PLC Time

Find options to provide and pay for time to do PLC work

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Status Start-End Dates Persons Responsible

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Completed 08/31/2011 08/02/2011 - 08/31/2011 Lynnette Blackburn, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen


Review time options Early release days Action Teams w/ stipend Late Start Mondays and/or Common Planning Times
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Due 8/31/2011 Eric Driessen (Supt.) , Linda Dezellem (Jr.-Sr. High School Principal), Lynnette Blackburn (Elementary Principal)


PLC Structure

Determine district PLC process and procedures as well as composition of PLCs

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Status Start-End Dates Persons Responsible

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In Progress 08/02/2011 08/01/2011 - 09/30/2011 Lynnette Blackburn, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen, Judi Jensen, Joy Wilson


Professional Learning

Professional Learning Communities PLC Structure



District PLC Overview Completed Eric presents to staff Overview Expectations Norms Procedures Accountability PLC Glossary of Terms Completed_________ Develop glossary for district wide shared understanding of terms PLC Meeting Agendas Completed Develop/Review to reflect what data to review and actions to be taken Establish PLC Norms Completed Building, Grade Level, Subject Level, Vertical Teams Define PLC Send out Ch. 1 of Learning by Doing - K-12 Staff PLC definition discussion Learning by Doing Ch. 1 How does this apply to us?

Due 8/26/2011 Eric Driessen (Supt.)

Due 8/26/2011 Eric Driessen (Supt.) , Linda Dezellem (Jr.Sr. High School Principal) , Lynnette Blackburn (Elementary Principal) Due 9/2/2011 Eric Driessen (Supt.) , Linda Dezellem (Jr.Sr. High School Principal) , Lynnette Due 9/2/2011 Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 1/30/2012 Dianne Johnson Due 02/28/2012 Dianne Johnson (Special Prog. Director), Eric Driessen, Jeanette Bowers (DIF) , Judi Jensen (NCESD) , Linda Dezellem Lynnette Blackburn

Establish PLC Teams Vertical ,Grade Level, Subject District Building

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Due 09/30/2011 Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn


Establish PLC Process for reviewing/using data 5

In writing, determine how data will be reviewed and used

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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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Not Begun 08/01/2011 09/26/2011 02/28/2012 PD Lynnette Blackburn, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen


Professional Learning

Professional Learning Communities Establish PLC Process for reviewing/using data District Prof. Development Calendar


Include K-12 staff training on PLC process, components, etc. Core subjects
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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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In Progress 08/01/2011 08/29/2011 - 05/04/2012 PD Lynnette Blackburn, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen


Prioritize PD needs Review Service Tracker results from all 4 groups Building principals identify PLC skills needed Identify PD funding Check funding amounts and sources
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In Progress

Due 9/30/2011 Eric Driessen , Judi Jensen , Linda Dezellem , Lynnette Blackburn Due 9/30/2011 Eric Driessen , Jeanette Bowers, Judi Jensen,



Monitoring PLC's
In Progress 08/02/2011 02/21/2011 01/30/2012 Trainings: Solution Tree PLC Janelle Keating Wiin Training Staff rollout - Establish system Further calibration of PLC coaches with Jeanette PD

Establish system to monitor PLC implementation progress and fidelity

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Status Start-End Dates Timeline Notes


Persons Responsible
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Lynnette Blackburn, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen, Judi Jensen, Dianne Johnson


Professional Learning

Professional Learning Communities Monitoring PLC's

Not Begun Not Begun Due 8/3/2011 Eric Driessen Due 9/12/2011 Dianne Johnson, Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 9/12/2011 Dianne Johnson , Eric Driessen, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Identify PLC Coaches Admin Team Coaches Roles and responsibilities of Coaches


Coaches Training Calibration with Jeanette - Common understanding and language

Not Begun

Create PLC Binders- K-12 Staff Use Janelle Keatings PLC Focus: Differentiated Teaming

Not Begun

Due 9/30/2011 Dianne Johnson , Eric Driessen, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn

Staff Training Training with Jeanette - Common understanding and language, Coaches attend as well
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Not Begun

Due 10/31/2011 Dianne Johnson , Eric Driessen, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn, Judi Jensen


PLC Feedback Mechanisms

In Progress 08/02/2011 08/30/2011 - 06/08/2012 Collection of Agendas, Surveys, Observation notes, pre/post assessments and self- assessments. Eric Driessen

Collecting Feedback/data to measure effectiveness of training

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Status Start-End Dates Timeline Notes

Persons Responsible


Mathematics 7


Curriculum Alignment Curriculum Guides

0 of 6 Complete In Progress Due 9/23/2011 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Garcia, Deb LaMoreaux, Marie Goulet


All Pacing Guides Completed All Math guides K-12 (Alg 1, Geometry, Alg 2) are to be fully implemented. Based on 2008 Standards. All guides should be located in the same place. Fidelity measures within a week of the guide, sped IEP, what adjustments are you making? to you think you are doing better than last agree slightly, etc Reporting and Outcome expectations Teachers within a week of guide. Report with survey Monitoring system survey, common grading, elementary, PLC observations Technical assistance How to use the surveys, glitches in the survey Feedback mechanisms PLC, survey
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In Progress

Due 9/30/2011 Ann George

In Progress

Due 9/30/2011 Ann George Due 9/30/2011 Ann George Due 9/30/2011 Ann George Due 9/30/2011 Ann George

In Progress

In Progress

In Progress


Assessment Alignment

Develop and implement formative mathematics assessments and provide training on evaluating test results.
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Assessment Data
In Progress 08/02/2011 08/31/2011 - 06/08/2012 PD Lynnette Blackburn, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen

Use of assessment data to improve instruction and compare results.

