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The Great Horn of Africa Biodiversity

Kaysha Bell

The Great Horn of

Africa is a renowned source of biological resources and has been for thousands of years. There are two hotspots that are entirely arid. It is home to the endemic reptiles and threatened antelope species. Most antelope were all hunted for there horns and for their fur, theyve been over hunted by many of the people, leaving the native people of the area starving and hungry. Loss of habitat has destroyed the area and there is not enough shelter or food for them.

This area of the world is

also one of the most degraded hotspots in the world, with 5% of its original habitats still remaining. Many wild, endangered animals are killed and attacked by poachers. In the horn of Africa mostly endangered animals live there. In this area of the world there is a lot of drought, wildfires, tsunamis, and earthquakes that harm their population and habitat. These are things we cant control. Most animals here are going extinct, due to over- hunting and environmental change.

Camels are able to survive droughts.

Most biodiversity threats

that have happened in the Horn of Africa are from over-hunting and habitat destruction. Most Rhinoceros and Antelopes were killed for their horns and fur. We do not need the horns or the fur to help us with anything. These things are taken just to make people happy or to decorate their homes. We all can put a stop to this if people would stop all the hunting and take care of the environment more often. Set up signs and donations to help keep endangered species alive. These species wont be around for long if we keep interrupting their homes and the land. Life can be hard for the animals in the Horn of Africa to live, even without the influence of humans, some happen because of natural causes of the weather and earths atmosphere. We cant control those, but we can help animals with their shelter and food, by trying to destroy their living space.

Antelope are hunted for their fur and horns.

Rhinos are hunted for their horns.

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