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1)The marketing process begins and ends with the consumer, with information flowing from the consumer

to the producer and goods flowing back to the consumer from the producer. 2) Just as marketing does not begin at the end of production line,it does not end with the final sale. Explain this statement. 3) Consumer is the king . Coment on the statement in the light of marketing concept.

Following are the approaches to the study of marketing:y Product of Commodity Approach y Institutional Approach y Functional Approach y Decision making Approach y Legal Approach y Economic Approach

Marketing Process:a) Meaning:- (Some important points)

y Marketing process is the dynamic process

combining the different activities in the flow of goods from the producer to Consumer. y Marketing process brings together producers and consumers who are the two main participants in the exchange process

b) Marketing process basically involves three main activities which are:y Concentration y Equalisation y Dispertion

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