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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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Assessment Alignment Assessment Data


Data Director Training Completed Provide a training day with Janet to get all specialists trained on the use of data director. Every math teacher in attendance to learn how to create tests for classroom use. Access Assessment Data Insure that all math staff and specialist support have access to all math teacher's data, by student. Make access time effective. MAP #1 Testing Window Sept 26-Oct 14 MBA #1 Benchmark test in window November 7-10. MBA #1 Analysis Benchmark #1 analysis MAP #2 Testing Window Jan 10-31 MBA #2 Testing Benchmark #2 February 7-10 MBA #2 Analysis Benchmark #2 Analysis MAP #3 Testing window April 9-27 MBA #3 Testing window for Benchmark 3 May 1-4 In Progress

Due 9/21/2011 Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux, Marie Goulet (

Due 9/21/2011 Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 10/14/2011 Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 11/10/2011 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Marie Goulet , Todd Phillips Due 11/15/2011 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux, Todd Phillips Due 1/31/2012 Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 2/10/2012 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Marie Goulet, Todd Phillips Due 2/16/2012 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux, Todd Phillips Due 4/27/2012 Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 5/4/2012 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Todd Phillips




Not Begun

Not Begun

Not Begun

Not Begun

Not Begun




Assessment Alignment Assessment Data

Not Begun Due 5/10/2012 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux, Todd Phillips MBA #3 Analysis Benchmark #3 Analysis


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Common Assessments
In Progress 08/02/2011 08/22/2011 - 10/22/2012 Benjamin Clark, Ann George, Todd Phillips Completed Due 8/31/2011 Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux, Todd Phillips Due 10/14/2011 Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux

Common tests for grade level/specific math classes aligned to standards.

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Status Start-End Dates Persons Responsible

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Plan Testing Dates Determine testing dates for MBA etc. Create Tests Creating classroom assessments that are aligned to guides/standards.
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In Progress


PLC Collaboration

Time to meet and communicate about curriculum and assessment goals, vocabulary, computation strategies, problem solving, common planning. Monitor progress of plan.
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Create Math PLC

Completed 08/02/2011 08/02/2011 - 09/02/2011 Benjamin Clark, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen, Ann George, Deb LaMoreaux, Todd Phillips

Officially set up a Math Department PLC for collaboration and monitoring of plan.
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Status Start-End Dates Persons Responsible

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PLC Collaboration Create Math PLC


Establish Membership Determine members of PLC Establish Routine Meeting Time Establish routine, focused meeting time with agenda

In Progress

Due 8/30/2011 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux, Linda Dezellem, Todd Phillips Due 9/2/2011 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux, Linda Dezellem, Todd Phillips Due 9/2/2011 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux, Linda Dezellem, Todd Phillips Due 9/2/2011 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Deb LaMoreaux, Linda Dezellem, Todd Phillips Due 9/9/2011 Ann George , Benjamin Clark , Deb LaMoreaux, Todd Phillips Due 05/25/2012 Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem

In Progress

Establish Agendas/Goals Focus on specific goals without off task time wasting disucssions to insure work is accomplished. Determine Team Norms Establish group norms to insure effecient and timely collaboration Team Collaboration Ongoing work within team to improve student learning and support each other with effective changes. Continued PLC PD Continue having opportunities for PLC Professional Development to insure success of PLC process.
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In Progress


In Progress

In Progress


Instructional Strategies

Implementation SMART Goals:

***100 percent of instructors K-12 will post student friendly objectives by October 1, 2011 for every subject as measured by classroom walkthrough data. ***Brewster School District instructors will select and implement one additional Marzano high yield instructional strategy. Strategy will be measured using classroom walkthrough data and shared by April 1, 2012.
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Select and implement research based instructional strategies to be used in every classroom
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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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Not Begun 08/01/2011 08/31/2011 03/02/2012 PD, Eval Lynnette Blackburn, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen

ELL specific Determine how training on kid friendly objectives will include ELD's, this may be a part of the objective training day Objective training All staff training day for writing kid friendly objectives Subject/Grade Level Obj. Review Share and review work with student objectives with subject/grade level colleagues Monitor application of student objectives Review walkthrough data pre and post workshop and PLC application
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In Progress

Due 8/31/2011 Chris Webster, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 03/02/2012 Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 04/01/2012 Chris Webster , Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 05/25/2012 Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn

