4 Two Standards

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Two Standards

Spiritual Exercises 136-147

St. Ignatius presents us with a battlefield where good, under the Standard of Christ, (Jerusalem) and evil, under the Standard of the Enemy, (Babylon) are fighting. o The two factions blend on the battlefield and become indistinguishable. o This battlefield is not only in the world but also within us. Babylon: o Dark, sad, and hopeless o Wealth, honor and pride lead to all other vices Jerusalem o Humble, beautiful and hopeful o Spiritual poverty, humility and humiliation lead to all other virtues In this world, there is a double standard; there are two value systems. o What are my Babylons? o What are my Jerusalems? o Am I living a double standard? o If so, we should be living under only one standard the Standard of Christ. The Standard of Evil is often disguised as good, and cultural values often appear to be positive: individualism, power, riches, honor and pride. But Jesus has chosen us to live a way of life under His standard that favors: o poverty over riches o humility over worldly honor o humiliation over pride o life over death We need to weigh our options in order to choose good we need to discern between good and evil. To make a choice along Christs lines, St. Ignatius tells us that we must ask God for the grace to do so because He knows just how seductive the enemy can be. I ask God for the grace to help me recognize: o the deception/tactics used by the enemy/bad spirit and to help me not fall into these deceptions. o the characteristics of a life that represents Jesus and that He give me the grace to imitate Him always in all things. Scripture passages for reflection: Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus is tempted Luke 12:16-34 Seek His kingdom Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Choose Life Philippians 2:1-11 Humility and Greatness Romans 8:1-8 Life in the Spirit Galatians 5:1 6-26 The Spirit and Human Nature

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