Not Begun

Not Begun

Not Begun


High yield instructional strategies


Instructional Strategies

Instruction High yield instructional strategies

Not Begun 08/01/2011 08/31/2011 - 11/30/2011 PD Lynnette Blackburn, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen Filing Cabinet Count 2


More training on high strategies K-12

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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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Strategy list Have a hard copy of Marzano and SIOP strategies in the back to school instructional packet for teachers. Download SIOP strategies in the file cabinet Marzano HYS Download Marzano's high yield instructional strategies to the file cabinet. Have a hard copy of these strategies in the back to school instructional packet for teachers. Select Marzano high yield strategy Use CWT and staff feedback to determine high yield strategy to implement

In Progress

Due 8/29/2011 Chris Webster


Due 8/29/2011 Eric Driessen

Not Begun

Due 10/21/2011

Marzano strategy training Not Begun After selecting strategy to implement, schedule training date.

Due 11/1/2011 Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn

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Teaching the Standards

In Progress 08/01/2011 08/31/2011 - 09/16/2011 Eval Lynnette Blackburn, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen

All instructors teaching to grade level standards

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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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Instructional Strategies

Instruction Teaching the Standards

In Progress Due 9/30/2011 Ann George, Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Garcia, Deb LaMoreaux, Marie Goulet, Todd Phillips Due 10/28/2011 Beth Whitehouse, Bev Weddle, Jake Johanson, Judi Jensen, Karla Phillips Math Curriculum Guide Math Currciulum Guide downloaded to the file cabinet and distributed to all instructors K-12 Language Arts/Reading Alignment Documents Download language arts/reading alignment documents to tracker file cabinet and distributed to all instructors K-12 for use in classrooms Science Guideline Science Currciulum Guide downloaded to the file cabinet and distributed to all instructors K-12 Social Studies Guideline Social Studies Currciulum Guide downloaded to the file cabinet and distributed to all instructors 7-12 Art/Physical Education Curriculum Guides Art/Physical Education Currciulum Guides downloaded to the file cabinet and distributed to all instructors K-12
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In Progress

In Progress

Due 11/30/2011

In Progress

Due 11/30/2011

In Progress

Due 11/30/2011


Classroom Walkthroughs

Train additional staff in CWT, analyze data, develop and implement short term action plans based on CWT analysis
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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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In Progress 08/01/2011 08/31/2011 - 06/30/2012 Eval Lynnette Blackburn, Linda Dezellem, Eric Driessen


Instructional Strategies

Instruction Classroom Walkthroughs



0 of 7 Complete Not Begun Due 9/30/2011 Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 11/15/2011 Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 11/15/2011 Chris Webster, Dianne Johnson, Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 2/15/2012 Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 4/15/2012 Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 5/31/2012 Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Not Begun Due 6/15/2012 Eric Driessen, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn

Catch-up CWT training Provide CWT catch-up training Brewster SD staff who have not received CWT training. Fall CWT Analysis Round Analyze and review Fall CWT Data. Develop short term goals based on data analysis.


CWT Feedback Loop Schedule In Progress Develop a schedule for CWT Feedback through our Building Level Team and PLC. Winter CWT Analysis Analyze and review Winter CWT Data. Develop short term goals based on data analysis. Spring CWT Analysis Analyze and review Spring CWT Data. Develop short term goals based on data analysis. Increase number of classroom walkthroughs Develop and implement a plan to increase the number of CWT walks in 2011-2012. Final CWT Analysis Analyze and review final CWT Data for 2012. Develop short term goals for 2012-13.
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In Progress

Not Begun

In Progress



Implementation SMART Goal: 70% of reading teachers will implement the curriculum guides to teach grade level standards by Fall benchmark as measured by CWT's, coach observations, and teacher self-reporting. 85% of reading teachers will implement the curriculum guides to teach grade level standards by Winter benchmark as measured by CWT's, coach observations, and teacher self-reporting. 100% of reading teachers will implement the curriculum guides to teach grade level standards by Spring benchmark as measured by CWT's, coach observations, and teacher self-reporting.

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Reading Curriculum Alignment

Implement reading curriculum vertically and horizontally aligned to state standards.

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Filing Cabinet Count

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Align Materials
In Progress 08/01/2011 08/02/2011 - 11/30/2011 use summer action team time to align materials PD Karla Phillips In Progress Due 8/31/2011 Beth Whitehouse, Bev Weddle, Karla Phillips, Linda Dezellem, Linda Zaccanti, Lynnette Blackburn In Progress Due 1/30/2012 Karla Phillips, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 2/28/2012 Karla Phillips, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn

align instructional materials to state and common core standards

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Status Start-End Dates Timeline Notes Tags Persons Responsible

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distribute grade-level material alignment locate and distribute copies of alignment to each grade level/content team

grade-level review grade-level teams review material alignments vertical alignments Pre-K 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12

In Progress

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Pacing Guide



Reading Curriculum Alignment Pacing Guide

In Progress 08/01/2011 08/31/2011 - 03/15/2012 Establish monthly pacing guide/calendar. PD, Eval


Develop and implement pacing guide/calendar.

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Status Start-End Dates Timeline Notes Tags

Persons Responsible
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Lynnette Blackburn, Jeanette Bowers, Karla Phillips, Bev Weddle, Beth Whitehouse

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Observation Time
In Progress 08/01/2011 09/01/2011 - 06/01/2012 Lynnette Blackburn, Linda Dezellem, Karla Phillips, Bev Weddle, Beth Whitehouse

Status Start-End Dates Persons Responsible

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In Progress 08/02/2011 10/03/2011 - 02/02/2012 Eval Lynnette Blackburn, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Karla Phillips

Establish fidelity measures

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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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Reading Curriculum Alignment Fidelity

Not Begun Due 3/2/2012 Chris Webster, Dianne Johnson, Eric Driessen, Karla Phillips, Linda Dezellem, Lynnette Blackburn Due 3/2/2012 Karla Phillips Due 5/25/2012 Beth Whitehouse, Bev Weddle, Eric Driessen, Jake Johanson, Jeanette Bowers, Julie Schwartz, Karla Phillips, Linda Check Objectives Objectives will be checked against curriculum guides in classroom walk throughs.


Coach Feedback Not Begun Coach gives written feedback on fidelity to curriculum guides based on classroom observations. Teacher Self Reporting Teachers give feedback on curriculum guides in order for edits for the following year.
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Not Begun


Outcome Expectations
Not Begun 08/02/2011

Create reporting frameworks and outcome expectations.

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Start-End Dates Persons Responsible

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10/03/2011 - 03/02/2012 Lynnette Blackburn, Linda Dezellem, Karla Phillips



Reading Curriculum Alignment Outcome Expectations

Not Begun Due 3/2/2012 Beth Whitehouse, Bev Weddle, Eric Driessen, Jake Johanson, Jeanette Bowers, Julie Schwartz, Karla Phillips, Linda Due 3/2/2012 Beth Whitehouse, Bev Weddle, Eric Driessen, Jake Johanson, Jeanette Bowers, Julie Schwartz, Karla Phillips, Linda Curriculum Guides Every nine weeks report in Tracker percentage of teachers using curriculum guides. Summative Assessments Every grading period report in Tracker percentage of students meeting outcome expectations.
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Not Begun


Plan for technical assistance (Reading)

Elementary and MS/HS plan for installation of reading

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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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In Progress 08/02/2011 10/03/2011 - 02/02/2012 PD, Technology Karla Phillips, Beth Whitehouse Completed Due 10/3/2011 Beth Whitehouse, Bev Weddle, Jake Johanson, Julie Schwartz, Karla Phillips , Linda Zaccanti, Marie Goulet, Pam Johnson, Ruth Joyner, Sallie Stetson

Contact TACSE Reading teachers contact reading coach who contacts TACSEi

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Reading Curriculum Alignment Scientific Evidence

In Progress 08/02/2011 10/03/2011 - 02/02/2012 PD Lynnette Blackburn, Jeanette Bowers, Linda Dezellem, Karla Phillips In Progress Due 2/2/2012 Beth Whitehouse, Bev Weddle, Eric Driessen, Jake Johanson, Jeanette Bowers, Julie Schwartz, Karla Phillips, Linda Dezellem, Linda Zaccanti, Lynnette Blackburn, Marie Goulet, Pam Johnson, Ruth Joyner , Sallie Stetson


Communicate scientific evidence supporting curriculum guides and assessments

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Status Start-End Dates Tags Persons Responsible

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School Improvement Plan Develop link of research based best practices to school improvement plan.

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Not Begun 08/02/2011 10/24/2011 - 01/23/2012 Marie Goulet, Jake Johanson, Pam Johnson, Ruth Joyner, Karla Phillips, Julie Schwartz, Sallie Stetson, Bev Weddle, Beth Whitehouse, Linda Zaccanti

Establish feedback mechanisms at all levels of the system

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Status Start-End Dates Persons Responsible

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Reading Curriculum Alignment Feedback

Not Begun Due 2/22/2012 Beth Whitehouse, Bev Weddle, Chris Webster, Dianne Johnson , Eric Driessen, Jake Johanson, Jeanette Bowers, Judi Jensen, Julie Schwartz , Karla Phillips , Linda


Feedback Develop, implement, and evaluate where feedback is necessary to improve student achievement. Circular - T-T, T-C, C-A, and A-T
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Reading Assessments

Develop and implement reading formative assessments and provide training on evaluating test results.
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Implement assessments
In Progress 08/01/2011 10/17/2011 - 05/25/2012 Modify based on RBA schedule PD Lynnette Blackburn, Linda Dezellem, Karla Phillips, Bev Weddle, Beth Whitehouse, Linda Zaccanti

Implement formative and benchmark assessments

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Status Start-End Dates Timeline Notes Tags Persons Responsible

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3. Strategies to Build Capacity for Parent Involvement What strategies will be implemented to build capacity for parental involv ement?
Brewster Jr.-Sr. High School is predominantly Hispanic, therefore communcation with parents must be given very careful and thorough attention. The staff seeks to involve parents by opening lines of communication through the use of their home visitor, translation services and participation in a highly effective district Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). This year ALL parents have been invited to the PAC meetings as an effort to create unity and bring together different viewpoints and break down barriers. There are many opportunities throughout the year for parents to be involved. The Schoolwide/School Improvement Action Plans include goals and activities in an effort to increase parent involvement. Two times each year (after first and third quarters) student-led conferences are held to provide an opportunity for students, as well as parents, to be involved in goal-setting and progress toward graduation. The schools Plan of Improvement does call for the involvement of parents to support math and reading instruction at home. Additionally, it has one specific goal that focuses on the following, Develop a strong communication/collaborative relationship with the diverse Brewster community in order to expand opportunities for students and strengthen committees/school identification, pride and collaboration. This goal has the following activities associated with it: Join community service organizations, attend meetings, and develop a monthly community school calendar; Implement phone system with Spanish and English capabilities; Schedule calendar of parent nights with one evening activity each month; Increase communication with parents/families by reducing written translation time and increasing availability of translators; Communicate academic standards and expectations across the grade level to parents (GLEs)

Please see Parent Involvement Plan (below) for more information. This plan is sent home to all parents in the fall for input.

Parent Involvement Plan

Brewster Jr. Sr. High School

Written Documents : The most prominent means of providing parents and other stakeholders with information.
All key documents are translated into Spanish. Written communication includes: District Calendar Monthly Newsletter Student handbooks Articles in the local paper written by administrators, staff, or press personnel on a variety of school-related subjects School Performance Report, placed on the district website, and available in hard copy in the office Individual classroom information such as course or grade level information, expectations, homework, and grading policies Progress reports, trimester grade reports, teacher notes, and Pride-O-Grams


School Improvement/SW Plan

Page 23

Test results such as MSP, HSPE, EOC, WLPT II, and MAP Specific program documents such as IEPs and Notification of Teacher Qualifications Invitations and special notice of activities such as PAC, PTA, etc. Parents can also use these meetings as a means to let the school know what training they would like to see for themselves or for staff. Advisory: Students meet regularly during the week with advisors, who link with parents to collaborate on student academic needs throughout the school year. Signs at strategic locations around town advertising activities and events

Local Radio Stations (including one which is Spanish speaking) also forwards notices and information District Website : Our website ( provides parents with most written documents that are sent home, as well as
district, school and staff information.

Personal Contacts: Personally connecting with parents and guardians is viewed by the district as being the most effective means of sharing
and receiving parent information. Parents are welcome and encouraged to make contact with staff and administration. Following are methods and strategies of communication: The districts phone system is designed for both English and Spanish speaking callers. Formal Student Led Parent-Teacher Conference days are scheduled into the District Calendar. Bilingual staff participate in those meetings which require translation. Conferences are scheduled to accommodate the work hours of parents and are flexible enough to allow for meetings that must occur outside the identified days. Parent and community meetings are typically held during the evening hours to accommodate the working schedules of most adults. Translators are provided at parent meetings when it is known that Spanish-speaking adults may be present. The Bilingual Program purchased a Williams Sound System many years ago that can be utilized during meetings which need to be conducted in both languages. A Home Visitor serves as a liaison between the school and our Spanish-speaking public. This individual communicates information such as attendance, discipline matters, academic concerns, may assist with the completion of the Home Language Survey, celebration and Good News Notes or Pride-O-Grams, and sets up appointments. The Home Visitor makes contact with parents via the telephone, e-mail, or personal visits. School-Parent-Student Compact/Student Learning Plan: This is a document developed to create a link between school and home, identifying goals, actions, behaviors and responsibilities agreed upon by all three parties to be necessary to facilitate student success at school. Elements of the compact are discussed in conferences.

Strategies for Increasing Parental Involvement:

The value of partnering with parents is increased as the amount of parent involvement increases. Goals for facilitating parental involvement include: Design and implement monthly Parent Nights featuring all aspects of the curriculum. Assign/employ a Parent / Public Relations Coordinator. Provide Parenting Tips and strategies for working with specific aspects of the curriculum and in related areas such as socialization, medical, and growth and development. Develop and publish an interesting and informative Quarterly Newsletter that highlights activities, curricular information, celebration of building/staff/student achievements, and which includes a calendar. Parent participation and governance in PAC and PTA.


School Improvement/SW Plan

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A part-time Home Visitor functions as a liaison between parents and the school. This individual is fluent in all modes of communication in both English and Spanish. Monthly School Board Meetings to provide elected parent representatives with a voice in school decisions, as well as an opportunity for parents and community members to hear about issues and information regarding decisions. Distribute, collect and review Parent Surveys, translated into Spanish, to obtain up-to-date parent input.

Communication Strategies for Parents:

The following suggestions are offered to parents as a means by which they may contact the school or specific personnel 1. Requesting a Meeting: Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher or specific individual with whom they would like to meet. This can be done in person before and after school, through email, or other written methods. Messages for an individual may also be left with the building secretary or the Home Visitor. 2. Requesting Participation on a Committee: The building has several committees on which parent input is critical such as School Improvement, Curriculum Adoption, Levy, etc. A parent may contact the building secretary and share their interest. The secretary will forward that information to the appropriate personnel. 3. Sharing Concerns: Parents are encouraged to speak directly with the individual with whom their concern is related. However, if a parent is uncomfortable with that, they are encouraged to seek out any individual in the building with whom they have a relationship and/or contact the building administrator. The district also employs a Student Advocate who serves as a liaison between students, parents, and staff to help resolve conflict. Policy 4130 Page 1 of 1 Adopted Oct 27, 2003 Reviewed January 2011 COMMUNITY RELATIONS Title 1 Parental Involvement
The Board recognizes that parent involvement contributes to the achievement of academic standards by students participating in Title 1 programs. The Board views the education of students as a cooperative effort among school, parents and community. The district and parents of students participating in Title 1 programs shall jointly develop and agree upon a written parent involvement policy. When developing and implementing this policy, the district shall ensure the policy describes how the district will: Involve parents in the joint development of the districts overall Title 1 plan and the process of school review and improvement. Provide the coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary to assist participating schools in planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance. Develop activities that promote the schools and parents capacity for strong parent involvement. Coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies with appropriate programs. Involve parents in an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the policy in improving the academic quality of schools served under Title 1. Identify barriers to participation by parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority. Use findings of annual evaluations to design strategies for more effective parent involvement. Involve parents in the activities of schools served under Title 1. The Board shall adopt and distribute the parent involvement policy, which shall be incorporated into the districts Title 1 plan and shall, with parent involvement, be evaluated annually.Legal References: 20 U.S.C. 1118


School Improvement/SW Plan

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Other Program Components

4. Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff: All teachers and instructional para educators currently meet the Highly Qualified criteria for their
instructional area. It is the goal of the Brewster School District to hire only Highly Qualified staff when openings occur.

5. Strategies to Attract and Retain Highly Qualified Staff : As soon as openings occur, it is high priority to advertise the open
positions throughout the state of Washington, utilizing the school website, placing ads in newspapers, online teacher sites, etc. Although Brewster is a small rural school district, there are many positive factors about that, including the ability to get to know all the students in the school, form collaborative relationships with staff, participate in a large variety of research-based professional development, and become an active member in the community. Due to its demographics, there are many interesting dynamics in the district. Brewster is also located in a beautiful location with many outdoor activities available.

6. High Quality and Ongoing Professional Development:

Brewster School District has established professional development for school improvement as a priority. The school calendar includes a late start philosophy every Monday for staff in-service. Typically two of these Mondays a month allow our instructors to work collaboratively in their PLCs. One of the other two Mondays instructors work collaboratively in their CLAWS Grade Level meetings. These in-services, for all staff, focus on the needs identified from our data and address the professional development necessary to target the specific demographic needs of our population. In the past, training opportunities have been provided both on-site and at regional locations. A sample of recent opportunities includes: State Education Reform and the Essential Academic Learnings Teacher Leadership Project Effects of Poverty on Learning and Relationships Using SIOP strategies to target student weaknesses demonstrated in the WASL

All staff, regardless of their position is encouraged to participate in local, regional, and state conferences, and workshops. The majority of staff has received training in the following areas: Computer Literacy Assessing WASL Scores Reading Strategies Advanced Technology Training ELL Strategies Student/Parent activities also occurred during the school year. The Migrant/Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meets monthly OctoberMay and provides many opportunities for interaction and learning. The Brewster School District supports parental participation in regional and state training/conferences and has hosted such activities in the past. As previously mentioned, we received a five-day external audit as part of OSPIs Focused Assistance Program. Analysis of the Audit Team results revealed a need to: Align staff development priorities with goals for student performance Provide time for thoughtful collaboration concerning educational issues, best practices, and grade level articulation.


School Improvement/SW Plan

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Our High School and Middle School Staff has worked collaboratively in Professional Learning Communities. At the beginning of the school year staff analyzed WASL results from 2008-2009 and determined their professional development goals for the year. A major task associated with this goal was to provide ELL training for all instructional staff and arrange visitations to schools with successful ESL programs Currently, Brewster School District has a wide range of programs and grants with professional development requirements. Title I: Title I regulations state that a school in its first year of Program Improvement must set aside 5% of its total allocation toward professional development. Title I regulations further stipulate that instruction be provided by highly qualified teachers. Therefore, the district, buildings, and various programs have dedicated substantial funds toward ensuring that teachers, para-educators, administrators, and other stakeholders receive high quality and on-going professional development. New ESEA Federal Title I guidelines specify that instructional assistants currently employed on staff must have two years appropriate college course work, or an AA degree, or pass a rigorous assessment in the areas of reading and math by the 2009 2010 school year. Title II: Teacher Principal Training and Recruiting funds are being used to extend Project CRISS to Preschool to Fourth grades. Title III: This program funds staff activities that are centered around district goals and individual building improvement plans related to ELL. The district and building plans address the need for continued training on ELL strategies and methods across the curriculum for all ages of students. Special Education: Both State and Federal special education budgets have funds allocated for professional development, not just for special education staff, but for general education staff working with challenging students. I.D.E.A. re-authorization also addressed the important of students with disabilities receiving quality instruction by highly trained staff. The fourteen para-educator competencies have been embraced by the district and all instructional assistants, regardless of the programs in which they work have developed personal portfolios that include a self assessment and outlines training received. School Improvement: Certified and classified school personnel involved in the School Improvement Process can convert their time and effort into credits or clock hours. We feel we have both a central direction (School Wide / School Improvement Plan) and multiple programs to assist us in meeting our staff development goals.


School Improvement/SW Plan

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Brewster Jr/Sr High School First Semester Meeting Schedule 2011 2012
Staff Meetings begin at 7:30 a.m. and are required of all MS/HS Staff. = Library BLT ~ Building Level Team = High School Office beginning at 7:00 a.m.
Curriculum PLCs Science 6-12 curriculum alignment to biology EOC, Math 6-12 benchmark alignment to EOC, Language Arts 6-12 benchmark alignment to HSPE, Social Studies 7-12 curriculum review & development to CBA, Business 7-12 curriculum review & framework preparation, Specialists coaching standards, Counseling Graduation rate and a comprehensive K-12 counseling program, Sped K-12 alignment of programs

Monday August 29

Tuesday August 30

Wednesday August 31
Students First Day

Thursday September 1 8 15 22 29
Mid Term Ends

Friday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
St. Led Conferences

(5) No School
Labor Day

6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 November 1 8 15
RBA Data Looks

Staff Meeting

Dist~PLC Discussion


Dist-PLC Data

Staff Meeting

Build~ 7 12 CLAWS

28 5
Staff Meeting

Dist~CWT Inst Strategy Framework

6 13 20 27
St. Led Conferences

Build-On Line Testing



Staff Meeting

Dist - MAPS Review Data

St. Led Conferences

Build-PLC Reading RBA Training

2 9 Staff Meeting 16 23
Staff Meeting

End of 1st Quarter

4 (11) No School
Veterans Day

Build-PLC RBA Scoring

10 17 (24) No School

Build~PLC MBA Data Looks

18 (25) No School

Build~PLC, L.A.`Curriculum Outlines

22 29



December 1 2 2011-2012 School Improvement/SW Plan

Page 28

Bldg~PLC Pacing Guides


Mid Term Ends


6 13 20 3 11 17

Staff Meeting

8 15 (22) No School
Winter Vacation

9 16 (23) No School
Winter Vacation


14 21
ER for Students (5-7, C)

Mid Term Grades Due


January (2) No School 10


Staff Meeting

5 13 19

6 14 20
End of 1st Semester


(16) No School

Staff Meeting

Second Semester Meeting Schedule 2011~2012

Monday (23) No School
Records Day

Tuesday 24
Grades Due by 7:30 a.m. Teachers Post

Wednesday 25 February 1 Staff Meeting 8


Thursday 26 2 9 16 23
Mid Term Ends

Friday 27 3
Claws Recog. Assemb?


31 7

Dist~MAPS Data

10 17 24 (2) No School
Winter Break


14 21 28

(20) No School
Presidents Day

15 Staff Meeting 22 29 Staff Meeting


March (1) No School

Winter Break

Mid Term Grades Due


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6 13


8 15
Writing HSPE

9 16 23 (30)
SLC / Senior Presenations

12 19

Writing HSPE

Reading HSPE

20 27 (2) No School
Spring Break

Staff Meeting 21 28
BLT Early Release

22 (29)
SLC / Senior Presentations Quarter Ends


(2) No School
Spring Break

(2) No School
Spring Break

(2) No School
Spring Break

(2) No School
Spring Break


Quarter Grades Due

Staff Meeting

12 19 26 3
ASB Election Assem

13 20 27 4 1
7th Math MSP


17 24


23 30

Staff Meeting

May 1 8

2 9
7th R MSP Staff Meeting


8th Reading MSP Mid Term Ends


7th Writing MSP Grades Due

BLT 7th Writing MSP

8th Math MSP

8th Science MSP


22 29 5

Staff Meeting

Sr. F List Due

25 June 1 Graduation 8 Early Release

Last Day of School

Memorial Day


6th & 7th Per -Recognition Assembly


Staff Meeting

8th Grade Promotion

June 11 Grades Due 3:00 p.m. Teachers Post


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7. Plans for Assisting Preschool Children in the Transition from Preschool Programs to Local Elementary Programs and Between Grade Levels: Within the elementary school, there is a great deal of vertical teaming between staff members. Individuals are
placed not only on reading grade level teams, but also, as part of the Schoolwide/School Improvement Action Plans, staff members are placed on Goal Teams, which provides many opportunities to communicate standards and expectations for each grade level. Assessments are conducted as soon as school is up and running in the fall so students can be placed appropriately and utilizing an RTI framework, staff analyzes data to monitor student progress throughout the year, making changes as soon as possible to better meet student needs. There is a preschool program onsite, which familiarizes preschoolers with the building and staff prior to the start of kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers share information with the preschool teachers to ensure that pre-kindergarten expectations are met. The counselors and staff coordinate the shift of students into the seventh grade through a series of meetings held in the spring, facilitating a smooth transition from one building to the other.

8. Inclusion of Teachers in Decisions About the Use of Academic Assessment Information for the Purpose of Improving Student Achievement: The entire K-12 teachers and administraters were invited to attend August 2 and 3 planning inservice where the
staff reviewed data and began the action planning process of school improvement. Goal teams were already in place when planning process began. Each staff member responded to a preference for participation on a specific goal team. These teams met together as a group in September to begin the review process. Since then staff has spent over six hours working together in reviewing our school improvement plan, researching best practices, developing strategies and completing their plans. At late-start Mondays, PLC teams meet to review assessment data and make instructional decisions based on these data.

9. Effective, Timely and Additional Assistance for Students Who Have Difficulty Mastering the Standards at Proficient and Advanced Levels: As a result of school improvement efforts, a number of changes have been made to both the curriculum and the
instructional programs within Brewster Junior-Senior High School. Instituted exploratories for all 7th and 8th graders, where one rotation was based on enhancing exposure to novels. Instituted a Supplemental Math course for all students needing work on basic math skills Searched and adopted a complete new math curriculum grades 6 - 12 Received an OSPI math tutoring grant which placed a teacher on special assignment in both the elementary school and junior high school Began work on aligning math and reading curriculum to the states grade level expectations Annually conducted data carousels to review student test results Formulated a building and district curriculum and instruction assessment team Assigned specific testing responsibilities at both the district and building levels Received a century 21 grant to institute an Afters program Used title I funds to blend an Afters program with the 21st century grant Second dose math for students under achieving in mathematics


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Instituted an extended library usage time for all students 7 12, for access after sports practices into the evening. This tutoring time is supervised by a certified instructor. Implemented tutoring programs into the school day

The School Improvement Plan has strong instructional components. Student data was carefully reviewed and the instructional program was specifically designed to give students instruction in the basic skill areas. Additionally, the math and the reading programs were specifically designed to provide more instructional time. Primary instructional strategy that was adopted throughout the school was SIOP training. It was felt all instructors needed training on strategies to assist our ELL population. This strategy has been found to be particularly effective with our ELL population as many of these students lack the basic skills necessary to be successful in schools. Additionally, though staffing has been challenging in Brewster School District, teachers are instructing in endorsed areas and meet the state and federal standards for being, a highly qualified staff. Finally, students who are experiencing academic difficulty in school are not only scheduled into courses which are prevention in nature, but also given the opportunity to partake in after school supplemental programs such as Schools for the 21st Century, which provides them another opportunity to address their academic needs. The CLAWS Advisory Program begins each year with goal-setting lessons that have a primary focus (academic/personal). The faculty uses past academic performance (state test/end-of-course assessments/in-class progress) to pinpoint specific strengths and weaknesses of each learner. This process provides a foundation for the student-led conferences and enables students to take charge of their own learning with guidance and support from their advisor.

10. Coordination and Integration and Documentation of Federal, State and Local Services and Programs: The schools Plan of
Improvement coordinates directly with other major programs in the school. Direct services are provided to eligible students by employees funded by Title I Schoolwide funds. There is tutoring in Reading and Math. After school programs help students with their homework, and also educate them toward meeting state health and physical fitness standards. The activities/strategies in this plan are coordinated with the various programs available for students within the school district. An effort is made to coordinate with other community agencies and programs.

Brewster Jr.-Sr. High School Combining Funds in Schoolwide Program

Title I, Part A Basic Education

Amount Available
$92,972 $45,500

How the intents and purposes of the program will be met

After school program, in-school interventions targeted to specific student academic needs, small group instruction designed to help students meet benchmark goals, summer school. All students receive instruction aligned to state standards, late start Monday training & collaboration time.


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Local Levy


All students receive instruction aligned to state standards.



Monitoring the Plan: Brewster Jr.-Sr. High PLC Teams are responsible for monitoring the progress of the Action Plan and its impact on student achievement, ensuring that the activities and tasks in each goal are moving forward according to the identified timelines. Teams routinely gather data to see if what they are implementing is working. These formative measures may include classroom based assessments, pre- and post- achievement measures, observations of students, surveys of staff or parents, and analysis of student work. Monitoring the plan will continue until the activities outlined are completed AND they become part of our school culture. Finally, summative measures such as the MSP and NWEA/MAP, as well as Reading and Math Benchmark Assessments (RBAs, MBAs), are used to assess students progress toward stated goals at the end of each school year and results reviewed each fall.



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